Bowie, Daily Racing Form, 1924-11-19

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- t 7 1 , j 1 I jj ; 1 1 1 . j , , 1 J ! ! ! : I I , 1 , i i . i i I I I : I ! ! 1 i . I i i . 9 3 9 3 ; j ; V D . f 0 r e t i a . - z " U ? jj 0 li a d ;" e - t - !0 0 X 0 K X BOWIE BOWIE, MD., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1924. Trince George Tark 1 Mile. Second day. Southern Maryland Agricultural and Fair Association. Autumn Meeting of 12 days. Weather clear. Steward representing Maryland Racing Commission, George Brown. Jr. Judge-at-Large, Carlos M. dc Garmendia. Stewards, P. J. Miles, George Brown, Jr. and Baker Waters. Judges, J. B. Campbell, Joseph McLennan, George T. Miller and J. H. Anderson. Starter, James Milton. Racing Secretary, Joseph McLennan. Racing starts at 1:15 p. m. Chicago time, 12:13 p. m.. AV indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance ot each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and weight carried, indicates apprentice allowance. 8K7i C PIBST RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. Nov. 21, 19231:072109. Purse 1,300. 2-7ear-AO olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 1,003; second, 200; third, 100. Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 85613 SBARNEY GOOGLE wb 115 10 1 1 l3 l3 1 E Barnes E Arlington 140-100 852683JEDBGH ABBEY wb 104 2 3 21 2 23 2 W Harvey C P Winfrey 1570-100 85640 CLONASLEE wb 109 5 4 3 33 31 31 R S Louis 550-100 85640NOTE O LOVE w 10G 8 5 7h 4t 4 i"k E Renzctti E J Morrow 3183-100 85614 SNOWDROP w 107 4 2 41 5 5 51 J Maiben W J Salmon 1293-100 85585 ZERO HOUR wb HI 3 10 9 81 71 6 L Lang C Ferraro 545-100 85613SEA FAIRY w 111 1 G Gand 7t 81 7 R Pierca J W Dayton 1550-100 85213 MARY ANN w 107 G 13 5 61 C 8 J Stevens Belair Stud Stable 1373-100 85234 WRACKLANE w HI 12 9 101 101 9 93 G Hudgina W G Nelson t 85521 DRESS GOODS wb 10G 9 8 111 lit- 101 103 J McTgue Mrs A Swenko 2313-100 85305CLAVICHORD w 104 11 12 84 9 ll3 Ul C Hooper Joaquin Stablo t 84159ROSAMOND w 93 7 7 13 13 121 12ll M Caruso II and H Stablo 85473 WESTOVER w 101 13 11 12 12 13 13 J Tmaro P II Faulconer t 1 fMutuel field. Time, 23, 43, 1:01, 1:07. Track fast. 2 mutuels paid Barney Google, 4.80 straight, 3.40 place, 2.80 show; Jedburgh Abbey, 4.90 place, 6.40 show; Clonaslee, .70 show. Equivalent booking odds Barney Google, 140 to 100 straight, 70 to 100 place, 40 to 100 show; Jedburgh Abbey, 645 to 100 place, 220 to 100 show; Clonaslee, 85 to 100 show. Winner B. c, by Frizzle Jeano, by Dick Welles trained by W. H. Fizer; bred by Mr. D. B. Knox. Went to post at 1:17. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driv-ing. BARNEY GOOGLE began quickly and, racing into a good lead, withstood a challenge from JEDBURGH ABBEY and won in a canter. JEDBURGn ABBEY raced in closest pursuit all the way, but tired In the final sixteenth. CLONASLEE was close up from the start and finished well. NOTE O LOVE lost ground on the turns. SNOWDROP ran well and was on the inside all the way. ZERO HOUR and SEA FAIRY closed up some ground. Scratched 850573Toppanite, 104; 85349 Clear View, 102; 8333C Grace Troxler. 100; 85640 Revolt. 05; 83640 Tod Renesor, 101; 85521 Ivory, 102. Overweights Note o Love, 2 pounds; Snowdrop, 1; Mary Ann, 1. 8KJ7t Q SECOND RACE 6 1-2 Furlongs. Nov. 29, 1917 1:19 4 112. Purse 1,300. 3-nj 4 JLCr year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net valuo to winner 1,000; second, 200; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 855G5 CAMOUFLAGE wb 8 101 G 4 41 l3 11 11 W Harvey C P Winfrey 525-100 84934 LKY STRIKE wb 3 110 8 1 11 3 23 2 R Pierce J Meaney 3GO-100 85G16 WITHOUT w 3 10G 1 5 7 73 4"k 31 J Leyland A G Robertson 225-100 85214 ELEMENTAL w 5 112 13 3 63 4 31 41 F Colletti G W Foreman t 85446 STEEL TRAP w 3 111 12 6 8l 81 G" 51 E Barnes J E Collins f 83668 3FRDOMS CALL wb 3 106 2 2 2 21 7l Gl B Brning Mrs C C Hall t 85446 ST. MICHAEL wb G 103 5 10 5i 6 5 73 B Mrinelll W Welsh 1975-100 83536 SILVER MAID wb 4 103 7 9 10s 10 9 S3 G Htamer A N Shadt t 85534 KATH. RANKIN w S 10S 4 8 93 9 8 91 F Booker M Grant 7193-100 8 5 3 8 5 PARTIIEM A w 3 106 3 7 3" 51 10s 10 E Renzetti W Wick 2SS0-100 85568 MISS JINGO w 6 103 11 U 11 U 11 11 J Tamaro L M Stockhouso 9285-100 .85383 MERRIMAC wb 6 112 10 Left at post. L Lang Mrs M E Williams 220-100 83652 ORALEGGO WB 6 1C8 9 Left at post. C Allen Mrs J Mcllmurray 12S23-100 tMutuel field. Time, 23, 48, 1:14, 1:22. Track fast. 2 mutuels paid Camouflage, 12.50 straight, .80 place, 4.30 show; Lucky Strike. 5.00 place. 3.80 show; Without, field, .80 show. Equivalent booking odds Camouflage, 525 to 100 straight, 190 to 100 place, 115 to 100 show; Lucky Strike, 150 to 100 place, 90 to 100 show; Without, field. 40 to 100 show, Winner B. g, by Star Shoot Busy Maid, by Meddler trained by G. C. Winfrey; bred by Mr. John E. Madden. Went to post at 1:51. At post 8 minutes. Start poor and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. CAMOUFLAGE followed the early leader closely and. passing him on the stretch turn, drew away into a good lead, but tired through the final eighth. LUCKY STRIKE set a fast pace for the first half, but gave way when challenged, then came again. WITHOUT raced well all the way. ELE-. MENTAL made up ground and tired. STEEL TRAP closed a gap. FREEDOMS CALL raced well to the stretch. MERRIMAC and ORALEGGO refused to go. Scratched 84555 Black Ruler. 10G; 8541G3Sea Sand, 120; 85293 Sweepstakes, 111; 85446 Clem Thcisen, 113; S5045 Belcross, 102; 85385 Rags, 102; 84547s Marie Maxim, 105. Overweights Freedoms Call, 4 pounds; Parthema, 4. ! Q.KYSh THraD KACE 3-4 Mile. Nov. 24, 1917 1:12 4 112. Advance Purse. Purso Cj3 4 elvK 1,300. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner 1, COO; second, 200; third, 100. : Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 85629 LADDIE BUCK wb 115 13 lb lh 1 lh J Maiben Woodlawn Stablo 800-100 85613EDINBURGH wb 112 7 2 G 5 21 2 E Ambrse G Rabin 720-100 85657 BATTLEFIELD wb 115 9 10 S1 71 8l 3 C Allen G A Cochran 475-100 85659 REVOKE wb 10G G 9 51 6i 5h 4"k It Wliams J S Cosden 873-100 85G143PANIC w 112 10 8 71 8 7 51 L McAtee II P Whitney 473-100 85600 EMISSARY w 112 3 1 21! 31 G! 61 F Colletti R L Gerry 5600 FADDIST wn 112 4 4 3" 21 31 71 B Mrinelll R T Wilson C20-100 85640 PETER PAUL wn 110 2 7 4nk 41 4"t 81 E Barnes F Grossman 700-100 85384 SANDRAE wb 112 8 5 9 91 9 91 W Harvey B Harding 1355-100 85413sYOUNG APRIL wn 109 5 G 10 103 10 10JO B Brning M Bernard 2175-100 856133POT SHOT wn 112 11 11 11 U 11 11 F Weiner W C Dozier fMutuel field. Time, 23, 47, 1:14. Track fast. mutuels paid Laddie Buck, 8.00 straight, 0.10 place, 6.00 show; Edinburgh, .10 place, 6.30 show; Battle Field, 5.30 show. Equivalent booking odds Laddie Buck, 800 to 103 straight, 405 to 100 place, 230 to 100 show; Edinburgh, 305 to 100 place, 215 to 100 show; Battle Field, 165 to 100 show. Winner B. c. by Rapid Water Mettie Bereaud, by Jean Bereaud trained by J. H. Stotler; bred by Mr. G. W. J. Bissell. Went to post at 2:23. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. LADDIE BUCK set n fast pace from the start, saved ground on all the turns and outstayed EDINBURGH in the final drive. The latter moved up gamely after entering the stretch and was wearing the winner down at the end. BATTLE FIELD began slowly and closed a big gap. REVOKE ran a good race all the way. FADDIST tired badly after racing well to the last eighth. PANIC began slowly. POT SHOT fell after the finish and died of heart failure. Scratched S36293Danby, 112; S56S3 Flagship, 112; S3625Kathleen Crosby, 10G; S3393 Miss Grchle. Overweight Peter Paul, 1 pound. SJTil EOTJRTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. April 10, 19191:45 4107. Bennings fl Purse. Purse 1,500. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winnsr 1,1C0; second, 300; third, 150; fourth, 50. . Index Horses AWtPPSt ft Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 85590 KING ONEILL II.wb 3 102 2 1 21 23 11 ll 11 J McTgue J L Prico 330-100 85G72 SETTING SUN wn 4 107 6 5 c1 3t 3 31 2U J Leyland E K Bryson 435-100 85G60!LEONARD G. w 3 102 1 3 lll l3 2 21 3 L Lang J Arthur 210-100 85618 DRUMBEAT wb 3 97 3 4 4 41 i 4l 4 R Wl:ams G H Willing Jr 693-100 85249 GOLDEN BILLOWSw 4 108 4 2 3 510 5 5s 53 D Fisher F A Tansor 470-100 85569 PATHAN w 3 97 3 fi 6 G G G G .T Stevens Triple Springs Fm Stb 1575-100 Time, 24, 49, 1:15, 1:42, 1:47. Track fast. mutuels paid King ONeill II., .00 straight, 4.80 place, .70 show; Setting Sun, .30 place, 3.40 show; Leonard G., .30 show. Equivalent booking odds King ONeill II, 330 to 100 straight, 140 to 100 place, 33 to 100 show; Setting Sun, 105 to 100 place, 70 to 100 show; Leonard G., 15 to 100 shew. Winner Ch. c, by Huon Duchess of Savoy, by Uncle trained by N. L. Byer; bred by Mr. Hal Price Hcadley. Went to post at 3:00. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. KING ONEILL II. followed the early leader under restraint and, gaining steadily after rounding the far turn, passed LEONARD G. and outstayed SETTING SUN in the final drive. The latter came very wide when entering the stretch, but came with a rush through the final eighth and finished fastest of all. LEONARD G. showed the most early speed, but tired. DRUMBEAT ran well. GOLDEN BILLOWS lacked speed. . . . Continued on tenth page. J BOWIE Continued from third page. 8VZr?TPJ FIFTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. Nov. 25, 1915 1:48 4 11C. Furso ,303. 3-year-O 6 Adcd elds and upward. Claiming. Net value to -winner ,030; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtFPSt Vz Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv. Odds Strt 85450 GUELPH w 6 115 1 1 Z 3 2 2 l F Colletti E K Bryson 323-100 85590 3T. ROLL CALL wu 5 113 3 2 1 l1 VI VI 2 F Wciner Mrs J Bauer 1SC-100 85524 BELPHRIZONIA wn 4 107 4 5 C C 4J 3J 3J I. McAtco Mrs A Swcnko COO-100 85G32BLUE AND REDwn 3 107 5 4 4 41 5s 5s 4s R Wliams S Louis 1400-100 85500 ORPHEUS wn 3 104 2 3 2i 2 3l 4J 5s B Brnins Salubria Stable 820-100 85509s MODO w 5 102 7 7 5 G G Si J Stevens II O Bedwell 103-100 85590 TRIUMPH w 4 110 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 J Maiben W C Trovar 1GD0-100 Time. 24, 49, 1:14, 1:43, 1:50. Track fast. mutuels paid Gnelph, .50 straight, .80 place, .90 show; The" Roll Call, .30 place, .50 show; Belphrizona, .00 show. Equivalent booking odds Gnelpli, 325 to 100 straight, 90 to 100 place, 45 to 100 show; The Roll Call, 05 to ICO place, 25 to 100 show; ltelphrizonia, 50 to 100 show. .AVinner 15. g, by Sardanapale Padoue II., by Ajax trained by G. R. Bryson; bred in France by Mr. John Sanford. "Went to iost at 3:30. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. "Won driving; second and third the same. GUELPII gained steadily through the backstretch and, coming on the outside when entering the stretch, finished fast and outgamed TUB ROLL CALL in the final strides. The latter drew away into the lead quickly and saved ground on all the turns, but tired badly right at the end. BELPHRI-ZONLV closed a gap and finished fast. BLUE AND RED ran well. ORPHEUS quit after running a good three-quarters. MODO tired badly. Scratched S5450 Erica, 102; 85674 Procyon, 110; S5721King ONeill II., 99; 85721 Drumbeat, 101. fJIXTH RACE 1 1-1G Milss. Nov. 25, 1915 1:48 4 116. Parse ,300. 3-year-olds 8erfrjf 0 6 jandzJ and upward. Claiming. Net valno to winner ,000; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtFPSt i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqniv. Odds Strt 81007 RUPEE wb 4 111 5 3 3J 2 2J 21 11 F "Werner F Roso 17E5-100 85617IQUECUEEK ivn C 110 4 1 2 13 1 ll 2J E Barnes W J "Wolfo 500-100 R5 670 1 MARY AGNES w 3 10.1 10 5 7s Gl 3ll 3 31 B Brning W L Hernstadt 340-100 S5417PRINCE K. w 4 107 3 2 8 Gl 51 41 J Maiben Mrs M E Williams 123-100 8561C OUR STAR wb 3 91 7 0 5" 5Hi 5and J Dolin J Robertson 13S5-100 84901 ESCOBA DORO w 3 101 8 S 9 S 81 61 6" AY Harvey A Jacobus 2103-100 85617 TICACEY w S 107 9 6 Gl 7 71 7l 7 j Stevens Triplo Springs Fm Stb 2523-1M 84D75 MEADOW LAWNwsb 3 92 2 ID 10 10 10 81 81 G Hudgins D V Wood 9065-100 85C02 HIGH PRIESTESS w 3 S4 1 1 41 41 4b 10 9 O Brown W E Martin 163H-1C0 S5145ASHBURTON wb 3 97 6 7 l1 S 9! S10 L Lang Mrs E H Josiah 5635-100 Time, 25, 50, 1:17. 1:44, 1:51. Track fast. mntuels paid Rupee, 7.10 straight, 5.20 plate, .00 show; Quecrcek, .20 place, .00 show; Mary Agnes, .10 show. Equivalent booking odds Rupee. 1755 to 100 straight, C60 to 100 place, 300 to 100 show; Quecrcek, 1C0 to 100 place. 1C0 to 100 show; Mary Agnes, 55 to 100 show. AVinner Ch. g, by Dalhi Lucrative, by Mordant trained by J. Bauer; bred by Mr. Phil T. Chinn. ATcnt to pest at 4:01. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. AVon driving; second and third the same. RUPEE raced close up from the start and, finishing fast, was drawing clear in the final drive. QUECHEEK showed much early speed and, after having raced ASHBURTON into defeat, finished gamely. MAKY AGNES began slowly and finished with a rush on the outside. PRINCE K. began slowly and closed a big gap. OUR STAR ran well. ASHBURTON set tie early pace and quit. Scratched S5479 Old Faithful, 105. Overweight Queereek, 3 pounds. - SEVENTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. Nv. 25. 1915 1:48 4 116. Purse ,300. 3-yoar-tJ SECTJSpA C JbI3c olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner ,000; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horse AAAtPPSt 4 11 5i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equir. Odds Strt S5412DERNTER SOU we G lH 1 1 P 5J 6 21 Is J Maiben Mrs M E Williams 280-100 85355 VAN PATRICK w 4 103 7 5 ? 81 3 1 2 J Leyland H G Bedwell 1375-100 8554 7 DEMIJOHN w4 95 19 8 10 7 81 31 3 J McTgue C Ferraro 7ES3-100 85668 ROYAL OAK w 4 103 4 2 45 41 4i Gl 4and L Lang J Arthur 230-100 85303 2 "INTREPID tvss 3 97 2 11 71 SI 7k 41 El W Harvey J Johnson 85417ZOU.WE w 10 93 6 3 l1! 11 2 C Gl D Fisher M Hackett 2020-103 85479 LOUYERNE w 3 103 11 7 S 91 9 81 7 R Pierce P S P Randolph. 2350-100 8561 6 "FROSTY BOY TT3105 S 3k 6 E5 ? S5 B Renzettl AV Wick 453-100 84361SMARTY tvsb C 102 8 S 2 21 1 9s 9 J Tamaro J M Collins 2550-190 84860 DOUBLE TIP wb G lfl2 5 10 Di lOino1! C Hooper Mrs F Farrar "t 78543 GOURMAND was 511X1241111111111 G Ilndgins R C Shean t fMutuel field. Time. 24, 50, 1:16, 1:43, 1:51. Track fast. mutuels paid Dernier Son, .60 straight, .40 place, .03 show; Yan Patrick, 1.10 place, S7JT0 show; Demijohn, field. .90 show. Equivalent booking odds Dernier Son, 2S0 to 100 straight, 120 to 100 place, 50 to 100 show; Yan Patrick, 455 to 100 place, 285 to 100 show; Demijohn, field. 95 to 100 show. Winner R. g. by Last Coin Belgravia, by Ben Brush trained by E. Jj. Snyder; bred by Mr. Arthur B, Hancock. Went to post at 4:35. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. DEItNIER SOU worked his way up on the inside and. passing the leaders in the last eighth, won easing up. A" AN PATRICK ran a good race all the way and outgamed DEMIJOHN in the final drive. The latter closed a big gap and lost ground on the stretch turn, but finished xast. ROYAL OAK tired. INTREPID began slowly. ZOUAAE showed the most early speed, bat tired after leading to the far turn. S1IARTY quit after racing into the lead. Scratched 85603 North AVales, 99; 85547 Attorney Muir. 102. Overweights Ann Patrick, 3 pounds; Demijohn, 1; Frosty Boy, XL

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