Rickety and Gentility: Purchased by Thomas Wagner. Recent Recruit to through Bred Breeders of Texas, Daily Racing Form, 1924-11-27


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RICKETY AND GENTILITY Purchased by Thomas Wagner. Recent Recruit to Thoroughbred Breeders of Texas. KEW ORLEANS, La., Nov. 28. H. T. Batchler, on his arrival here from Texas, firought the information that the estate of the late G. L. Blackford had sold the good stallion, Rickety, and the speedy mare. Gentility, to Thomas Wagner for the price of 5,000, and that both horses had been sent to the "Wagner ranch in Western Texas, -where they will do stud duty. Mr. Wagner, regarded as one of the wealthiest cattle ana oil men in Texas, is a recent recruit to the ranks of Texas thoroughbred breeders. Ho intends, according to Mr. Batchler, to embark in the thoroughbred stock raising business on a large scale. He was induced to enter the business by his friend, Senator J. W. Bailey, who, for a short time selected for him a number of well-bred mares that have been sent out to the west Texas ranch. Mr. Batchler is also authority for the information that it was Mr. Wagner who sent Pierre Wertheimer an offer of 0,000 for Ep;nara, sometime before the French, champion departed from these shores.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924112701/drf1924112701_12_1
Local Identifier: drf1924112701_12_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800