Fleischmanns Purchases: Thoroughbreds Bought in France by American Sportsman Being Shipped to U. S., Daily Racing Form, 1924-11-27


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FLEISCHMANNS PURCHASES Thoroughbreds Bought in France By American Sportsman Being Shipped to U. S. . SPECIAL CABLEGRAM. PARIS, France, Nov. 26. Julius Floisch-manns thoroughbred purchases in this country have left Chantilly on a special train for Boulogne. There they will be shipped on the steamship Minnewaska for New York. They are in the care of Thomas McCreery, who, with Mr. Fleischmann, made the selections. Mr. Fleischmann has sailed on the Leviathan, and before sailing he expressed himself as more than pleased with the horses he had been able to obtain. In addition to the French thoroughbreds there were two Irish steeplechasers, obtained for the Middle Neck Farm Stable through E. E. Coussell. The French horses that McCreery is taking over for American racing, comprise the two-year-old. Theodose, the three-year-old, Dandiprat, and fifteen richly bred yearlings. These yearlings are: Son Ami, b. c, by Chateau Lafitc Savonnieres. Carloman II., ch. c, by Consols Carlita Roger. Montfcrrat, b. c, by Maboul Constance dAntioche. Fasciste, ch. c, by Trince Eugene Chrosopolis. Carloman, ch. c, by Samourai Chatwood. Guillerct, b. c, by Prestige Idunno. Corail, b. c, by Master Good Never More. ISaalbcck, ch. c, by Frileux Bachelors Idol. Basquaisc, b. f, by Samourai Herodia. Columbia, br. f, by Master Good Gazza Ladra. Danic, br. f, by Dominion Annarella. Zerline, ch. f, by Dominion Nonsense. La Fcrte, br. f, by Samourai Idcinc II. Theodose, the two-year-old, is a son of Houli and The Matia, while the three-year-old Dandiprat is a brown son of Sans Le Sou and Dame Marie II.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924112701/drf1924112701_1_4
Local Identifier: drf1924112701_1_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800