Daily Racing Form Charts: Bowie, Daily Racing Form, 1925-04-05


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IILX" RACING FORM ; BOWIE , Copyright, 1925, by Daily Em it Form Publishing Company. I BOWIE. MD., SATURDAY. APRIL 4. 1925— Prince Georges Park 1 Mile. Fourth Day. Southern j Maryland Agricultural and Fair Association. Spring Meeting of 11 days. Weather clear. . — d Stewards, P. J. Miles and Baker AVaters. Judges, J. B. Campbell. John P. Turner, J. II. Anderson r ■nd Joseph .M I.i!iiiun. Starter, James Milton. Racing Secretary, Joseph McLennan. 1 - j Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time. 1 ::W p. m.. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Fig- . urea in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. i QQETQEr FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mile. Nov. 20. 1924— 1:12%— 3— 106. Purse ,200. 3-year-olds OOUUU and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second. 09; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt — I I t UM*LADT BOSS wb 5 103 8 1 I* 1» 1 1» W Harvey Mrs G C Winfrey 130-100 I I j WW * * J AOQCM wb 7 105 10 8 9l 51 31 2 G Hndgins W S Murray 875-lO.llf mWWPTOWl wb 4 108 9 11 It* G1 5 3l J Stevens W J Hayes t605-100 87480 CAM FREE wi 7 115 11 13 12 12 1*1 41 J Wallace Mrs A E Alexandra 1690-100 , 88505 NEW HOlK w J 1 1 7 9 7 6 51 S Hebert E Arlington 1570-100 t S84A9*ADMIRER WB 5 103 6 3 3 .2! 2» 6 » J M.Tgue Mrs T J Donahue 2740-100 , ■MM UH1TT FARRLwb 4 111 2 ■ 10| Sl 71 7»* H Stutts 9 P Robia t 88189 JOI1NV JEWELL w 4 111 12 3 S» 9 101 P E Ambrse Mrs ¥ Farrar 3410-100 88488 WILD COOSE wb 4 111 7 4 4 3»* 91 9 J Maiben S Louis 950-100 | 88505 POOR SPORT w 5 113J 4 5 2» 41 4 10* E Smlwd Flamingo Farm Stable 445-100 88222SCN MARKS w I 105* 3 6 51 IP lltoll10 J Ley land A O Robertson 4150-100 | 85564 OIL BURNER w 3 104* 5 10 710 12 12 R Costello Mrs A Swenke t tMutuel field. Time, 23%. «*4. 1:1454- Track fast. 1 mutuels paid -Lady Boss. .00 straight. .10 place, .80 show; Jacques, .20 place, .00 show; Neptune, field. .40 show. Equivalent booking odds— Lady Boss. 130 to 100 straight. 55 to 100 place, 40 to 100 show; Jacques, ICO to 100 place. 100 to 100 show; Neptune, field. 270 to 100 show. Winner — Ch. m. by Manager Waite — Viola Cuild, by Masetto trained by G. C. Winfrey; bred by Mr. W. W. Darden. Went to post at 2:30. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. LADY BOSS made a fast pace from the start and. racing into an easy lead, won easing up. JACQJES gained steadily through the stretch aud finished fast, but did not menace the winner. NEPTlNE began slowly, but closed a big gap ami finished fast. ARK FREE dwelt at the start : and finished fastest of all. NEW HOPE ran well. ADMIRER raced well to the stretch and was on the inside all the way. WILD COOKE and POOR SPORT quit badly. Scratched- 88489 Sun Rajah. 108; 88503 Sea Tide, 03; 88488 Ben Wood, 108; 88489 Jingle, 98; 87228 Demijohn. 110; 87424 Sunny Girl, 110. Overweights — Poor Sport, 3% pounds; Sun Marks, 4%; Oil Burner, 3Vi. OOPQC SECOND RACE— 1-2 Mile. April 5. 1924— 47 %— 2— 109. Parse ,200. Valiant , OOUUU Purse. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner 09; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kquiv. Odds Strt i 88487 DEDANS w 110 8 7 4« 31 1» J Wallace H P Whitney t315-100 , 88063 IRRESISTIBLE w 116 9 4 D U 2* C Buell Greentree Stable 135-100 88487YOCARE w 110 5 5 31 4» P I Parke II P Whitney t 88187 ENDOR w 110 6 3 2 21 41 J McTagt R W Carter J985-100 88063 SEPOY w llfi 2 2 5J 51 5» H Stutts Mrs T J Carroll 955-100 SEA NET w 107 10 8 9l 8» 61 B Brning S Ross 3215-100 BECKY SUE w 107 3 9 81 9 7"k R Albiker P H Faulconer 54325-100 88187 LITTLE BLAZE w 110 1 1 6* 6« 8 J Shanks W Garth S 87881 MCFFET w 113 4 10 10 10 9ot E Ambrse R W Carter t 88503 -FREDA D. wb 110 7 6 71 7 10 G Fields J Serio 580-100 tCoupled as H. P. Whitney entry. JR. W. tarter entry. SW. Garth and P. II. Faulconer entry. Time, 23%, 49. Track fast. muucls paid— n. P. Whitney entry, .30 straight. .50 place. .70 show; Irresistible, .20 place. .50 how. Equivalent booking odds— II. P. Whitney entry. 315 to 100 straight. 75 to 100 place, 85 to 100 show: Irresistible, 00 to KM place. 75 to 100 show. Winner — Br. c, by Peter Pan— Dendora, by Rabelais trained by F. Hopkins; bred by Mr. narry Pay in Whitney i. Went to post at 3:02. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. DEDANS, away slowly, worked his way up on the outside and, coming fast through the stretch, passed IRRESISTIBLE, and won easing up. IRRESISTIBLE set a fast pace from soon after the start, raced ENDOR to defeat, but tired right at the end YOCARE. away well and running a good race, would have been second in a few more strides. ENDOR was speedy and was on the inside all the way. SEPOY was always outrun. LITTLE BLAZE was caught in a jam at the start and forced to pull up. FREDA D. ran i ooily. Scratched— 1 88503 Flapper Girl, 110. QQRTQrT THIRD RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Nov. 21. 1923—1:07—2—109. Purse ,400. Spring-Oudu 4 time Handicap. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner 75; second, 50; third, 25; fourth, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt MMlTBtTR wb 4 109 2 3 2« 21 3J 1* H Meyers J F Richardson 570-100 88320 THE VINTNER wb 4 120 7 4 3 3 4»* 24 W Harvey Greentree Stable t~0-100 86768 DAZZLER w 4 114 1 6 71 5l 51 3" F Thdyke Greentree Stable t KK2«7 COMIXA wsb 5 112 8 2 61 4« 2"* 41 R Wliams C B McLean 63r -100 88490 ISOAH wb I 110 5 1 || V U 5» I Parke H P Whitney 75-100 85883 LIECTENT IL wb 5 105 4 5 5"* 61 6° 6» J Wallace R E Potts 4710-100 ! 74849 TIMELESS w 5 90 6 8 8 8 7» 7« ■ Hebert J E Griffith 5220-100 85926 LADDIE BUCK w 5 106 3 7 4" 7 8 8 F Weiner Woodlawn Stable 2125-100 tCoupled as Greentree Stable entry. Time, 23. 48%. 1:01%, 1:07%. Track fast. mutuels paid— Tester, 3.40 straight, .50 place, .70 liow; Greentree Stable entry, .30 place. .70 show. Equivalent booking odds — Tester, ." 70 to 100 straight, 175 to 100 place, 185 to 100 show; Greentree Stable entry. 215 to 100 place. 285 to 100 show. Winner— B. c. by Peter Pan— First Flight, by Thrush trained by J. F. Richardson; bred by Mr. Harry 1ayuc Whitney. Went to iMist at 3:34. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. TESTER forced the pace from the start and. passing NOAH after entering the stretch, drew away, but was easing up at the end. THE VINTNER was a forward contender all the way and moved up resolutely in the stretch, but was tiring at the end. DAZZLER finished fast from a slow beginning. COMIXA slipiicd through on the inside when entering the stretch into second place, but tired badly in the final eighth. NOAH was away well and set a fast l ace, but swerved in the stretch and was bumpjed slightly by THE VINTNER. The others were always outrun. Scratched 81792 Arcady. 108. Overweights--Tester, 1 pound: Laddie Buck. 3. QQETQQ rOITRTH RACE— 7-8 Mile. Nov. 21. 1916— 1:26%— 4— 116. ,500 Added. Third OfjOOO Running CAPITOL HANDICAP. 3-yoar-olds. Net value to winner ,880; second, 00; third. 30; fourth, 00. Index Horses AWtPISt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 81702 ARCADY w 118 4 5 1 Ill V V I Parke H P Whitney t70-100 88504 HRlNS w 100 7 4 6" 5 4» 4l 2» W Harvey J F Richardson 1335-100 J t81»l BALBOA wlK 3 ! 3*7 6l 51 3l B Kenndy S Most 1385-100 KS491 Cl.oCDLAND . wb 1151 2 7 7 4 » 3» 3nk 4" J Butwell J S Cosden 730-100 88!90 SANDHURST w 114 S 1 V 3« 21 21 5*k H Stutts H P Whitney t . 881 7» FADDIST wb 103 1 | 5 P 7 6* 6« It Wliams It T Wilson 1525-100 88490IIOOT MOM wb 109 1 41 2°* 51 7 7 H Meyers J F Richardson t ■tCoupled as II. P. Whitney entry. JJ. F. Richardson entry. Time, 24%, 49%. 1:15%. 1:29. Track fast. muliiels laid— II. P. Whitney entry, .40 straight, .50 place, .20 show: J. F. Richardson i entry. .70 place, .30 show; Balboa. .00 show. Equivalent looking odds— II. P. Whitney entry. 70 to 10O straight, 25 to 100 place, 10 to 100 l show; J. F. Richardson entry, 35 to 100 phice. II to 100 show: Balboa. 50 to 100 show. Winner-B. c, by Peter Pan Uuena, by Broomstick trained by F. Hopkins; bred by Mr. Harry Payne Whitney. Went to l»ost at 4:07. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily: second and third 1 driving. ARCADY raced into the lead soon after the start and set a good pace under restraint, but : was ridden hard through the final eighth to outfiuish the fast coming BRCNS. The latter gained 1 steadily and, while coining wide when entering the stretch, finished with a rush. BALBOA dropped I back after gong the first eighth and came extremely wide when entering the stretch, but closed I an immense gup and finished close up. CLOCDLAND moved up fast on the inside on the last turn i and finished tiring. SANDHURST was close up from the start and was not punished when he tired. FADDIST and no mishaps. HOOT HON was in close quarters at the half mile post and was shuffled 1 hack. Overweights Hoot Mon, 2 pcunds; Cloudland. 1%. QQfTQQ FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 yards. April 10, 1919— 1 :45%— 4— 107. Purse ,400. ■ OO*30c/ Parkway Purse. 4 -year-cIds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 75; second, 50; third, 25; fourth, 0. index Horses AWtPPSt 14 % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 88191 DR. OMARA WB 4 102 4 5 2 21 21 11 1» It Wliams J J Farrell Jr 495-100 88191 RED WINOFIELDwb 6 111 5 4 4« 31 V 2»* 2» It Costello Mrs A Swenko 2045-100 ! 87918TIIE lOET wb 4 108 6 6 1* li 1» 3» 3l B Brning 9 M Kelley 410-100 87800 1RINCi: JAMES WB7 116 2 2 tf 6 6 5« 44 II Stutts C It Thieriot 110-100 | 86250 THE BOLL CALLwB I 16 3 I 5i 5* 41 4» 51 F Weiner Mrs J Bauer 2660-100 | 81918* YANKEE PR CESSw 4 97 1 1 3 4* 5" 6 6 J McTgue J I Cosden 630-100 Time, 24S, 50%, 1:16%, 1:43%. 1:48%. Track faat. mutuels paid Dr. O Mnra. 1.90 straight, .20 place, .40 show; Red Wingfield, 5.20 place. 1925.sh H show; The Poet. . t0 show. KquMalcnt booking dc"s Dr. OMara. 495 to 100 straight. K,0 to 100 place, 120 to 100 show; ; Red Wingfield. tXH to 100 place. 200 to 100 show; The Poet. 100 to 100 show. Winner Br. e. by Olambala- Ix ng Range, by St. Frusquin trained by R. L. White; bred by Mr. . Richard T. Wils.n. Went to post at 4:42. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third I driving. DR. OMARA raced in closest pursuit from the etart and, coming fast on the outside after r entering the stretch, finished in the best going and won in a canter. RED WINOKIE1.D saved ground I when entering the stretch and made a game challenge at the eighth post, but was easily held safe. . THE POKT fet the pace from the start to the stretch and quit. PRINCE JAMES ran poorly and could I not improve his position when culled on. THE ROLL CALL ran well to the stretch. XANKEE PRINCESS was in close quarters in the early running snd quit in the stretch. Ovec weight The Roll Call, 4 pounds. ; , I j d r 1 j . i I I t I I j , t , | | 1 : SSklA SIXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Nov. 25. 1916— 1:48— 4— 116. Purse ,200. 4-year-00%39 olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 09; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt % V4 % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Stit 8849-WKXATION w 4 111 7 3 li V 1» 1» 1» J McT gue R Benton 190-100 88493 "BLUE HILL wb 4 108 6 I 4J 4k 3-* 21 2« W Harvey O C Winfrey 225-100 88492 PRINCE Til Til wb 5 116 4 C 5» 61 4» 3* 3* H Stutts S W Grant 285-100 87802 RAMA w 7 110 2 5 3"» 2» 5" 5« 4» O Mangan C A Coyla MMM 88097 *JlMSON w 4 106 5 2 2 V 21 41 5« J Leyland A U Austin 2515-100 87965INTREPID wb 4 113 1 1 6» 6»» 6" 6» 6" M Schwtz F A Tansor 3225-100 87802 VULNAD wb 4 113 3 7 7 7 7 7 7 R Costello Mrs A Swenke 1200-100 Time, 25%. 61%, 1:17. 1:43%. 1:50%. Track fast. mutuels paid — Vexation. .80 straight, .30 place, .40 show; Blue Hill, .20 place, .30 show; Prince Tii Tii. .50 show. Equivalent booking odds— Vexation. 1!0 to 100 straight. 65 to 100 place. 20 to 100 show; Blue Hill, 60 to 100 place. 15 to 100 show; Prince Tii Til, 25 to 100 show. Winner — B. g, by Trap Rock — Annoyance, by Meddler trained by F. J. Kearns: bred by Mr. Philip M. Walker. Went to post at 5:14. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. VEXATION quickly raced into a long lead and won under a pull. BI.lB HILL was under restraint to the last turn, finished fast and gamely. PRINCE TII TII finished with a belated rtisii. RAMA showed early speed. JIMSON quit after going well for three-quarters. The others were badly outrun. OQRfi "j SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. Nov. 17. 1924— 1:55%— 3— 109. Purse ,200. 4-year-00*JM- olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 03; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt % i % Str Fin Jockeys Owners • Equiv. Odds Strt 88192 ALTISSIMO wb 4 112 9 9 3"« 4* » 1* li W Smith W R Pa.lgett 7 1-100 IIUfKUPM wb .". 110 2 2 21 li li 21 2" M LiebgM r It HI . HMM 88493-*SMARTY wsb 7 103 5 4 41 31 .T 61 3" W Harvey J M Collins 910-100 8849.1 ST. MARTINS wb 4 HI 7 7 6* 51 61 41 4* J Maiben S L-ouis B0-M8 88492 WOODLAKE w 5 1101 6 6 l1 2-* 4l 3» 51 H Stutts J Nicosia 575-100 88493 OLD TIMER wb 5 1091 13 9 9 8 5»k 6 G Mangan W W Loney MO-MI 88270*EL JESMAR wb 6 107 3 1 7» 7» 7"k 7« 7« It Albiker F P Robie 1915-100 88241 GRAY UABLES w 8 112 8 8 8« 8* 9 8 S1 J McTagt H G Bed well 1470-100 88493JRORK wb 5 111 4 I V 6"* 5h 9 9 I Parke S W Grant 810-10 Time. 25. 52%. 1:19, 1:46%, 2:00%. Track fast. mutuels paid — Altissimo, 6.00 straight, .."!0 place, .00 show; Rupee, .10 place, .20 show; Smarty, .60 show. Equivalent booking odds — Altissimo. 700 to 100 straight, 265 to 100 place. 150 to 100 show; Rupee. 105 to 100 place, 60 to 100 show; Smarty. 130 to 100 show. Winner — Blk. g, by Trap Rock or Hard of Hope — I ouise Travers. by Mi Gee trained by W. R. Padgett: bred by Mr. Philip M. Walker. Went to post at 5:48. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. ALTISSIMO worked his way up on the outside and, coming fast through the home stretch when called on, won going away. RtPEE ran a good race from the start and saved jiround when entering the stretch, but tired after taking a clear lead. SMARTY was in close quarters on the inside to the stretch and made a fast finish. ST. MARTINS came fast on the ontside when sd late. WOODLAKE showed early speed, but quit OLD TIMER moved up in the stretch, then dropped back. Scratched — 88500 Blossom House. 99. Overweights — Woodlake, 2% pounds; Old Timer 1%.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1925040501/drf1925040501_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1925040501_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800