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DAILY RACING FORM VOLUME XXXJ. NUMBER 96 Entered as set ond-rl.iss matter. April 2. 1S9H. a the pet-office at Chicaso. Illinois under Act of Have* 3. 179. W. J. McMurray. Publisher and General Manager. I:iilv BMtag Wintrr Mouths. Pvilv KArrpt Monrtiy Itnl:tnee of tlie Yonr. A P.iilr Reflection of the American Turf by Telecr.iph DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT - CHICAGO ILL. 157-159 EAST 32nd ST.. NEW YORK CITY. N. Y. I 50 RICHMOND STREET. EAST. TORONTO. ONT. 320 EAST THIRD STREET. CINCINNATI, OHIO ■HaMall IHIIII BY KIIIST CLASS MAIL.: M:iy to November. Ill— In WW per month December to April, inclusive .00 per inontli PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. HACK XIMIIEltS BY MAIL. 15 CENTS BACH. TELEPHONE 20*7 HARRISON. For business and circulation purposes only. This teleplwne has no connection with the news or ediloriMl departments and cannot be used io communicate with them. To bo conaidered and answered, all queries to Daily Raring Form must be sent over the full atnl with the address of writer. • To-.- nanie« and iirtdioscs are aubject to a local anJ foreijn directory teat. 86508 is first indeTo, 1925