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QAIUT RACINO FORM TIJUANA TIJUANA. MEXICO SUNDAY, APRIL 12. 1925. --1 Mile. One hundred and nineteenth day. Tijuana Jockey Club. Winter Meeting of 125 days. Weather clear. Presiding Steward. Francis Nelson. Associate Stewards. James V. Coffroth and L. J. Kos. Placing Judges, George W Schilling. Samuel Kothert and Floyd McKenney. Starter, Marshall Cassidy. Racing Secretary, George W. Schilling. Racing start* at 1:40 p. m. Chicago time, 3:40 p. m. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in pareulhcst-s following the distance of each race iud.cate date, trait record, age of horse and weight carr.ed. Indicates apprentice allowance. 887AA FIRST RACE— 1 Mile and .0 Yards. March 26, 1924—1:42—7—101. Purse . 3-OO 4 "" year-clds and upward. Claiming. Net value to w.nner i0 ; second. 20; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % Mr Via Jockeys Owners Kquiv. Odds Strt 8851S* SCATTER SHOT w3 93 19 4 6" M 4* 2 11 A Mtensn G A Pope Jr Ml Ml 88694 SHASTA SPRINGS w 3 93 4 3 2 2» 2 2l 2J A Vesseli Swastika Stable 1060-lJ 8864 4 LaDT BARRETTT vf 3 » 9 i 1» 1* 1* ll Z* O Johnson Irby and Jones 1740-10 8864S TAG DAY w 6 114 11 1 12 HI 9J 61 4* L Schaefer O Nibbs 198. -W J 88560 NAVAJO w 7 110 3 11 Si 43 3- i1 5" S Griffin A Mitchell 3170-10 88426 AT* REVOIR w 7 114 7 9 Si and•■ Hl 81 61 II Elston ■ ■ Buchanan 3d-;0-10j 88645APRICOT w C 114 5 8 4* 5t 71 5» 7i J Sylvia Mrs W D Millard 250-1/ 88599 FAYETTE GIRL w 7 108 8 6 10l SJ 8* W 8" M Edwdi C Sawyer MBMM 88C45-ENCRINITE w 8 103 1 13 13 12* 12* 12" 9J G Young V P Hyland • t 88622 JACK LKK w 7 110 12 12 11» If* 101 7» 10- A Prgrass C E Thompson t 88622»NACOMEE w 2 89 6 3 3 3 6« 10" 11» G Htamer Waddell Bros 2490-100 S861S COLONEL MATTwsa 15 115 2 10 7« 7« 5* i- 12 J J Robts Eby and Jones 1840-100 SS59R WIRELESS w 7 106 4 5 W 13 13 13 12 W Buck Eagles and May t fMutuel feld. Time, 24%. 49%. 1:15%, 1:44. 1:48%. Tiaca fast. Mutueli paid— Scatter Shot, .20 straight, .20 p!ace, . GO show; Shasta Springs, .40 place. .00 show: I aciy Barrett, .40 show. Equivalent kok.n; odds— Matter Shot. 110 to 100 straight, CO to ICO place, 30 to 100 show; Shasta Springs. 320 to 100 place. 200 to 100 show; Lady Barrett. 120 to 1C0 show. Winner — B. f, by War Shot — Heliotroi»e, by Rightful trained by H. D. Shevlin; bred by Mr. S. Caristeoson. Went to post at 1:40. At post 1 minute. Start good : nd slow. Won driving; second and third the same. SCATTER SHOT was well placed in the early running and, favored by his light weight, handily overhauled the pacemaker when ailed en end won drawing clear. SHASTA SPRINGS was a forward contender throughout and finished gamely. LADY BARRETT set a good pace, but tired in the final drive. TAG DAY clo.-ed a big gap. Scratched — 885!W»MIigh Olympus. 114. QQandfk-i CECOND RACE— 1 Jlilo and 70 Yards. March 26. 1924—1:42—7—101. Purse 00. OO 4 vf JL 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 20; second, 20; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % H % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 8C261 HARRY MAXIM wd G 110 8 9 61 5" 4* 2l M J Johnson Mrs A ¥ Dayton 190-100 88645 SEA GREEN w 3 9S 4 5 3* 41 31 3 21 K Hgland J R Clark 300-100 «8600*JONY OCONNELLw 7 117 5 4 5* 2l 1 l» 2* H Elston E W White 710-100 88599 5NAS TA BAGA w 4 115 3 2 |« 1" 2* 4* 41 C Corbett E McCown 1620-10J 88019 EYE BRIGHT w G lit 9 S 11 10* 6" and» 5J L Schaefer A B Eastman 300-100 »S527»MRS. PAT w 6 108 1 I 71 71 7| 6" G" A Prgrass Mrs A E Patterson tH33-lO0 88599* ERA NC TIREUR w S 114 10 6 21 3* 5* 7» 71 J Fredcks W A Wells 4O90-1C0 88621 CASTLE CROWN w G 104 G 1 81 8" 8» 8* 8* G Johnson W Cavener 1510-100 88513 1TREWORTH w S 110 2 11 9" 9" 10* 10 91 J Whilam Swastika Stable t 884 71 AGGIE w 3 102 7 10 10" 11 11 11 10* C Hooper A Brent t 8862 1 IRISH REY w 4 102 11 7 4" 61 91 91 11 A Vesseli W H Moore t tMutuel field. Time. 24%. 49%. 1:15%. 1:43, 1:47%. Track fast. mutuels [aid— Harry Maxim. .S0 straight, .20 place, .C0 sliow; Sea Green, .80 place, .00 ■how: Johnny O Counell. .00 show. Equivalent booking odds-Harry Maxim. 100 to 100 straight, 110 to 100 place, 30 to 100 show; Sea Oreen. 90 to ICO place. 50 to 100 show: J l:nny O Connell, 7,0 to 100 show. Winner — Ch. g. by Uarrigan- Lady Max.m, by St. Maxim trained by A. F. Dayton; bred by Messrs. Hall Bros.. Went to |Kst ::t 2:05. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. HARRY MAXIM began slowly end was waited with until getting an opening in the stretch, then closed up fast and ontflnlshrd the rapidly gaining SEA GREEN. The latter lost considerable ground on the turns, but finished well. JOHNNY OCONNELL was always a forward contender, but tired after taking the lead. NAS TA BAGA set the early pace, but tired after running a good three-quarters. EYE BRIGHT cksed a big gap. Scratched -88W45 Yorkshire Maid. 104: 88645 Reydo. 119: 88425 Norain, 110. OOffAO THIRD RACE— 6 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 19. 1924— 1:01%— 4— 106. Purse 00. 3-year-OO 4 " £i olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 90; second, 40; third, 0. Index Horses AWtiTSt % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 88601 »LADV BERRILLDONw 108 8 1 21 2» 11 1*1 L Schaefer Leslio Stablo 300-100 88567 CLEG w 108 6 3 1 1 2» 2s G Johnson J S Tyreo 300-100 S8562-JOE PATTON w 110 2 5 4« 4 4? Z S Griffin E E Watson 310-100 88698 IREHMASON w-115 | 8 7l 7» 5* 41 S ODnell F Krauso 1940-100 88628*DAMAr. w 10S 4 3 S1 5l Cl 51 A Mtensn Graham and Donnelly 1560-103 88698 SEQIAN w 109 9 6 81 8* 7l 6and M Edwds Mrs C B Irwin 4290-100 88556GLOOM GIRL w 108 7 7 9 9 8 7* C Hooper W Studebaker 4780-10 88628SMART HORSE w 1C8 1 4 3 3" 31 8" G Ellis Mrs ¥ O George 550-100 8862DRLNLEG W 113 5 9 6* 6" 9 9 G Young J Walter 740-1W Time. 24. 48%. 1:01%. 1:38. Track fast. mutu-ls paid Lady BerrUldon, .OO straight, . CO place, .40 show; Cleg, 20 place, .20 ■how: J or liit: n. hB v0 show. Equivahnt l«oking odds Lady Berrilldon. 300 to 100 straight, 130 to 103 place, 70 to 100 show; Cleg. 110 to 100 place. CO to 100 show: Joe Pattin. 40 to 100 show. Winner Ch. f, by Berrilldon Lady Kathleen, by Marathon trained by E. Linnell; bred by Mr. Lewis Garth. Went to pst at 2:30. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. LADV BERRILLDON began fast, but followed CLEG closely to the last turn, where she easily passed the latter and won going away. CLEG set a good pace to the stretch and tired. JOE PATTON finir-hed gamely. FREEMASON began very slowly and clcs?d a gap. RLNLEG dwelt at the start and lot many lengths, then made up ground quickly, but bled anil was eas.*d up. SftTrtQ FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Feb. 9. 1925— 1:10%— 4— 120. Purse 00. 3-year-olds OO 4 UfJ and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 90; second. 49; thid, 0. Index Horses AWtlPSt % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equi v. Odds Strt 88674 LCl.E OF COLD w 3 10! 1 4 ll Is 1* V W J Baker G Drumheller 203-100 88562 ri.AKKSON w 7 117 9 2 5* 4J 3» 2* J J Robts Mrs U S Wishard 733-100 88628 *CON VENT w 4 108 4 3 2» 3 41 P B Griffin Mrs C I Crippen 820-103 88647 GRAYSON w 10 112 3 7 7* 7» Gl 41 L Schaefer Loe and Crawford 450-100 HWABCTIC KING w S 112 7 9 9 6t 71 5s R Craig It M Hollenbck 520-10 88671 »GREEN SPRlNGw 5 112 2 5 4" 5» 5 » 61 G Johnson Kane and Ziegler 440-100 88646*RKCRriT w 6 111 6 6 3 2» 2* 71 M Edwds C Sawyer t2993-10j 8864 7 SLY FOX w 5 112 5 8 8" S1 8* S3 J Sylvia W C Weant 2610-100 88499 •GRET FINISHER W 4 110 8 1 G 9 9 9 H Elston Mrs B Monihan t tMulu-1 field. lime. 23%. 48. 1:14. Track fast. *2 mutuels pad— Lnre of Gold, straight, . SO place, .0J show; Clarkson, 0.40 place, . CO show: Convent. S5..0 show. Equivalent lK~.king odds — Lure of Gold. 200 to 100 straight, 90 to 100 place, 50 to 1C0 show; Clarkson, 420 to 110 place, 200 to 101 bhow: Ccnvcnt. 1C0 to 100 show. W.nner t !i. f. hf Runnyuiede — Love of Gold, by Goldfinch trained by D. F. Cannon; bred by Mr. Adolph B. S|T.rkels. W«nt in i«s" at :.:00. At post 2 minntes. Start good and sow. Won handily; second and thrd driving. LIRK OF GOU took the lead soon after the start r.nd. setting a good pace, withstood the cliallenge af I LARKSON. The latter dropped back and was c moelleil to race wide, hut finished fast and. with N-tter racing luck, uiirht have won. liWKNT was a forward e nti nder all the way and fin. shed gamelv. URAYSOS made up ground. ARtTiC KING was in trouble t hrouuhout. Si-rat. bed iSS.V.:! i Bobby Allen. 112: 88002 Miss Emma G., 115; SSCOJoe V., 112; 88603;Our Boy, lfXf. 88." «2 Golden Red. 112; 88o04 Jack Ledi. 117. DDFA4 FIFTH RACE— 4 1-2 Furlongs. March 23. 1924— 53%— 2— 118. Purse $.00. 3-year-old.s OO 4 vF"i and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second. 40; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % V4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 88554 BILL M CLOY w 10 111 7 2 2* 2* 1 l1 L Schaefer Stanfield and James 310-100 88440LORD ALLEN wb 6 111 5 6 51 51 5 21 R Mi Hugh Mrs Q M Anderson 710-100 88554 JOE G. w 4 114 11 1 1» 21 I ODnell J Hobson 2760-10J 88551 iLAKY GORHAM W 5 112 3 4 4l 31 4" 41 ¥ J Baker G Drumheller 100-IOj 885 1 8 -".M It. RlBY w 3 104 2 7 31 41 3" 5* A Mtens n W H Tingld 420-10 88422DECoRATrN L.VSSw 7 lOi 4 5 G4 6« 6« G* M Edwds ! Sawyer 2793-100 MAUN A LOA w 7 119 I 3 7 7 7 7 R Craig L E Mooro 2140-100 Time. 24. 48%, 54%. Track last. mutnels paid Bill MrCloy. ..0 straight, X0 pla e, .20 show; Lcrd Allen, .80 place, .C0 thow; Jo«- ;.. ».40 show. Bqimahnt t*ooking odds Bill McClcy. 340 to 100 straight, 80 to 100 place, 60 to 100 show; Lord Allen. VM to 1W pace. 80 to 100 show: Joe G.. 370 to 100 show. Wiener B. g. by Dick Welles- Miss Jordan, by Sir Dixon trained by W. L. Stanfield; bred by Mr. B. F. Guthrie i. Went tr. i* st at 3:27. At post 1 minute. Start good end slow. Won handly; second and third driving. BILL M. CLOY began fast and. taking the lead in the streti b, held it to the end. LORD ALLEN was forced wide on the turns and fnishd wtih a great rush. JOE 1. set a fast pace and cutgamed LAIiY CoRHAM in a haid drive. 1 he latter wis hard riddi u from the start. Srialli-o Nn"it;."i A. Iester. 113. OOryrkfT SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and .0 Yards. Mareh 26, 1924— 1 AZ— — 01. Purse V.00. 3-Oo • UtJ year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 90; recond, 40: thid. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Kin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt MJtltATOBSA w3 93 4 1 11 H Ill V J Sylvia Mrs W D Millarl MMM MJMSBUAS O. w C 109 1 5 61 G» 51 4 23 G Htamer W C Weant 820-10J K8673 KJNOMAN W 3 Ml I 3 2s 4 o1 2 3» I. S-haefer Neva.l;. Stock Fill Stb HMN 88650 LIZETTE w G 111 3 4 4 .:• 41 ..1 4. M Elw.l-i Mr. O B liwm l:;iu-10 K8652*SII.ENT KING w I Ml 7 G and*• 5" G | 61 5* II BfctOM R /.Jenkins 550-P j 88557HERBY OOUBS w 4 10.! 6 7 7 7 7 7 G- S Griflin San Diego Stable 1 .1 •■-! ■• 88652 WoKTHMAN w 5 18 5 I ■ tj -5 51 7 C Hooper Hollywood Stabla MC-MI Time. 23«i. 48%. 1:14%. 1:41*. 1:45%. Track last. nintuils jiaid— At ssa, J.YCO stiaight, ! .:.t, place, J2 80 show, Elis O.. .20 place, .80 show; K.ugnian, $.! 00 shivv. Kqu valent Uxiking odds — Atossa. 180 to 10 straight. SO to 100 place, 40 to HO show; HI as O . 160 to 100 place, 40 to 1C0 show; Kingman. 50 to 100 show. Winner— Br. f, by Hand Grenade Anelcrator, by Lncle trained by W. 1. Millard; bred by Mr. A. K. Macuiiibcri Went to post at 3:51. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and th.rd driving. ATOSSA took the lead at once and won easily all the way. ELIAS O. waa well ridden and run a good race. KINGMAN raced well to the stretch, but tired and swerved badly after making his final challenge when an eighth out. LIZETTE tired. SILENT KING ran poorly. Scratch-d 88052 Crack • Dawn. 110: 88050 Hyanpom. 115. fifi7Art EEYENTH RACE— 2 Mile*. April 18, 1924—3:24—6—129. Fifth Running TIJUANA OO 4 "9 CUP. 0,000 Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowance*. Net value to winner 0,300; second. .C0; third. .5CO; fourth. ,000; fifth. 00. Index Hurses AWtPPSt % 11% Str Fin Jockeys Owners liquiv. dds Strt 884 74 StNSPERO W 4 118 4 I 3 .".n 1 1 D G Ellis La Brae Stable 180-100 88651»ALL OVER VaSMI 8 11114101 6* P 2J P Marnez Mrs H Irwin 1440-100 88351 BLARNY STONEwb 7 100 1 8 8» 8l 5"! 41 3» S Griffin O Drumheller 1210-100 88474*S1IC AND SPAN w 4 106 12 7 61 5i 2" 2» 4* E Barnes J C McGill t3»-100 fCSWI TANGERINE w G 103 9 1 9h 91 7* 7 51 ¥ J Baker Pueblo Stabls 1220-100 885I5:DR. CLARK w 8 100 3 1 1*1 1* 31 3 6« L Schaefer II Long " 1400-K/ 8M14 FABIAN w 4 100 5 4 71 4" 41 5l 7i A Mtensn J C McGill I 8.p.S51 SPREAD EAGLE w • M 1 5 » H 8" 8* 8* K Hgland A Johnson 8740-100 88650 HYANPOM w 7 98 10 12 12 12 111 9* 9* It McHugh Mrs G M Anderson 72G0-10O 88474 CHERRY TREE wb 6 118 7 9 101 71 10 10J 10* S ODnell B Long , X 88474 PAIiLA SHAY w I 96 I 6 - 11* 12 11* 11» H Elston Bronx Stabla 2780-100 CS4: 7 = L1TTLE CHIEF w 6 118 11 I 2-1 Q 91 12 12 E Taplin I B Humphreys 710-100 tCcupled as J. C. McGill entry; . Long entry. Time. 25, 49%, 1:15%, 1:42%, 2:09%, 2:35%, 3:01. 3:27%. Track fast. mutuels paid— Sunspero. .00 straight, .80 place, .80 show; All Over. 1.60 place. .80 show: Biamey St ne, .80 show. Equivalent book ng odds — sunspero. 180 to 100 straight, CO to 100 place, 90 to 100 show; All Over, 480 to 100 place, 240 to 100 show: Blarney Stcne. 00 to ICO show. Winner- -B. c, by Sun Briar Espero, by Sir Dixon trained by J. B. McKee; bred by Mr. Willis Shaipo Kilmer. Went to post at 4:18. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. SCNSPERO raced on the irside from the start and got through on the inside into the lead when he made his ru h and had a good lead when an eighth tut. but barely lasted. ALL OYER was far back and was frequently interferrcd with, but closed a great gap and finished fast. BLARNEY STONE was in a j,o d l»os tion throughout and aside from bumping suffered no mishaps. SPIC AND SPAN was fie ;uently bumped and cm wded right at the end. but for which he might have kMa third. FABIAN set m d a dangerous ontender on the last turn, but tired. TANGERINE could not gain when | called en. CHERRY TREE tired badly. PAULA SHAY was knocked out of all ihance by CHERRY TREE. LITTLE CHIEF quit. Ove. weights — Blarney Stone. 2 pounds: Tangerine. 3; Dr. Clark. 2: Hyanpom. 3; All Over. 1. CQfl EIGHTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. March 11, 1923— 1:44%— 3— 116. Purse 90. 4-year-C*0 4 J 4 olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 6; second, 63: third, 80. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Kin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt — 1 886692SPIREA w 4 102 8 5 21 3* 11 1* I2 A Mtensn J Stephenson 710-100 8"605 = VOOGERIA w C 111 2 3 5* 6s 6* 41 2l J Johnson Mrs A ¥ Dayton l.",»0-100 88605 QCECREEK w 7 108 I 6 ll 1* 2* 2* 3« C Hooper A Brent M8-M 88670NEBRASKA LADw I Mi 6 2 6* 4» 41 54 4 G Joh.ison Remini Stablo 450-100 88647 PRAISEWORTHY wb 4 104 4 1 3* 2U 31 3l 5J S Griffin Emcryvillo Stabla 210-100 88601 MISS FRYER w 5 104 1 4 4s 5* 51 6* 6* A Prgrass WE Hunter 4160-100 88158 DOLPH w 8 113 7 S 7» 7* 7» 7* 7* L Schaefer J Quirk 720-100 88624 LOUIS w 8 113 5 7 8 8 8 8 8 C Corbett W W Beckwith 3780-KO Time. £5, 49%, 1:15. 1:41%, 1:48%. Track fast. mutuels paid -Spirea, 6.20 straight, .80 place, .80 show; Voogeria, .80 place, .:V show; Ouecreek. .,0 show. Equivalent booking odds Spirea. 710 to 1C0 straight. 290 to 100 place, 90 to 1C0 show; Yoogeria. 2t0 to 100 place, 165 to 100 show; Cuecnek, 40 to 100 show. Winner- -B. f, by Irish Exile — Nt biaska Lass, by Highland Lad trained by A. Lampard; bred by Mr. L. L. Allen. Went to post at 4:47. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third ! driving. SPIREA was a forward conti nder from the start and easily parsed OUECREEK in the stretili. ; VOOGERIA was outrun to the stretch, but fiuished with a uish. QU EC REEK was done after leading for three-quarters. NEBRASKA LAD began slowly. PRAISEWORTH V was under hard restraint until in the final drive. Scratched— 884.S6 Black Shasta. 107: 88097 Seths Memory. 102. SS7fand8 MINTH RACE— 5-8 Mile. May 20, 1920— 59— 4— 10V. Purse $.00. 4-year-olds and OO 4 JO i pward. Claiming. Net value to winner 90; second. 40: third. S"0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 88496*TIME AND TIDKw 4 10! 83 1» ll V I2 L Schaefer J A Dennis and Son Ml Ml 88552BRANDELS W ! 107 4 J 5" 21 2l 2» A Mtensn Nancolar, iiros : •10 88568*CORNFLOWER w 4 103 1 1 21 31 31 3 G Htamer Mrs E J Looper 550-100 88528SETTEE wb 4 lOt 6 9 9 8* 7» 4l R McHugh D R Berman ISC-MI 88527 INORFIELD w 5 110 2 5 4» 4 » 41 5" S OD nell Leslio Stablj 2 0-100 88444 TWIN FOX w 4 103 2 4 6» Gl 5h 61 J Sylvia W C Weant t5090-100 88623 NO WONDER w 10 105 9 7 3J 2» 6 71 G Young Thomas and Patterson t 88553 GOOD HOPE w 7 112 5 8 7» 5« 82 82 C Corbett Hutchinson Ai Leeda 1240-101 I 88567 »K1NG WORTH wb 14 110 7 0 8= 9 9 9 R Cra;g C O Reed 3560-IjO tMutuel field. Time. 24. 48%. 1:01%. Track fast. £2 mutuels paid— Time and Tide, .00 straight. .80 place, .80 show; Brandeis. .00 place, .00 show; Cornflower, .20 show. Equivalent booking odds— Time and Tide. 300 to 100 straight. 140 to 100 place. 40 to 100 show; Brandeis. 80 to 100 place, 50 to 100 thow; Cornflower, CO to 100 show. Winner- Br. g, by Marse Henry — Carrie Parcel, by Mint trained by D. Dennis; bred by Mr. J. A. Dennis. Went to post at 5:13. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and thrd driving. TIME AND TIDE took the lead from CORNFLOWER after going a quarter was never afterwards in trouble. BRANDEIS was forced to race wide on the turns and finished fast. CORNFLOWER bean fust, but was outpaced. SETTEE had a rough race. NORFIELD had no mishaps. GOOD HOPE began slowly and was forced wide all the way. Scrati hed— 886«82Dan Arvi, 99; 8C0C0 Norwood, 103; 88500 Olympiad, 108; S8551 Blanche Meyers, 101: 86350 Chopsticks. 104. cVoryiflCI TENiH RACK— 5-8 Mile. Jhay 20. 19*0— o9— 4— lOV. Purse . 4-year-olds and OO 4 "«T7 upward. Claiming. Net value to wirner 90: second. 40: third. $"i0. Index Horses AWtlPSt % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt C8553DOCR CORBETT w 12 112 10 11 6 21 3 |« B ODnell Mrs L R Knifong 260-100 88502*IR. McARTHUR w 5 107 12 6 2l U 11 2» J Sylvia W C Weant 510-100 88623*WILD THOUGHTS w i 102 1 4 4= 4l 4 t*| J Fre.l cks W A W.-lIs MM-MI 8f.l98 HARIGANS HEIRw I 103 It 9 andJ 5l ."1 41 I, Schaefer ¥ Wallhauser 530-100 fcHtS* FIREPLACE WB ! 10". 8 5 7» 01 GJ 5-J G lohnson S Ballinger 300-100 886282*KILAUEA w 5 107 IB 10» 8l 71 6i H i;is..n C Cork 610-130 88497 QUOTA w 4 106 2 8 ll1 10= 9l 71 R McHugh Mrs W R Ormes t HIM MISS CALTHA ws 106 5 1 11 22 2" SI P Marnez Mrs F Nancolas 2260 130 eU4M*TOOTKR8 w 7 101 9 10 12 12 11 9-1 M Edwds Mrs C B Irwin * 88552 RUBIVARI w 8 106 6 3 31 Q S 10 C Corb -tt C M Barne | f.8305 ALAJAH w 7 102 7 2 51 11 12 11» C Hoop.-r O Brumbaugh t 88603 CHEVALIER w 7 110 4 7 M 9V 0 12 V Dfllow Mrs L E Denton 0093-100 tMutuel field. lime, 24. 48%, 1:01%. Track fast. mutuels paid — Doctor Corbett. .20 straight. . SO place, .*.",.80 tliow; Dr. McArthur. pac.-, .80 show: Wild Thoughts, field, .80 show. Equivalent Inxiking odds Doctor Corbett, 260 to 100 j-traight, 140 to 100 place, 90 to 100 show; Dr. McArthur, 210 to 100 place. 140 to 100 show: Wild 1 houghts. f.eld. M to 100 show. Winner — B. g, by Rapid Water — Bridge Light, by Lamplighter trained by L. R. Knifong; bred by Mr. T. II. Jones. Went to post at 5:40. At pest 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily: second and third driving. DOCTOR CORBETT began slowly, but was well paced to the last turn, from where he closed up fast and. cross ng over to the ins de, wi n going away. DR. Mi -ARTHUR forced h is way into a short bad. but muld not withstand the winners rush. WILD THOUGHTS ran a good race. HARRIOANS HEIR was hampered and knocked about all the way. CHEVALIER bled and fell just after passing the finish. Scratched— 88433 Lady Tiptoe. 97; 88567 Skokie, 108. Overweight— Alajah, 1 pound. TIJUANA The following charts were received too late for the earlier editions of yesterdays paper. OQ£»QO EIGHTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Feb. 19. 1925— 1:10%— 4— 120. Purse 00. 3-year-olds 002*JO and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner £490; second, 40; third, 0. Index Horses AWtlPSt % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 88I70*ANN GROGAN w 105 5 2 1* 1* |« ll H Elston A M Ream |M 100 I 88529 *SOLIMHNTE w 105 3 I 3 22 2» 2* A Mtensn Siemson and Hight 290-100 Bft529» QUINTAN A ROO w 107 4 1 4 4* 41 3 G Johnson Rancho Wikiup Stable SO-lOO BUM DIXIE BOY w 106 2 6 6 6 6 41 J J Robts Rowe and Ramsey 1320-100 88553SEOIAN W 105 6 4 5* 5 5» 5* M Eilwds Mrs C B Irwin 1740-100 88503 FREEMASON w 112 15 2 .i1 3 6 8 ODnell ¥ Kraus.; 960 100 Time. 23%. 48. 114. Track fast. mutuels paid— Ann Crogan. .40 straight, .60 place, .20 show; Solimente, .20 place, .20 show; Uuiutana Roo. .20 show. Equivalent booking odds Ann Crogan. 120 to 100 straight. 30 to 100 pace, 10 to 100 show; Solimente. CO to 100 place, 10 tn 100 how; Quintana Roo. 10 to 1K show. Winner Ch. f, by Enfield — Davine, by David Tenny drained by A. W. Ream; bred by Mr S S. Eakle. Wi nt to post at 4:37. At ixist 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third diiving. ANN GROGAN took the lead quickly and easily won all the way. SOLIMENTE raced closer up than usual, finished t-umely ami did not run cut today. QIINTANA ROO was allowed to drop too far far back early in the race and cuine fast in the stretch. FREKMASON quit. Si rat. hed— 88674 Lure of Gold. 110: 88027 Altoquiver. 107; 87710 Just Folks, 102. QQOQQ NINTH RACE— 1 1-4 Miles. April 6. 1924— 2:04%— 5— 120. Purse 00. 3-year-olda OOOOt/ and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 60; second. 60; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt i % 1 Str Tin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 8S501 IJI.MA ERN w 4 112 1 1 V 2] 22 2 ll C Hooper C II James 1770-100 BMtl BRIGHT IDEA w I 99 I 2 :- l2 l2 11 2* J Berg J Eckert 500-100 886«5*»ALAM ilR w 4 110 S 5 4» 5» 5* 4 ¥ L Schaefer L O Loe V0-10i 8K;491:RI.1STiNE w 5 114 5 4 5« 4" 41 5* 4J G Young Mrs U S Wishard 610-100 81.025 •TIKEH w 6 111 4 I 22 3» 33 2U 521 G Johnson A L Johnson :£0-100 K8645-LADY LILLIAN w 7 14 I 6 71 72 7» 6J 6 II Miller Golden West Stable 650-100 BMS4*HXANUTBI wb 9 115 2 S 8 8 8 8 7* W Renn T Summers 21S0-10» 88670BLACK THONG H I 115 7 7 6* 6* 61 7* 8 S Griffin J C McGill 7"0-100 Time. 24%. 49%. 1:14%. 1:41. 2C8. Track fast. mutuels paid Malvern. 7 40 straight, 6.00 place, .00 show; Bright Idea, .30 place, .60 show; Alamour, .00. Equivalent booking odds- Malvern. 1770 to 100 straight, 700 to 100 place, 180 to 100 show Bright , Id-a. 2ir, t„ |ik place. H h lix show: Alamour. SB to 100 show. Winner B. g. by Peter Uuiiu e Honeydew, by Ben Brush trained by George Evitt; bred by Mr .!..!in-i.!i N. Camden. Went I., |«ot at 5:C4. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow- for all but CANUTE. Won easily: M-con.l and th.rd driving. MALVERN was the most intelligently ridden and, coming fast through thi» stretch, won going away. BRIGHT IDEA raced into the lead, but failed to stay the route. ALAMOUR ! was forced wide on the first turn und was always outpaced. BRIMSTONE raced gamely. TIKKII was done at three-quarters. Scrat. -I.e.l BBBM 1-ouis. 116; SS510 Walter Dant, 110. I Ovei weight— Bright Idea, 1 pound.