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DAILY RACING FORM VOLUTCE TTTI NUM.BEE. 117 KntrrrU mr sii-onj c-las* matter, April % ISttti. lithe po-t-uf-re at CuU-ufo, llliuoie, under Act ol *l;irrh t. 1S7». W. J. Meat-array, Foblliaer mmi Generi] Manager IHiilT Ibirlns Winter Month*. D.iilj Except SucJajl I.iilance of the Tear. A u.illj Uetlcttluii of the America* Turf by Telecr*!* DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO 441 PLYMOUTH COOTtT CHICAGO. ILL. 157-ISt EAST 32nd ST.. NEW YOBK CITY. N. Y. 60 RICHMOND STREET. EAST, TORONTO. OVT 820 EAST THIRD STREET. CMCINNATI, OHIO RCIISCIUITIO.N 1IY FIRST-CLASS MAIL: M.ijr to Nsrember. InHiisive MOO per month Lecemoer to April. InciujiTe |i.00 per montli PAYAItLH IN ADVANCK. tlACK MIIIIER* BY MAIL 15 CKNTS BACH. TKI.EPIIONE M UARKISUN. For Ixtslrieae imd rlrciflatton purposes only. Tlii« Ultphune tia« no connection with the new* or editorial dVp.irtmenta auil cannot bo uoed to rofiilntinlcate « itb tbeQl. 86.508 is first index of 1S25