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DAILY RACING FOHM VOXtnOS XXXI NUMBER 102 Entered ns secondclass matter April 1S9C a Hie potoffire at Culcnco Illinois under Act of March 8 1S70 DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING co 441 PLYMOUTH COTTKT CHICAGO 111 157159 EAST 32nd ST NEW YORK CITY N Y 60 RICHMOND STREET EAST TORONTO ONT 320 EAST THIRD STREET CINCINNATI OHIO SUIISCniPTION NY FIRSTCI ASS MA1I Bray to November Inclusive 400 i er inontli inontliDecember December to April inclusive 500 per month monthPAYA11TK PAYA11TK IN ADVANCE HACK NUMItKUS BY MAIL 15 CENTS EACH TELEPHONE SOS HARRISON For ImslneR nnd circulation purposes only Tills telephone has no connection with the news or editorial dcpirtmenta and cannot be used to coimunnlcate with them To be considered and answered all queries to Dully Rriciuc Form mint be Bent over the full nano nnd with the address of writer Tlie nnnie nnd ndilreKSpi are subject to a local and foreign directory test 86508 is first index of 1S25