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RACING FORM VOUJHE ygyr OTMBEB 1C5 EiiteVtiil its sccoiiilrli nintUr April 1S90 a Clic vostnffire ht Chlcnco Illinois uuder Act of March 3 1S79 WV J McMurray Publisher and General Manacer T ilr nnriiic Winter Mont lit Diily Except Sunday Balance of Uic Tear TearA A Dally Ketlcctiou of the American Turf by Telegraph DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO COMl Ml PLYMOUTH CO TKT CHICAGO ILt 157159 EAST 32nd ST NEW YORK CITY N Y 60 RICHMOND STREET EAST TORONTO ONT 320 EAST THIRD STREET CINCINNATI OHIO simscitirnoN nv FIUSXCLASS MMI May to November Inclusive 400 per month monthDecember December to April Incliislrp 300 per month monthPAYANIE PAYANIE IN ADVANCE ilACK NUMItERS Y MAIL 15 CENTS BACH TELEPHONE 203 IIAKIMSON For business and circulation purposes only This telephone has no connection with the news or nlilorinl depiirlinents and cannot b used to communicate with then To be considered nnd answered all queries to Dnily Itacinjr Form mutt be sent over tlie full nrie anl with the address of writer The name nnd niMrossrs are subject to a local and forcis directory test 86508 is first index of 1925