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Entries and Past Performances TAMPA FRIDAY, APRIL 2 WKATHER CUBAStl TRACK MIDDY. The figures under the heading "Rec." in the entries b"low show the best time of each horse at the distance s.nce January 1. 1925. no matter where it finished. In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track condition*. 9M1R7 IS FIRST INDEX OF 1926. 00403 IS FIRST INDF.X OF APRIL Racing start* at 2:11 p. m. iCbieago time, 1:15|. ® Superior mud runner. x Good mud runner. :!:K:iir mud runner. tM Ma idem. Apprentice allowance. The following abbreviation* ore used tn design.itf tracks at which time record*, ;n entrie-nere made: lAkron Ak fKing Edward Ki Aqueduct Aq Lagoon Park. . Lg Aurora Au Lansilovce Park... LP Belmont Park BP Latonia La Blue Bonnets BB Laurel La Blue Grass BG Lexington Lx Bowie Be +Long Branch LB Brighouse Park Bs Maple Heights MH tBiooklyn Park Br tMarlbero Mb Churchill Downs CD Miami Mi tCclumbus Co Mobile Mo Coney Island CI Mount Royal MB Connaught Park CP +N:agara Falls NF tConneaut Lake CL Om«.ha 0m Dade Park DP Orlando Or tDelormier Park. . Dl tPhoenix Pn Devonsh re De Pimliro Pm Dorral Do Raceland Rd ■Dufferin Park Du Reno Re Empire Em fSalt Lake SL Pair Grounds FG Saratoga 6* Fairmot-nt Park . FP Tampa Ta Fcrt Erie FE Th-ttle Down TD Hamilton Hm Thorncliffe To tKastings Pa.k HP Tijuana Ti Ha?re de Grace . . HC +Timo!iii;m Tm Hawihorno Hw Toledo To Havana Hf Urited Hnnts TTH Huntington Hu CWh-clinjr Wh Jamaica Ja +Vi!lows Tark WP Jefferson Pork JP Windsor Wi TKempton Park. . . . KP Woodhine Wo Kenilworth Ke tYoungstawn Yo rD :£iat..o l;-ilf mile track. Tampa Mile Track. First Race— 1-2 Mile. ]• -,r-e lUSM I Ml aMa. ClaMiiing. . Traek r.eord: Mar. h IS, MSB :48 2—116. Todays lu.l llorseAIohtlos. Wt Re, . A.Wt Han. 0O373 Firewater, 4 . Ta 100 : r.l .. 1, Kr7..73.r. 00373- Three Ds M. 3 Ta 108 A.*-. 111. .730 00342- Hiaiaa. iMi. ti Sll 111 I*J , H»S. .725 00222 I.k ..Mi. 2...Ta 106 :4.**r. M7..1SB 00373 •R.M-Ua iMl, 1 . .Ta 101 :4.t 07.. 715 00342 •Sniil. AwhileM. 5 Ta 102 :50 97.. 710 Second Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse ,200. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. .Tra k record: March 19. 1926- 1 :06tand— 4— 112. 00057= Valor. S Tails 1:09 12 113®735 60t53. Brown Trout. 11. . TD 10011:06. 4 113x730 00410 Black Angel. 7Ta 051:07% 3101x725 i 0C374- Tease. I CP 115 1:07% B 106® 720 00344 M.ugs. l IPlMla*$% 7 113x715 00192 Medina. B Mil lof, 1 :04% S M 0JO56 The Missus, 9..CI 106 1:K5-, 3 103.. 705 03163 Intake. 12 DP 102 1:07% 4 10SX7OO] 1 00253 Confidante. 5. Mi 109 1:07-. I 100 695 1 00374 Title. 4 Hv 115 1:14s HWXtB 00374 Bellfont. 6 ...Ta 9S1:11 3 96X675 0!287 Martdonna M. 10 3 !.. ;70 Third Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse fl.LOO. 3-ye:ir Hds Mai upward. Claiming. Track record: March 19. 192 1 1:06% 4 — 112.1 0323, Deadfall. 1 . Hv 104 1 :0C% 3 113.. 735 C3323 Variation. 7 ..MB 109 1:00% 5 112 730| f00343 Paul Weidel II.. 1 Hv 116 1:07% B 113X725 ! 00?21 Bonny Castle. BCI 101 1:117 3 99x7-0 | I 0O34S3 Curland. 6 Ta 113 l:10%sv 6 110x715 00201- Dbkev I -e. 4. Mi 104 1:0S% 3 96 .710 9777C Bu»ter. 3 7 107x705 1 i | Fourth Race— 1 Mile. Purs- ,200. 3 year -ods and upward. Claiming. Track record : Mar. li 17. 1026 — 1:40 — 4 — 112. 0C376 Calinila. fl . .BP 10811 :40% 8 113x735 , 00254 Hullo. 5 FP 110 1:45% 8 105x730 00416 Jilie. 2 BP 118 l:42Sm 4 110:725 00377 John S. Mosby. 7 JP 104 1:39% 4 116x720 00376 W.kkI.v. 4 Ta 114 1:44% 4 113X715 00224 Sun Matlior. B 4 110x710 99967 Boot Ring. 1 ... 10S..705 Fifth Race— 3-; Mile. Br.-ulenton Handicap. Purse J1.50O A e.ii aMa :ii..l upward. iTra«k record: Marl. 22. 1926- 1:12% — 5—122. : 00377 MONDAY MOBN IXG. 3 HG 114 1:14 7 117®740 00195 Setbs Alibi. l..Ti 110 1:1.!--. 5 116x730 t C3377 I he Runt. 5 ..CI 102 1:12.-, 5 104GT2-". 00324 Nassau. 6 IT lo; 1.1-. ij lii.vX72jj 9P900 Silver Son.. 4 Mi MM 1:12 3 105x715 1 j 00323- I.ouis twaw—lila, | I liV BS 1:12 4 1O0X710 Sixth Race — I Mil and 70 Yards. Iurse .l». .Jy.-ar sMa and u:.«anl. Claiming. Track record: Man 2o. HM — 1:4. — 1 — 110. 00227 liidy In 8 . .Hu M7 1:45% 5 106X7?5 00375 Wilmer tli ■ Wiz ard. 5 Ti 10 : 1:44% 5 109 v 730 , 00327- Colonel Carr. 1 In MB 1:15 3 100x725* 00416 Jupiter. 7 ...FG IBS 1:483% BMOxT2o|; 00327 White Shepherd | ess. 4 FG p. 7 1:18% I 91X715 00256 Mv Kva. | n H2 1 :45 -, I !Hv710! 00345 Rajah. 2 fO 111 1 5h 8 lfO-,706 Seventh Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Puis.- S1.2IM. 3 year olds a:i 1 upward. Claiming. Stack record: March 20. 1926 1:43 — 4 — 110. 0C379: Wrin;;ler. 2 ..Mi ux l 46 6 104x735 00379 Curler, 1 T.i Ids 1 |S% : 97x730 ! 00379 •SMtM, :: Mi 111 1:47% 5 103x725 100286 Konfiie. 6 6 111x720 ! 00375 Alexander Moore B BW 103 1:14 4 107X715 i CD257 Maiiiiouides. K.T.I BBS 1:48% 3 96X7101 i 1 00226 Air Castle, 7.. CI 109 1:4 1 4 BBS 7 5 j 00083 Min-k. B Hv 112 1:44% 5 106x700 I 00378 Halu. 4 TI 107 1:45% s 114x695 j 00286 Break. 10MH 113 1:43 B 110. .690 0C3SC William Tell II.. 11 Ta 107 l:50%s 7 USV.SjBS