untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1926-04-07


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DAILY RACING FORM VOLUME XXXII. NUMBER 97 Entered M second-class matter, April 2. 189C, at tlte post office at Chicago, Illinois, under Act of March 3. 1S7». W. J. McMurray, Publisher and General Manager. Dailjr Durins Winter Months. Pally Kx.cpt Sunday Dalanre of the Tear. A daily reflection of the American turf by telegrapfo. TEM3PHONE 20S7 HARRISON. For business and circulation purpoea only. This telephone lias no connection with the news •r editorial departments and cannot be naed to oommuniMte wilh them. PAIiV RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT - CHICAGO. I1L. 157 !"» *-*sT 3?nd ST.. NEW YORK CITY. N. Y. TO RICHMOND STREET. EA3T. TORONTO, ONT. STO FAST THIRD STREET, CINCINNATI. OHIO 306-007 DECATUR STREET. NEW ORLEANS. LA. sritsritn-TioN iiy fiust-class mail: May to Novemlwr. inclusive 00 per month December to April. Inch sive J "00 per month rAYAItfJI IN ADYANCB. r.ATK MUmiM M MAIL. U CENTS EACII. To l.c considered a.id answered, all queries to Ilaily Hncinc Form must be sent over the full name and wilh the a .hires* of writer. The names am* iMtMHt nre subject to a local and foreign directory le«t 98087 is first index of 1926

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1926040701/drf1926040701_2_1
Local Identifier: drf1926040701_2_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800