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JI*C1 rviH.CC *•* Mi -. 3-jear-olds and upward, laiiniiur. .Vps;. li, 1921—1:00— | Index. Course. Dist Time. Track. Odds. Wt.St. % Str.Fin Jockey. Started. Order of rinlsb. LOTTO, br. f, « 101 By Hilarious— Anna L. Daley, by Lissak. Trainer, T. 0 Brien. Owner, T. OBrien. Breeder. Williams Bros. 00540 Hungton :".-S 1:03 good 11 ill 2 5 5»i :.« G Morrow 8 llkArt. l.tlvCd Dr K 1 dams 00506 Hun gton 5 8 102%slow 30 109 3 4 6« 4» G Morrow 7 HpvHoho. Doral.utz R mMate 00059 Jcff.rson 3 4 1:16 mud llf 105 3 5 6« 5" H Thomasl2 Prin.eReg t .ImicTrinz I pdike 99741 J.fferson t| f 1 :09 4slow 37 97 4 3 7*1 7* D Dubois 12 CeWmn. Sc-vitor J mi Irini 99463 Jefferson 51 f 1:07 fast 22f 101 9 9 9J 9i W Bausserl2 May Buddy . Soloist. Silene 98732 FGrnds 3-4 1:14 fast 80 115 4 7 8" 8« P Groos 11 Clarence, CCkMon. UoyalDuck 98237 F.Grnds 3-4 1:19,bvy -f W 7 S 9« lJ" ■ Benhanil2 Noel. Hootch. Medina 97889 Jefferson 3-4 121ihvy 49 99 2 7 IDID* F Marmilel2 Times Up, Carr. Drummond REQUEST, b. g, 4 M 108 By Iron Cross II— Galinda. by Galveston. ■ Traaner. F. P. Wilson. Owner. F. P. Wilson. Breeder .Williams Bros. 00544 Hungton 5-S 1 *•%*•*• 21 11 3 4 I I* "P F Kehrt • k. VagDittv Kos.-berry ,00507 Hungton I I 1 Olslow 26 109 | 4 71 7«1 F Kehrt 8 SCaMaris. Rcvr. Hp oUiNn 195289 I«ttonia M l:H%elew 61 97J6 6 6» 6-* Garn.r i Cupltearer. I.ricrllill Weeeaeee !».-,174. Latonia baity 1:44 Vast 138 102 9 10 10»10:3 J Guy 16 R Pennant. .Slipper* a Mean 195073 I.atonia 3-4 l:15Vs.hvy 121 10217 7 7« 7" S Griffin 7Hv Tonev. Margi.K Redleii t 91980 latonia 1 1-16 1 .53.»hvy 68 10316 6 7=« 7«« S Griffin 7 S. Alibi, Dr.Taniier. Dandvln -u h | 91757 Coney Is. lm.ov 142Vast K7 10215 6 6-« 6: S Griflm • Sweepstakes, Fanto. lie. Ioiita.t ,!17I6 Ceaejr is. taalej l i2„fust 36 102 2 6 i; » 6-; 1 Griff.n • ettitth/ie, tteaeaelle, Dr.Saei "- MACHIAVELLI. ch. g, 8 103 Br Dtiruise— Ghetto Girl, by Bra Brisk. Trainer. A. T. Crarin. Owner. A. T. Crarin. Breeder H. T. Oxnard. 00565 Hungton 6-8 l:02%good IS 105 7 « 7lt 7»» J Morar 8 KirkLsdy, Brsndels, LittleBetty 00508 Hun Kton 6-8 1:02%slow 16 100 7 « 7»1 7*1 J Morar 9 New Moon. Josie 51.. Zoona 90892 Ygstown 3-4 l:23%hvy 6 114 8 3 4* 6" F Wstock 8 MinLghton. Pecative, Leaside 00747 Ygstown 5-S l:»3%hvy 3 112 4 1 1 3* F Wdstk 7 Cnssiiis, Sernpis, Aunt Dcdn 90018 Ygstown 3-4 l:21%hvy 6 113 1 1 3l B« F Watock 8 Fictile, St. Paul, Clue Brush 90575 Ystown Ab 6-8 l:02%mud 16-5 113 2 1 1* ll F WstocklO MdFire. GreyRump. MckGrner CHILE, b. a-, 0 103 By Dick Finnell — Starland. by Star Shoot. Trainer. H. E. Brown. Owner. H. E. Brown. Breeder. Murphy and Shropshire. 00565 Hungton 6-8 l:02%good 21 I0T 5 6 57 5» S Trenchd 8 KirkLady, Brandeis. LittleBetty 00509 Hun gton 5-S l:C3%slow 15 100 4 6 6-i S S Trenchd I Lavinia, Scj.McMtrs, Sent.Tmio 95651 Akron U f I IwlMJ 14 111ft 6 C Pup. P Power 8 Uncle Velo. Fehrah. Johnlloshor 04854]Vhling 1 1-16 1 :52%fast 17 103 1 7 714 710 T Thrkill 8 Kechahitc. Threnody, Stage Star 93776 Toledo Ab 3-4 l:14%hvy 9-10 107 3 3 3 2» S Steele 7 Zero, Briar Sweet, Star Time 93125 Toledo 3-4 1:11 fast 16-5 108 7 7 5»1 4*1 S Steele I LittlePal, C.Bncanto, LkyPeail 91470 Akron Ci f l:09%good 1S-5 108 6 4 4*1 1J S Steele 10 Manhiavclli, Virge, WterMack AMERICAN SOLDIER, br. g, 9 108 By Duval— Mary Hunter, by Orison. Trainer. C. F. Knight. Owner, C. F. Knight. Breeder. T. Piatt. 00391 Mobile «1 f 1:3" hvy 15 115 8 8 8BJ 510 F Murphy 8 Simpleton, NsFtune. RichsrdV. 00330 Mobile Ab 5-S l:04%hvy C2 111 7 7 7" 6" I, Pngton I MM tarr. SthernMeiody. Servr 96807 Beulah lmTdv 2:05 mud 11 10:1 6 5 51S 57 J Logan 7 Warwick, Voorflor, Winall 96533 Reulah lm70y 2:02 hvy 16 107 10 9 851 S" A Yerrat 12 Erlanger, Blackolia. Walespa 96289 IhCliffo 1 1-1G l:50%slow 51 105 10 9 910 9* D BurneylO Convent. Lough Storm. ByngBoy 96097 Thcliffo 1 1-16 1 :48%good 7 103 8 8 81* 71S D Burney 9 SirGaldll., MkIonge, Tribune BERMUDA LILY. ch. f. 4 M 106 By Femrock— Bermuda Isle, by Cameron. Trainer. J. Kelly. Owner. Kelly and Wilson. Breeder. I.Irs. C. S. McKittrick. 00507 Hungton 5-Sl:0i%slow CI 107 4 7 6* C«$ J Moran 7 Rp dStde, Garish, T.H.Everitt 94298 Peulah 51 f 1:09 fast 21 97 10 8 S» 8» H West 10 Fleer, The Scholar. Ink 93582 Beulah 51 f 1:13 slow 25 105 7 8 8I! S4 J Cedar f Yirsre. Tea Cosy, Lucky Run 93387 Reulah 5-8 1:04%slow 25 97 6 5 5*1 4» F Blind 9 Pabroker, TeaCosy, Maehiavell. 90478 Ystown Ab 5-S 59%fast 26 105 6" H White 6 B.Patn. Mtharosc, O.C.Uutchn MISS GLOAMING, ch. in. 5 M 106 By Gloaming— Flathead, by Flatlands. Trainer. F. McDonald. Owner, Willie and McDonald. Breeder. G. L. Zimmerman. 00519 Hungton 1 l:46%good 30 110 6 8 P. up. J Berry 8 Smart Guy, Garish, Tule