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HUNTINGTON j HUNTINGTON. W. VA.. TUESDAY. APRIL 6. 1926 1 Mile. Third day. West Virginia Jockey Club. Spring meeting of 21 days. Weather cloudy. lresiding Steward. K. C. Smith. 1residing Judge. W. K. Phillips. Starter, A. McKnight. Lacing , Secretary. YV. R. Rooker. Racing starts at 2:.-K p. m. Chicago time, 1 ::.0 p. m. W indicates whip, S spurs, R blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. •Indicates apprentice allowance. ffktZf±K FIRST RACE — 5-8 Mile. Aug. 15. 1924 — 1:00 — 2—117. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and -UUOOO upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; third, 0. . . — — t Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 .j Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqtiiv. Odds Strt I 00356KIRK LADY WB 6 108 4 4 2 23 2- l1 C OMney D D Robert 420-100 1 93349RRANTKIS villi 1 I I1 1» I3 2= L Saucier Johnson and Rogers 200-luO 99999 LITTLE BETTY w 4 10S 2 I 2" 3- V 33 V Kehrt G Baragona 310-100 - 00059«MOVE ON SKTH w 5 103 6 6 61 41 4= 43 O Mazoue R F McOhiin Jr 420-100 00509 CHI I.K wb 6 106 S 5 41 51 51 51 S Trenchd H E Rrown 2080-100 - 00507 IKI-IIOHRY w 5 110 3 1 71 71 6« 61 J M Doell J D Payne 3020-100 00508 MACHIAVELLI w 8 105 5 7 6 63 71 1 J Morar Mrs A T Cragin 1540-100 00012LDY GKORGE w 6 108 7 8 8 8 8 8 p Powers Palmetto Stable 3010-100 t Time. :24V :49V 1:02V Track good. ! mutuels paid Kirk Lady, 0.40 straight, .40 pla.e, .00 show; Rrandois, .80 place, .00 show: Little Rettv. $:t.40 show. Equivalent baking odds -Kirk Lady. 420 to 100 straight, 120 to 100 place. 80 to 100 show; Bran « deis. 40 to 100 place. 20 to 100 show: Little Retty. 71 to 100 show. Winner B. in, by Campfire— Kerr, by Uncommon trained by D. D. P.ogert; bred by Mr. Richard T. Wilson. I Went to post at 2:30. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. KIRK I.ADV canw fast on the outside of l.UANDKIS through the stretch and, passing the lat- 1 trr, drew clear in the last few yards. RRANDKLS finished well after showing the most early speed LITTLE BETTY saved much ground when the leaders came wide when entering the stretch, but her . saddle slipped which ruined her chances. MOVE ON SKTH ■ losed up some ground. i fft?£*f* SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. April 26. 1923 — 1:05V— 5 — 109. Purse 00. 3-year- I UUOOO olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 80; second. 0; third, 0. I Index Horses AWtPPSt || -j Str Fin Jokeys Owners Equiv. Odds Str t 07408 DCKEDOM WB 4 113 4 6 31 2 1 l3 C E Allen J R Pevio 2GO-100 , 00550 iMY BIDDY w 4 IOC 6 I 4s 3» 2 2 I Smith W M Cain 120-100 NUJI RILLS HOPE w 4 108 5 I V f 4 53 P O Ma/.oue B F MoClain Jr f.20-100 0050K H1GHIE wb 6 113 7 2 25 43 4 43 A Wliams F R Warwick 1540-100 • !»740H THOMAS PIATT wb 4 Hi 3 4 I* I1 3 5s F Kehrt Hislo and Kuss 810-100 90535 DOCK « T. RSTwn 9 113 I 1 63 6* 63 6* 1 Prible Mrs A T Cragin 15W-100 05527 FOSTER EMERY W 10 113 1 7 7 7 7 7 P Cowers R J Mooro 3010-100 Time. :24 V :49V 1:09 V Track good. mntuels paid Dukedom, .20 straight, .SO place, .40 show; My Riddy, .40 place. .20 : show: Rills Bate X0 show. I Equivalent booking odds- Dukedom. 200 U 100 straight, 40 to 100 place, 20 to 100 show; My P.iddy, 20 to 100 pare, 10 to 100 show: Rills Hope, .". to 100 show. i Winner R. c, by Hourlcsg Dm boss Lace, by Fair Play trained by J. R. Pevic; bred by Mr. Joseph I K. Widener. Went to post at 3:10. At post 0 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. DUKEDOM, close up from the start, raced into the lead in the stretch and won going away, i MY BIDDT raced well and made a game finish. BILLS HOPE came fast through the stretch. HLGHIK tired. THOMAS PIATT set Ihe early pace and quit. ffTZf*F7 THIRD RACE — 5 1-2 Furlongs. April 26. 1923— 1:05V— 5 — 109.; Purse 00. 3-yeax-UUOO J olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 80; second. 0; third, 0. Index Horses AWtlISt 4 .. Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Str t 00505 :M EL IN A wb t 111 6 i .V 51 2 In C E Allen Illinois Stable 100-100 ; 00126 WILD DKCCE w 7 US I 4 V l3 l" V 1 Prible F B McDonald 800-100; 00505 i AIR MAIL w 3 10.1 4 7 4" 3i 4 ::■ J Moran Mrs N R Davis 1010-100 ! 00357 •. T. WORTONw 4 108 7 2 3J 4i 3 43 C Healy J T Ruckley 2040-100 lOlOlTOKKNNK w C 10C 1 I 2J Q V V I Smith W H Schwartz rjW-100 !7I73*SANIY H. w 9 108 I 1 f.3 C- ti:: C:; G Webb J P K Willis 360-10O .I80C8 SPEARLENE w 11 113 2 I 7 7 7 7 .1 Dolin B Smith 1380-100 , Time. 2435. :493,. l:094ft. Track good. mutnols jiaid Melvina, . JO straight, .00 place. .40 show; Wild Deuce, .60 place, .20 show: Air Mail. .0 show. Equivalent bwking odds -Melvina, 100 to 100 straight. 30 to iOO place, 20 to 100 show; Wild Deuce, 130 to 100 place. CO to 100 show: Air Mail. :k to 100 show. Winner — Rlk. m, by Jack Atkin Hcnotic. by Heno trained by M. Simmons; bred by Mr. J. R. Alexander. Went to post at 3:40. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. MELVINA worked her way up next to the inner rail in the stretch and, finishing gamely, : got up to win in the last stride. WILD DEUCE showed 1he most early speed and tired, but made a game finish. AIR MAIL was shuffled back while rounding the stretch turn, but came again in the last eighth and fnished resolutely. C. T. WOUTH1NGTON and COKEN.NE both tired after showing speed to the ■Hatch. Overweight Air Mail. 1 pound. AAvfifi FOURTH RACE— Futurity Courbe 170 feet less than 3-4 mile. No track record. VFvFOOO Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt || Ji Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqniv. Odds Strt 005IO*FLOY LILLIE w 4 108 5 I 23 l1 l3 l3 I Smith W M Cain 40-100 95503s WIDGEON W 7 113 4 4 4" 44 41 2 J Moran J M Hubbard 410 100 O0107«A TSlA w 7 108 2 7 61 62 53 3J G Webb N Uw;iml 1520-100 90067 MENAGE wnSlli 6 2 1and 23 23 41 L Saucier Johnson At Rogers 010-100 O051O3P.AY DINGLE WB 4 11:. 1 I 7 7 7 t| P Powers J R Carlock 2510-100 00510lioMriNG LAD w 4 110 I , f.3 o1 t 0- C Healy H K Rrown 1.740-100 99840 EDITH GIBSON w 3 M 7 1 ",- ::- V 7 o Mazoue J s W aro 3020-100 Time. :245. -49. l:122i. Track good. mutuels paid Floy LUUc, *2.M straight. ?2.20 place, .20 show; Widgeon. .40 place, .20 Hhow ; Avispa, 40 show. Kguivalent booking odds Floy Lillio. 40 to KHl straight, 10 to 100 place, 10 to 100 show; Widgeon, 20 to 100 pla.e. 1» to TOO show; Avisp:i. LH to 1IM show. Winner Ch. f, by Wormleightou — Rossic Mooro, by Hastings trained by W. M. Cain; bred by Mr. Lucian A. L me. Went to |wist at 4:22. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. FLOY LILLIE worked her way up next to the inner rail after rounding the far turn and. taking the lead, held the race safe through the stretch. WIDGEON came resolutely through the stretch and finished wed. AVISPA began slowly and .losed up fast through the laM quarter. MENAGE tired in the final eighth after shewing the most early speed. EDITH G1RSON quit. AAIQ FIFTH RACE — 1 Mile and 20 Yards. No track rocord. Purs© 00. 3-year-olds and tJvFOOt/ upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00: third, 0. Index Dorses AWtlISt1! .. % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 00034 •DCSTIROOE wb 6 107 6 6 41 3 l3 l3 1- O Mazoue H F Mulain Jr 120-100 00511 MEDICI w 3 9."i 2 7 7 5h 33 23 23 J Dolin Mrs II Gilmore 2210-100 MM7*CBB8TNUT GIRLwb 5 10.". 4 2 V I1 21 35 33 D S:nith W M Cain 1460-100 H1833 1 1 AGHAMORK w 7 112 5 4 6l 7 7 4h 43 F Kehrt J J Kenny 620-100 99975 LOCUST LEAVES w 9 110 7 5 51 41 41 !•• 51 G Morrow C E Groves 410-100 10510 HEW RIVAL wsB I 112 3 3 3s 63 63 6 6» J Rerry F Judge 640-100 961K1 BINDOOSTAN wb 10 112 1 1 23 2J i"k 7 7 l, Saucier J W WachtUr 660-100 ■Sent out in entries as Sagamore. Time. :24V 49V 1:16V 144. 1:45V Track good. mutuels paid Rustproof, .40 straight, .20 pla c. .00 show; Medici, . CO pla.e, .40 show; Chestnut : -rl hB 40 show Equivalent Poking odds Rustproof, 120 to 100 straight. 10 to 100 place, 30 to 100 show; Medici, 30 to MHI |.l...e. :.• » 10 1IKI st.ow : hesinut DM, 20 to IOO show. Winner 15. f, by Sweep Valourcuso, by Orsini trained by R. F. M.tlain. Jr.; bred by Mr. C. W. Clark. W nt to post at 4:48. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third drning. DtSTIKOOF passed CIIKSTNI T GIRL while rounding the far turn and. drawing away into an easy bad. held the race safe. MEDICI was shuffled back on the first turn, but gained steadily through the la-t half mile and took s.. Mid place. CHESTNUT GIRL set the early pace, but tired when challenged and quit badly in the final eighth. ifh/Okfr f? f SIXTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlong*. April 26 1923— 1 05*,— 5—109. Purse 00. 3-year-olds 7vP«3 4 " and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; third. 0. Index Horse AWtPPSt V4 Vi Str Fin Jo. keys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 1 97393 LI. I NK III w 4 1«9 4 4 :: "- 21 1" P Powers I. Hayw.n.l 2900-100 Mtlf QUAVBB wb i 10: :; | r.i 1,- :. U J Dolia ■ Letchtjr 4000100 90903 I PA NOBEL w 5 107 2 1 11 1 11 P V Kebrt Ahlro h A. Winans 620-100J I 97100 il PANKMAN w i. 12 6 3 4 - 4 4: 43 C E Albn J I: p.vic 400-100 1 1 I 1 I 1 I • 1 I 1 : j t MS9LAVfNIA at 1 MB 7 : 5 : fi ." s Traachd R ■ Brawa r.10-100 91.974 TAMPER av 7 Ml 17 7 7 7 t;S .1 Mot. in .1 M Hul-I.;ud 3010-100 99428 LAST ONE w 11 I MO I ■ 2 2 ::*. 7 1 Smith J S Ware, 80-100 Time. :24. :48V 109V Track good. mnliiels paid Ltuiioth. MMtM straight, 4.00 place, . SO kIiow; Quaver, 1.00 place. SO show : Panorel. .00 show. Eouivalent Ix.oking odds Lninoth. LOOO to 100 straight. 000 to 100 place, 90 to 100 show; Quaver, 000 to KM place, 90 to 10 show: Panorel. SO to 10O show. Winner H. f. by Hard of Hope Madge Wildfire, by Dotirbon Reau trained by J. R. Carlock; bred by Messrs. T. G. ft C. O. Herring. Went to post at :.:20. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. RRINETH. close up from the start, finished fast when called on in the final drive and won in the laM stride. QUAVBB closed a gap with a rush on the outside in the stretch and finished fast. PANOREL set ■ good pace and raced LAST ONE into defeat, but tired slightly in the final drive. FRANKMAN finished resolutely. LAST ONE tired and quit. Snatched 00225 Torcher. 102; !M»2".0 Lit I lc Clair, 101 . 00025 Si ndora, 103. Overweights Burnetii, 1 pound: P::notel. 1. AA jr PV -j SEVENTH RACE— 5-8 Mile. Aug. 15. 1924—1:00—2—117. Purse 00. 3-year-old« WtJ 4 X and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 80; second. 0: third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt U, .j Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqtiiv. Odds Strt 00540 3* DR. F. T. ADMSwb4 10G I 1 23 23 I3 I3 D Smith W M Cain WjO-100 95147 HELEN OP TROYw .". 109 | 2 l3 l1 21 2h L Saucier Tonsler and Goodlow 1680-100 SSS II •TOOMBBOLA W 10 100 f. 4 33 33 3» 36 J Morar C L Hoist 1240-100 00505 SKA MIME w 9 111 1 I 4» 4 4» 4* J Connors M H Jordan 1090-100 00500 MARGTE MARTINw 4 109 7 5 5 5 5 5 J Moran J M Hubbard 10K0-10O 00507 LOTIE LORAINEwb 7 109 4 Left at post. G Morrow Aldrich and Winans 180-100 00546 GOLDEN WINGS wb 4 109 2 Wheeled. F Kehrt S- T Raxter 620-100 Time, :24V :49V 103V Track good. mutuels paid Dr. F. T. Adams. .20 straight, .00 place, .00 show; Helen ot Troy. .00 place. 00 show; Toombeola. .20 show. Ejuiv.ilont booking odds Dr. 1". T. Adams. 100 to 100 straight. 30 to 100 place, 30 to 100 show; Helen of Tioy. M to ICO place. 100 to 100 show; Toombeola. 00 to 100 show. Winner Ill. g. by Opera Glass High Note, by Harrigan trained by W. M. Cain; bred by Mr. Ri n.tainin A. Jones. Went to post at 5:52. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow for all but LOTTIE LOBAIKE and GOLDEN WINGS. Won easily; second and third driving, lilt. F. T. ADAMS slippcl through next to the inner rail when entering the stretch and. taking the lead, drew away easily in the final eighth. HKLKN OF TROY was tiring rapidly near the end and was doing her In-st to outfinish TOOMBEOLA. The latter ran well and held the others safe. The saddle slipped on MARGARET MARTIN and her rider all but fell off after going the first eighth. GOLDEN WINGS wheeled iu front of I.OITIE I.O- RA1NE at the start. Overweight Sea Mime, 2 pounds.