Churchill Downs, Daily Racing Form, 1926-05-21


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CHURCHILL DOWNS IOU1SVILLZ KY THURSDAY HAY 20 1926 Churchill Down 1 Mile Eleventh day Kentucky Jockey Club Spring meeting of 20 days Weather clear Stewards Charles V Price S C Xuekols T C Iradley and Klijah Hogg Placing Judges W II IIShllev Shllev X II McClelland and K R Webb Racing Secretar McCieUatnl Starter W Hamilton 00 p in Chicago time 300 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Fig llowing the distance of each race indicate date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance riSSI RACE 34 Mile May 24 1921 111 12S Purse 1300 3yearolds Fillies Claiming Ket valuo to winner 1000 second 200 third 100 i Str Kin Jockeys K iiir Odds Strt 01469 INDIANAPOLIS w 103 87 G Gl lh 1 = J McCoy S K Nichols 1360100 1360100Ol64fi Ol64fi DOLLY BAY w 99 10 1 4 3l 2 2 S Steele J T AVeaver 90100 90100OI03fi OI03fi GLADRAGS w 99 9 S 51 5s 31 G Philpot F J Kelley 93010 93010OI582SPANI OI582SPANI ROMA w 07 7 6 7l 21 3l 41 E Benham Keeneland Stud Stable 83010 83010OI582ANONA OI582ANONA iv 99 5 10 9s 81 6 51 R Jones Parkview Stable 11100100 11100100OI47tCINDERETTA OI47tCINDERETTA iv 103 6 3 10 10 91 G D Dubois F Musante 2010100 97948 SETHS PREMIUMwu 97 3 9 S2 9 10 7 = R Finnrty Mrs J AV Smith 9450100 01582 MARY KINKEAD wn 112 1 5 7 SJ S J McTast J S Wallace 1580100 00998 BLABBERMOUTH iv 104 2 4 2 4l 7 9s G Johnson Idlo Hour Stk Fm Sta 940100 97297 CLARICE R wn 105 42 1J I G 10 AV Garner C R Miller 2030100 2030100Time Time 23 47 112 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Indianapolis 2920 straight 1020 place 600 show Dolly Bay 300 place 2 IO show Gladrags 4 0 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Indianapolis 136O to 100 straight 410 to 100 place 200 to 100 show Dolly Ray 5 to 100 place 20 to 100 show Gladrags 130 to 100 show showAVinner AVinner Ch f by King Gorin Day Dream by Ballot trained by R C Frakes bred by Mr S K Nichols Went to post at 201 At post 4 minutes Start gvxl and slow AVon easily second and third driving INDIAXAPOLIS racing in suddenly improved form meed into the lead soon after the start and drew away fast in the stretch DOLLY BAY was prominent most of the way and came fast when ridden hard in the stretch GLADRAGS ran a good race and closed a big gap PANI ROMA began tiring in the stretch BLABBERMOUTH quit after going the first quarter CLARICE R set a fast pace but quit in the last eighth eighthScratched Scratched 01680 Rose Mist 97 f4 fyryA SECOND RACE 4 12 Furlong May 21 1S21 52 2 110 Purse 1200 2yearolds J JL 4 4 JL Maidens Fillies Not valuo to winner 300 second 200 third 100 Indcr Horses AAVtPPSt Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt OICI2 CARRIE BELLE w 110 94 II 11 li R Jones Jonesw W C Weant 5W100 5W100Ami 0157 WOOD NYMPH w 115 33 2 2 2ii R echini echiniw Ami ley Farm Stable 120100 120100Sliammas 01 178 MA JOE w 115 1 1 3 3i y N Barrett Barrettw Sliammas Stable 2710100 2710100Tarlton OI578EDXA MAE w 110 45 4 4 4 J Ryan Ryaniv Tarlton Dodson 730100 730100Shady ffl 1 709 M A X DOLETTK iv 110 5 2 5 5 5 M Skyrm Skyrmw Shady Brook Farm Sta 0540100 0540100J OURIEDV w 110 S 8 S 7a 6 AV Garner J N Camden 950100 950100Pickering 01685 PRETTY RUN w 115 2 G Gi G 7 1 H Kaiser Kaiserw Pickering Bensinger 5100100 5100100W Oil SO LADY PENNANT PENNANTTHELMA w 115 7 9 71 3 S13 E Scobie Scobiewn W F Poison G50100 G50100C THELMA O OLADY wn 115 10 7 3 9 3 H Meyer Meyeriv C R Miller 4S10100 4S10100Winchester LADY MONTE iv 115 G 10 10 10 10 S Griffin Winchester Stabla G240100 Time 23 47 54 Track fast niiituels paid Carrie Belle 12CO straight 4CO place 80 show Wood Nymph 320 place i W show Ma joe 800 ihow ihowKquivalent Kquivalent l ooking o lds Carrie Pelle 30 to 100 straight ISO to 100 place 90 to 100 show Wood Nymph to 100 place SO to 100 show Majoe S3O to 1OO show showWinner Winner Ch f by Leo Skolny Silent Maid by Aeronaut trained by W C Weant bred by Mr W C Weant WeantWent Went to post at 234 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third tin sanif CARRIE KKLIE began fast and showing the most speed raced into the lead at once and holding it gamely through the stretch outstayed WOOD NYMPH The latter raced closest up from the Ktart anil under a stronger rider might have won MAJOK was gaining steadily after losinj ground by racing wilt into the stretch EDNA MAE raced well MAXDOLETTE had no mishaps OURIEDA raced wide for threeeighths threeeighthsScratched Scratched O1709 = Botirbon ttirl 110 Oir7S Sophronia Fair 115 01 8Ti Monte Rosa 115 01241 Miss Chiniqiiy 115 01512 Itaving Lady 115 THIKD RACE 1 11C Miles May 24 1922 144 4 113 Purse 1200 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 900 cccond 200 third 100 AWtPPSt1 Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 01 01179s 179s EAGER wn 6 IOC 12 2 S 21 li 1 I1 D Dubois T D Wilson r00100 01582 RESOURCEFUL w 3 102 1 5 4 i G 4 2i 2 J Kederis Lonprfilffo Stable 5 100 100OI7lrt OI7lrt PTY POLITICANwn 5 101 4 1 1 3 3 R Finnrty WS Heaton 1010100 1010100016K2BIK 016K2BIK GRACKLE w 101 11 7 5S 4 31 4 41 W Garner 1 J Ahearn 100010i 01579 SfX RAJAH w 5 10G 2 S 1 10 GJ 01 f G Philpot F II Smith tl50100 tl50100M4405 M4405 BLARNEY STONE w S 100 91011 71 1 5 C it Chehain Harned Bros t tOICISELIAS OICISELIAS O w 7 10G G Si 91 S 7 R Jones AV C Weant 3210W 9723MINSTRKL BOY wn 4 106 S 11 7 S 3 7 S D Neal I B Humphreys t t0i47 0i47 BELZONr v G 10G 41212 lO It1 0s E Benham J R Alexander 90010J 90010JOI735 OI735 = TALEQUA w 4 111 7 1 9 12 11 = II3 10 NBarrett J H Limbird 1050100 1050100Oir83 Oir83 EMANCIPATION w3 93 a 3 2 3i 5 9l 11 S Steele K Pitt 391010 391010OI508 OI508 SPORTY McGEE w 5 111 10 9 6 5 12 12 12 J Heupel J L Knight 540100 540100tMutuel tMutuel field Time 24i 48 i 1144 l41 4 1474 Track fast fastJ J muliifN paid Eager SOO straight 400 place 300 show Resourceful 000 place 400 shc w Pretty Politician 740 hi w wK K tiivalent booking oililn Kager 300 to 100 straight 100 to 100 place 50 to 100 show Resourceful aW to 100 pla 100 to 100 sliow Pretty Politician 270 to 100 show showWinner Winner Br g bv Fair Play Ardent by Broomstick trained by T II Wilson bred by Mr Charlton R Clay ClayWent Went to post at 305 At i ost 5 minutes Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving KACKK close up from the start raced into the lead just before reaching the stretch and hel1 RESOURCEFUL safe at the end RKSOURCKFIM came fast through the last eighth under hard ridin PRETTY POLITICIAX set a fast pace but began tiring badly in the last eighth BLACK CRACKLE hud no mishap BLARNEY STOXE closed a big gap BKL70XI raced poorly TALEQUA had an ad ¬ vantage at the start but raced poorly Scratched 01549 My Destiny 1O3 01G1S fJranI King 90 017t8515ootsie 91 01738 Boys Believe Me KM H17OS Brier Hill Ill 01HO5 Bother 101 lverweights Retourcefiil 2 pounds Emancipation 2 FOURTH RACE 58 Mile May 20 1912 59 2 113 Orcll Purse Purse 1300 2 yearolds Allowances Net value to winner 1OCO second 200 third 109 U Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 010 1C PORT STAR wn 113 7 3 3OH548 1 I1 I1 1 J McTagt E B McLean McLeanC GO100 OH548 DERRIXGER 110 2 a aOl C 5 3l 2k E Legero R S Clark GO100C2010Q C2010Q Ol 83 ROYAL JULIAN 115 1 4 4OI 4 41 5 3 H J Burke AV II AVhitehouse AVhitehouse2l 124010 OI H3SICHALIFA 115 33 33OitlK 2l 2 2fc 45 J H Burke J N Camden Camden3l 124010I5GO100 I5GO100 OitlK l AlOXV n 113 5 1 1OI54I 3l 3 4l 51 J Heupel Ken ton Farm Stable 1290100 OI54I HOLY FRIAR 110 G G GBEAU 7 Gl rJ 6 D Frofftte Southland Stablo Stablo6i 11720100 BEAU GALAXT v 110 4 7 79U34H 6i 7 7 7l AV Garner J N Camden 9U34H DETROIT 110 S 3 8 8 S S J McCoy AV L Broilio 6450100 6450100tCoupIetl tCoupIetl as J X Camde entry entryTime Time 23 4GJ4 100 Track fast 2 iiititiids paid Port Star 320 straight 200 place 20 show Derringer 520 place 320 Htii w Royal Julian t20 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Port Star fO to 100 straight SO to 100 place 10 to ICO show Derrinjcr JiiO to KX place CO to 100 Miow Rural Julian i to 100 show showWinner Winner P c by The Pnrter Starvlla by Star Slioot trained by J F Schorr bred by Mr Edward B MIean Went to j ost at I37 At post 2 minutes Start bad and slow Aon easily second and thin Irivin PORT STAR began well and showing high speed set a fast pace and racing into a goxl IM iloiire held sway to win in a canter DKUKINCKR wis away slowly but oame fast when ridden Itinl anil finiKheil gamely ROYAL JlIIAX als i auay slowly saved milch grollliil on tin last turn ami got up In the last KlKilt for third place KIIAIIFA from a slow beginning raced prominently but tirM in the lit Btril s The others were far back all the way wayScratched Scratched 01 CSSSport Trail 115 f t TTI TIFTH RACE 1 Mile May 19 1921 136 3 93 Watterson Hotel Handicap Pur vf JL 4 4 rt 1800 3yearolds and upward Net valuo to winner 1350 second 300 third 150 Index Horses AWtP li i Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt OlfilfPAMKRICAN SOX wn 3 105 3 1 2J 2 2h 1 1 5 R Jones La Brao Stabla 80100 01649 LIGHT CARBINEwB 3 102 1 3 3h 4 3i 3l 2 D Neal I B Humphreys 450100 01074 OLD SLIP wn 4 110 11099830COROXATION 244 3 11 2h 3 E Pool L T Cooper 400108 99830COROXATION wn 4 107 4 2 Il H 4 4 4 R Zcchinl II p AVhitney 68010 Time 24 47Ii llZYs 1384 Track fast 2 niiituels paid American Son 300 straight 240 place Light Carbine 340 place no show ra tuels sold soldEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Amerii an Son 80 to 100 straight 20 to 100 place Light Carbine 70 to 100 place placeWinner Winner Pr c bv SoninIaw Usalia by Beppo trained by W Knapp bred in England by Jx r4 Wyfold Went to post at 410 At post 9 minutes Start good and slow AVon easily second and third driving AMERICAN SOX was restrained close up for threequarters then came fast in the stretch and taking the lead drew away in the last eighth LICHT CARBINE began moving up when reaching the stretch and making a fast finish outstayed OLD SLIP The latter was away slowly and racing into the lead caused him to tire in the last sixteenth CORONATION acted badly at the post but showed the most speed for a half mile and tired badly badlyOverweights Overweights Old Slip pounds Coronation 2 fTJTCT SIXTH SACK 5 12 Furlongs Oct 8 1913 104 2 92 Cherokee Purse Purse A 4 O 1500 3yoarolds and upward Allowances Net value to winner 1150 second 225 third 125 Index Horses i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equir Odds Strt Ot 45PCE OF AVALESwn 3 IOC 2 6 2h 2J 1 1 R Wliams E B McLean 90100 9743 REPUTATIOX w 4 110 4 3 11 li 2 2 S Griffin Harned Bros 27010 01471 RURAL ROUTE WB 4 100 9 9 8 7i 4 3J D Dubois H P Headley 2250108 90033 KING COLIN w 6 106 7 4 3 31 3f 41 A Shannon H Massey 5070100 01014 ASINIA w 3 93 G 5 4 4 5h G S Steele AV S Kilmer 1180100 01547 = ALLKGHAJ w 3 102 87 5h 81 GI 6 J McCoy J T Looney 760100 7601000113S 0113S MANTOXIAN w 97 1 2 7i 51 7 7 G Philpot H T Archibaltl 112SO100 01347 ALI BABA WB 3 97 3 1 9 9 81 8 G Johnson Mrs L M Holmes G3TO100 01470 ROYAL OMAR w 3 101J 5 S 6 6h 9 9 AV Garner Parkview Stable 5310100 5310100Time Time 23 47 59 S 105 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Prince of Wales 3SO straight 2CO place 240 show Reputation 3CO place 30 show Rural Route 400 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Prince of AVales 90 to 100 straight 30 to 100 place 20 to 100 show Repu ¬ tation SO to 100 place 70 to 100 show Rural Route 100 to 100 show showWinner Winner Br c by High Time Sand Pocket by Rock Sand trained by J F Schorr bred by Mr Cary T Grayson GraysonWent Went to post at 445 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving PRINCE OF AVALES was in close quarters for the first threeeighths but passed REPUTA ¬ TION on the stretch turn and taking a long lead won in a canter REPUTATION showed great speed in pacemaking but tired slightly in the stretch RURAL ROUTE ran well and finished gamely KIXl COLIN ran well but tired ASINIA showed speed ALLEGIIAN was eased up in the stretch stretchScratched Scratched 92803JMusician 100 01204 Burkes Boy 97 97Overweights Overweights Prince of Wales 4 pounds King Colin 1 Asinia 1 Royal Omar l i SEVENTH RACE 1 Milo and 70 Yards May 30 1919 141 4 110 Purse 1300 3 yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 1000 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AAVtPPStU ft 91 Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 01708 = DRY MOON WB S 111 C 1 1 = 1 I1 1 H S Steele G P Croissant 2CO100 2CO1000150K 0150K CORINTH WB 5 112 3 S 7i 51 3 i 3l 2 E Pool L T Cooper 350100 35010001549SPANISH 01549SPANISH ROSE w 5 102 G 7 4 2 2i 2J 3 E Benfiam Mrs J Dreyer 32101M 01579 SUX HATHOR w 4 111 8 2 2 31 4 4 4s AV Garner AV S Kilmer 420100 42010001C47FIRETOMA 01C47FIRETOMA w 5 107 7 5 G1 6l 7 5 = 51 C Barnett J B Partridgo 840100 840100017105AVATERFLAG 017105AVATERFLAG v 4 102 1 3 3l 1 5 6 D Neal L B Draun 770100 77010001431IIILARY 01431IIILARY w 4 107 4 G S 8 S 7 710 D Dubois Southland Stabla 930100 93010083C81PEQUOT 83C81PEQUOT WB G 107 2 4 51 4 G1 8 S 11 Cheham Harned Bros 7020109 7020109Time Time 23 47 l14s 1MX 145 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Dry Moon 720 straight 400 place 320 show Corinth 4CO place 380 show Spanish Rose 920 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Dry Moon 2fiO to 100 straight 100 to 100 place CO to 100 show Corinth 130 to 100 place 90 to 100 show Spanisli Rose MO to 100 show showWinner Winner B h by Olanibala Honeymoon by Matchmaker trained by L A Connor bred by Mr Richard T AVilsou AVent to post at 523 At post 5 minutes Start good and slow AVon handily second and third driving DRY MOON began fast and showed the most speed from the start but began tiring in the last eighth and had to be ridden hard near the end CORINTH acted badly at the poRt was away slowly and raced wide to the turns and finished fast SPANISH ROSE ran avgood race SUN HATHOR ran well and had no mishap AVATERFLAGS saddle turned and her rider Vas almost unseated unseatedScratched Scratched 01502 Macbeth 107 01017 Midnight ISose 102

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Local Identifier: drf1926052101_14_3
Library of Congress Record: