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AKRON ENTRIES Th» figures under the beading "Rec." in the entries below shew the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1, 1925, no matter where it finished. In cases where record was made on other than a fast or gocd track, abbreviations show track conditions. 9S0S7 IS FIRST INDEX OF 1926. 021S6 IS FIRST INDEX OF JUNE Probabilities: Weather clear; track fast. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time, 2:30. ® Superior mud runner. X Good mud runner. :!: Fair mud runuer. M Maidens. • Apprentte allowance. The followins abbreviations are used to designate tracks at which time records shown in entries were made: Akron Akn Aqueduct Aqu Aurora Aur Belmont Park Bel Blue Bonnets B.B Blue Grass B.G Bowie Bow Brooklyn Bkn Ch urchill Downs CD Clarksburg Cla Columbus Col Co! wood Park Clw Coney Island C.I Connaught Park C.P Dade Park D.P Delorimier Park.... Del Devonshire Dev Dorval Dor Duff erin Park Duf Fmpire Emp Erlanger Erl Fair Grounds F.G Fairmount Park F.P Fort Erie F.E Hamilton Ham HavTe de Grace... HdG Havana Hav Hawthorne Haw Huntington Htn Jamaica Jam Jefferson Park J.P Juarez Jua Kempton Park K.P Kenil worth Ken King Edward K.E Lagoon Las Latonia Lat Laurel Lrl Lexington Lex Lex. Colored Fair LF Long Branch L.B Maple Heights M.H Marlboro Mar Miami .Mia Mobile Mob MouLt Royal M.R Niagara Falls N.F Orlando Orl Omaha Oma Phoenix Phx Pimlieo Pim Raceland Rac Reno Salt Lake S.L Saratoga. Sar Tampa Tam Tanforan Tan Thistledo-.7n Tdn Thorncliffe Thf Tijuana TiJ Timonium Ti Toledo Tol United Hunts TJ.H Wheeling Whe Willows Park W.P Windsor Win Woodbine Wdb Youngstown Ygn Akron 3-4 Mile TracX. First Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Pursf 00. 3 year olds and upward. Claiming lo.luya Ind. How. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 033033 Tanfo. 15 . . .Rac 108 1 :09% 8 112.. 725 94391 Star Cudgel. 9... 5 112. .720 01620 Merry Mars. lOHav 112 1 :07*-. 0 109X715 03631* Little Pal, 13.Htn 100 1:0 . 4 104X710 01485 •Reprieve. 17. Hav 99 1:07% 4 102X705 00538 •Parvenu, 1 . .Hav 111 1 :09f. 5 104X705 03583 *Theoden. 8 . Hav 107 1 :08% 4 104X705 03417 *Vi!d Deuce. 11.. Hav 107 1:07% 7 104. .700 03178 Serhian. 12. ..Hav 111 l:09-r. 10 109X700 03067 Himloustan. 20nia 107 l:12%h 10 KOX700 00237 Al Riyd. 3 6 100x700 03474 * Alex CM, 4 3 MC..TM 03473 Krenchy. 5 11 109x700 03473 Rlue Caddie. 6... 3 98X700 03472 Roseberrv Ml. 7. 4 107.. 700 02862 *Merrv .. 14. M.H 100 1:07% 4 105. .700 03064 *Pliiy GirliM, 16. 5 102. .700 Second Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3 year -olds and npward. Claiming. 03349* *Tease. 9 C.P 115 1:07% 5 105®725 03S013 Incle Veto. 2. Dev 109 1:10% 8 109X720 0S537 "Husband. 5 ...J.P 118 1:11b 3 103.. 715 03473 *Ksther Grindell. 6 M.H 103 1:06 4 102. .710 014113 *Kaber. 11 0 117X710 03630 Reluctaut. 14 S 109. .705 03538 *Sea Net, 4.. .HdG 107 1*MHI 3 95.705 03419 Pomerene. 1 10 109x705 96800 Jelli on. 3 11 109X705 03473 Copvright. 7. -Hav 107 1 :08% 9 112x700 95909 Ravonet. 8 Aur 112 1:09 6 109X700 03417 Helen Major. 10 Htn 106 1:09% 7 107X700 01084 Siinsprite, 12. Hav M 148% 3 103x700 035823 *St. Gerard M. 13 Mia 110 1:09% 5 104x700 03630 Sister Helen?, 15.. F.P 10SU:OS:. 9 110®700 0324S Oak M. 16. Haw 107 l:W% 3 102x700 , 99750 Rett.vlane. 17. Hav 95 1:09 3 100. .700 Third Race — 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 4-year-olds aud upward. Claiming. 03112 Cnstwood Rov. 7 Hav 100 1:13% 7 105X725 03348 •MUM, 5 7 103X720 934741 Spontauemis. .Sllav 10S 1 :13 :, 5 10KX715 03538s *Ima, 2 6 101/710 03247 Sr. Augustine, 9. 11 110x710 03586= Advocate. 6 s 106X710 03419 *Hoover. 1 Htn 112 1:14% 9 103..74J5 96942* Feigned Zeal. 12. 7 106X705 03585- The I lster, 15. . . Hav 115 1:13% 6 10SX70T, 03350 Jim l ai-v. 11. Hav 101 1:14 8 113K705 03184- •Rotnping Lad, 17. C.P 97 1:15% 4 1 05 X 705 99377 l.iv Fly. 3 ..Mia 101 1:15% 4 100. .700 03419 »Mitzi McCee. 4.. Hav 100 1:1H. 4 101 700 03476 • h.port.-. 10... Hav 100 1:14% 5 M3X700 00158 •Mmlcr, 13 . D.P 110 1:1515 4 lo:5..700 03417 *I.ottic Roraine, 14 Htn 105 1 :14% 7 103 X "00 03477 «Reg Pardon, 16.. Hav 113 1:12% I 106x700 Fourth Race — 6 1-2 Furlongs. i Purse *..~ IK. 3-year-olds and upward. Maiming. ! 03538 *Whv. 3 4 107. .725 028£5 Vami. 6 I 112x720 02502 liar Fur M, 2.. 3 104. 715 02541 Allele W . 4 I 1O2X710 02928 ireat Storm. 1... 3 105X705 C3582 Mss Kdith. 3 16 101x700 Fifth Race — 4 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Allowances. 03351 VKRNON. 1... Mia 106 :54% 116.730 01451- Pleasant Smiles. 2 lit... 720 0335P burette. 3 110.. 715 03536- Snuffy iMI, 5 105. .710 03536 Spring M, 4 108.. 705 Sixth Race— 7-8 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 03305 Va-iation. 3 5 107x725 C3636 QMtetta, 4 5 115x720 03540 Winnipeg. 7 M.H 103 1 24% 6 111.715 03422 Ianorel. 1 M.II 101 1 :31s 5 1O6X710 C3634 Isosceles. 2 7 1 lOx 705 03540 North Rreeze. 5... 5 105:700 03635 Camilla. 6 | 103x700 Seventh Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purs* 00. 3 year-olds and upward. Claiming. 026C4 «Mv Valet. 5. M.H 112 1 42 6 103/725 03250 Wlarjorie C. 6 I 90 1:43% 4 101 -720 03478 »The Plainsman. 2 F.G 113 1:51 h 6 101. 715 C3588 Hopalong. 1 4 IOC. 710 03352- Ratio* k. 4 lam 112 1:47% 4 110x705 035873 Wild Rill, 3 4 108.705