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HARVEY AMES, Inc. Suck" garrison EAIILE BLDG. BROADWAY AT 52D ST. NEW YORK CITY • The worlds premier turf information distributor. /1|# 1 ih« mi i/ 117 Turf information of supreme quality 1V1|VT I * /■ I WW flit I ■ Bookmakers are now taking to other means to make money, as my clients are putting heavy dents | fli ■ 11 al |M I B W W WW I II I , ,heir bftnk rolls fortunes are bejng made. Bookmakers are being heaped onto the rocks, my L/UIA/vl vl J • tl/ X %J%LdJ% f f vii ch":rriiT.Tz my wonderful information W ■ * YESTERDAY 8 1W0 HORSES: Yesterdays "HARVEY TRANSACTION," and the only horse ad- Hil mount CO Arnw BEACON $ J4© 9.60, w°n Won vised, won easily at odds of 5.20. Contrary to our custom, we publish the name of this transaction as 47 people, to be exact, made p*. t Makes the Fifth Consecutive Win Parlay •■■J inquiry over the long distance or by telegraph after the results were __ .... • . . »_ . - 8t°P l0«ng — be a winner — you must be a winner. Join the ranks of Buck Garrison and you will known. These people had been victimized by impostors claiming to • « a winner. _ distribute the correct information. . . T .„„ c. ,. 0 T -- Today — Extraordinary Parlay — Today . _ - - . - _ _ -- ___ « w v lam going to demonstrate again and show to race players why it pays to use Buck Garrison* //■ ¥ ■ FlllPlI _ "Wll A naif* A — /IFi/lBkl// "sP/ATm — A If ,nslde lnf°rniation. What rn event is expected today, for th3 information that I am going to release "HARVEY TRANSACTION TODAY - - - •FgfSfSSS; = : .... This Parlay Will Pay Subscription, 00.00, in advance, by telegraph or in person. . . And under no consideration should you. Mr. Player, overlook this wondful proposition, for if you do you will regret it as long as you live, so do not hesitate. Bush your subscription fee at once. The only way to avoid unnecessary regrets is to deal directly ROTHERMEL m rwo h r 6 60 Won with this office. That there are "DAYS AND DAYS" we expect to GOLDEN TOP 3 3fj Won prOVe again tOday. Saturdays Two Horses! SAAR 2.40, Won TELEPHONES: CIRCLE 2591-2592-2593-5749-1434-1435 DENIZEN 8.50, Won — — Fridays Two Horses: — PITCHFORK 8.40, Won , JOE RUDOLPH 6.20, Won "DOC" *-*VyV* rXM-lMJXnnRSM-tKK ALEXANDER chickup tt.t.ttt. mwM MACKSBABY 4.20, Won "Popular Known Veterinary Major Tracks Past 20 Year." on u degire you todays parUy. wire ten dollars to Information That Does Not Make the Intelligent Horse Player Blush" "Racing D 11/1/ PAnniPrtu a £-t iai _j. _•. j *»j. *■ w i /-i 0.00 daily prescription fee— * as o.oo weekly fee BUCK GARRISON, 157 West Forty-second Street, New York City JTJST AS I PREDICTED— YE8TEBD ATS MEDICINE: ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS BY WESTERN UNION OR POSTAL TELEGRAPH ONLY SHASTA GRAFTON $ 6.80, Won JUST IN FUN 6.26. Won TODAY I DECLARE TO HAVE THE WINNERS — SECOND AND SEVENTH RACE FAIRMOUNT — — — ■■ — — — ■■■■ — —— — at.t. OVER BUT THE SHOUTING — WIRE AT ONCE FOR TODAYS PRESCRIPTION For your benefit you who cannot pay my daily fee of 0.00. this being my 20th anniversary k W W| ||| _ | Cri || I 1 T* 11 f IJ §4 _ | T week on the turf, and to prove to you the superiority of my service information that will not i*M.rJlV? Vt_r* 1 AM. A ■ -* ■ -* L A " J IV |T | l|, " J | F j f. A * J make you blush. I will give for this week 0.00 WEEKLY— STRICTLY TWO HORSES DAILY 0 — Special Fee Anniversary Week. Week of June 28-July 6. — — — — — — — — — 15 Days Service— Two Horses Daily — 0 Subscribe to a bureau that is composed of honest and reliable men. We release . strictly two horses to all out of town and city subscribers. The same two *™— — »— — — — M"™ horses released to everybody. These two horses advertised regardless of whether they PATIENTS. TAKE NOTICE — CONTRACT! win or lose. Honest advertising. Prompt and courteous service. At expiration of fifteen days service you must receive at least 10 winning parlays which, ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■™ if played according to instructions, should net you at least „..,„..._ _ Yesterday s Strictly Two Horses: I SINCEKEI. Y 5.20, Won ,000.00, Playing .00 Win Parlay Daily MOLNT BEACON Mondays Strictly THo * 9.60, WO. I I GALLOPING SHOES 1.20, Won GOLDEN TOP 3.50, Won ... ... . . . . .. . ,.. T . .. | i OK Saturdays Strictly Two Horses: Thursdays Strictly Two Horses: After pulling you out of the barrel and showing you the above profit I expect at least 25 SAAR « 40 Won MACKS HABY l »0 Won per cent of it or service will be stopped immediately. SANDY HATCH ........ . .... .% 8.20, Won SUE KERRY ....."....... ." ....$ 1 0.60, Won DOCTOR ALEXANDER, 234 W. 21st, Suite 11, New York City „,MT,2XS£i»_** Two ■"«and*■ -n oHi*y s 8trictly Two "SB- HhMc BOM HERS 3.20, won w on Met Mctll.l.otll i 5.40, w_ won rnv FOR wv MY psrvrnnti PREVIOUS VFrnsn RECOKD, RTr SEE tttf ; FILES Ot of twtr THI8 ?iprit paper BELLE FAY 7.30, Won GAFFNEY S.00, Won "——*™" 50-1— BIG LIMIT WIN PARLAY TODAY— 50-1 — ""M""MMI*MMM*™,™,™——™M A limit win parlay will be released to all those who subscribe Wednesday. We state facts only. Out of town subscribers receive the sams prompt and courteous service as city subscribers. No misleading | IT s»T«l ffT B" T WsmT A ■■T A B»T«r statements. No guesswork. Subscribe to an honest and legitimate turf bureau. bM II M M# Imll ■ lUII ■ImImJ If I ImI n I III fm ImII Ll Clty clients ma cal1 ln person. New York office open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Out of town WT l W IHI I I VI! I llir ■ I IH Ll I I V Ll IHI Wr clients, remit ten dollars via Western Union or Postal Telegraph service. lill 111/ lflUllLll 111 ill/filllvLl ASSOCIATED TURF BUREAU 1476 Broadway corner 42nd Street. Room 503 New York City Fay me after yon win at the old Windsor Jockey Club, just across the river from Detroit. A speed horse will be cut loose on Saturday, Jul 3. This horse has worked ""M"M"MMM*MMMT?*M"M"MM*T ;::„::;;,„:,;1,;r::;: :k:::;::: 7:,r:::::::,;:::: :: :;: it,£ti°" "" """ ° iiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimi My Terms — The winnings of fi e dollars bet straijrlit. yon to wire my share the day Z T W T ■""» C* IV VI C C! C! T 1V.T sT*1 ¥* *"» after mv horse wins. I will wire you early Saturday morning. Wire or write. Be sure —- J[ «J J A lVJL wSd rJ 1 Cg 11 Jk ** K =: c"""" 8"" Mrr"- "" ha" "" °r "" °°"° w°" "" """ ,h" 12L*~ | aassaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa § WALTER WILLIAMS I A daily messace-.oo / | 1109 SHELRY STKEET DETROIT, MICH. S W59t .... W5t =Z _ S C rssT"" e r,ave completed our new Qy - A- = NOTICE! S njnf I ill connections and advise that to- ■fTiU = rpi f*% -1 J 1 • g Iff! J day we filed: Hill = 1 he Portland Service WL i NorWi 05, won mL i wishes to announce to turf followers that it is inaugurating a new and original Eervice for race players. ■— - 5r8llfcw SIlHUi 13 CORTLAND SEBVICE is bona fide information, not handicapping; has been privately tested for the 53 JEandJggEfeL TT. I *1 . C 17 Jg— 1 3Z last five months and proved absolutely reliable. This information is now aailable to the public at SZ s=~ 1 IlC JuIlllOr. wU.DU* IT Oil j=j~S ZZ the extremely low rate of .00 for each release. | WATCH FOR FULL PARTICULARS I COBTLAND SERVICE assures a high percent of winners at good odds. One horse a day — .00. by SS ■— ADTUIID / Dl Ar ISlAfm V/MfYtLL wire in advance. Chicago patrons, wire phone number with subscriptions. Start winning today. Wire 53 " = subscription now I 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 ■ 3 1 1 1 111 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 111 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 ■ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 111 I II ■ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i| I SERVICE, 2115 N. Western Ave. CORTLAND Chicago, III. ?-— -— ■ — - "HORSES FOR COURSES" y §iMAt.Mj M UflllOping uIlOcS, «pll.ZU, WOD Vou knew a liorso «M fit and well, ami you had waited for weeks to get him in a spot that Any time want RUited ,n ,1""1 y"U *"? k""W be WaS " " KttmiBt* T1"" "" w"uld **tl It can be done. you winners, mail or wire me f M /n,FJIr, FrFFlf *500 "d J wil1 wire you five food-priced winners. ■ is Uont but ■"• cv,r-v d,y- If /I f f/Vl« 1*1 111 it* Thursdays and Saturdays Latonia Specials should fl/llsiif J J%J MMSJLjI pay 5 to 1 or better each. // •« rv*l| g- | WCHWILLI8 IttC LOUnSelOr %SSS£maiwSJSS BHtUny Building Cincinnati. Ohio VEEKLT RACING GUISE is sold strictly on its , . , ... , . . , , . , ,.., . . . . , . ., merits as a publication that, the w.nners. It, ______ " only mouthpiece of his turf assoemtes. Whm ho s advis.,1 of "a safe operation" he files the regular features include HORSES READY TO WIN w //1frpf »f nADrnn name with this puper and releases the information i.y telegraph to his clients who then bet 0 K for him oLREKSu°T8sTiSEiYKi?c8TUR«E% ssi LLuIIvlK W KlHitRS ",o f,rst ,im $,vo° t,,p n,1 ua"r a"" JL""" u"r,T" " ou i,n a r,""!,r :ml sa,isfi"1 II ■■ ■ UM ■ ■■ Ale IIVULIIIU .lient. SERVICE and other valuable data for race followers ON 8A1E AT ALL LEADING NEWSSTANDS T 1 1 D T III T T 1/ I V Do not expe.t more than two advices a week. There are oth. rs trying besides ourselves -thafa FREE CODE SPECIALS FOR WEDNESDAY: lUKh WtLKLY only logi. and fair. AftTJEDTJCT — SecreUry-Plates -Spurs _. LATONIA Jockey -Stand -Saddle , r t,ents a topy «*_•"•* Weeks, All releases are in code. Send jour nam. ami :id lrss to insure receipt of code. Registered tele- FAIRMODNT— Owner-Barn-Track _ .__™. y * Free Code: graphic addr. s at Western Inion. L.AKJMA— Omaha -Candv Cotton WFFIfl Y RAflNf rilinF «"D8or-m«1..b.p,.b.p. the counselor," Chicago 1 Ii»vlllJ VJUII/Lj Tl LlLilVlj ! Correspondence: Room 203, Traders Bldg.. 309 So. La Salle St. Chicago, 111. 25 Cents a Copy MASTER CL0CKER ■ -- - -— 1 RACING CHART, Inc. — DAILY todays free code ■VWPJmPMP9MMHM ,;; East 3.n,i situ Tort. N. V. TONIA-Dayton-F.ncy.Huma.i-Nus-H.K, FREE! laUUIHUttflKUIttil ■- -THE SECRET OF BEATING THE RACES," Published ruDllsned Weeklv 35 Cent. Per Per r*™, BAAR 2-40. Won Boot to Boot .00. Won GARS WFFKI Y » 16-pae booklet of real inside information. Week , ...i ™ CoPy T. B. Jordan 2nd Ring Conn II 2nd UHilO VVCQrLI by a retired turf speculator. No charge. Sim- Ten Weeka Subscription, .00 were given Saturday. One Best. Next Best and a TODAY S FREE CODE: ply mail this ad and 4c postage to J. K. Todays Star Paddock Code- LATONIA-Mainc-Light-BoyWaite Willis, Box 1066, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. *"£ EVTVempieclr ,,«/ iSjSi LATONIA-Heart-3-10 XT Your Newsdealer Dead? XTN SHOT IN THE DARK /f~* JACK DEMPSEY /£Z THE YANKEES /StMJflCtX, Wlde-Awake N, w d :,!, , p£RJVrCE No Sved to SAuot in t|... hart JSERhflCn An Inactive Worlds Champion P2E! ?M Top the American League PmtSl Th# Nat|0nal Turf Dipevt J VMy *f You K - HSJ The National Tnrf Disrest VMW5/ Tne National Tarf Dtfrest kX Sir Isr Copy— Wurth C2i | V, Tho National Tnrf 1 iest V*.* An Active Worlds Champion » Tops the Turl Iablihlnir Field