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LATEST TRAINING GALLOPS 169 WINDSOR WINDSOR. Ont.. June 29.— Todays training gallops here included the following: Weather clear ; track fast — Three -Eighths Mile. Artifice 37 106 Martingale .. 37 129 Kluf. Ruffles 37% 151 Mull 37% 137 I.ieutent II.. 36% 164 Panic 37 149 Manila 38 137 Powder 40 Half Mile. 106 C.ol. Wander 52 145 Mr. Gaiety .. 51% 152 Gymkhana .. 50 165 Miss Gaiety.. 51% 162 Handclasp .. 50 164 Over Lord 52 1C3 Ima Vamp... 52 163 Taurus 50% Five-Eighths Mile. 164 Charlcie 1:04% Sir Carter 1:04 Three -Quarters Mile. 149 At wood 1:18% 159 Julia O 1:18% 138 Cambridge ...1:22 163 Manifold 1:19 160 Candv Kiil...l:19 166 Rolls Royce..l:19 166 Golden Ruler.l:17% 143 Warfare 1:20 One M le. 161 Alletache ...1:46% 156 Sir Leonid ..1:47 152 Fairbanks ..1:50 166 Tattling 1:43% LAT0NIA LATONIA, Ky., June 29.— Todays training gallops here included the following: Weather clear ; track fast — Three -Eighths Mile. 166 Ama Round. 37% 167 Sir John K.. 35% 166 Ali Khan 35% 158 Massillon 38% 163 Rraedalbane . 38% 16."? Macks Raby. 35% 167 Rusy Day 36% 165 Nervous Abie. 37% 162 Kaneo Suivi.. 38% 162 Nedda 39% 166 Rilly Witt... 35% 164 Peia Marian. 38 1C3 Rilly Klair... 38% 167 Pas Choice.. 36 Charger 36 163 Pee Hamlet. 38 164 Cmas Mning 37 166 Pecora 36 168 Cameo 36 153 Phidias 37% 164 Hry Sommere 35% 112 Ruby M 39% 166 H.vdromel ... 39 143 Sday Clothes 37 High Prince.. 37% 164 Sport Trail.. 35% 168 Fickle 37 165 Swtht Time 35% 165 Flying Pennt 36 163 Swordsman .. 36 161 Kyrock 36 1.12 Sta viand 38% 164 Llllie 1 38 164 Take a Cirnce 36% Visitor.. 38% 151 Tangara 39% 167 My Destiny.. 35% Half Mile. 165 Angle Tlane 51% 163 Hank Monk. .. 48% All of It 50% 166 J. Wliam II. 49% 166 Rasilettc 49% Kid Roots 49% 166 Croatan 49% 167 Miscue 49 161 Creek Indian. 49% 165 Myrtle Rion.. 51% 162 Chicago 49 166 Miami Triad. 49% 166 Clydella 51 154 Punctilious . . 52 165 Cuohogan ... 49% 152 Pure Dee 49 127 Cirrenna 51% 166 Peekaboo 50% 1,66 Dy Virginia 53 165 Parmelee 49% 165 Determan .. 50 165 Rodrigo 49 162 Frank Dugan. 49% 148 Stoneage 51% 162 Frk Raphael. 49 167 Senfr Norris 48% Fire Cure ... 49% 166 Up and Down 49% 165 Free Miller.. 52% 165 Violet Retty. 48% 146 Foreclose ... 48% 166 Wrack Ray.. 48% Five -Eighths Mile. 166 Rlue Mask... 1:02 163 Monte Rosa.. 1:02% 166 Rtom Dollar. 1:02 165 Markham ...1:02% 163 Rurd Helen.. 1:01 166 Ohio 1:07% 164 hfg Chtrsl:02% 163 Pretty Run.. 1:04% 100 Holly S 1:02% 157 Royal S. ...1:04% 166 Double Star. .1:03% 16.1 Realtor 1:02% 162 Duenna 1:02% 168 Sleepy Dick. 1:03% 162 Damar 1:02% 164 Sixtn Sixty. 1:02% 165 Fest Nymph. 1:02% 157 Stintson 1:04% II. MNmra.l:04% 166 Sun Vive ...1:05 Han.ussia ...1:00% 166 Sun Thor ...1:05 Indiana 1:04% 166 SCmswept ..1:03 Jrs Nurse.. 1:03 149 Two Sixty. . .1 :02% 166 Kanawha ...1:02% 166 Upstart 1:04% 166 Ly Pennant. 1:06% 157 Incle Al ...1:01% 166 Lady Inez ..1:06 167 Wtrsn Trl. 1 :05 164 Lake Erie... 1:03 165 War Eagle ..1:06 163 Margaret D..l:03% 162 Watch the T.l:02% 136 Margherita .1:07% 168 Woodlore ...1:00 166 M. Fleming.. 1:03% Three -Quarters Mile. 165 Atascador ..1:16% 167 Keegan 1:14% 165 Ada Rlack1k.l:l7% 163 Long worth ..1:22 166 Rgnbgage .1:13 1.15 Port Star ..1:14% 167 Rootsle 1:20% 135 P. of Wales. 1:23% 168 Rlanc Seing..l:19 162 Rhinock 1:22% «6 Charge On ..1:17 162 Rondelle 1:15 100 Clonaslee ...1:18% 166 Sea Drift ...1:16% 160 Deeming 1:18% 107 Sasper 1:18 165 Dusty Mary. 1:16 167 The Code 1:22% 165 F. of the Juryl:18% 104 Up She Goes. 1:15% 105 Jold Mint ..1:14 100 Vendell 1:18% 165 His Hour 1:22% 167 Watch It ...1:15% 162 Indianapolis .1:17 Seven -Eighths Mile. 165 Lawless 1:28% 166 Mahatma ...1:33 162 Myrrh 1:33 10.1 Overall 1:28% One Mile. 100 Rookbinder ..1:43% 163 Recollection .1:44 163 Florence Millsl:50 159 Sarah Day... 1:42% 165 Gen. Clinton. 1 :43% 162 Spnli Rose. .1:45 159 Love Child... 1:44% 160 Tamper 1:52 166 Plus Ultra... 1:47% 165 Triple Sec. ..1:45 One and One-Eighth Miles. 163 Percussion ..1:54 Gold Mint did a very good work. Bagenbaggage went an excellent three-quarters. Percussion worked steadily all the way. Sarah Day galloped a useful mile. Lawless and Overall were on even terms. AQUEDUCT NEW YORK, N. Y., June 29.— Todays training gallops here included the following: Weather clear ; track fast — Three -Eighths Mile. 1.16 Ronde 35 164 Twinkle Star. 35% 164 Silver Finn.. 35% Half Mile. 166 Arden 50 102 Padraig 45% 104 GrylVs I/dy 51 145 Pardner 51% 163 Hh Comder. 5J% 166 Recreation .. 49 102 Mar lander .. .12 Vlctrix 54 64 Ponionkey ... .rl% 164 War Queen . . f.l Three -Quarters Mile. 166 Bull Run 1:17 1.1.1 Miss Fayette. 1:21 165 Rucky Harris. 1 :lti% 155 Sepov 1:18 162 Donetta 1.23 16.1 Saiige 1:18% 165 Ooldbeatcr ..l:K% 166 Splinters 1.21 101 Jim Tierney. .1:13 101 Tenipesto 1:19 103 Miss Nantural:18% Vanessa 1:17 121 Mariner 1:10% 165 Xenoplion ...1:16% One Mile. 155 Dignify 1:1*% 6.1 Li lane 1:13 166 Harry Raker. 1:17% 162 Siniarson l:t % JAMAICA Weather clear ; track fast — Three -Eighths Mile. 1.13 Apostle 37 166 Uuilshorough 39 Royard 40 161 Hecuba 36 166 Crinoline 36% 167 .1 inetTa 37 166 Choce Soldr 37 166 Kilter 37% 162 Cannae 41 169 La Pre de Tie 40 166 Ds and Dks 39 166 Lord Broom.. 39 100 Devastion .. 41 IBS Patsv 36% 166 Dubric 37% 166 Sabaya 30% 166 Eurasia 35 165 Tig 37% 155 First Hoar... 41 161 Voshell 38% Half Mile. 163 Avisack II... 49% Dke of .Idea 52 Azot 53 167 Enjoyment 48% 167 Backbone ... 48% 160 Mormlne 48V4 165 Brotherhood 48% 165 Palroon 48% 150 Belplirizonia . 49% 167 Reminder .. 48% 63 Dance King.. 53 161 Summer Time 52 Fire-Eighths Mile. 167 Claudius 1:04% 14.1 Moll v Myhilll:04% 100 KsUitic 1:02% 164 Miniator 1:00% 164 Fresco 1:02% 162 Satyr 1:01% Three -Quarters Mile. 159 Corposant ..1:20 160 Pce of Rbonl:21 166 Endor 1:25 MM Silver Song. .1:16 152 Exchequer ...1:18% 163 Toiler 1:21% 160 Metsies Rdyl:16 106 The Roll Calll:15% 168 Mry Monarchl:18% Seven-Eighths Miie. 159 Fraternity 11.1:29 166 Loved One. ..1:29% One Mile. 165 Danby 1:43% 167 Music Girl.. .1:49 165 Flying Al 1:50 1 OS New Hope. ..1:44% 1 US Honk 1:45% 167 Somerset 1:45 167 King Jimmy.. 1:43% 167 Sherman 144% Eurasia showed good speed. Patroon is training well. Mormine ran well. Backbone, Reminder and Enjoyment were in company. Fresco and Estatic were on even terms. Miniator did a good trial handily. Silver Song went easily. Fraternity II. showed improvement. Loved One was in hand all the way. King Jimmy went easily. Sherman coull have worked faster. Danby had an easy gallop. BELMONT PAKE Weather clear ; track fast — Three -Eighths Mile. 166 Flechita 30 166 Scat 37 1.12 Needle Gun.. 36 107 Santrock 30% 167 Pillotta 3.1 107 Terry 35 Half Mile. 167 Applecross .. 50%, 159 Hominy .... 49 140 Broud 48% Irish Star 52 157 Coolagh Boy. 55 16S Jumbo 52 134 Cheops 52 167 K. Slmus S. 48% Contemplate . 48% Lotuondo .... 52 111 Canary Hop.. 49 161 Middle West. 48% 162 Dragon 50% 165 Oharusan 51 116 Fly Around.. 52 166 Shenanigan .. 52 168 Galetian 51 104 Sabine 51% 138 Granny 51 151 Tricolor 52 100 Germaine C. 50% 1.10 Washakie ... 51 Five -Eighths Mile. 106 Colorful 1:00 10.1 Saxnti 1:02% 103 Fantastic ...1:04% Tannic 1:07 107 Horicou 1:07 Wallin 1:02% 100 I, tie Asbtosl:04 108 Warship 1:03 105 Navigator ...1:02% Three-Quarters Mile. 166 Canter 1:15% 164 Light View. .1:17 165 Cantkrous ..1:1.1 167 Lichen 1:15% 167 Donnez Mm. Ill 163 Ritola 1:18 106 Irish Marine. 1:20% 167 Sarapion ....1:14 166 J. Mrne 111.1:15% 166 Single Foot. .1:14 Seven-Eighths Mile. 164 Korean 1:32 One Mile. 168 Rumpkin ...1:50 100 Mini. 1:46% 159 Barracks ...1:46% 100 M. Wshgtu.l :44 106 Rriarbroom .1:4.1 107 Peddler 1:43 106 Conde 1 :40% 107 Roland 1 :45% 166 Ethereal 1:4.1 104 Star Saint. ..1:48 One and One-Eighth Miles. 160 Display 1:57%