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CONEY ISLAND OFFICIALS Personnel of Men in Charge of Racing Changed From That of Last Year. CINCINNATI, O., Jure 29.— Appointments to the more import an t offices for the coming second annual meeting at Coney Island were announced today by William Halpin, general manager of the Coney Island Jockey Club. The list reveals that racing during the meeting opening on July 22 and continuing for thirty days will be under the supervision of men who did not serve at the Cincinnati track last summer. The stewards selected for the coming term are: Charles W. Primrose. William Woodard, William M. Wallace and William Halpin. All are well known to those interested in the sport and make up a thoroughly experienced and ellic i nt .staff. Judges for the meeting will be C McCarthy, John Turner and R. S. Shelley. J. S Wallace is serving as racing secretary and Landirapper with Mr. Shelley again fulfilling the duii.-s of the clerk of scales. The starting will be done l y the veteran Harry Mor-rissey, who looked after the same work last summer. Appointments to other i ffiees will be announced in a few days. These inelude paddock judge, patrol judge, and a few minor positions. i