Workouts, Daily Racing Form, 1927-05-03

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aWORKQTITS i Key: B — Bretilag. D— Drirlnf. E — Easily. IT — Haadlly. O — All oat. U — Eased ap. 120 CHURCHILL DOWNS LOUISVILLE. Ky., May 2. — Saturdays gallops here included the following: Weather clear : track muddy — S-8 MILE. 117 Dedans 1:05% 89 Nevermore 1:21 b Benito :37%h 113 Porridge 1 :08 b 112 Parole II 1 :21%b Christmas Morng :37%h Suzanne B 1 :10%b 117 Queen of Allah.. 1:22 b US Crossco :39 b 38 Trifle 1 :10%b 118 Reputation 1:20 b Frank McMahon. :3S%h 91 Speedometer 1 :21%b Sola Mia. :37%h 3-4 MILE. Sunday Clothes. .1 :25 b 1-2 MILE. 117 Breisacher 1 :19%h Sea Lion. 1:25 b 117 Blond Beauty :51%b 111 Cloud Idolizer. . .1 :20%h 118 Superf rank 1:21 b 117 Energy :51%b 113 Kxile 1:25 b 117 Tyrol 1 :19%h 117 Flattery :53 h Joy of Life 1:25 b 1 MILE. 117 Khinock :52 b Kid o Kildare. . .1 :25 b US Creek Indian. .?. .1 :48 h 117 Royal Omar :52 b 117 King Basil 1:24 b 117 Fred Jr 1 :46%h Wooldridge :54 b 117 Kindred 1 :20%b 119 King Xadi 1 :42%h 111 Montrose 1 :20%h Retort 1:53 b 5-8 MILE. 117 Malvina B 1:21 b 119 San Utar l:49%h 115 Caroline Carter. .1 :06%b 117 Marshall Ney 1:25 b 117 Sir Peter 1 :4S%h King Xadi did a wonderful move. Fred Jr. breezed a good mile. 121 AUBORA AURORA. 111.. May 2. — Sundays training gallops here included the following: Weather dear: track slow; "dogs" up — 3-8 MILE. Murray :56%b Banter :40 b 117 Air Castle :59%h 117 Mollie Myhill :53%b 87 Best Friend :39%b Battle On :57%,b 117 Myrtle Belle :53%b 116 Emancipation ... :41 b Bronx :58%b 120 Newt :57 b 118 Elevate :40 b 117 Bim :54 d Seths Hope :57 b Ethel Haughton.. :42%b 115 Cartoon :54%b 117 Silent King :54 b 118 Flag of Truce... :42sb 53 Cameo :53*tb 91 Silver Song :53%b Honeynook :39%b 118 Doughnut :59%b Wise Guy :55%b 115 Jessie Belle :42 b Downcast :53 h S9 Wapiti :55%b Mose Shapoff :42%b Gold Mark :57%b 81 Mae Pickens :42%b 116 Glib :55%b 5-8 MILE. 1-2 MILE. Income :59%h 115 Martha Roos 1 :09%b Antiquity :55%b 87 Lewellyn :57%b Boys Believe Me.l:09%b Silver Song could have worked faster. Elevate breezed handily. Best Friend showed a clever work. LEXINGTON. LEXINGTON. Ky., May 2. — Sundays training gallops here included the following: Weather clear ; track slow — JS MILK. 114 Fire Bug :52 b 112 Berry Picker 1 :19%b Anita Peabody... :38%h 118 Girl Scout :54 b 112 Bright Shawl ...l:19%b 119 Breast Plate :37%h Galloping Dawn.. :53 b 118 Blue Mask 1 :21%b 118 Boo :35%d 86 Hy Schneider :49%b 85 Genial Host 1:22 b 114 Benedict Vow :36%b 116 Inspector C :50%h 118 George De Mar. . .1 :21%h 117 Charles Robinson :38 h 117 Joyland :49%d 112 Happy Bob 1 :19%b 116 Fair Wind :36%h Leavain :51%h 118 Lucky Drift 1 :18%b 116 Hydromel :38%b 113 Lady Lynn :51%b 118 Musician 1 :19%h High Spot :3S%h Mother of Pearl. :54 b 119 Phil Foto 1:19 b 116 Immortal :37%b 119 Noreaster :52%h 81 Realization 1:26 b I. Davis :38%b 118 Royal Son :53%h 118 Seminola 1:18 b 114 James Stuart :3: %d 120 Tiger Flowers :51 h 112 The Huguenot. . .1 :17%h 112 Joy Taylor :39%b 5-8 MILE. 117 Turquoise 1 :23%h 115 Jane C :37%h 112 Bonnaire 1 :02%b 119 Theo. Red 1:24 b 113 Kum Kallesi :36%h 118 Broad Axe 1 :06%b 117 Uncle Al l:20%b 119 Kinsley :39%b 114 Blasted Hopes. ..1:04 h 7-8 MILE. 113 Ixne Child :3S%b 116 Charger 1 :06%b 116 Bashford 1 :34%h 117 My Sunylan :37%h Fast Black 1 :07«ib 118 Orman :3S%b 117 Joan dAlbret 1:07 b 1 MILE. IIS Pri ncs Camilla.. :38%h 116 Longworth 1:06 b 117 Beggar Boy 1 :48%d 110 Quesada 3T%k Lepanto 1 :09Vsb 114 Battle Field 1:48 h 117 Sue Barker :37%h 119 Little Jennie 1 :06 id 112 Beneficent 1 :50%b . 116 Tim Cleason :37*sd 117 Maroussia 1:09 h 116 Billie Burke 1 :50%b 115 The Answer :39%b 116 President 1:04 b 119 Button 1 :47%h 113 Vole :3S%b SI Quirk Money 1 :05%b 117-Day Trap 1:54 h 113 Watch It :31t«;,b Spellbinder 1 :0S%b 118 Forbearance 1:48 h 117 Typhoon 1 :03%h 117 J. G. Denny 1 :48%b 1-2 MILE. 114 Wild Notes 1:04 b 118 My Destiny l:51Vfeb US Black Nan :51*..h S-4 MILE. 110 Old Slip 1 :49%b 116 Cloudburst :52%b 119 Antiquarian 1 :19%h 117 Rolled Stocking. .1 :47%b Divorcee :54 b 112 Aregal 1 :18%h 118 Smiling Gus 1 :50%b 76 Ethel C.alliger... :.r»l%h US Bird Behave 1:24 b 1 1-8 MILE. US Edith Gray :53%h S9 Binary Star 1 :18%b 120 Choice 2 :02%b Fair Wind went nicely in a good test. Lucky Drift and Seminola breezed on even Boo did an excellent blowout. terms. Bonnaire was in hand. Typhoon moved boldly. CHURCHILL DOWNS LOUISVILLE. Ky., May 2. — Sundays training gallops here included the following: Weather clear; track fast — M MILE. Short Trial 1 :03V5 50 MeComas 1 :17%h 117 Chance Shot :35 h 113 Sincerely 1 :02ih 118 Pitchfork l:21-*b 117 Gorman :3S b 3-4 MILE. 120 Royal Omar 1:17 h 117 Kiev :35%h Broadside 1:17 b 118 Sandhurst 1 :18 sh 117 Laddie :35%h US Blue Granite 1:17 h 117 Saleslady 1 :15*5h IIS Poor Boy :38%b lit and of Winchesters :17 h 117 War Path 1 :1875b IIS War Eagle :37 b INCNm l:17%b i-8 MILE. IIS Candy Blackbird. 1 :M%k 1 MILE. Busy Hay 1:03 -.-h andy Hock 1 :lC-h 121 Cannae 1 :4475b 115 Dry Moon 1:05 h Candy the Great. 1 MCh 113 Fusileer 1 :50%b 118 Galloping Shoes. 1:06 b 120 Energy 1:17 112 Hilary 1:46 h 117 Port Star 1 :04=b 120 Frank McMahon.l :16 b 118 Xettie Sweep 1 :447sh 117 Quibbler 1 :03%b 118 Good Shepherd. . 1 :18Vs US Profiteer 1 :4425b . 117 Royal Play 1 :03%b 118 Iraq 1:2175b 120 Rhinock 1:45 b 119 Royal Julian 1 :0275b Moorhead 1 :Wb 112 Watchful 1:46 h PIMLICO BALTIMORE. Md., May 2.— Sundays gallops at Pimlico included the following: Weather clear ; track good — 8-8 MILE. Pal :3S*5h 5-4 MILE. Battalion :3S h 1-2 MILE. 116 Canter :3S%b 119 Beau of the West :51 h 115 Dignus 1:20 Ceylon Prince :40 h 120 Ima Baby :49:V.d 108 Grenier :37 h Inquisitor :50 d 1 MILE. Hypnotism d 5-8 MILE. 115 Dr. OMara 1 :497th 117 Laddie Buck :4u h 112 One Cent 1:05 e Scapa Flow 1:47 b Sea pa Flow was under a strong pull. JAMAICA XEW YORK, N. T., May 2. — Sunday training gallops over the local courses included the following : Weather track fast cloudy : — - 3-8 MILE. 119 Shannon Shore .. :50 b 109 Relplirizonia 1:18,1 110 Colonel Seth :41 b 118 Don Bonero 1 :15%h 118 Flying Sweep ::56S.b 5-8 MILE. 117 Lombardo l:16%h Margarita Ahearn :3«J%b 11 S Bright Steel 1 *t%fe 7-8 MILE. Matchmaker II... :38 h Capricole !:•#%« Michael B 1 :?.:, h 118 The Cossack :36«t,b 117 Grace II 1 :0S b IIS Our Gains 1:31 d 1-2 M1I.E. Glowing 1 :04%b 115 Tall wood 1:35 b 119 Bill McCabe :.".0%b 119 John Peel 1 :0S»-b 1 MILE. 119 Colored Girl :521T,b Lanark 1:0.". B 1 19 Cerulean 1:45 h 119 Cannae :51*s.h 119 Sage Boy 1 :08%b 117 Laplander 11 %b 114 Cyclamen :.".0b 3-4 MILE. 1 1-S MILES. 119 LH ctor Wilson :49h 117 Bessie Gershel 1 :1S b 112 Friday 13th 2 .O.ISb Doctor Wilson worked handily. on even terms. Bright Steel, Capricole and Glowing were Don Bonero ran well. BELMONT PARK Weather clear : track fast — 3-8 MILE. 117 Polycrates :48«s 96 Drawing Board. . .1 :17% 119 Ingrid :36% 119 Reine Rideau :51t5 119 Espino 1:27 Retaliate :37**s 115 Roi Des Montagnea :TA% 117 Fine Manners 1 :16t4 119 St. Gevevieve :36?s 119 Roslyn :52% 115 Grey Leg 1:23 119 Social Mug :48 119 Guinea Hen 1 :UV4 1-2 MILE. Taloman :47% 119 Hay ward 1:19 116 Adjutant :48t5 5-8 MILE. 112 Sarmaticus 117% 99 Blue Ridge :50 Bonnie Khayyam. . 1 :02 £ 119 Brown Bud 1:21 116 Celidon :48 116 Colorful 1:03 119 Crystal Pennant.. :48 115 Cantankerous 1:02 1 MILE. 117 Grange :48 116 Melmor 1:01 119 Clamor 1:43*4 116 Hazard :49 119 Nimba 1:04*4 116 Maelstrom 1 :42:,fc 119 Hesper :49 119 Washakie 1:01 118 Navigator 1 :41ts 119 Joe Marrone III... :48 3-4 MILE. 116 Needle Gun 1:42 112 Laughing I.ady... :48% US Adios 1:14% 115 Moro 1 :."»3 119 Mohamed Jainal.. :50% 119 Caporal II 1:19 117 Thunderclap 1:51 « AQUEDUCT Weather clear : track fast — 3-8 MILE. 119 Mordine :50%b S-4 MILE. Martha Martin... :3875b Morbelle :50%b 116 Edith 1» 1:23 b 110 Wishing Stone... :39 b 117 Mor gold :51 b 119 Padraig 1 :2 »u,b 1-2 MILE. Palatine Lad :53 b 1 MILK. Gay Comet :5l7andb Tamiami Trail... :52 b 119 Dolan 1 :4S b 122 AUBOBA AURORA, 111., May 2. — Mondays training gallops here included the following: Weather clear ; track slow — 50 Teton :3775b 85 Punkie :54,b 3-8 MILE. Ruddv :5SS%.1 Col. Toka :3875b 1-2 MILE. 60 Snowfall :57 b 83 Coy :397sh 119 Bolivar Bond :59%b Starmatia :58=5b 90 Dolly Bay :41 b 89 Ben Omar :58 b 87 Transfer M h Edna Alice :38%b 114 Bray Annie :58%b 88 Updike :54%b 108 Floy Lillie :38%b 115 Disciple :59%b 5-8 MILK. 86 Gettysburg :397sb Fore Gold :59%b 86 Green Blazes 1:1225b 111 Geo. Dever :4275b Freya :59%b Kingseourt 1 1 . . . . 1 :0675b 91 I-annie :37%h 60 French Doll :53%b 90 Mary Contrary. .. 1 :ll=5b Miss Mischief :37%b 50 Golden Bloom :58%b Rockford 1:12 b 121 Mae Pickens :37%b 116 Hiaden Jewel :58%b Supporter 1:09 b 60 Magic WTand :41%h 118 Keegan :54%b Tromping To I »avl :10**b 121 Newt :38%b 117 Lucky Run :59%b 3-4 — ■■»- «Toko :42%b 114 Meddling Seth.. . . :58%b 118 Carom 1 :21«ib 64 Open Hand :43%b 82 Marengo :58%b 118 High Prince ..l:2:?b 85 Pandect :37%b 119 Merrimac :53%b Montello 123*Ib 89 Rocker :38%b 118 My Biddy :52%d Porter Ella 1 27b Red Weed :43%b 117 Make Up :54 b 63 Sister Sue 13S%fe Ipdike and Keegan worked together. Miss Mischief and Mae Pickens showed Montello and High Prince went well to- clever works, gether. Pandect is a nice colt. LEXINGTON. LEXINGTON, Ky., May 2.— Mondays training gallops here included the following: Weather clear ; track fast. S-8 MILE. 117 Busy Flo :50 h 116 Hamburg Iad .1 02d 118 Aloma :35%d 114 Brown Silk :52%b 118 Hot Spot 1:«8%4 116 Acirema :37%b California :52%b 119 Judge Caverly lr fe 119 Atlantic :37%b 117 Colonel Trick ... :507sd 118 John William II 1-01%4 118 Bottom Dollar .. :36%b Chamitta :52 b 116 Lancer 1 0;rb 118 Bun :39%b 113 Chesterbrook :527andb 120 Less K. ......... 1 03h Bonny :37%b 117 Countess Claridge :52 h 119 Iedge !!lO-;Ch. 41 Brainstorm :37%b 118 Double Quick ... :52 b 119 Mallev Jane 1*8 fc 119 Clonaslee :37%b 112 Eighteen Sixty . . :50%h 116 Rock Slide ......1*1 b 119 Charles Bergin... :37%h Frank Fullen :51%b 3.4 MILE. 116 Delegate :38%h 79 Four Sixty :53%d 112 Blue Pencil. .... .1 :l8-b 112 Frenchburg :37%h 116 Hailstorm :50 h 116 Ca.ractus 119b 118 Gideon :37%h 1 13 Joseph Sabbath . . :5l%b 119.Explosion . . .... .1 :l8-v h. 116 Krick :39%h 117 Jasper :49%d 118 Ed Burke 1 :16 h 117 Kentucky Ace ... :39%b 115 Keeping Time ... :50%b 119 Gui lotine 1 :175» 119 Lord Marmion ... :357sd 119 Lemniscate :48%d 119 Ladv Stone. .... .1 :l«h 118 Mamola :38%h 117 Milan :49%d 80 Little Visitor I:lt%b 112 Mike Hall :38%b 63 Nineteen Sixty... :48%d 115 Piccadilly 1 :16 h 116 Mary Jane :36%b 117 Peekaboo :51% 113 Red Banner l:tl%k 120 Nedda :36%h I»roofreader :50 h 119 Sea Scamp 1:20 b 111 One Way :377sd Queen Royal :51%d 119 Scampaway 1 :187»,1 110 Policeman Day .. :37%h 119 Rayon :50 b 117 The Misses 1 :1675h 119 Peter Prim :37%h Spanish Flyer ... :51%d 117 Up She roes 1:24 b Red Bonnet :37 h 114 Thistle Arious .. . :50%d Yachtsman 1 :15*th 120 Royal Highness.. :37%d 118 Thistle Sweep ... .49 d 1 MILE. 117 Sniper :36*5b US Thirteen Sixty .. . :48 b 112 Alloy 1 :467r.b 119 Spotlight :3935b Taloha :50%h 121 Broad Axe 1 :443*.d Thistle Baby :35%d 5-8 MILE. Ill Flames 1 :46=sh Virginia C. :367ih 119 Alabama Bound. .1 :05 sb 118 Firth of Tay 1 :5l%b 120 Violet Betty :35 h 111 Chittagong 1 :02%h 115 Helen Carter l:467r.b 119 Watson :36 h 120 Cartago 1 :007sd 118 Mysterious I fTtfc Wrist Watch ... :36%h 119 Damosel 1 :01%h 119 Resolute 1 :45H.b 1-2 MILE. 120 Fire Proof 1 :037sh 1 1-4 MILES. 117 Bon Bon :51 b 120 Golden Racket. . .1 :037sh 121 Hydromel 2 :123»b Alloy and Helen Carter breezed a useful Cartago did an excellent work. mile head ajid head. Hydromel was in hand aJl the way. , Thirteen Sixty moved attractively. CHURCHILL DOWNS LOUISVILLE, Ky.. May 2. — Mondays training gallops here included the following: Weather clear ; track fast — 3-8 MILE. 119 Molly Dear :52 h 119 Torch Boy 1:17 b 119 Big Bill Thomson 3 %b 112 Imperial Eagle .. :50*5h 5-S MILE. 118 Candy Queen :36%b 157 Kentucky Babe .. :5275h Captain Imbw.f :M h 119 Flat Iron :36%h 120 Reputation :487ih Toden 1 :0L-~h 113 Minervus :36%h 3-4 MILE. 7-N MILL. 113 My Son :3S75D 119 Captain Fox 1 :15%h IS Poor Boy 1:34 h 119 Omnia :39%b 119 Eleven Sixty 1:17 b 1 MILE. 120 Retort :37 h 118Finnister 1 :lS7sb Bill Hare 1:477th 120 Sir Peter :367sh SI Floranada l:177sb S3 Raving I.ady 1:45 h 117 Gibbons 1:23 b 120 Speedometer 1 :44%.h 1-2 MILE. 119 Miami Trade 1 :18%b 119 Token 1:50 b 120 Exile :50 b 119 Mino 1 :16%h IIS Talequa 1:46 h Enthusic Edward :53 b 119 New Gold lMS-h 1 1-S MILLS. 120 Marshal Ney :50 b 119 The Clown 1:20 b 121 War Eagle 1:55 b Reputation went from the barrier. War Eagle did a nice move handily. JAMAICA NEW YORK, N. Y., May 2. — Mondays training gallops here included the following: Weather cloudy ; track fast — 3-8 MILE. 117 Charade :49Vsb 3-4 MILE. 120 Apostle :377r.b 117 Highbridge :49:V.h 117 Black Pepper 1:17 h 120 Flying Scud :35 d Mote :49 /5b Cross Word 1 :lGv ,b 119 Gnome Girl :367sh 119 Niagara Falls... :49*5h 116 ostigan 1:18 h High Flyer :36M h 116 Lorelei 1:22 b 120 Ramoneur :35%d 5-8 MILK. 119 Monks Way 1 :U h Star of Morn :36Vsh 88 Compass 1 :05%b 116 New Hope l:isa.b Some Baby :42 b 121 Colonel Seth 1 :02%h 7-8 MILK. 119 Theresa Joan :37 b 121 Flying Sweep 1 :02%d 120 Oloudland 1 :32=r.b 1 10 Jack of Clubs 1 :05 b 120 Titan 1 :33 b 1-2 MILE. 110 Joe Sweep 1 :04~;b 1 MILK. 119 Avisack II :49-b 121 The Cossack 1:03 d Top Sergeant! ... 1 :52b Flying Scud showed useful speed. Charade and Mote were together. Ramoneur ran well. Monks Way went from the barrier. Cross Word was not extended. BELMONT PARK Weather cloudy ; track fast— 1-2 MILE. 5-8 Mile. 3-8 MILE. 116 Black Curl :50 120 Princess Tina 1:03% 113 Adamas :35"5 115 Cheops :49r, 3-4 MILK. 120 Botanic :37 112 Easy Money Jt% 116 Caustic- 1:14% 121 Brown Bud :3S 120 Ethereal :48 109 Is Zat So 1:18 119 Bumpkin :3S% 1W Gamble :50% 104 Jim Crow !1.1:15% Beowulf :37i5 116 Gallahad :49% 119 Son of Battle .1:15% 120 Copiapo ::, 120 High Star :49V5 116 Sonata 1:1S 120 Cartoonist :35% 111 Jumbo :495 106 The Code 1 20 109 Hat Brush :39 109 Jug o Rum :49 Tannic ......... A .23 61 Izetta :3S% Mowlee :51 1 MILK. Knockabout :38% 120 Powhatan :48 Ut Cross Fire 1:44% 120 La Diva :36Vs 120 Polymel :4S% 120 Deviner 1 -44 % 116 Mary Jane :3S% 120 Silver Fox :49% 116 Mothers Son. .... 1 41" 117 Son of John :35% 120 Stephanus :50% lit Spanish Gold 1 ;4 121 Thunderclap :40 117 Sweepster :49% 119 Scat 1:44 Wrackee :36% 119 Sankarl ;50% 118 Young Prim-el .... A :45 .Cuntinued on eighteenth page. ■ssssssssssssssssssssssss»wsssssssssssssssssssr-sssssssssss»ssssssssisss»— LATEST TRAINING GALLOPS Key: B~ Breezing. D— Driving. E— Easily. II— Handily. O— *J1 ont. U— Eased «p. 0 Continued from seventeenth pane. _ PIMLICO BALTIMORE, Md., May 2.— Todays training gallops here included the following: Weather clear ; track fast — J-H MILK. 62 Matador :52 h 119 Supersede 1:19 h 116 Fair Anita :37*se 119 Northland :49 d 104 Pleasant Smiles. .1 :17 d ! 06 Finland :36 d Purple Pirate :49%d 118 Stirrup Cup 1:14 d 104 Fore Star :39 Pauline L :49 d 1 MILE. Ginna L*e :37 e Prince of Wales. . :50 h 118 Bucephalus 1 :44%d Spanish Aster :36%d 100 Signola :53 h 115 Blondin l:43%d 120 Suky :36%d 104 Shadowdale :52 h lu Beverwyck 1:47 d 105 Senator Norris... :39 h Word of Honor.. :53%h Dawn of Virginial :48 d Shuffle Along :36%h 119 William Tell :53 e 115 Dexter .1.46%d 113 Topboot :38 •-» MILE. Duetesse 152 h 121 Grenier 1:05 h 115 Fantastic 1:46 e 1! MILK. Marche Militaire.l :01%h Forest Lore 1:47 ■ 118 Doto :49*£d 3-4 MILE. 117 Ldng View 1:46 117 Fresco :51 e 117 Devonshire 1:20 h 117 Mariner 1:45 d 119 Flight of Time... :49 d 104 Flippant 1:22 h 117 Murzim 1 :42%e Golden Twig :54 h 119 Iissa 1:15 e 120 Rip Pap 1:43 d st Grass Tree :52 e Peter Fiz 1:17 d 119 Remedy 1:55 b 88 Knockany :53 h 116 Pichonne 1 :17%d 118 Salutation 1 :44%d Scapa Flow was under a strong pull. Fresco went handily. Mariner went handily. Blondin was driving. AQUEDUCT Weather cloudy ; track fast— 3-8 MILE. 1-2 MILE. M MILE. 119 Caroler :41 b Caskin Jack :50%b Belle de Mint 1:06 b 121 Kdith D :38 h 119 Esteem :53 b 53 Feu Croise 1 :06 b Mome Pressee .. :39%h One Step :50%b 3-4 MILK. 109 Maurice :36 b Omar Double :49%h Curveur 1:16 h Touvoyou :39*sh 119 Sunsard :50 b 1 MILK. 119 Whiskey Run :37 b Sun Seeker :49%h 121 Wishing Stone... 1:47 b

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