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AKRON AKKON OHIO SATTTHDAY MAY 21 1927 Northampton Park 34 Mile Thirteenth day Akron Association Spring meeting of 19 days Weather clear Presiding Steward A G Ixonard Presiding Judge S S Bender Associate Judge H J Kohl Ktattor W Harris Racing Secretary E C Knebelkanip Racing Association Spring meeting of 10 days Weather cleifr cleifrnres nres in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record nge of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance g O T fl O FIBST BACE 5 12 Furlongs Purse 500 3yearolds and upwards Claiming Net JLOtJIJf value to winner 400 second 70 third 30 Index Horses AWtPPSt V Str Fin Jockeys Owners hquiv Odds btrt 13440 PASSPORT wn 6 109 3 34 34w 4 V I1 I1 I1 J Pic rillo T Quinn 530100 53010013438HENRY 530100L 13438HENRY FOX w 4 113 5 56 6 6w Sl S1 5 21 R Pauley Mrs E Stillman L 770100 11402 ROMA w W710S 7 10S 7 72 2 2w 1 21 21 3i L Hardy T Shearn 240100 13375 ORMZLEIGII w 7 10T 83 83w 5 51 4ll 4h C Ksland C C Pool 1760100 13207 CAPLINGER w 3 107 107J 9 9 9W 4ok 4 31 5 S Kirk V Tardino 3060100 306010013379ITURNER 13379ZTURNER W 4 108 2 5 5WB 61 6s 61 6J A Tryon O A Kintz 650100 65010013377JYAMI 13377YAMI WB 4 10S 1 1 1w 3i 3 7 71 A McDald Sunflower Stable le 260100 13 13207 07 LYDIA DREW w 5 106 4 8 8w 71 7 S Sl J Jeffries O Tugglo 1260100 13348 NIDNOD w w39367 3 93 67 9999J Morar F B Pohl 8820100 8820100Time Time 25 54 114 Track heavy 2 certificates earned Passport 1200 straight 000 place 310 show Henry Fox 600 place 320 show Iloma 200 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Passport 530 to 100 straight 200 to 100 place 70 to 100 show Henry For 200 to 100 place CO to 100 show Roma 30 to 100 show showWinner Winner B g by Theo Cook Phantom Maid by Uncle trained by T Quinn bred by Mr Edward F Slmtns Winner entered to be claimed for 900 900WENT WENT TO POST 238 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingPASSPORT PASSPORT showed the most speed nearly throughout and held the race safe in the stretch HENRY FOX closed a gap fast and gamely In the last quarter 11OMA tired but finished gamely YAM quit in the last quarter quarterScratched Scratched 13248Stargo 108 13348 Rold Boy 108 108Overweights Overweights Passi ort 1 iwund Caplinger 4 Yami 2 Nidnod 1 13520 SECOND BACE 5 12 Furlongs Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 400 second 70 third 30 lex Horses AWtPPSt ii Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kquiv Odds Strt 13378 BA1U3ARY BUSH w 7 108 4 6 5i 3 21 1 C Gi H E Brown St li F m Sta 110100 13436IWHITE CAPS w 4 108 6 1 I1 21 3 2 J Picrlllo V Bakoa 610100 6101001345YOUNG 1345YOUNG APRIL wn 5 103 3 4 2 I1 lnk 3s L Hardy M H Jordan 140100 12963 BOMBARDIER w 4 106 1 3 6 6 4b 4 C Ksland G W Kinsey 0980100 1305 CUM SAH wn 12 1101 55 41 4b 51 51 K Hoffmn K Platt 1500100 13 138BISSELL ww 4 111 2 2 3 5 6 6 J Jeffries Mrs W T Kearns 2300100 2300100Time Time 26 53 53s s 115 Track heavy 2 certificates earned Barbary Bush 420 straight 240 place 220 show White Caps 300 place 220 show Young April 220 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Harbary Bush 110 to 100 straight 20 to 100 place 10 to 100 show White Caps 50 to 100 place 10 to 100 show Young April 10 to 100 show showWinner Winner Cb g by Whisk Broom II Cardamine by Sir Archibald trained by II E Brown bred by Mr Harry Payne Whitney Winner entered to lie claimed for 100 100WENT WENT TO POST 302 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameBAUBARY BAUBARY BLSH worked his way up on the outside and after passing YOUNG APRIL outfln ishcd WHITE CAPS The latter set the early pace saved ground on the stretch turn and finished gamely YOUNG APRIL took the lead but tired when called on Scratched l2a98 Mr Plaid 100 10013438IFreeinason 13438IFreeinason 103 13438 Dr John Kenney 113 10S34 Star Finish 103 13430 Bloom 98 Gwww ieht Cuin Sab 2 pounds THIBD BACE 6 12 Furlongs Youngstown Purse Purse 500 3yearolds aad up ¬ ward Claiming Net value to winner MOO second 70 third 30 Index HODJOS AWtPPSt M Str Fin Jockeys v Owner v Eqniv Odds Strt 134 7 SWIZZLE wn 3 99 15 3 1 Ill 1 C Grassia H E Brown Stk Fm Sta 230100 1340 iCHEATC CHTSw5 109 44 2 2J 2 21 G Collins J FPattersbn S40100 13349 BALTO WB 3 104 1 1 41 4 4 3 A Tryon Sunflower Stable 1010100 10010013482CHESTNUTGIRLw6 13407 FIRST LIGHT w 5 107 3 5 31 3 3i 4 L Hardy V Cloud 100100 13482CHESTNUTGIRLw6 105 56 6 6 5 5 C Landoit R Kcnnett 1480100 13352 ROSABELLA w 5 104 2 2 5 5 6 6 C Ksland Brown Gericko 1600100 1600100Time Time 25 52 122 128 Track heavy 2 certificates earned Swizzle GCO straight 400 place 280 show Cheating Cheater 380 place 260 show 01 to 280 show Equivalent booking Swizzle 230 to 100 straight 100 to 100 place 40 to 100 show Cheating Cheaters 90 to 100 place 30 to 100 show Balto 40 to 100 show Winner B c by Cudgel Gladbrook by JfnirPJay trained by II E Brown bred by Mr J K L Ross Winner entered to be claimed for 1500 WENT TO POST 325 AT POST 1 minute Start drivingSWIZZLE good and sow Won easily second and third driving SWIZZLE set the pace all the way and won in a cantec CHEATING CHEATERS was tiring badly at the end after racing in closest pursuit of the winner BALTO was going well at the finish and would have beensecond in a few more strides Overweights Balto 3 pounds Chestnut Girl 3 Rosabella 2 I QEZ FOTTKTH BACE 34 Mile Pone 500 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net AOtP f value to winner 400r second 70 third 30 Index Horses AWtPPSt v it Str Fin Jockey Owner Kquiv Odds Strt 13281BLACK AIR w 4 107 10 7 3J 3 31 L Hardy Mrs R Ferris 4SMl 12303 HOHORRY WB 6 107 410 91 9 5 2l C Landlt I B Payne SHMOO 11950 LIBORIO w 6 110 6 1 242 2 3 F Munoz H Torriente 3310100 13402 36010013375s SEARL POOL wn 6 109 92 1 Il Il 41 J Picclrillo Richards Miller 360100 13375s PRICELESS w 3 109 75 7 7 61 5 R McAley C E Hudson 500100 1130100134S8 13442 MERRY O w 5 111 23 4h 6 4 61 A Tryon W Palmer 1130100 134S8 3TO1001X375 ± HAPPY HOBO WB 4 107 3 9 8J Sk 7 71 J Jeffries W M Heath 3TO100 1X375 THEODEN w 5 113 1 4 6l 4 8 8 H White Mrs G Andres S57010 13158 MARY HAUSMAN w 3 100 56 10 10 S 9 C Grassia Guiccairdo Bros 2210100 134363TERRIBLE MAN WB 4 ill 88 5l 5 10 10 K Hoffmn Niehaus Wedderstrand 1360100 Time 25 54 122 Track heavy 2 certificates earned Black Air 1160 straight 680 place 420 show HoHorry 1120 place 760 show Liborio 1880 show i Equivalent Itooking Black Air 480 to 100 straight 240 to 100 place 110 to 100 show IIo Horrj 400 to 100 pare 280 to 100 show Liborio 840 to 100 show Winner BIk p by Air Man Kate J by Prospero trained by R Ferris bred by Mr J A Black well Winner entered to be claimed for 700 700WENT WENT TO POST 350 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start fair and slow Won driving second and third the same sameBLACK BLACK AIR after racing close up took the lead but barely lasted to win HOHURRY away poorly closed an immense gap in the last quarter and almost got up LIBORIO prominent throughout raced fairly well in the final drive EARL POOL tired in the last sixteenth sixteenthScratched Scratched 13479Bichard Murray 107 13248 Mack Garner 107 13480 Henry S 107 133485Red Seth 107 107Overweights Overweights Earl Pool 2 pounds Priceless 3 Theoden 5 Mary Hausman 2 Terrible Man 4 t O K O O FIFTH BACE 34 Mile Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value XOO MO to winner 4OO second 70 third 30 Index Horses AWtPPSt V4 Str Fin Jockeyg Owners Equiv Odds Strt 13481 AUNT LAURA w 4 109 7 1 I1 I4 1s 1s J Berry H E Brown Stk Fm Sta 150100 13439 LITTLE ROMPERwn 9 107 54 2 24 2 2 R Pauley J S Baldwin 650100 13379 32010013440SMARY TENDER SETH WB 7 107 2 2 4i 4 3 3 3k k L Hardy V Cloud 320100 13440SMARY G w 9 105 1 3 Sl 3i 5 4h J Jeffries M H Jordan 480100 13158 = GALIANO w 3 103 6 5 5 5 4 5 J Morar S McNeil 720100 13436 THREATEN wn 3 104 46 6 6 P up A Tryon Cornell Cray 29SO100 01347 SAM WB 6 1081 37 77 Pup R Parker Osago Stable 4060100 4060100Time Time 25 52 121 Track heavy 2 certificates earned Aunt Liura 500 straight 3SO place 320 show Little Romper 400 place 300 show Tender Seth 260 show Equivalent booking Aunt Laura 130 to 100 straight 90 to 100 place 60 to 100 show Little Romper 100 to 100 place 50 to 100 show Tender Seth 30 to 100 show Winner Blk f by Dick Finnell Ionia by Martinet trained by H E Brown bred by Mr Thomas Piatt Winner entered to be claimed for 700 700WENT WENT TO POST 418 AT POST 3 minutes Start drivingAUNT good and fast Won easily second and third driving AUNT LAURA set the pace all the way and won in a canter LITTLE ROMPER always held second speedScratched place safe TENDER SETII outgamed MARY G The latter tired after showing early speed Scratched 13481Oil Lady 103 13437sArgaIi 100 13440 See It Through 110 13247 Garish 105 13442 Delhimar 107 13350 Dave Bell 113 13400 Merry 105 105Overweights Overweights Aunt Laura 4 pounds Threaten 4 Sam 1 SIXTH HACE 73 Mile Purse 500 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 400 second 70 third 30 Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owner Equiv Odds Strt 13407 = CLMONDE HOPE w 4 108 10 3 Il 1J 1 151 A McDald Sunflower St Stable 130100 13379 PAT HAMPSON w 7 107 7 2 41 3ij oak i j Jeffries P Dwyer Sr 13378 DR CHS WELLSwn 8 116 58 311 21 3J 3 F Booker W Bakos 13482 VASQUEZ w 5 110 99 5 6 41 4J J Morar W H Hoist 13379THE PERUVIAN w 8 115 1 1 6 51 51 51 L Hardy J F Bescho Bescho8J 13379 BARRISTER wsn 6 107 6 10 8J T1 61 6J C Ksland W Black 13483FUN MAKER W 5 113 8 4 2 4 71 71 J Berry H E Brown Stk Fm Sta 2800lOu 13438 BEG PARDON w 9 110 4 7 T 8 8 8 C Grassia Guciardo Bros 2160100 13379 SUN TURRET w 9 107 2 5 9J 9 9 9 A Tryon C C Pool t22SO100 13406 HY M STEVENSw11 112 3 36 6 10 10 Pup H White E Andrews t tField Time 25 53 122 136 Track heavy 2 certificates earned Clarimonde Hope 460 straight 340 place 340 show Pat Hampson 1040 place 740 show Dr Charles Wells 300 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Clarimonde Hope 130 to 100 straight 70 to 100 place 70 to 100 show Pat Hampson 420 to 100 place 270 to 100 show Dr Charles Wells 150 to 100 show Winner Ch f by Bard of Hope Clarimonde by Duke of Ormonde trained by T H Bechtel heimer bred by Mr James A Buchanan Winner entered to be claimed for 800 800WENT WENT TO POST 449 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingCLARIMONDE CLARIMONDE HOPE took the lead at once and won all the way PAT HAMPSON gained steadily and outfinished DR CHAULES WELLS The latter ran well and had no mishaps Scratched 13246 Dora Lutz 105 13437SaRamore 1007 13349 Kathleen K 107 13375 Locarno 110 13433 Dr Huff 107 13378sSound 105 13405 Walespa 107 13439 Ted 107 Overweights Clarimonde Hope 3 pounds Dr Charles Wells 4 Harry M Steven 5 t ORT OK SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile Cleveland Handicap Purse 1000 3yearolds and up JLt 9 9 ward Net value to winner 750 second 150 third 100 i AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Sfrt 13408ARROW HAWK WB 4 103 6 2 5 5 5 2 1 P Cogan P Dwyer 32SO100 13318 GAFFNEY WB 5 109 1 3 11 I1 Il 11 2 t Hardy R Cooper 320100 13284 3HUON PINE WB 6 103 5 1 2 Z 3i Sl 3s V Moore T H Bernhardt 350100 13076 DEPUTY wn 6 117 2 5 3 21 21 4s 4i A Tryon Thistledown Stable 90100 13352 JIBE wn 5 107 4 4 4h 4h 4 5 51 J Jeffries H T Palmer 1240100 13354TIPY 124010013354TIPY WITCHTwB 12102 3 6 6 6 6 C 6 C Grassta H E Brown Stk Fm Sta 1780100 Time 25 53 121 150 Track heavy 2 certificates earned Arrow Hawk 0700 straight 1720 place 480 show Gaffney 300 place 300 show Huon Pine 520 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Arrow Hawk 3280 to 100 straight 700 to 100 place 140 to 100 show Gaffney 80 to 100 place 50 to 100 show Huon Pine 100 to 100 show showWinner Winner Cb c by Star Hawk Perpetuana by Maintenon trained by P Dwyer bred in France bv Mr A K Macomber MacomberWENT WENT TO POST 516 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingARROW ARROW HAWK came with a rush after rounding the far turn and passing GAFFNEY drew away decisively in the last eighth GAFFNEY showed the most early speed but tired in the last eighth HUON PINE ran well and finished gamely DEPUTY tired badly under his impost Scratched 13521 Swizzle 92 g O K O K 1 EIGHTH BACE 78 Mile Kenmore Purse Pnrse 500 3yearolds and upward JLoO JLoOuO uO 2 Claiming Net value to winner 400 second 70 third 30 Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strc 13441 DEADFALL w 4 105 2 1 1 I1 1 I1 L Hardy V Cloud 110100 13407 ISOSCELES WB 8 107 3 3 31 24 2 = 2 = A McDald Thistledown Stable 400100 13353SLEEPY 40010013353SLEEPY HEAD WB 6 113 4 5 5 5 31 31 J Picrillo B Gentry 430lOa 13441 OMBRAGE WB 6 108 1 2 2 5 4 W McCabe A L Watkina 550100 13316 ISABELL w 3 98 5 4 4J 4 41 5 J Jeffries H E Brown Stk F m Sta 710100 710100Time Time 25 51 120 135 Track heavy 2 certificates earned Deadfall 420 straight 300 place 220 show Isosceles 380 place 240 show Sleepy Head 240 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Deadfall 110 to 100 straight 50 to 100 place 10 to 100 show Isosceles 90 to 100 place 20 to 100 show Sleepy Head 20 to 100 show Winner B g by Trap Rock Lady Frances by Rapallo trained by V Cloud bred by Mr Phillip M Walker Winner entered to be claimed for 1700 1700WENT WENT TO POST 549 AT POST S minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingDEADFALL DEADFALL won all the way as his rider pleased ISOSCELES had second place safe all of the last half SLEEPY HEAD finished resolutely through the last quarter The other pair tired badly Scratched badlyScratched IScnOUberty National 110 13380 Outward Bound 117 117Overweight Overweight Isabell 3 pounds