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Entries and Past Performances PerformancesLAtONIA LAtONIA MONDAY JUNE 13 = r i r i WEATHER CLOUDY 0nACK GOOD i t Racing startaat 200 p m Chicago daylight saving time 200 p m Latonia 1 Kile KileFirst First Race 34 Mile MilePurse Purse 1400 3yearolds and upward Filliesand Mare Claiming Track recorrd Sun Flag June 20 1924 109 3 107 Todays Tnd HorvTPoxtPos Wt Rec AWtUan BOTTOM DOLLAR 4 Lat 105 1124 1124Nama 3 107735 Nama 6 Lat 101 113 113Sominola 3 10772Ti Sominola 10 CD 106 113 3 108 720 Kdns Glenn IMia 112 112 3 103715 Bake K 9LatV105 113 a 3 105 mo Christmas Morn Inc 5 Lat 91 113 113Crooked Crooked Work 3 CD 103 115 Society Scandal 2 t Lat 112 l16s l16sTaloha 3 100X605 Taloha M 8 3 108 690 Mandolette HUav 103 112 3 103 690 Encanto 7 3 110 Second Baca 68 Mile MilePurse Purse 1400 2yearolds Maidens Fillies FilliesTrack Track record Wise Counsellor June 23 1923 59 2 110 13849 Runanclf 3 CD 115102 115 725 14389 Saucy Sue 4 Lat 115 101 115720 14389 Tnm On 10 Lat 115 101 115715 14454 Mary Hume 14Lat 115 102 115710 13684 = Moody Mary 5CD 115 101 315 705 14229 Junie 9 1157001 14267 Easter Stockings StockingsItf Itf Lat 112 102 115C95 13684 Wild Mary 17CD 115 104 115 C90 13141 Moneague 2 lirC90 lirC90142G3 142G3 Lovrlike C 115 GS5 14233 Virginia Beauty 13 CD 114 104 115C85 115C85Rainfall Rainfall 7 115 115Fairr Fairr Girl 1 115 115Claret Claret Cup 8 115 iol e Trotter 11 115 Gladys N 12 115 115Urist Urist Watch 15 115 Third Race 1 Kile and 70 Yards Purse 1500 1yearolds Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record recordMoms Moms Hoy July 2 192G 141 5 107 14268 Mike Hall 2 CD 111 147 107 725 13896 Nicholson 5 105 720 14102 A K Betisingcr C 113X713 14102 Good Shepherd 3 FG 110 143 108X710 13850 MeComas 4FG 108 146 110X703 14337 Big Bill Thomp ¬ son 1 113700 113700Fourth Fourth Race 58 Kile Purse 1400 2yearolds Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Wise Counsellor June 23 1923 59 2 110 14229 Jessica 5 107 725 13933 Tchadflyer 8 CD 103 l02s 110X720 14454 Owcna FP 113 l02h 112 715 14391 Nine Dollars 7V CI 115 101 115 710 14 1491S 91S Heavy Date 10 Iat 112 101 107 705 13686 Chatton CD 111 103 115X700 14451 Queemton M 2 M 109 102 103 695 14167 Red Are M 1 110 090 14233 War Wings M 3 102 C8S 14263 Dentcss Mlllat 11G 103 I07 G8G G8GThe The Cyrcnlan 4 110 Fifth Racv1 116 Kilos HaTlin Hotel Handicap Purse 1800 tyearolds and upward Track record V Chilhowee Oct 6 1924 142 3 115 Beneficent 4 LF 98 145 4 105 730 Fair Star 2 Lat 108 140 3 102X725 Sanutar 1 CI 115 143 G 108 720 Rhinock 7 Lat IOC 143 143CMia 4 1110715 CotlogomoY CMia IOC 1464 5 1120710 Canaan 8 Lat 108 147 3 102 705 Rothenuel 5 Lat 98 144 5 108X700 1ercussion 3 Lat 103 144 4 102X695 JJalrlna B 9 4 102 690 Sixth Race 34 KUe KUeIewiston Iewiston Purse Purse 1600 3yearoldn and upward Track recordi Sun Flag June 20 1024 109 12902 Clonasleo 3 CI 103 111 5 111X723 13513 Genial Host Clnt 112 113 4 111X720 12039 Cyclops 4 CI 117 111 7 111X715 12817 Thistle Gold 5Lat 113 113 3 110 710 14392 Rocky Cliff 2Lat 1P4 113 3 100 703 97421 Annlbilator lLat 103113 5 111X700 Sovonth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards YardsPurse Purse 1400 3yearolds and upwards Fillies Filliesand and Mares Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record 14234 Florenda 9 Mia 110 14C 3 103 725 14230 Resolute 11 3 lOSXTJO 13901 Sola Mia 2 Lat 101 144 5107X71 14334 Lady Lynn lLex 100 144 4 107X710 14099 Sea Drift 3 CD 101 146 4112X705 14450 Midnight Rose 7 CI 93143 5112X700 14231 Dusty Mary 13 Lex 105 144 G 107X605 13935 Efeldee 10 CD 100 149 m 3 105 COO 14394 Lady Stone 17Lat 107 145 4 115690 142 8 Raving Lady 18 FG 100 146 3100X690 14268 Rathe 4 3 100X683 13541 Palm Court 5 Mia 104 150 G 112 685 14332 Julie Lane M G 3 105 683 C8424 Mary Carr M 8 Lat 112 150 4 112 683 13818 Peggy Cook 10 3 100685 14228 Virginia C M 12 3 100 685 14150 Oseda 13 Lex 112 l48m 4 112XG85 14234 The Missus 14 FG 85 149 4107X685