Fine Record of W. J. Salmon Horses, Daily Racing Form, 1928-04-02


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£ j £ y v of c D | J t. ■ | 1 J , i B l v . i I J J , I j j i I I J J , | I . 3 | Fine Record of W. J. Salmon Horses $, i W. J. Salmon had a large and representative stable in the racing campaign of last year, the sum total of their performances resulting in tifty victories and 82,026 in money won. In Display Mr. Salmon had one of the stars of the older divisions, the brilliant son Fair Play finishing first in seven races, second in eight and third in four, and accounted for 8,076. He met and defeated some of the best horses of the year. Black Panther was another star in the Salmon establishment, winning seven races and 5,300. The complete record of the W. J. Salmon horses in the racing of 1927 follows : Horse. Col. Sex. Ape. Fedigree. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Amt. Display b. c. 4 Fair Pla.v— .ienta, by Nassovian 7 8 4 8,676 Black Panther b. c. 3 Hlack Tonoy— Creenery, by Broomstick 7 5 1 3r»,300 Gun Boat eh. g. 5 Man o War — Stir Fancy, by Star Shoot Ill 7.700 : Murzim ch. c. 3 North Star III.— WmMmnt, by Broomstick 12 3 1.100 Iouhatan b. c. 4 Prince II — Step Lightly, by Ultimus 14 6 5.515 1 Black Friar br. c. 2 Black Toney — Cherry Court, by Black Jester. 4 5 1 4.000 , Devonshire b. g. 5 Cainsborough — Fortuna, by Spearmint 4 12 4.535 Congress br. c. 2 iolden CJuinea- Continental, by Yankee 2 2 7 8,825 1 Martha Washington b. f. 4 Brown Prince II. — Continental, by Yankee 3 0 6 3,000 . Pol.vmel cli. c. 3 Polymelia n — Impetuous, by Peter Quince 2 2 2 3,010 Thiiron b. e. 2 Sweep— Retrieve, by Celt 2 11 2.900 Fast Play eh. m. 0 Bee Fa«t — Fair Play, by Tredennis 12 1 2.654 Polar Sea eh. e. 2 Iolymelian — Snowcart, by Itoi Herodc 2 4 0 2,271 Punjab br. c. 4 Brown Prince II— American Beauty, by Uncle.. 112 2,260 Matador eli. e. 3 The Finn— Mantilla, by Cncle 2 0 1 2,000 ■ Ennui br. f. 3 Hum— I.ydia Languish, by Ultimus 1 1 7 1,831 Salutation ch. c. 3 Somme Kiss — Pcrmia. by Persimmon 2 2 0 1.800 Post Horn eh. g. 3 Iliion — Postgirl. by George Smith 15 4 1,700 Antidote b. t. 2 Bachelors Doub. — Prescription, by Dinneford... 12 2 1.500 Oolden Prince ch. e. 3 Golden Guinea — Wound the World, by I.aekford.. 10 2 1,400 i Stephanas ch. e. 2 Stephan the Grot— ■ Dorado, by Ultimus 0 2 0 1,200 | Ursa Major eh. g. 4 North Star III. — Superwoman, by Superman 10 0 1,050 Teheran b. c. 3 Omar Khayyam — Cicuta. by Nassovian 0 1 0 1.000 i Outing ch. t. 3 Campfire — Lady Brighton, by The Manager 10 2 1,000 Postage ch. f. 2 Fair Play— Post Mark, by Star Shoot 10 1 090 Blue Flag b. e. 2 Tryster — Blume, by Wroomslick 110 937 : Teco ch. f. 2 Golden Guinea— Wound the World, by Lackford.. 0 3 0 700 Golden Powder b. e. 3 Golden Guinea-Powder Iuff, by Sunstar 0 12 450 Vigilant b. e. 2 The Finn— Careful, by Wrack 0 0 3 350 osmetic ch. f. 2 Stir Hawk — Am"iioiu Beauty, by Uncle 0 11 800 Dunks Green b. g. 8 Greenback — Bellas**, by Sundridge 0 10 250 Beci ],!a!us b. c 3 Utsclian— Zefa. by Onue 0 10 250 Huffy eh. c. 3 .Tim Gaffney— Thundercloud, by Ogden 0 10 200 Maid of Orleans b. f. 3 Dominant — Superwoman. by Superman 0 0 1 150 Fog eh. c. 2 Golden Guinea — Perplexing, by Cicero 0 0 1 100 Flight of Time e!i. c. 4 Ilourless — UapetBMS, by Peter Quince 0 0 0 .... Flying Dust b. f. 2 High Cloud— Hur.iken, by Uncle 0 0 0 .... Indian Corn b. c. 2 Farina — Quarantine, by Sea Sick 0 0 0 .... I.illias . ch. f. 2 Golden Guinea — Dike, by Sir Dixon 0 0 0 .... Mere Ilay ch. c. 2 Fair Play — Wosedrop, by St. FruHquin 0 0 0 .... Golden Box br. t. 3 Golden Guinea — Vanity Box. by Uncle 0 0 0 .... Silver Crescent br. f. 2 Dominant — Butterflies II., by King James 0 0 0 .... Dolos b. f. 2 Chicle — Joss, by Swynford 0 0 0 .... Charlemagne b. e. 1 Gay Crusader — Princess Sterling, by Florizel II.. 0 0 0 .... Totals 44 50 61 64 S2,626

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