Jamaica, Daily Racing Form, 1928-05-01


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i • — — -♦ Entries and Past Performances JAMAICA • TUESDAY, MAY 1 ♦ WBATUB CI-Ol DV ; TRACK SLOW. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. ithkago time, 1:30. Jamaica 1 Mile. *Five pounds apprentice allowance; **ten pounds apprentice allowance. First Race — 3-4 Mile. Purse ,000. 3-yiar-olds and upward. Filiii-s and Mares. Claiming. Track record : Noah, May 21, 1925—1:11—3-120. Todays Ind. Horse. Wt. Ree. A.Wt.Usn. 23867=«»Poetieule Bow 106 1:12% 3 105.735 208552 Grace H Hav 304 3:13s5 5 117.. 730 .22905 ••Moonlight ...Haw 95 3:33 3 103x725 20855 Gnome Girl Sar 118 l:13Vs 6 120X720 20767 ••Guinea Hen...Aqu 107 1:1S% 4 110. .715 19929 Proxima IIdG 114 1:13% 3 110. .710 23867 Miss Maryland.Jam 30811:12 I 118.. 705 21257 »*Iear Lady I.rl 100 l:33 s 3 105.. 700 23867 *Torpointer . . Jam 330 3 :38 3 115x695 21318 Tinita Pim 103 1:13% 3 114.690 Second Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse ,000. 3 year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Sting, May 15, 1925 — 1 :41i— 4— 124. 23840 ••Priceman Jam 107 1:43% 5 113x735 23636 Roseate II Tij 109 1 :43% 8 120 * 730 23704:,Munie M Bow 105 3 :48% 3 100.. 725 23811 ••Tin nat 4 116.. 720 ;23485 Tyson J.P 133H1 :4G% 4 120. .715 23840-** Rhyme and Reason Jar.i 111 l:4Si:,s 3 105x710 20991 Great Hopes. Emp 121 1:49 5 123.. 705 23815- Arabia 4 113®700 . 23894 Genial 3 115.. 095 23897 Sirdar M I 115. .090 23865 Philips First S 113 . .085 Menes 5 123 Third Rac? — 1 1-16 Miles. Hopedale Handicap. ,200 Added. : -year-olds and upward. Track record: Sting, May 9, 192", — 3:42%— 4 — 306. 20534- SANKARI 4 117x745 . 238352 Washakie Ao,u 3 X 3 : !.".--. 5 134,-735 23843 Retaliate ....Jam lis 1:48% I 4 11SXVM 23740 Cherry Pie ...Jam 3 8jl:45% 8 118. .725 23740 David Bone 3 131® 720 23704 Royal Lot Ml... 3 105:: 7 15 Fourth Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Seventeenth Running Long Beach Handicap. ,500 Added. 3-year-oids and upward. Traek record: Sting, May 15, 3925 -1 : 13 % -4 124. 23787- Sweepster Jam 120 1:44 4 12G~- 750 23922 Nassak 3 11103745 23843- Sanford Jam 10111:46% 6 109x740 23895 Wee Burn lam 315 3:45m 4 102x735 23740 Cherry Pie. ...7am 330 1:44% 8 110. .730 23740 Festival Kmp 125 1:46% 5 97X725 19176 Devonshire . . Wdb lot 1 .44% 6 106. .720 Fifth Race— 5-8 Mile. Purse ,000. 2 year-olds. Maidens. Allowances. Traek record : Outline, May 10, 1923 — :5S%— 2 111. £3396- Ironmaster ...Jam 118 1:02% 322.. 730 23892-**Agitate Jam 104 1:01% 109.. 725 23812 ••Irish Holiday ..lam 117 l* %b 112. .720 23896 Equation Jam IIS 1:03 122.. 715 23921 Mel Foo Jam 112 1 :02%iu 122. .710 23923 •Kilitll B?nu 309. .705 23896 Itelleau 122.. 700 Mezzo 319 ••New Guinea 112 Live Oak 122 Sixth Race — 3-4 Mile. Purse , »0. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Track record: Xoah. May 21, 1925—1:11—3—120. 23839 Propus Aqu 117 3:12% I 105 740 23839- Mowlee Jain 118 1:13% 3 105 735 23719 Indian Love Call Lat 103 1:11% 4 121 730 23711 Poly Bow 110 1:11 4 1210725 23920 Nwataa Jam 115 1:12% 3 109x720 23839 Wildale Sar 306 1:14% 3 307. .715 Night Mail 4 313. 710

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1928050101/drf1928050101_13_3
Local Identifier: drf1928050101_13_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800