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BINNING THEN COFFROTH HAKD1CAP ONCARlARISWdRTH 70700 ° ° THAT SAME YEAR I WON JN PURSES PURSESZJ ZJ N 5 DAILY TWO JlORSES DAILY 5 DAILY YESTERDAYS PARLAY PARLAYGOOD GOOD JEST 6th Churchill AVIATOR 7th Washington WashingtonSaturdays Saturdays parlay RETORT 2030 WON SALTA 1204 WON WONFridays Fridays Parlay 3IARTHA FLORENCE2G2S Won SHASTA LOVER 2031 Won WonDIRECT DIRECT PROM THE ItARN COMES TWO MORE AVIXXERS TOR JOCKEY MUXDEX A D HIS WIXXIXG ARMY AND AVIIEX PARLAYED SHOULD PAY PAYBff Bff 100 FOR 2 K These two specials come to me highly recommended from their connections who expect to mate one of the biggest cleanups of the year I am advised by my people to get set for a real banner day and not to pike with my wagers Am sending the same word to all my clients because we have something up our sleeves that cant miss Two horses that are out for the dough and whose respective connections have made every arrangement to safeguard their investment Play each of my horses today right on the bcezer and then make a good sized parlay straight and straight only and you will be on easy street for some time to come Facts mean something and thats what I am giving you Xo more moreOPERATE OPERATE RIGHT SUBSCRIBE TODAY FOR THIS PARLAY PARLAYWIRE WIRE S5 FOR TODAY BY WESTERN UNION OR POSTAL TELEGRAPH TELEGRAPHJOCKEY JOCKEY WILLIAM 3IUNDEN Suite I80C CO Court Street Brooklyn X Y