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W ORKOUTS Date at left of horses name Is last workout of horse. Letters following time indicate: b, breezing; d, driving; e, easily; h, handily; o, all out; n, eased up. fc..-...-..-......-..-.-.-. - SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13 FAIR GROUNDS. Weather cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 2-10Bolinty .... :37 h 2-2 Justinian .. :37b 2-6 Bk Patricia. :38h 2-8 La Junta... :38h 1- 30 Bming Bty :38h 9-15 Liby Limited :40 b 10-13 Balzar :40b 11-24 Lucky Dan.. :40b 2- 1 Belfry :38 h 2-11 Marsteller .. :38 h 2-7 Broad Bill. . :37 h 1-23 Politians Bt :38h 2-10 Ballygran .. :37 h Pce Pebbles :38h 1- 30 Colonial Ble :39 b 7-30 Rowdy Boy. :40 b 2- 6 Cynara .... :36d 2-6 Sonsy ..... :38h 2-11 Camp Dglas :43b l-30 Stately Lady :37h 1- 31 Dollys Baby :36 d 2-6 Suspense ... :36b 2- llEscoba Frce :38 h 1-29 Walter J.... :38h 2-1 Gorgeous ... :41 b. 2-5 Witharrall .. :41h One-Half Mile. 2-10 Blast :50 h 2-1 Nellie Custis :53 b 2-9 Clae Le Bus :54b 2-7 Play Bird... :50h Epona :54 b 2-9 Premeditate. :54b 2-12Evergold .... :53h 2-4 Trudgeon .. :52 h 2-2 Flying Don. :50 h- 2-6 The Sw Off :53b Five-Eighths Mile. - . 2-10 Busted ,.:.l:04h 2-10 Pce Hotspurl:08b 2-9 Cherry Heartl:08b 2-10 Polyp l:03h 2-12Dtor Happyl:06 b 2-10 Sistony ....l:06b 2-6 Luchon ....l:06b Three-Quarters Mile. 2-8 All Columbial:19 h 2-10 Jack Murphyl:22h 2-12 Angry l:15h 2-10 Lofty Hhts.l:17h 2-12 Aqua Vitae.l:17h 2-7 Matinee Girl.l:20h 2-10 Anne L l:18h 2-2 Noahs Prideld8 h 2-llBtIing Khtl:21 h 2-10 Nola 1:20 h 2-11 Board Wkerl:21 h 2-11 Prince Reno. l:23b 2-9 Bad News...l:19b 2-12 Pce Buddy.l0h 2-7 BUmp .....1:17 h 2-9 Run On l:18h 2-12 Beige .l:16h 2-10 Sister Zoe..l:24 b : 2-7 Bay Bloom.l:20h 2-9 Sergt. Dsonl:17h 2-12 Chy Sweep.l:15h 28 Tiedemann .1:20 h 2-12 Downpour . .l:15h 2-11 Thundertone l:16b 2-11 Ed 2-llTwed Thdsl:19 h 2-11 Flash ofLhtl:18h 2-10 Uma l:18h 2-13 Fleeting Goldl:17 d 2-11 Wingover .1:21 h 2-9 Gold Bet.... 1:18 d 2-11 Well Bhvedl:18h 2-10Gadstick ...l:19d Seven-Eighths Mile. 2-5 Blot 1:30 h 2-10 Jmy Moran. 1:29 h 2-6 Bargello ...1:30 h 2-9 Ricciardo ...1:33 h 2-1 Bayamo ....1:35 b 2-8 Red Vest...l:30h 2-8 Drury l:30h 2-11 Sam CoIe...l:32h 2-8 Essare l:34b 2-8 Worldly Ladl:32h One Mile. 1- 3lAlbazano ...l:45h 2-9 Happy Lad. .l:44h 2- 12 Brains 1:47 h 2-10 Indn Legendl:49h 2-5 Babble l:49h 2-10 Jean Deablel:50h 2-1 Beleveitnot l:49b 2-9 Loop l:47h 2-4 Claret l:46h 2-12 Little Pan..l:45h 2-12Cockrill ....l:44h 2-2 Make BeUevel:45 h 2-7 Catalog ....l:46h 2-9 Old Sport. . .l:48h Corby l:48h 2-6 Pollywog ...l:47h 2-6 Cap. Jack Jr.l:45h 2-10 Pcess A. 0.1:45 h . 2-8 Come On.... 1:48 h 2-9 Pce Trafgarl:45 h 2-11 Chilhoma ...1:45 h 2-6 Runar l:44h 2-llDelco Del...l:47h 2-12 Surpass ....l:44h 2-12 Force .l:49h 2-11 Weideleen . .1:44 h Battling Knight, Board Walker and Anne L. worked together. JEFFERSON PARK. Weather cloudy; track good Three-Eighths Mile. Dr. Billy.... :40 b 2-5 Na Zdar.... :45 d 1- 18 Ms Hchsn :39h One-Half Mile. 29 Pattie Kate.. :49 h Five-Eighths Mile. 2- 8 Bled Burbnl:12 b 1-24 On Go Shut.l:08b 2-12 Cosmos ....l:13b Three-Quarters Mile- 2-6 Bill Orange.l:15 d 1-28 My Girl. . . .l:21b 2-11 Dusky Boy. .1:17 h 2-9 Noble Wrackl:17h . 2-10 Hn Thougtsl:20 b 2-9 Pessimistic .l:18h 2-11 Kelso l:16d 2-12 Riant Rose.l:17h 2-7 Lucky Pal... 1:17 h l-15Spng Maudiel:17 h 1- 25 My McCthyl:18d 2-10 Vanquish ...1:17 b Seven-Eighths Mile. 2- 8 Boot Nose. .1:32 h One Mile. 2-llBful Beau..l:48h 2-12 Ormontime .l:50b 2-12-Bunyora ...l:46h 2-11 Sun Thorn. .l:46h 2-11 Don T l:48h 1-27 Starch 1:47 b 2-12Hzel Densonl:50b One and One-Quarter Miles. 2-3 Zahn 2:13 h Pattie Kate showed speed in handy fashion. Bill Orange was all out. Radiant Rose and Mary McCarthy went together. Kelso did a nice work under a drive. Lucky Pal went handily. Boot Nose did a splendid move. Bashful Beau and Don T. went together. Bunyoras work was a standout. Ormontime and Hazel Denson went together. Zahn worked impressively. HIALEAH PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 1- 31 All Play.... :35h 2-10 Morden .... :36h 10-13 Axenby .... :36b 2-10 Margte Star :36h Black Flash. :36h 2-10 Native Wit.. :35b Bnnie Castle :35h 2-4 Peach Rose. :36 h Bill Moore.. :35h 1-11 Prize Heart. :35 h 2- 6 Cock Robin. :36h Royal Guard :38 h Dusky Lass. :36h Red Fury... :35h 2-11 Dark Colleen :36h 1-20 Regal Knight :36 h 2-11 Fretwork ... :34h 2-9 Shavings ... :35h 1- 27 Flying Heels :37h 2-5 Sizzling .... :35h 2- 11 Foul Tip.... :35h 2-9 Slapstick ... :39 h Hot Springs. :36h 2-9 Southco .... . -38 h 1- 31 John F :37h 2-2 Souer Blche :37 h Jesso : :36h 1-13 Tuscan Knit :36h Jake :38 h 2-9 Thursday ... :38h 2- 6 Jaz Age..... :36h Wyward Lad :36h Janitress . . . :38h 2-9 White Thorn :35 h 2-10 Judge Judy. :35 h 2-10 Western Lit :37 h 1- 3 Matadi . ... . :36h Ws Twinkle :36h Miss Broom. :36h 2-11 Wonderoo . . :36h 2- 6 My Purchase :35h Yukon :39 h j ; One-Half Mile: 1 I 2-9 Arras :48h 2-3 Sun Teatime :49h 2-12 Little Turtle :49 h 1-26 Tea Cracker. :49h : 2-llMortime ... :50 h Five-Eighths Mile. i 2-9 Diana D l:01h 2-12 Jimmio L....l:02h ; 2-6 Dunes l:04h 2-9 Knowlton ..1:02 h My DunnelnlK5 h 2-11 Playfole .... :58h 2-3 Mae Sweep.. 1:03 h Three-Quarters Mile. 2-lOBlck Signal. 1:18 h 1-27 La Glondnal:16h 2-11 Cmrdcship 1:18 h 2-12 Norwalk ...1:17 h 2-9 Celsus 1:20 h 2-11 Prepare ....l:17h 2-3 Directly ...l:16h. 2-11 Polygamize .1-22 h 2-3 Don Romirol:15 h 2-6 Pennate ld5h E. of Ch,nc,yl6h 1-26 Shas. Lover.l:15 h 2-6 Even Up....l:15h 2-4 Teach Me... 1:18 h 2-11 Fredrick ...1:18 h 2-2 T. Spaniard. l:17h 2-2 Gay Bird. . .l:14h 2-10 Tuskegee ...l:15h 2-10Hight Point.l:17 h 2-10 Wave Top... 1:16 h 1- 30 Kyar 1:18 h 2-3 Whilcaway .1:15 h 2- 11 Lullaby n...l:15h 1-28 Waterway ..1:22 h One Mile. 2-1 AH Hail.... 1:47 h 2-9 Slambang ..1:45 h 1- 24 Angry Lass.. 1:45 h 2-12 Trombone ..l:43h 2- 10Afridi 1:45 h 2-6 Tom Mac... 1:46 h 2-11 Garlic l:41h 2-8 The Khan... 1:46 h 2-12-Monocle ....l:42h 1-21 Valour II..:i:41h 2-8 Ply Furious. l:41h TROPICAL PARE Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 2:11 Anne G :38h 2-4 Joycelyn V.. :39 h 2-10Chianti :38h 2-11 Mont Jule. .. :38h 2-llFauqs Pride :39 h 2-8 Tuffy Doe... :38h Five-Eighths Mile. 2-9 Brn Supinetl:04 h 2-11 Winnie C...l:03h 2-8 Hay time .....1:05 h Three-Quarters Mile. 2-11 Maunaolu ...1:21 h 2-11 Princs Italial:20 h 2-10Orkin 1:22 h One Mile. 2-10 May Alton... l:47h 2-8 P. in Revicwl:47h HAVANA. Weather clear; track fast One-Quarter Mile. 12-29 Abstain -25 2-9 Miss Pandora :24 2-4 Dental Cream :24 1-19 Over Shady.. :24 2-5 Flo ONeill... :25 2-11 One Alone... 4 2-4 Fair Glow.... :25 2-9 Port o Play. :25 2-6 Justiciary ... 25 2-8 Quorum -2b 2-9 Keswick .... :23 2-3 Stylish Mack. 25 2-9 McCulloch ... :27 .2-3 Solus :25 1- 5 My Joanne... :24 1-6 Yumuri :24 2- 11 Master Stroke 2H Three-Eighths Mile. 2-3 Alfaye B :36 2-3 Free Helen... :37 2-10 Burning Up.. :39 2-6 Fast Life.... :39 1-29 Camping .... :38 2-11 Gun Man.... :35 1- 8 Chilly Maid.. :38 2-11 Hickey :40 2- 12 Cecelia Grob. :39 2-8 Qun Towton. :37 2-12 Cabaret :36 2-5 Silver Scepter :37 2-6 Dawn Patrol. :38 1-21 Unstained .. :36 2-4 Darkayress .. :37 2-8 West Point.. :37 One-Half Mile. 2-9 Andresito ... :48 1-27 Lady Hay.... :52 2-3 Ada Epinard. :52 2-11 Mter Durbar. :50 1-21 AI Livingston. :49 1-28 Nelson :50 1-28 Country Tom. :51 2-4 Pomfret .... :49 1- 25Cabama ..... :51 2-11 Regusted .... :49 2- 7 Dr. Bidencope :51 2-9 Robrack .... 6 Flying Sixty.. :52 2-9 Sultry :50 1- 27 Good Jest.... :53 1-31 Stefans Lass. :56 2- 10 Gunfire ..... :50 2-9 Thistle Marty 2 2-9 Little Nap... :56 2-3 Vladimir .... :51 2-11 Little Wind.. :52 Five-Eighths Mile. 2-12 Carnival ....1:04 1-30 Men el ek ....1:05 1- 30Estin ....... 1K4 2-7 Pere Noel... .1:11 2- llGradiset 1.-02 2-9 Ruby Dear... 1.03 2-12 Hamhocks.-. . .1:16 2-11 Thunderhead 1:15 2-10 Infinitive ....1:04 - 1-22 Valley 1:15 2-7 Judge Dixon. 102 Three-Quarters Mile. 2-5 Eying 1:21 2-4 Magic Carpet. 120 2-7 Excavation ..121 2-11 Patcia Marianl:19 2-11 Friendly WayslSO 2-4 Thistle Billie.l:19 2-11 Gay Party. . .1:21 Seven-Eighths Mile. 2-llCfs Trubdrl:30 2-10 Sun Mission.. 1:30 2-9 Innisfail ....1:32 One Mile. 2-11 Broken Soundl:43 2-9 Star 1:43 2-llNostaw 1:50 1-16 Thistle Ann. . 1:44 AGUA CALIENTE. Weather cloudy; track heavy Three-Eighths Mile. 1- 4 Bill Cosgrave :39 e 2-5 Glming Star :39 e 2- 7 Copy Book.. :38 e 2-10 Hehukai ... :41 b 1- 19Deepie :37h 2-4 Morheart .. :37 h 2- 11 Daily News.. :37 h 1-20 Nuve Alta.. :39 c 2-1-Fair Boy.... :38 h 2-10Peterkin .... :38 h One-Half Mile. 2-6 Aye Ready.. :55 b 2-10 Ono :51e 1- 27 Book Bard.. :52o 2-6 Peggy Bbara :53 b Ella Madeline :54 b 1-29 Royal Chef. . :51h 2- 6 Gabbo :52e 1-17 Speedy Al... :52e 2-4 Ctain Dngr :54 b 2-10 Shp Thohts :51e Genl Jacksn :52e 2-7 Sonnys Girl. :53 e 11-19 Hand to Hd :53 b 2-11 Tmie Kirnan :51e 1-28 Martha Mac. :50 d 2-7 Taches :53b 1-29 Marengo ... :54 b 2-4 Umpire .... :54 b 1- 31Marechal ... :54 b 2-10 Wirt ;50h Five-Eighths Mile. 2- 5 Bag Smashrl:07e 2-5 Kathryn ;...l:08b 2-11 Beth Hogan.l:04 d 2-12 Lagrange ...1:04 e 2 9 Bahamas ...l:02h 1-19 Pawn 1:06 e 2-4 Clear Star,., 1;09 b 1-22 Quiver l:06b 2-9 El Cajon....l:03h 2-4 Sedgie .....1:04 h 2-7 Euonymous .l:10b 2-4 Susu l:04e 2-5 Joe Flores... l:06b 2-4 Sir Argo.... 1:05 h Three-Quarters Mile. 2-6 Bnie Smile.l:25 b 1-9 Mad Boy... 1:20 h 2-6 By Wire....l:20b 2-4 M. Fn PIatel:21 b 2-llErvast 1:22 b 2-12 Sure Hills... l:19e 1- 30 F?s Favorite.l21b 2-6 Voltear .....l:19e One Mile. 2- 4 Jge Murphyl:51e 2-3 Tetra Glass. .l:47h 2-9 Passalong ..l:48h