2nd Thorncliffe 3/4 Mile, Daily Racing Form, 1932-06-04

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2nd Thorncliffe Fair purse. Purse 00. 3-Year-Olds. Claiming. 3/4 Mile French Lass, Sept. 14, 1931— 1:1 iy5— 4— 115. NOTE— Claiming price, ,500. Weight, 116 pounds. Non-winners of 00 since May 15 allowed 3 pounds; since April 1, 5 pounds. 5 The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest work" 2 out and racing record for this and previous year: o Date Crs. Dls. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St_ %Str. Fin. Jockey P.P.Cl.Pce Sts. Best Company John Bane X 111 Ch. g, 8, by Braedalbane — Tilla H., by Flammarion. Work: Mav 15— 3 4. .1:18% ft *» * Trainer, M. W. Buck. Owner, M. W. Buck. Jun. 1-32Thf J 1:12% ft lOf 105 5 5 44 34 BakerFJ* 1500 11 The Point 109,Gerard 112.Altsheib 112 7 Mayl8 323C.D J 1:27% ft 14 113 7 9 9" 94 BakerFJ* 1500 12 Cabamall9,SamboBrown 119,PatC. 113 5 MarlO 324AC 1 1:12% ft 15 106*2 b 64 5 CochlinJ* 2500 7 Nacho 110, Sir Satin 111, El Cajon 111 7 Mai:6 324A.C j 1:26% ft 8-5 112*4 3 21 34 TremayneR* 2500 8 Wirt 100,Nugent 105,RedDiamond 109 4 Feb28 32A.C 1A 1:47% ft 71 98* 4 3 4 44 AtkinsonJ* 2200 9 Scimitar 112, Ono 95, JudgeAustin 105 . Starts. 1st. 2r,d. 8rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record. .20 9 4 3 % 4,370 1932 record. .14 2 Q 5 $ 1,250 i i Chile Geld X 1 Q. Ck. ». I, by Chilhowea— Solid Gold, Dy The*. Cook. Work: Mav 27— 3 4 1 20hv A VO tnam, K. V. Boyle. Owner. Genesee SUble. May 3 32Jwn J 1:13%. it 112 SCRATCHED. 2500 12 M.SweetsllO.StimatorlKS.M.Sweep 103 J Apc25 32*Jam J 1:13% ft 12 111 6 4 41 3s EnsorL1* 2000 12 Claremont 117,Beguile 117.Mittens 107 f ! Qct29-31*Emp 5* f 1:08 sy 3-2e 118 3 11* 11 BurkeJH11 2000 11 GopAlongllS.ExpertusllS.Spnfair 118 I I OcL27-31*Emp 5i f 1:08 ft 11-5 112 1 1 1» 2* BurkeJH 1500 8 Shoot 106. Axenby 116. Teach Me 110 ! 0ct2131*EnH 5i f 1 :07% ft 9 5 112 2 11* 31 MalleyT* 2000 7 SanKai 120,WildWestll4,NoTwalk 112 : Oct 2 31*Aqu i 1:01% ft 2 110 1 1 l«| 1 MalleyT* 2000 8 Roy.Stonell0.Reg.Fla?115.Deferred 102 ! Stsrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. tton.-. . St.irts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won 1931 record.. 12 3 4 2 ,080 1932 record .. 1 0 0 1 $ 100 Dizzy X 101 Br. f. 3, by Lucky Hour— Champagne, by Peter Fan. Work: Mav 15—5 8 109ft *•*»* Trainer, E. L. Snyder. Owner, E. L. Snyder. May21-31*C.D 3 1:13 ft 102 SCRATCHED. Post P. 18 1500 12 Fireflashl03.S,boBronll5.TnLimit 110 ! Mayl8 32*C.D J 1:27 ft 15 10312 8 8° 7» WhalenO* 1500 12 K.Russell 113,Gunfire 119,TheWhig 113 May 4 32*C.D % 1:13 ft 13f 103 9 5 3* 2* WhalenO1 150U 12 Ellen D. HO.Tadcasler 115,Elkhart 113 Feb.13 32F G 1and 1:47% ft 71 199 12 10 104 8M GarnerW* 2000 12 Beaver 102,LadyCouvin 105, Array ilO , Feb.3 32*FG 1 1:48% ft 6 108 7 2 2* 5* GarnerW* 2000 12 Beaverl05,JySutro lll.CresctCity 108 3 Jan.l4 327J.P 1T01:53 hy 18 5 109 5 1 V 11 GarnerW* 1000 il GayPriiuell3,Peal 105.PsstfusdeilOO I . Starts, let, 2nd. XrO. Won.-* . Starts, lat. 2nd. 3rd. W»n — 1931 record.. 14 2*2 4 J 1.375 1932 record. . 6 1 1 0 $ 650 BylOIlB X 110 Ch * 3* by Allenb — Paulona, by Athlone. -a-J-l/ Trainer, A. N. Sharpies. Owner, G. Sharpies. May31-32Thf | 1:27»4 ft 34 102 3 1 1** 1« WilliamsA* 1400 12 Babblelll.Seawrthy 104,FairSpeed 109 May26 32*Wdb Jl:15 m 60 10810 9 9* 1018 LangeF" 2500 12 DlinsLad 122,JeEllen 100,FesD. 100 Oct24 31Duf 6 f 125 ft 91 11018 7 614 6" CoUinsJ1 1500 8 LleTurtlel07.Tdropl05.Mag.Image 112 I OcLl3 31L.B | 1:14% ft 9 1101 7 4 41 5*1 AimersT" 1250 12 L.Turkey 106.P.Mnkcy 103,B.oGold 106 J Sepl7 31Thf 1100% ft 11 112 4 6 6" 51 LegereE* 1500 12 Jaipur 107.Dais 1074. Little Turkey 110 Au 20 31Dev 1100 ft 15 115 6 5 9i 6 LoumanH* Allw 12 - enSunll2,BtonAgnesl05,Ladfield 108 Au5113rF.E 54 f 1:13 hy 17 118 8 9 9" 10* TonrowR* 250012 Caryldonl09,P.Monkeyl03,Pldomar 109 SturU. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— . 1931 record.. 14 3 0 0 ,975 1932 record. 2 1 0 0 $ 625 MoiHoIne Bow 111 B. c, 3. by Volta— Carico, by Rey del 8ierraa. Work: Mav 30—3 8.. 36%ft *"*•*• Trainer. E. D. Springer. Owner, P. B. Codd. Jun.l32Thf 3 1:12% ft 6 104 4 2 3* 6» PhillipsC* 1300 11 ThePoint 109,Gerard 112,JohnBane 105 5 Apr.29 32!Jam | 1:13% ft 30 109 6 3 51 5" PriorW2 1500 12 SingleStarll5,Charliell8,WstysFox 109 3 Apr.26 32Mam V 1 :45 gd 15 109 5 11 11" ll3 PriorW" 1200 12 R.Alopel08,Croydenll3,Wtchgirl 1034 | Apr5 32,Bow 21:13 ft 36 120 4 4 61 11" CurranW 3250 12 DonRomiro 115,Vishnu 117,Commonll5 i Marl7 32Trp 5£ f 1:05% ft 21 107 7 9 9" 81 RileyG7 150010 T Heathenll6,Capt.Edl07,Noajoyce 113 1 Marl2 32Trp 54 f 1:05% ft 11 111 6 3 3* 31 EnsorL1 150012 Lawyer 110. Brooksie 112,D.Johnny 112 , Mart*. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . 1931 record.. 7 1 0 1 $ 700 1932 record 17 2 0 3 ,495 Wise Seller X 1 08 Ch" B 3 by Wis» Counsellor— Viola Elliott, by Horron. Work June 3—3 8 39hv Trainer. B. S. Michell. Owner. B. S. Michell. May 7-32*C.D J 1:13% ft 19 108 1 8 8" 84 JamesE8 2000 8 GrndPrince 115,Elkhart 108,PatC. 108 3 Apr.29 32*C T 3 1:14% ft 71 113 11 8 9° 8" LandoltC8 1500 12 Twill 115,StarPlay 120,T.Spaniard 120 j MarlO 32:FG 21:14% ft 41-10 115 1 2 51 7" LandoltC* 1500 8 SleSingerll5,ElkhartllO,K. Russell 110 3 Mai. 2 3??FG 2 1:14% ft 7-10 11511 3 61 61 LandoltC9 1500 11 LadyCvinl05,GraphitellO,GnLight 110 Feb29 32FG g 114 ft 21 114 8 3 1 2 LandoltC* 1500 8 J.Packardl08.Elkhartlll.Mag. Mater 106 5 Jan.26 32*FG 21 15% m 47-10 107* Wheeled. RoussellV* 3000 10 Stimulatrll2.0nHearthll2.Adsum 107 ■ Jan2132M.P 2 1:13% ft 21 111 5 2 21 2* ElstonG1 2000 12 NhsPridel08,Hasolal02,K.Francs 107 J ■ .starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won , Starts 1st. 2nd. Xrd. Wnn.- 1931 record.. 24 7 3 2 ,526 1932 record. .11 0 2 4 $ 400 RDStiC Love X 1 B" f 3 M by Bucel!as— ■•"■•»• by Puryear D. Work- Mav 27—3 8 40hv -*-"" Trainer J. S. McDonald. Owner, Mrs. I. E. McDonald. Mav28 326Wdb 2 1:14% si 105 SCRATCHED. Post P. 9 2400 10 Deduce 111, Pennate 117,GayParty 119 3 OcL24 31Duf 64 f 1:25 ft 24 108 5 6 7* 7" PeakeH7 120O 8 L,IeTurtlel07,Tdropl05.Mag.Image 112 2 Dct.20 31Duf a | 1:02% ft 7 109 8 8 8*1 610 WilsonL1 Maid S Arasunlll.FastStormll3,B.o*Roses 109 3 Oct 9-31L.B 54fl:10%hy 51f 104 11 7 7* 61 DaintvF* 1500 12 Rosemnl08.Paldomarll5.BigGrass 112 2 Sep28-31«Wdb 21:15 ft 107 112 11 11 11" 11* WellsL4 2000 12 S.Wind 114,P.Monkeyll2.BketBay 115 5 Sep.l8-31Thf 54flK8%ft 12f 109 8 10 10110" AimersT* 1200 12 ReIKntl09.PVsSt*Ial04.ParsRo,I 112 o , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-» 1931 record.. 9 0 0 2 $ 80 S.lllilia H. 1 A/? B. f, 3, by Traumer — Sun Sabre, by Sun Briar. Work- M3V 17 3-4 1 20ed -1-"" Trainer, E. L. Snyder. Owner. J. Lowe:. stem . Mayl9-32*C.D 64 f 1:20% ft 337 10417 9 8"» 71 FrycJW" 1500 10 B.Bsinessll5,Un.Henryll5.T.Limit 110 May 4-321". D 2113 ft 158 108 2 6 9" 914 YeltonR8 15UU 12 Ellen D. 110, Dizzy 103. Tadcaster 115 b Oct 8 31Haw 51 f 1 08 ft 53f 108 7 6 71 8" JonesR" 250012 B.Pepperl06,S Teatimell3.Marlene 111 j i Oct 2-31Haw 2 1:14% ft 35 107 7 5 61 71 JonesR 2000 12 r olly*sBaby 108,Bonnet 107,Witeonll3 ! Sep.ll-31LF J 1:13% ft 32 107 1 7 71 7" HanfordB* 2500 12 McmodumllO.AnsPal HO.Cath FoxllO Sep. 4-31L.F 21:18%hy 27 108 3 8 9" 1021 CunhamL* 2500 11 Marlnel08.A Ormont 112,LzyMary 102 *. , Aug-13 31Haw 54 f 1:07% ft 7 110 2 4 81 U* JonesR 2500 12 Cm.idgeonll3,L.Battslll.A.Wayne 113 5 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Woa. 1931 record. .13 13 0 ,725 1932 record.. 2 Tinge 108 Br" * M *y Sir Greysteel — Tint, by Lonawand. Work: Mav 28— 3-8 ... :39hy -1-"0 Trainer. W. Irvine. Owner. S. W. Labrot. Jim. 2-32Thf 2 1:14% ft 113 SCRATCHED. Post P. 15 1500 12 TctraKhan 110, Donya 105, Clarry 102 y OcL26 31Lrl 21:14% ft 49-10e 112 5 5 61 71 GarnerM1 3000 10 Jaffa 109,Li:iybet lll.TulachArd 115 ? Oct.l7-31Lrl 2 1:13% ft 31-10 110 2 6 6» 71 EllisG7 5000 9 BlazeWhitell0.D,nellal07,J,ySutro 116 . Sep25 3rHdG 54f UH% ft 12 114 6 5 3 21 RemiirdP1 3500 12 JkstafflM.WhiteFlierlll.WthgtonlM * Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won _ , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 1931 record.. 3 0 1 0 $ 200 Logwood 101 B. c, 3, by Cudgel — Lotto, by Hilarious. 1 "1 Trainer. E. Seremba. Owner, J. Cattarinich. May31-32sThf liV, 1:49% ft 71 107 114* 4lQnbushGl 2000 7 P.Exccell5.D.ofYorkl08.M.Gaiety 115 2 - Ma 27-323Wdb 2 117% m 5 112 2 2 2 31 ElstonH" 2000 12 Circuletl22.Kgswayl23.PopnCrkrl07 i Mav26 32Wdb 21:15 m 91 104 11 8 6" 6" DeweseM1 2500 12 DlinsLad 122,.JeEllen lOO.FresD. 100 ? Se|xl4 31Dor 2 1:15% ft 110 1 2 31 2 HornF Allw 3 Count Bruno 113 Rideau 110 Sepl0 31Dor 54 f 107% ft 10 108 5 4 51 4 CooperR* Allw 9 W Seller 118,L.ofFire 106, Sh.Wood 112 9 Sep.8 31*Dor 54 f 108 ft 11-10 109*1 1 1* 1 CooperR1 1200 9 Dextrol06,PrVsStolal03,PcsItalia 112 9 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won -, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Ww. 1931 record.. 22 4 2 4 ,970 1932 record .. 3 0 0 1 $ 125 Boseobel 1 OQ Bi • 3 by Sir Grftysteel — Shireoaks, by Volta. Work- June 3 5-8 106hv ■*-" Trainer. G. Alexandra. Owner, J. E. Sraallman. Ma 30-32*Thf 21:13 "ft 7 103 7 2 31 41 PhillipsC2 3000 11 FairJack 117, Ponnate 108, Mexico 112 f. p May26-32°Vdb 2 1:14% m 18 5 103 4 1 11 21 PhillipsC1 Allw 8 SisterZoell4,Lit.Gvpll2,GarntLass 1jO J Apr29 32*HdG 54 t 1:07% ft 19-20 113 5 2 11 1* EnsorL* 3300 12 SteppingSisterlOS.BbyBirdllO.Viba 110 ■ Apr26 32HdG 21:13%gd 3 105 6 3 22 3i LeischnR1 2500 10 Hagtown HO.FairJack 112,Lili bet 107 7 Apc22-32*HdG 54 f 1K7% ft 14 5 115 5 1 1 2" BurkeJH5 Allw 12 Autumnal llO.Lin. Nell 115,BrtLunallO 0 Apnl9 322HdG 2 113% ft 21 110 Left at post BurkeJH* 3500 9 FairJack 114,Jatfa IK .TulachArd 108 8 i Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won -n . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3ra. Won — . 1931 record.. 11 17 2 ,200 1932 record 8 12 1 ,350 Frigid Frosty 101 Ch c M "y Iitzwillialn — Finery Foolery, by Lovetie. Work- Mav 28 3 4 120hv ■*-*■*■ Trainer, A. E, Alexandra. Owner, Erindale Stable. JualThf I 1:28% ft 104 SCRATCHED. Post P. 9 1200 12 Anokal07,M.MuIlahll2,Gil.Casino 1134 i Octl3 31L.B 2 1:14% ft 24f 94 10 12 12" 121 McLalinE* 1250 12 L.Turkeyl6.P.Mnkevl03.B.o,GoId 100 * Sep28 31Wdb 54fl09 ft 70 112 2 7 61 51 FodenN1 2500 12 CsteMornl09,FrriaZel 113,Rsemn 116 6 Aug.4 31Ham |l:01%gd 420 111 8 7 91* 911 TonrowR4 Maid 10 Wenlwthlll,Rosemanll4,E.Dandy Hi 1 Jul.29-3rHam 11:00% ft 263 106 9 9 8" 8" FodenN4 Allw 9 Qnswayll2.L.Rkvi]lel07.E.Dandy 105 15 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. W— ■-« , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 1931 record.. 4 Gay Spirit 111 Br. c, 3 M, by Bucellas — Fallacy, by Light Brigade. Work- lime 1—12 -49% ft Trainer, G. B. Foley. Owner, G. B. Foley. Nov. 2 31Pim l10 1:44% ft "82 1111211 9,s 9° BejshakJ" 3000 12 Busted 115,B.Damsel HO.N.Vitage 109 9 Octl4 3PLrl 11:40% ft 30 110 6 6 7* 712 ColtilettiF8 400010 Meal04,BrdonRose 110, Wthington 108 B , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Von.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Woq., 1931 record.. 2 WestjS Polly I A/» Br. f, 3, by Westy Hogan— Queens Folly, by Grey Fox JX Work: Mav 28—5-8 l:03%hv *W Trainer. J. I. Smith. Owner. H. T. Archibald. May5 32Pim 1 1:47% ft 32 108 2 9 61 7" HanfordB1 2500 11 FervidllS.L.MrrymanlOS.PsEncre 107 7 ApE26 32HdG l:tfl:45%gd 57 102 1 7 7" 7" Gilbert J2 Allw 7 Pendingl02,Mouthpiecell2,WilmT. 112 2 Apr.14 325Bow 1T0 1:45 ft 54 106 7 7 7» 728-MillsH Allw 7 Sffetchit 108,HappenllO,MyFergus 111 1 Nov6 31Tim rul:45 ft 76 107 9 9 9* 8" NertneyW* Allw 9 Pintail 109, Busted 112, Siambang 111 1 Octl5 31sJam 2H4 ft 10 107 1 1 11 11 LongJ2 Maid 11 IronCzarllO.OIdMasrlll.BIkmck 110 0 Oct 8-31Jam I0 144% ft 30 102 2 1 4» 4" StudleyW4 Allw 10 Tote 115,Renew3d 1084,Benedictine 115 5 Oct 6 31 J am 54 1106% ft 20 115 5 6 7" 7" ThurberH* Maid 8 Sobieha 115,Deterred 115,Nagreta 115 5 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-» 1931 record., e 1 0 0 $ 700 1932 record . 3 Stefan J.". 1 OR Ch * * by Stefu the Great— Kum Ealessi, by Luke McLuke. »• Work- Mav 28—12 -50ft »V** Trainer. C. Ferrara. Owner. F. A. Temple. Jim. 2 324Thf J 1:12% ft 104 SCRATCHED. Post P. 1 3000 12 Cuchulain 112,Pennate 113,Guilder 116 * Octl7 31Duf a f 1:03 ft 27 10 1054 5 3 2* 1HMitcheIIM1 2200 8 RockCrestl03,EnAvantll2,InfiShot 102 12 Disqualified. Oct 3-31Wdb 2 114% ft 6 102 3 1 l4 V RidgayA* 2000 12 VisnaryHrll3,F.Fellowl02.Billn,a 109 19 Sep.l9 31*Thf 54 f 107 ft 21 10510 9 51 51 RomanoT* Allw 10 Hobnob 110,FcesD. 109,LckyPolly 102 2 Sepl5-31*Thf 54 f 106% ft 18 107 5 4 41 41 CatifieldL* Allw 7 WtivityllS.DkCeltKW.BtonAgnes 110 0 Sep.9 31Dor 54 f 108 ft 2 112 2 1 1* 31 JonesJ* Allw 9 B.Supinetl.C.MarchllS.OrSandy 107 17 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Woo.-» 1931 record.. 14 2 2 2 ,945 Carvldon V I AO B. g, 3, by Donnacona — Jane Cameron, by Achtot. Work- Mav 30— lm 145ft *•"*** Trainer. W. G. CampbelL Owner, C. Smythe. Ma 24 324Wdb l70 1:45 "ft 20 108 4 5 9 5" FodenN1 3000 6 Wd in Chanc,ylll.Hap,nlll.Mexicol26 6 May3 32*Jam 2 113% ft 100 112 9 10 10" 10" PeakeH* 2500 12 M.SweetsllO,Stimatorll6.M. Sweep 108 8 Oct29 31Emp 54 f 1 :08% sy 5 123 4 5 3 51 FodenN* Allw 5 M.Singerll2,VturosoU2,D.deP,tiers- Oct28 31Em.p 541 106% ft 20 122 4 6 71 5° FodenN" Allw 8 Cabezo 119. Apprentice 115. Clotho 117 7 Octl4 31*L.B J 1:16% m 4-5 1081 1 1 l4 1* FodenN* Allw 8 RubdgellO,Wentwthl09 M JannsonlOO U Octl314Wdb I" 146% ft 9 107 4 4 4 3* FodenN* Stks 6 D.Mission 114,S.Wind lOG.Rubridge 102 Sepi26 31»Wdb J 1:15% m 24 5 119 3 3 31 31 FodenN Allw 7 DkMissinirY.raKhanllO.Ruhdge 110 0 . Starts. 1st. 2rd. 3rd. ffon. . 8t»rts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., 1931 record.. 11 4 12 ,510 1932 record .. 2 Common X 1 OS B. g, 3, by St. James — Comsora. by The Commoner. Work- ".lav 24 3 8 35%ft ■■-"O Trainer, J. Badame. Owner. J. Formica. Jun.2 324fhf * 1:12% ft 22 107 9 10 T 61 AbelA* 3000 12 Cuchulain 112,Pennate 113,Guilder 116 6 May28-32*Wdb 3 1:14% si 29-10 109 3 3 81 81 KsingerC* 2400 10 Deduce 111. Pennate 117.GayParty 119 9 May25 32*Wdb 31:14 ft 49-10 105 2 2 11 2* MoierR* 3500 12 ImaQun 105,Guilder 108,GayParty 112 2 Apc5 32*Bow 31:13 ft 41-10 115*1 2 2* 31 GilbertJw 3250 12 DonRomiro 115,Vishnu 117,Predict 117 7 Mac22 32*St.J 11:42 si 1 108 10 1 61 9* BarnesE* 200010 DrSyntaxlll.ClareBeelOO.lronCzar 105 5 Mar.l8 32*Trp 31:13%*l 3 108 3 1 11 1 BarnesE8 2000 14 HistPointl04,For,nPlayl02,Capt Edl05 | , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-» , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Woo.- 1931 record. .18 3 3 1 $ 2.800 1932 record. .18 3 3 2 $ 2,425 i i J f ! I I ! : ! Happen X 1 052 Ch. f. 3, by American Has; — Possible, by Ultimas. ■IvO Trainer. G. Fez. Owner. Mrs. G. fox. Jun.2 32*Thf liV 147 ft 5 102 4 1 4* 4lCIaBcyM4 Allw 6 B,derlogl05,L.M,rymanl07.Cfci»P*l 107 May3032*Thf andA1 ft 18 100 5 4 44 4* WallN8 3500 6 Frumperll5,BwayLiglitsl05.Rutie 110 May24 324Wdb l"l:45 ft 13 10 111 1 2 21 2* BarnesE* 3000 6 Wd in Chancrylll,Mexicol26.Bwetl06 Mayl3 32Pim l" 1:48% si 3 110 3 2 41 44 HanfordB* 4000 7 FervidllS.WilmT 120, Maj. General 110 Mayl0 32*Pim lA 1:48% si 3 108 2 1 l4 1* HanfordB4 2500 8 Tul.Ard 105,Eager Play 120,FoBrin« 122 Apc29 32"HdG 1 147% ft 47-10 100* 5 1 1" 2 NeelJ* 3000 7 ByLightsllS.WIyLad 113.G Lefne 112 Apn2732*HdG 2 1:13% ft 14 105 4 5 51 51 RenickS1 Hdcp 5 Canron 105,ConAmore 125,Mar-«ae 104 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-» Stnrts. 1«t. 2nd. 3rd. W««t.— « 1931 record.. 9 0 I 0 $ 200 1932 record .. 10 2 3 0 ,375

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1932060401/drf1932060401_10_3
Local Identifier: drf1932060401_10_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800