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f # I inlHV m Acciumip 8 Evckt n»w»papi» M in n* Counts fO«m SuatJSiA MR. SULLIVAN M rw« w WWKWMMI I /«s_... 4C M *►* B0WCIES dont tint it §T -••ky WATCH MY SMOKE-YESTERDAYS PARLAY: WISE ADVOCATE, LOST LIQUEUR, .08, WON Not so HOT yesterday, BUT-we cant have WINNERS every day. IF WE DID, there wouldnt be »ny bookies left. ITS BAD ENOUGH FOR THEM THE WAY MY FOLLOWERS ARE SLAUGHTER ING" THEM AT PRESENT. How Did You Like Thursdays Parlay? . MISS MELODY, 9.34, WON ZIDA, 0.98, WON REMEMBER, IM AT THE TRACK AND "KNOW WHATS WHAT " So how can you LOSE? I URGE YOU NOT TO MISS 8T MY 50-1 PARLAY TODAY -W r Never was I so sure of a PARLAY WINNING as I I am today. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE. Also Free "Long Shot" Today Goes at Washington and FREE to EVERYONE. TERMS— A DAY ■or NOTICE— CHICAGO PLAYERS -H Dont go to the track today before you get my PARLAY or you will be sorry. Come up to my office and I will show you "proof" 1 I have the "RBAI, STUFF." If you cannot come, phone e me, Bandolpb 0105- J19 I, and I will send yon my par* lay with messenger la aealed envelope. Out-of-town players, telegraph and yon will get my wire— NO j WAITING. J. SULLIVAN 127 N. Dearborn St. Room 1327 Chicago. III. •