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j WASHINGTON PARK 1 RACE COURSE AMERICAN DERBY I ESTIMATED VALUE OVER 0,000 I NEXT SATURDAY, JUNE 18 j J EVERY STAR THREE-YEAR-OLD ELIGIBLE ! I ECONOMIC, second in Kentucky Derby, first j I in Ohio Derby; FAIRENO, winner Belmont ! I Stakes; STEPENFETCHIT, third in Kentucky j Derby; BOATSWAIN, winner of Withers and J third in Preakness; OUR FANCY, third in J Ohio Derby; YONKEL, BRANDON MINT, j OSCULATOR, BIG BEAU, SUNMELUS, j ADOBE POST, PRINCE HOTSPUR, ON POST, I MAD PURSUIT and GUSTO. j DERBY RESERVATIONS: 1 Boxes and seats may be reserved at Room I 730 Congress Bank Building, Congress and ! Wasbash, Phone HARrison 3654 or at Wash-I ington Park, Phone Homewood 825. General Admission Including Derby Day .20