Alamo Downs, Daily Racing Form, 1934-05-01


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ALAMO DOWNS SAN ANTONIO TEXAS MONDAY APRIL 30 1934 Alamo Downs 1 mile Seventh day Alamo Downs Inc Inaugural meeting of 18 days Bahr Stall Gate used Weather clear Presiding Steward J A Murphy Associate Stewards S C Nuckols and H Brownlee Judges J Carey C F Henry and S S Brown Starter H Morrissey Racing Secretary E W Bury Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 330 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds 7 pounds 10 pounds QOTOer FIRST RACE 4 12 Furlongs Bulstrode April 28 1934 53 2 110 Purse 600 50Apnl3034Ala M Afr 1 2yearolds Maidens Claiming Net value to winner 425 second 100 third 50 Apnl3034Ala fourtn 525 claiming prie 1000 if for less 3 Ibs allowed for each 100 to 800 Index Hones EqtA VtPP8t Str Fin Jockeys Equif Odds Strt 93614REPROACH 93614REPROACHSIR w 102 10 4 7 6l 32 I1 PetrellaP B J Thuring Thuringw 250100 SIR HAROLD w 105 22 11 I2 21 22 CourtneyG Eskay Stable Stablew 2515100 93614SWEET THING w 102 47 51 41 42 32 WillhiteE E Lutz Lutzw 4910100 93441UP YONDER YONDERANCIENT w 111 9 5 3k 24 lk 41 VerbusM Miss B Russell RussellWBlll t615100 ANCIENT ROME WBlll 53 21 71 51 5 KingT J D Mikel Mikelw 160100 93614 FAIR LELA w 109 31 61 51 71 61 ParkeM G Higgins Higginsw 3885100 93641 WATERFRONT w 116 11 8 8l 81 81 T SeaboG W C Goodloe Goodloew 2440100 93540 HENRY DEW w 110 6 11 10 94 91 82 FerminA H Dew Deww 9135100 928642NILREBO w 113 76 4 31 61 9 WatsonR L Crist Cristw08 565100 93641CORKY B BBRISALFORD w08 8 9 9110l10410l TaylorD Cisco Stabla BRISALFORD w 107 1 10 11 11 11 11 WebsterO Mrs N W Hunter 3630100 tField tFieldREPROACH Time 23 W 55 Track fast 2 CERTIFICATES PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS REPROACH 700 450 310 250 100 125 100 55 100 SIR HAROLD 2610 1750 1205 100 775 100 100SWEET SWEET THING 1320 560 100 100Winner Winner Br f by Galetian Blame by Wrack trained by J Zoeller bred by Mr G D Widener Winner entered to be claimed for 800 800WENT WENT TO POST 234 AT POST 5 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameREPROACH REPROACH shuffled back approaching the last turn came again on the inside and wore down SIR HAROLD in a long drive The latter shook off challenges in the early stages and held on gamely after swerving in the stretch SWEET THING worked her way up fast after a quarter UP YONDER quit badly in the quitScratched stretch ANCIENT ROME lost ground on the turns FAIR LELA quit Scratched 92769 Brilliant Pal 110 110Overweight Overweight Fair Lela 2 pounds poundsCorrected Corrected weight Fair Lela 107 QOAyOft SECOND RACE 5 12 Furlongs Lebam April 23 1934 1055 107 Purse 600 thirdApnl3034Ala 7O 6 OvP 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner425 second 100 third Apnl3034Ala 550 fourth 25 Claiming price 600 Indp Horses EqtAWtPPSt tt Str Fin lockup Owners Equlv OJiis Slrt 935652MY IDEAL WB 6 99 3 4 31 1 1 I1 TaylorD D Christian 100100 89060 COUNT BRUNO WB 5 109 5 7 74 62 31 21 WatsonR R Robertson 4120100 93565 BANK SHOT WB 4 112 6 6 51 4 21 33 ParkeM Mrs J Lessert 935100 935100935873THE 935873THE NILE w 5 101 4 3 41 51 4J 4 EdwardsD Mrs J Seybold 440100 44010093093GEORGE 93093GEORGE K ws5108 88 10 10 51 5 BrennanT Mrs C C Kranz 7525100 7525100936422ESCOTT 936422ESCOTT WB 4 104 10 9 91 8l 8 6k KingT Mrs J H Overby 905100 93541 JOSEPHINEJD WB 6 104 9 10 8 91 61 71 WebsterO F Shultz 940100 93616 JACK HOWE w 8 111 75 61 71 71 8 RicordW H R Doherty 5120100 93561 SOLO FLIGHT w 6 111 2 2 21 31 10 9 MurrayJ C E Hummel 2860100 92909 PATSY H w5105 11 I2 2 9110 DyerJ J W Tiller 1785100 1785100Time Time 22 46J 59 105 new track record Track fast 2 CERTIFICATES PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS MY IDEAL 400 350 290 100 100 75 100 45 100 COUNT 100COUNT BRUNO 2010 1080 905 100 440 100 100BANK BANK SHOT 640 220 100 100Winner Winner B m by Brumado Miss Braxted by Braxted trained by D Christian bred by Messrs Crun dcn Skinner Winner entered to be claimed for 600 600WENT WENT TO POST 308J OFF AT ONCE ONCEStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameMY MY IDEAL steadied along early went around the leaders on the last turn and drew clear in the drive COUNT BRUNO worked his way up fast in the closing eighth BANK SHOT lost ground but moved up fast on the far turn only to tire in the drive THE NILE raced forwardly GEORGE K slow to get going quitScratched closed a big gap ESCOTT also made up ground PATSY H quit Scratched 93542 Kingsport 109 91182 Panout 104 Overweight The Nile 2 pounds George K 1 Jack Howe 2 Solo Flight 2 Patsy H 1 GOTO rr THIRD RACE 34 Mile out of chute The Point April 28 1934 111 6 112 secondApnl3034Ala MoJfoV Purse 5600 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 425 second Apnl3034Ala 100 third 50 fourth 25 Claiming price 600 imlcN Unrsp EqtA WtPPSt V4 h Stl Kin JnJtPvf Oi 93443SCOTLAND BEAUTY WB 5 103 9 2 3 32 2 1 WillhiteE Mrs A Van den Ende 450100 45010093620FLYING 93620FLYING FLYNN WB 4 104 53 42 2 3 24 KingT J Reichenthaler 760100 93055 DORSAYS WB 4 109 4 1 11 1 I1 32 WatsonR R Robertson 220100 220100930913RUNANWIN 930913RUNANWIN w 5 10 3 7 64 41 41 43 BrennanT Mrs H G Hyde 200100 93591 LAST PLAY WB 4 112 2 6 7a 64 51 51 ODayJ Humble Stable 6985100 90919 JESSIE P w 4 109 78 82 8J 6s 61 FryeJW R L Traweek 23520100 23520100925532MYNHEER 925532MYNHEER WB114 15 5 71 7 72 DuncanH Mrs W McElroy 660100 93059 SAKURA WB 6 109 89 9 9 84 8s BoucherJ G Hurst 7770100 93015 KATIE L S WB 6 109 6 4 2s 52 9 9 ParkeM Mrs J Lessert 11710100 11710100Time Time 223 4644 113 Track fast 52 CERTIFICATES PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS ODDSSCOTLAND SCOTLAND BEAUTY 1100 530 340 450 100 165 100 70 100 100FLYING FLYING FLYNN 870 370 335 130 85 100 100DORSAYS DORSAYS 300 50 100 100Winner Winner Ch m by Paicines Elizabeth M by Jack Atkin trained by A Van den Ende bred by Mr C W Hay Winner entered to be claimed for 600 600WENT WENT TO POST 339 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameSCOTLAND SCOTLAND BEAUTY restrained early went wide on the stretch turn and wearing down the leaders in the last eighth was drawing out FLYING FLYNN moved up with a rush near the last turn but swerved badly entering the stretch DORSAYS saved ground when taking the lead but tired badly thereafter RUNANWIN saved ground and closed strongly LAST PLAY could not reach contention JESSIE P closed a gap MYNHEER and KATIE L S quit badly badlyScratched92654 Scratched92654 Fireflash 104 93587 Angkor 114 93468 Bettina H 109 109Overweight Overweight Runanwin 4 pounds Last Play 3 Jessie P 5 Katie L S 5 QQTQQ FOURTH RACE 34 Mile out of chute The Point April 28 1934 111J 100Apnl3034Ala 7t A Op 112 Purse 600 3yearolds Claiming Net value to winner 425 second 100 Apnl3034Ala third S50 fourth 25 Claiming price 1000 Index Horsps EqtA WtPISt 4 Ktr Fin lockevp Owners E iniv Odds Strt 93563CHAUVINISM w 106 1 4 4wsllO 41 3 21 I3 TaylorD Mrs D Hum HumI1 125100 93617MUST HIGH wsllO 42 42wlOO I1 I1 1 22 HimesE H C Rumage Rumage2k 115100 93543MEDALLION wlOO 65 65will 2k 42 3h 3 SenaT D L Hickcox 8745100 935622NONA will 51 51w 31 22 42 44LaidIeyO Mrs J D Wilson 630100 93590 MONTMARY w 111 3 7 7WB 7 54 54 5e WebsterO W F Axton 2560100 93617 POLVOS PRIDE WB 112 26 5 61 62 61 JonesL W J Potter 14225100 93543 CHIKARA WB 105 7 3 61 7 7 7 EdwrdsD W J McQuillen 5470100 Time 23 47 112 Track fast r2 CERTIFICATES PAIDs OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS CHAUVINISM 450 250 260 125 100 25 100 30 100 JUST HIGH 20 100 35 100 MEDALLION 270 100 Winner Br f by Man o War Boosting by North Star HI trained by D Hum bred by Mr S D Riddle Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 407 AT POST 2J minutes minutesStart Start drivingCHAUVINISM good and slow Won easily second and third driving CHAUVINISM responded gamely when ready and racing around JUST HIGH in the final eighth drew out easily JUST HIGH swerved when tiring n the stretch MEDALLION came through on the inside on the last turn and closed gamely NONA challenged gamely on the stretch turn then quit suddenly when placed to punishment MONTMARY closed a gap after racing poorly in the early stages The others were not serious factors factorsScratched Scratched 93643 Arson 108 Overweight Polvos Pride 2 pounds poundsCorrected Corrected weight Montmary 111 QOrrOQ FIFTH RACE 1 Mile Ridgeview April 23 1934 137 6 104 Kerrville Texas VVo VVoV 100Apnl3034Ala V Purse Purse 600 3yearolds Claiming Net value to winner 425 second 100 Apnl3034Ala third 50 fourth 25 Claiming price 800 Index Horses EqtA wt PI bt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqniv Odds Strt 931333LEN HELKER w 112 3 8 71 64 51 31 1 LcgereE Mrs D Richards 200100 20010093562WRACIA 93562WRACIA WB 97 1 1 21 2k 32 I1 22 WillhiteE M F Keller 575100 935643DIVERT 575100935643DIVERT WB 100 6 3 64 4 21 24 31 KingT A J Halliwell 275100 93487 BOSTONIAN GAL w 108 545 71 62 41 44 SeaboG R R Grecnlee 865100 93543 TODGE w 105 8 6 41 31 41 62 51 WcbsterD Mrs H Jordan 3635100 3635100936152BUCKS 936152BUCKS BOY WB 110 2 2 14 I2 1 51 62 FryeJW T Gross 4195100 419510093617MORTISE 93617MORTISE w 105 4 7 8 8 74 7 7s CourtneyG G W Higgins 1300100 1300100935432LUSTY 935432LUSTY WB 105 7 5 31 51 8 8 8 BoucherJ Mrs C Fisher 585100 Time 24 47 113 140J4 Track fast fastv v 2 CERTIFICATES PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS 100WRACIA LEN HELKER 600 490 380 200 100 145 iM 90 100 WRACIA 100DIVERT 800 350 300 fll 75 100 DIVERT 280 40 100 Winner 100Winner Ch g by Bagcnbaggage Far Over by Over There trained by F Jansen bred by Messrs Mc Farland McCarthy Winner entered to be claimed for 800 800WENT WENT TO POST 438 AT POST minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameLEN LEN HELKER badly outrun for threequarters finished with a rush on the outside in the final eighth and won in the final stride WRACIA restrained early drew into a commanding lead midway of the stretch then quit suddenly under weak handling DIVERT lost ground on the turn and hel don gamely to the stretch where he tired suddely BOSTONIAN GAL in early troubjs finished with a rush TODGE quit BUCKS BOY was done after reaching the stretch Scratched 93423 Bay Servant 106 93360 Miss M Lutz 100 100Overweight Overweight poundsCorrected Len Helker 2 pounds Corrected weight Bostonian Gal 108 Todge 105 Continued on fifteenth pageJ ALAMO DOWNS DOWNSContinued Continued from eleventh page Q 74O SIXTH RACE 1 Mile Ridgeview April 23 1934 137 6 104 Purse 5600 4year A MiSr olds and upvard Claiming Net value to winner 425 second 100 third 50 Apnl3034Ala fourthf 525 Claiming price 600 Ell I A UllIM 4 S Si i Kin IMkHiK llwmr 92661 CLARET w6105 5 8 2 25 22 22 T5 EdwardsD D M Brooks 8361 6 DISAPPROVED w 7 110 6 2 35 3k 35 34 25 WalsonR R Roberlson 93647 RUNNING WATER WB 6 110 4 3 1 1 I1 1 3J CourtneyG Eskay Stable 3541 SANTA CRUZ WB 4 108 9 4 42 44 41 52 4i BrcnnanT Mrs J P McGovcrn 630100 3647 LAUMAIA w 7 110 8 5 5 5 52 45 5 ParkcM F Shultz 2060100 3545 JIM SHANAHAN WB 7 110 10 7 71 75 7 71 6k WhitacreL G A Munn 5615 100 3591 GLEN FEU w 4 110 3 9 9l 9s 10 8 71 FerminA Morales Bros 14910100 3616 SILK GOWN w 5 105 2 1 8s 8l 9510 85 DycrJ A D Spring 6570100 3545 JOE McCORD w 7 112 76 6 6 6 6J 9 ODayJ W A Baumsartner 4185100 2997 DUSKY BOY SB 3380100Time 6 113 1 10 10 10 81 9l 10 RicordW H R Doherty 3380100 Time 234 47 112 K 140 Track fast 2 CERTIFICATES PAIDx OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDB CLARET 100DISAPPROVED 990 360 290 395 100 80 100 45 100 DISAPPROVED 100RUNNING 280 280 40 100 40 100 RUNNING WATER 330 65 100 100Winner Winner Ch m by Star Master Santa Clara by Ormondale trained by S B Hoggatl bred by Mr J E Madden Winner entered to be claimed for 600 WENT TO POST 508 OFF AT ONCE ONCEStart Start drivingCLARET good and slow Won handily second and third driving CLARET restrained while forcing the pace moved around RUNNING WATER when shaken uu and drew out handily DISAPPROVED never far back gained steadily when hard urged and outlasted RUN ¬ NING WATER The latter saved much ground while holding a long lead and held on resolutely to the final quarter SANTA CRUZ came again near the end LAUMAIA raced well at times JIM SHANAHAN was outrun The others were never factors factorsScratched Scratched 9362051 Mica 105 93542 Sultry 110 110Overweight Overweight Santa Cruz 3 pounds Joe McCord 2 Dusky Boy 3 QQfTff SEVENTH RACE 1 116 Miles Dunny Boy April 28 1934 145 5 113 Purse 7O 4 K JL S600 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 425 second S100 Apnl3034Ala third 50 fourth 25 Claiming price S1000 if for 800 allowed 4 Ibs 93619 = LONGUS wsn 7 113 11 54 510 3s 23 I1 KingT W A Mikel 70 100 93618 BENGAL TIGER WB 5 108 22 I1 I1 15 lh 24 WatsonR M F Keller 755100 75510093680MUST 93680MUST 108510093G19ANITA IMAGINE WB 5 102 3 6 3 2 2 34 32 CrtneyG Eskay Stable 1085100 1080100936802CANTERON 93G19ANITA ORMONT WB 5 102 63 4s 4i 510 58 42 TaylorD W F Axton 1080100 936802CANTERON w 4 109 4 4 25 31 4 = 4 510 PetrellaP L C Bond 315100 31510093545EVENING 93545EVENING SKY w 7 98 5566 6 6 6 BohnR C E Hummel 8280100 8280100Time Time 24 48 11314 139 146 Track fast 2 CERTIFICATES PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODJOS LONGUS 100BENGAL 340 380 240 70 100 90 100 20 100 100JUST BENGAL TIGER 600 370 200 100 85 100 JUST IMAGINE 320 60 100 Winner 100Winner B g by Waygood Jane Frances by Uncle trained by J D Mikel bred by Mr W B Miller Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 538 OFF AT ONCE ONCEStart Start drivingLONGUS good and slow Won easily second and third driving LONGUS much the best was restrained to the far turn and took command in the final eighth BENGAL TIGER saved much ground and held on gamely JUST IMAGINE stumbled at the start but recovered quickly and held on gamely ANITA ORMONT was allowed to drop back midway of the back stretch and came again when hard urged CANTERON tired EVENING badly SKY was far back all the way Scratched wayScratched 93681High Wire 109 OFFICIAL MUTUEL TOTALS AT ALAMO DOWNS Mondayr3 Races 14420 5 Races 19530 7 Races 24310

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Local Identifier: drf1934050101_12_2
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