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DAILY RACING FORM VOLUME XXXX NUMBER 182 fOTJHBED IH 104 104ter ter fl as second elicit matter April Z IBM at tke t office at Chicago Illinois under Act ol March 8 8W W DAILY EXCKlX DN1 AX A Ml reflection of the A erUim turf by telegraph Publif bed ty DAILY RACING FORM fUBOSHING CO 41 TXTXOUTH COVXX CHXCACQ ILL 90 W 56TH STREET NEW ttWK CITT 31 T MCHMOND 8TEEET EAST TOHOKTO OHT 4MM7 DECATUB BTKEET EW OMEMW 1A FIRST ATE V W irfAicr FLA FLA1MB 1MB lAKEISQM ST IAS TRASCXSCD CALIF 1KIElllONK BAHR1SON 7508 TnVrvt Iliotie ItesultK Call Wabaeh 7000 7000for for tiustneis ud circulation purposes only This telephone lin no connection with the news er 4Hrial drpurlmeuti and cannot be used to communi ¬ cate with them sunscuirnoN BT FIRST CLASS MAIL 830 IKIt MONTU 2450 EXTBA FOU SPECIAL DJB DJBLIVE1IY LIVE1IY fiaCO t R MONTH BT AIR MAIL J2BU EXTUA tm YlEClAt DELITZBX DELITZBXPAYABLE PAYABLE JN ADVANCE BACK NUMUERS BI 41 AIU 25 CENTS EACH To tie fonsldered and answered all tpifriw to DaHy Racing Form mart be sent over the fall name and with the a4drrM of writer The names and addresses are object to local ami foreign director text Address all communications aaake all remittances and cemd all xaanascripts to toDAILT DAILT RACING TORM POBIJSH1HO CO 441 Plymouth Conrt Ciicaeo 111 91105 is First index of 1934