Daily Racing Form Charts: Hawthorne, Daily Racing Form, 1934-07-31


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The Daily Double on the Winners of the Second and Third Races j at Hawthorne Monday Paid 3302 for 2 j CHICAGO ILL MONDAY JULY 38 1934 Hawthorne 1 mile First day Chicago Business Mens Rac ¬ ing Association Summer meeting of 30 days Bahr Stall Gate used Weather clear Steward representing Illinois Racing Commission C J FitzGerald Stewards of Meeting C W Hay and F P Dunne Judges L C Bogenschutz M Murphy and E A Hileman Starter J C Hodgins Racing Secretary F P Dunne Racing starts at 215 p m Chicago daylight saving time W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds 7 pounds 10 pounds QQQ ft FIRST RACE 58 Mile Sara Elizabeth July 10 1923 59 2 113 Purse 808 2 625July3034Haw i i 9 u yearolds Maidens Colts and Geldings Special weights Net value to winner 625 July3034Haw 5eCond 100 third 50 fourth 25 Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqnlr Odds Strt 19686 DIGNITARY wl6 9 7 7wl6 7 7 44 I1 RichardA M Hirsch 2954100 wl6 4 3 3wB116 11 I1 I1 2l BalaskiL J Lowenstem 38100 98625 JAWAPA wB116 2 1 1WB116 6 6 51 3lk KeesterP J W Parrish 795100 99448 WHERE AWAY WB116 3 2 2wl6 4 3k 21 4s WestropeJ Milky Way Farms Stable 6149100 96423 EDWARD D wl6 7 6 6wl6 2 24 3 54 TaylorD R T Watts 2798100 99489 CHICASHAPAIR CHICASHA w wl6 116 1 4 4wll6 3 4l 61 6 KacalaJ W F Axton 2076100 2076100PAIR PAIR TIME w wll6 116 5 55 55wl6 5 54 54547s 54 7s 74 CreeseR H C McConnell 12753100 1275310016182MONROE 96182MONROE 96182MONROEPERDITION wl6 8 89 9 9w 9 8k 81 8 81 CorbettC B Combs 1052100 1052100PERDITION PERDITION w 116 6 8 81 9 9 9 HaasL Mrs B Franzheim 7641100 Time 23 47 101 Track fast J2 MTJTTJELS PAID OFFICIAI BOOKING ODDS DIGNITARY 6108 978 502 2954 100 389 100 151 100 100WESTERN WESTERN 100JAWAPA LAD 256 224 28 100 12 100 JAWAPA 320 60 100 100Winner Winner Br c by Twink Alice Harris by Ambassador IV trained by W J Hirsch bred by Mr M Hirsch HirschWENT WENT TO POST 219 AT PpST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameDIGNITARY DIGNITARY slow to start and racing wide throughout began moving up fast in the stretch and wear ¬ ing down WESTERN LAD drew out fast in the final strides WESTERN LAD sent to the front without need of strong urging and well rated drew away in the stretch but tired badly JAWAPA closed resolutely WHERE AWAY close up throughput tired after challenging in the stretch EDWARD rD quit CHICASHA dropped sluggishlyScratched out of it on the stretch turn JAIR TIME lost ground MONROE began sluggishly Scratched 99556 Happy Venture 116 QQQQQ SECOND RACE 34 Mile Gibbons Aug 18 1925 110 4 120 Purse 800 3 25July3034Haw C CrO O yearolds Claiming Net value to winner 625 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 July3034Haw Claiming price 1500 if for less 1 Ib allowed for each 100 to 1200 Index Horses BqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equir Odds Strt 99622CHIRAC wsll4 43 21 2 21 1 HaasL J Marsch 129100 9 322CHAUVINISM wlOl 2 2 11 1 lk 21 TaylorD Mrs D Hum 279100 98868 DURGA w04 6 1 3l 3 3 3l HarbortO H Bunchaco 960100 96010099808JBAY 99808JBAY SERVANT w 108 1 4 4 4 41 4 KacalaJ W F Axton 483100 99808 IRISH IMAGE WB 109 3 6 64 54 5 5s BalaskiL Mrs W E Schmidt 1095100 99326 POLYPOM w 1081 5 7 7 7 64 6s HerndezF Chappel Bros 6795100 94751 VERGENE w 101 7 5 5 61 7 7 BrammerD H C McConnell 16103100 16103100Time Time 23 47 112 Track fast Si HUTUEL8 PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS CHIRAC 458 282 220 129 100 41 100 10 100 100CHAUVINISM CHAUVINISM 316 250 58 100 25100 25100DURGA DURGA 282 41 100 100Winner Winner B g by Masked Marvel II Leap Year by Peter Quince trained by J McPherson bred by Mr H C Fisher Winner entered to be claimed for 1500 1500WENT WENT TO POST 246J AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameCHIRAC CHIRAC on the outside throughout and showing speed from the start withstood the drive gamely and outlasted CHAUVINISM The latter saving ground throughout also held on well DURGA inclined to bear in was going strongly in the late stages BAY SERVANT rank at the post but away well had no mishaps IRISH IMAGE began slowly and was badly outrun POLYPOM fell at the post and showed nothing VER ¬ GENE bore out outScratched Scratched 998102Le Miserable 109 97674 Kissie 101 96184 Amscray 101 101Overweight Overweight Bay Servant 2 pounds Polypom 4 QQQ fl THIRD RACE 34 Mile Gibbons Aug 18 1925 110 4 120 Purse 800 3 vF fourthJuly3034Haw 7 7Ovf yearolds Claiming Net value to winner 625 second 100 third 50 fourth July3034Haw 25 Claiming price 1500 if for less 1 Ib allowed for each 100 to 1200 Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equir Odds Strt 99622 OUR HOBBY WB 105 9 1 14 I2 1 I2 KeesterP Southland Stable 420100 420100i 99621MISS FLIP w 101 7 2 44 3k 31 2 LambC Blue Ridge Stable i 969100 99219WILD TURKEY WBlOl 15 3k 4 44 31 KingJ Brentwood Stable 1362100 99613 NORMAN D WB 109 8 3 21 2l 2 44 McCrayK S Corbet 490100 98851 BROADSTEP WB 111 5 9 8 64 51 5 CorbettC C Hunt 613100 61310098385GOOSEFLESH 98385GOOSEFLESH WB 100 67 7 71 7 61 TaylorD C V Whitney 846100 8461009711I1COOLEY 97118COOLEY wsl09 34 5l 54 6k 71 BalaskiL W Sachsenmaier 359100 99564 JANE HASTINGS w 102 2 8 61 8 8 8 HarbortO Chicago Stable 1512100 93797 FABULOUS WB 109 46 Lost rider WestropeJ A G Tarn 4723100 4723100Time Time 23 47 113 Track fast sa MTTTUELS PAID OFFICIAI BOOKING onns OUR HOBBY 1040 690 404 420 100 245 100 102 100 100MISS MISS FLIP 1060 738 430 100 269 100 100WILD WILD TURKEY 794 297 100 100Winner Winner Ch f by Whiskaway Halki by The Manager trained by C Porter bred by Mr C Bacha rach Winner entered to be claimed for 1500 1500WENT WENT TO POST 313 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driing driingOUR OUR HOBBY racing in her best form and away fast maintained command easily to the stretch where she was only mildly shaken up and won handily MISS FLIP a strong factor from the start held on gamely but just lasted to be second after wearing down NORMAN D WILD TURKEY on the inside all the way fought it out stubbornly NORMAN D swerved out when tiring in the last eighth BROADSTEP was cased back near the turn where FABULOUS unseated his rider GOOSEFLESH began slowly and lost ground COOLEY had no mishaps mishapsScratched Scratched 99488 Fire Star 98 98Overweight Overweight Our Hobby 1 pounds Jane Hastings 1 QQQ I FOURTH RACE 58 Mile Sara Elizabeth July 10 1923 59 2 113 Purse 800 winnerJuly3034Haw 7t7 7OJL 2yearolds Maidens Colts and geldings Special weights Net value to winner July3034Haw 625 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 EqtA WtPPSt Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equir Odds Strt wl6 76 21 3 I1 14 KacalaJ Audley Farm Stable 9S558BLUE ARMOR WB 116 55 3l 2k 2k 2l TaylorD Milky Way Farms Stable 198100 96423 BLACK RIVER w 116 2 4 14 1 3 3lk HaasL J Marsch 508100 99558 SICKLEBILL WB 116 13 41 44 4k 4k KeesterP J E Widener 3178100 3178100993B8 993B8 BROTHER LOU wsll6 31 5l 51 5 5 LandoltC Aarons Weil 3359100 99556 CANNONS ROAR w 116 69 9 8 74 61 TinkerH J J Coughlin 1953100 91468 PEPPLER w 116 10 8 81 91 8 7 BalaskiL M Lowenstein 8780100 99558 OUR CHANCE wl69 7 61 6 6 8s RichardA T Piatt 6205100 96185 BAD PENNY WB 116 42 T 7 9 9 McCoyJ Brentwood Stable 18595100 18595100BLACK BLACK CHAFF w 116 8 10 10 10 10 10 ChiavettaF R T Watts 8034100 8034100Time Time 23 47i4 100 Track fast 2 MUTTJELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS SHOW BOY 478 272 226 139 100 36 100 13 100 100BLUE BLUE ARMOR 280 244 40 100 22 100 100BLACK BLACK RIVER 288 44 100 100Winner Winner Ch g by Carlaris Fancy Star by Oceanic trained by J F Patterson bred by Audley Farm FarmWENT WENT TO POST 345 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameSHOW SHOW BOY forced to lose ground throughout and much used in the first quarter worked his way to the front under strong pressure and tiring won under strong urging BLUE ARMOR saved much ground and also tired badly near the end BLACK RIVER placed in front under strong urging gave way fast in the closing threesixteenths but outlasted SICKLEBILL The latter kept up while in close quarters soon after the start raced well BROTHER LOU was forced to ease back before going a quarter and also showed a good performance QQQQ FIFTH RACE 6 12 Furlongs out of chute Trinchera Aug 26 1933 118 4 115 secondJuly3834Haw 7 7 7 Purse 800 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 625 second July3834Haw 190 third 50 fourth 25 Claiming price 2500 if for less 3 Ibs allowed for foreach each 250 to 2000 ladex Horses EqtAWtPPSt 98HiWISE WAYS wa3110 1 3 MM7BLVE DAY WB6115 2 5 HfHiRUBIO WB 6 115 4 6 Continued on eleventh pagf r HAWTHORNEContinued HAWTHORNE Continued from third page 99458 BACK LOG WB 6 114 5 2 3 31 5 5 CorbettC A B Gallaher 553100 998ttCAPTAIN RED WB 4 109 61 42 6 6 6 KeesterP C E Davison 1303100 1303100Time Time 23 47 112 119 Track fast 2 MUTUE18 PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS WISE WAYS 1178 446 318 489 100 123 100 69 100 100BLUE BLUE DAY 314 262 57 100 31 100 100RUBIO RUBIO 330 65 100 100Wmner Wmner Ch g by Supremus Belle Alliance by SoninLaw trained by R T Watts bred by Mr R M Eastman Winner entered to be claimed for 2500 2500WENT WENT TO POST 413J AT POST f minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving drivingWISE WISE WAYS showing the most speed slowly drew out on the turn and quickly increasing his advantage near the last eighth was mildly ridden out BLUE DAY forced wide on the stretch turn closed resolutely but did not menace the winner RUBIO slow to start was inclined to bear over while closing resolutely FLYING JUSTICE quit BACK LOG quit badly n the stretch CAPTAIN RED was done early earlyScratched Scratched 98324Chimney Sweep 104 104Corrected Corrected weight Blue Day 115 QOQQQ SIXTH RACE 34 Mile Gibbons Aug 18 1925 110 4 120 Berwyn Handicap 5fOtfOt Purse 1200 3yearolds and upward Net value to winner 850 second 200 200July3834Haw July3834Haw third 100 fourth 50 Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt S9753 BIEN FAIT WB 3 114 2 2 21 2 I1 I4 WestropeJ Corsicana Stable 234100 9958 GIGGLING w 3 107 1 3 I1 Tl 22 21 KacalaJ Audley Farm Stable 1590100 159010099752BRIGHT 99752BRIGHT SHADOW WB 4 104 7 7 4k 4 4 3k LambC Audley Farm Stable t tSt St IS GOLD SIGNET WB 3 1041 46 63 3k 4 CorbettC Coldstream Stud Stable 741100 74110099568MR 99568MR JAMES WB 3 110 8 1 7 61 52 5 KeesterP C E Davison 247100 98704 PRINCESS CAMELIA w 5 105 6 5 5k 51 61 61 HaasL Mrs J Marsch 779100 94175 THE IMMORTAL II WB 3 106 58 8 71 71 74 TaylorD Mrs J H Whitney 2454100 iWSFDUSKY DEVIL WB 4 111 3 4 3k 8 8 8 BalaskiL Blue Ridge Farm Stable 1419100 1419100JCcuplcd JCcuplcd as Audley Farm Stable entry Time 23 46 112 Track fast 12 KUTUELS PAID OFFICIAI BOOKING ODDS BIEN FAIT 668 448 654 234 100 124 100 177 100 100AUDLEY AUDLEY FARM STABLE ENTRY 560 702 180 100 251 100 100Winner Winner Ch c by Bubbling Over Bon Voyage by Friar Marcus trained by A G Tarn bred by Idle Hour Stock Farm FarmWENT WENT TO POST 443 AT POST 4 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingBIEN BIEN FAIT much the best followed the early pacemaker under light restraint took command quickly when ready and appeared to have much in reserve GIGGLING on the inside throughout tired after five eighths BRIGHT SHADOW forced to lose ground throughout held on gamely GOLD SIGNET moved up with a rush but was in close quarters near the finish and was lucky to get fourth money MR JAMES away fast but unable to keep up and taken back entering the stretch finished strongly on the outside PRINCESS CAMELIA and DUSKY DEVIL dropped out of it on the turn turnScratched Scratched 99865 Isaiah 117 99492Cropn 104 99560 Chance Line 107 99560 Dust Girl 102 102Overweight Overweight Giggling 4 pounds Gold Signet 3 Corrected weight Bright Shadow 104 QQQO1 SEVENTH RACE 1 116 Miles Plucky Play Aug 23 1930 143 3 115 Roosevelt tf Jf iJOTC Road Purse Purse 800 3yearolds Allowances Net value to winner 625 sec secJuly3834Haw July3834Haw Ond 100 third 50 fourth 25 EqtAWtPPSt i air Kin Jockeys Owners Eqniv Odds Strt 99217GALLANT MAC WB 115 1 1 V I2 1J1 1J1 lk KacalaJ Audley Farm Stable 135100 135100WB 99 19HOWARD WB 109 2 3 4 3k 3 21 2 KeesterP J W Parrish 145100 145100w 9MI7TINY KITTY w 104 4 4 lk 21 2k 32 3 BalaskiL W Sachsenmaier 596100 596100w 91754 WAG WOOD w 109 3 2 31 418 410 4ie 4 4e e CorbettC O W Lehmann 4284100 4284100WB 997S3 PLAY HOOKY HOOKYGALLANT WB 109 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 BagurH Southland Stable 1313100 Time 23 48 113 139J 145 Track fast J2 KUTUE18 PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS GALLANT MAC 470 242 214 135 100 21 100 7 100 HOWARD 268 214 30 100 7 100 THy KITTY 230 15 100 W VwBer B c by Bright Knight Ethel Gray by Hessian trained by J F Patterson bred by Audley TEawOi i nWCMJ TO POST 813 AT POST 1 minute v Start good and low Won driving second and third the same GALLANT MAC under strong riding throughout took a short lead entering the back stretch and r draww a way approaching th far turn tired in the drive but Jasted HOWARD aved off the pace went1 around WAGWOOD and TINY KITTY on the stretch turn withstood a long drive gamely and was wearing down the winner TINY KITTY had speed from the start saved much ground and although unable to with ¬ stand the leaders held on fairly well WAGWOOD held on gamely PLAY HOOKY sulked QQQOe EIGHTH RACE 1 13 Miles Plucky Play Aug 8 1931 149 4 1 OG Purse 80 thirdJuly3034Haw 4yearolds and upward Claiming Met value to winner 625 second 100 third July3034Haw 5o fourth 25 Claiming price 1300 if for less 1 Ib allowed for each 108 ta 1000 qt A WtPPSt V J4 Str Kin Jockeys Owners ftmiv Odds Strt 99625GRAMARYE WB 4 107 1 5 I1 1 24 24 II BalaskiL Mrs C A Muldoon 390100 994473 994473ROYAL ROYAL TREASURE w 4 105 5 2 22 2J lk 11 2s KingJ G Ury 695100 69510098187SERGEANT 98187SERGEANT D w 5 114 6 1 3k 5 44 3k 3 WestropcJ T C Wordcn 324100 99863 ANITA ORMONT WB 5 108 3 4 52 4k 31 44 4k KacalaJ W F Axton 3219100 99868 BERTJOHN WB 5 114 4 6 61 65 61 5 54 HaasL A G Tarn 374100 89384 ROWDY BOY WB 5 110 8 7 8 8 8 61 6s RichardA Mrs M Olds 6673100 667310099807TREVALLION 99807TREVALLION WB 7 106 7 3 4 3k 5k T 7i KeesterP Milky Way Farms Stable 738100 7381009CS36JSIMON 9 9CS36JSIMON 3SJSIMON WB4106 2 8 7s 71 74 8 8 TaylorD C V Whitney 673100 673100Time Time 24 48 114 139 152 Track fast fast5x 5x 53 MUTUE1S PAID OFFICIAI BOOKING ODDS GRAMARYE 980 442 318 390 100 121 100 83 1M 1MROYAL ROYAL TREASURE 812 468 306100 138188 138188SERGEANT SERGEANT D 418 189 188 188Winner Winner Gr f by Sir Grcysteel Mary Hume by Sporting Blood trained by H D Sells bred by Mr S Wi Labrot Winner entered to be claimed for 1300 1300WENT WENT TO POST 542J AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameGRAMARYE GRAMARYE cleverly handled was taken in hand for a breathing spell when ROYAL TREASURE took the lead responded gamely to pressure in the stretch overhauled the latter in the closing stages and was drawing clear ROYAL TREASURE a keen factor from the start followed in close pursuit under mild restraint went to the front when ready continued gamely to the final eighth then held on gamely while submitting to the winner SERGEANT D in close quarters rounding the stretch turn failed to be dangerous when clear ANITA ORMONT gave a good performance under strong riding BERTJOHN was outrun in a poor effort ROWDY BOY had no excuse SIMON failed to reach contention and appeared to sulk when punished TREVALLION was done after going a half mile mileOverweight Overweight Gramarye 1 pound Anita Ormont 2 2Corrected Corrected weight Bertjohn 114 OFFICIAL MUTUEL TOTALS AT HAWTHORNE Monday 3 Races 14922 5 Races 19558 8 Races 28300

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1934073101/drf1934073101_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1934073101_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800