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1 SYSTOLOGY j J HERES THE EVIDENCE t J OUR COUNT, 2.10, WON 1 MISS MELODY, 19.00, WON I LAKELAND, 16.40, WON J DARK VISION, 22.30, WON C IC INA DEAR, 18.00, WON I R. D. POWERS, 15.40, WON I C BROWN BANK, 14.60, WON c 13.70, WON I ILAMPORTE, MITIGATOR, 12.00, WON I c DARK WAR, 10.60, WON 15.00, WON j IMORCLASS, DONNA JEAN, 12.00,. WON I c GLISTENING, 10.30, WON f THAT DEMONSTRATES SYSTOLOGY PRODUCES I THE WINNERS I EVIDENCE You dont see ANY horse above under four figures. We DONT NEED .80, .60, .50 horses. "A11 we ever use, except on very rare occasions, are I four-figure winners. Show us any other system or systems able to duplicate I the above record. w The best part of Systology is you dont need to be a mathematician to X figure the plays. If you can read simple figures you can play the Law of I Average System, which produced the above winners. That GREAT system, in addition to seven other systems, all winners, and C much other important information, makes up the book of Systology, the great- C est turf book ever produced. The cost . Once you own this book you A never need anything else. Its the first and the last cost. 1 I ONE DAYS PLAY SHOULD BRING YOU BACK FIVE, TEN, EVEN I C , FDJTEEN TIMES THE COST OF SYSTOLOGY C IT PRODUCES, RACE PLAYERS YOU CANT GO WRONG BUYING I I SYSTOLOGY I c ITS THE TURPS GREATEST BARGAIN AT c I I f PLYMOUTH SUPPLY CO., DEPT. G. G. f C 443 Plymouth Ct., Chicago, 111.: C M Please send me one copy of SYSTOLOGY. Enclosed find . m I NAME .... ... -,Vrtj I c c I ADDRESS . I CITY STATE ...3 I cl C POST TIME Americas Authority on Racing THE TURFS NEWEST AND BEST MONTHLY MAGAZINE 25 CENTS AT ALL NEWSSTANDS YESTERDAYS TWO FREE CODE RELEASES: ROYAL ROVER, .70, .90, 3RD ALADDINS DREAM, .80, WON . Weekly Revisions and Additions to Carmac Ratings Appear In Monday Editions of Chicago Daily Telegraph and New York Daily Racing Guide APRIL ISSUE NOW ON SALE! WHY is POST TIME the only major monthly turf publication to show a circulation gain during the winter? WHY is POST TIME the only major monthly turf publication to MORE THAN DOUBLE its circulation in LESS THAN THREE MONTHS? WHY, for nearly one year, has the public demand for POST TIME far exceeded the number of copies with which it has been possible to supply newsdealers? FOR THE CORRECT ANSWER SEE THE NEW APRIL ISSUE Then you will understand that no turf publication, in the entire history of racing literature, has ever compared with POST. TIME SIXTEEN FEATURE ARTICLES APPEAR IN THE APRIL ISSUE EACH ARTICLE COMPLETE, BY A RECOGNIZED AUTHORITY OF THE TURF! Look at other turf publications if you wish to compare. What will you find? LESS THAN HALF THAT NUMBER! AND QUALITY SEE FOR YOURSELF. A 0 A WEEK SYSTEM By ELLWOOD TANSEY is typical of the entertaining and useful editorial content of POST TIME. One of the most noted statistical experts tells you how YOU CAN MAKE 0 A WEEK, and he KNOWS, for wherever men wager on horses, the name of Ellwood Tansey is known, and he is recognized as foremost in his field. So many other outstanding writers are represented in the columns of the April POST TIME that it would be unfair to any to list a few; therefore, glance for yourself at the "Table of Contents" on the first page, and you will need no further urging to read POST TIME. CARMAC with his famous ratings; Split-Second Specials, which, in the March issue, gave Beaver Dam, at 2.60; the finest illustrations; POST TIMES Free Code Releases to readers all these additional features are yours for a quarter. NOTE: In case you have been unable to buy POST TIME in your community in the past, try once more. During the past two months, POST TIME has added more than 300 wholesale dealers to its distribution throughout the United States. If you still are unable to purchase a copy, write the Circulation Department, give us your newsdealers name, and you will receive a valuable present from POST TIME for your trouble. AMERICAS AUTHORITY ON RACING ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO POST TIME 131 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, DLL,