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SPF NOW ONLY 10 CENTS -US Wise Duke7l6.30, Won "Reading the Stars" Wednesday Winner When the "Pink Sheet" announces that a new service is to be inaugurated within its pages, you can feel readily assured that this system has been tested thoroughly and has stood the drastic test which every column of this publication must undergo before it is released to , the public. The fascinating turf game of "Reading the Stars" has created a sensation among the horse-playing public. "Pink Sheet" readers have found this system not only entertaining but profitable as well. It is a game of skill which will be enjoyed by all. Bassetts Special at Havre de Grace entered the winners circle, and although it didnt pay much of a price, nevertheless, it was a winner, and thats what counts. Here Are Some of Wednesdays Winners: BETHLEHEMSTAR, 10-1, WON Regren Jamaica Tip VALSE, 12-5, WON Regren-Bassett Jamaica Tip PARADUN, .60, WON Bassetts Havre de Grace Special Why not make sure that you receive the very best in turf information every day by securing a yearly subscription to the "Pink . Sheet"? You will find it is an investment that you will never regret making. "Read the Stars" for Your Winners See Page 8 for Further Details FRIDAYS TWO FREE CODES: HAVRE DE GRACE Rust-94-92-87. DALLAS Beige-89-78-79. To Decipher Above Codes Buy a "Pink Sheet" CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH 441 PLYMOUTH COUR CHICAGO, ELL. .50 per Month by First Class Mail 7.00 per Month by Air Mail Free! Free! Free! One of the greatest books on System Play ever written is yours for the asking It has never sold for less than 55 yet you may have it now, while the remaining coDies last, for absolutely nothing. The author ELLWOOD TANSEY Recognized the World Over as Americas Leading Authority on Racing Systems in Co-operation with the Turfs Smartest Magazine POST TIME MAKE IT POSSIBLE FOR YOU TO OWN THIS REMARKABLE TREATISE THERE ARE EXACTLY 750 COPIES OF ELLWOOD TANSEYS PREFERRED SYSTEM AND BETTING METHOD AVAILABLE All you need do to receive your free copy is to send in one years subscriDtion to PS ThePri.fof twelve issues of POST TIME is .50. When Xe 750 copies !?Mto tK iYsUlf time aV3ilable andt ny prlCe S get yours t0 SEND A CHECK OR MONEY ORDER FOR YOUR YEARS SUBSCRIPTION AND MR. TANSEYS VALUABLE BOOK, HANDSOMELY BOUND WELL BE MAILED PREPAID TO YOU IMMEDIATELY ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO POST TIME 421 PLYMOUTH COURT DEPARTMENT R-5 CHICAGO, DLL POST TIME FREE CODE RELEASES Yesterdays Two Free Code Horses: CHERRY STONE .10, WON ILCHESTER .40, WON lJJ TV Tvtv" DIRECT STABLE INFORMATION Two Horses a Day In Code Form PAYS FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE BILLY KELLYS RELEASES FOR FRIDAY-HAVRE DE GRACE A-1 0-21-1 1-1 6. DALLAS K-10-3-25-17. WILLIAM BURKE KELLY 731 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. WIN 0 PER WEEK I FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE If you play the races we will put you next to a little trainers secret that should Pjace you above want as long as you live. No obligations; Just send your name and address to I SECOR PUB. CO. AURORA, ILL NOTICE! J. WARREN AT WELL: Have left Philadelphia. Very anxious to get in touch with you at once. Where can I reach you? JOYCE, 5333 Wolfram St., Chicago, HI. $ Price, f f j SYSTOLOGY j j THE GREATEST "LONG SHOT" SYSTEM IN THE WORLD ,? WEVE PROVED IT, t 1 1 The outstanding feature of Systology, the "Long Shot" selector, Is the con- j F i sistency and steadiness with which it comes out on top with horses like: j f SUN MONK, 3.90, WON A It DREAM KISS, 38.40, WON ? 4 XANDRA, 31.50, WON if Y CAW CAW, 29.20, WON J L COYA, 57.60, WON 5 EARTH SHAKER, 39.20, WON I J, RIDGEVIEW, 35.20, WON f! PREFERRED, 15.00, WON S EVIDENTLY, 14.60, WON 1 II PLAYING ON, 12.80, WON 4 V FAIRSICKLE, 12.50, WON f ? IRISH IMAGE, 13.60, WON A ARMY GAME, 11.70, WON f PRINCE TOKALON, 12.90, WON f HIGH COLOR, 11.40, WON and hundreds of lower-priced horses. It Is UNNECESSARY for Systology to advertise because it has SO MANY long-priced winners. F WE ASK A SIMPLE QUESTION k "Where can you get a list of long-shot winners to equal the above?" If f you are a race player, youll know the answer, and if you havent got Sys- I tology, you know what to do. EIGHT COMPLETE SYSTEMS PRICE, NOTHING MORE TO BUY and EVERY TYPE OF SYSTEM EVER DEVISED IS INCLUDED IN I i SYSTOLOGY I SEND IN YOUR ORDER TODAY USE THIS COUPON I PLYMOUTH SUPPLY CO., DEPT. G. G. JL 443 Plymouth Ct, Chicago, 111.: T Please send me one copy of SYSTOLOGY. Enclosed find . I I NAME . I ADDRESS ..1 I CITY STATE , A