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$ $ "DID IT AGAIN!" r YESTERDAYS PARLAY: HIGH FINANCE, .60, WON THE FLAN KM AN, .00, WON . Wednesdays Parlay: Tuesdays "Smashing" Parlay: ONLY ONE, .40, .50, 3RD BRIT AND EARLY, 3.20, WON TRISTRAP, 4.30, LOST, TEDDY CARL, " 2.10, WON MY TEXAS CONNECTIONS-tell me that they are "SENDING" .TWO -HORSES TODAY and that NOTHING SHORT OF "DISQUALIFICATION" CAN DEFEAT OUR PURPOSE. Dont fail to $ $. PARLAY TERMS, . DAILY Out-of-towners, WIRE IN your subscription by Postal Telegraph or Western, Union. City players, call at office or phone DEARBORN 3610-3629 and receive parlay by FAST MESSENGER. No charge for mes-Benger service. "CLOCKER" SAM CLARK 127 NORTH DEARBORN ST., SUITE 1435-37 Write for sample copy of my turf ratings CHICAGO, ILL. International i a TURF BUREAU ; . "THE HOUSE OF BONA FIDE INFORMATION" rV.Maiii Office: . Buffalo, N,T. ANNOUNCING THE OPENING OF OUR CHICAGO BRANCH We are celebrating the opening day by releasing to our mid-western clients the surest winner we have tver seen in bur many years experience in the race track business. This horse is a "good thing" and should pay a long price. AH arrangements have been made and special care has been taken on this, our opening day special. This winner will surprass anything you have ever wagered on. Dont delay! Get this winner today. City subscribers, call HARRISON 7536 for fast messenger service. Out-of-town subscribers, wire money to INTERNATIONAL TURF BUREAU SUITE 703, PLYMOUTH BLDG., 417 S. DEARBORN ST. Office Hours: 9 a. m. till 4 p. m., CHICAGO, ILL. 00 FREE CODE TODAY HERE IS THE NAME: W BOY Cbat-77-37 m To decipher, look on page 3 in SILVER "6." YESTERDAYS CODE PARLAY-. LAMPORTE 9.10, WON GALSAC 13-5, WON N These Code Parlays will show you the way to beat your bookmaker day after day. 40-1 CODE PARLAY TODAY Both horses come well recommended, and the parlay should PAY THE LIMIT. DONT MISS IT. TODAYS CODE PARLAY: BILL Rust-18-48. JOHN Red-34-22. There are no telegrams sent on this service. Just decipher each days parlay with the Code Card for that day. PAYS FOR SIX DAYS Just wire by Western Union or Postal Telegraph and we will mail you six Code Cards, good for six parlays. Upon request we will wire todays parlay and mail the balance of five Code Cards by air mail. No Wires No Expense Immediate service to all subscribers. Overnight delivery of Code Cards by air mail to all clients. SILVER "6" 152 West 42nd St New York City Number Free Code Winners Have the Laying Gentry on the Run YESTERDAYS NUMBER FREE CODE 382: FLIGHT OF GOLD, .70, .80, 2nd WEDNESDAYS NUMBER FREE CODE 537: PARADUN, $ 3.60, WON TUESDAYS NUMBER FREE CODE 457: LAST TIME, $ 4.30, WON Without including yesterdays result our record stands 10 IN A ROW SATURDAYS NUMBER FREE CODE 744: RIVER ROSE, 1.40, WON TODAYS NUMBER FREE CODE: 5 2 0 For these Daily NUMBER WINNING FREE CODES, see page 2, SUPREME FLASH, sdk at all newsstands, 35c the copv. YESTERDAYS TRACKMENS PARLAY: NAUTCH, 0.90, .30, 2nd SMEAR, $ 6.80, .20, 2nd Limit Probable Winning Trackmens Parlay Today 50 FOR And these two horses are right in our ad in code form for your benefit, to win. TODAYS TRACKMENS PARLAY: HAVRE Green-14-16. HAVRE Red-11-19. TERMS FOR TRACKMENS PARLAY PAYS FOR CODE CARD GOOD FOR SIX DAYS Wire subscription immediately. First days Trackmens Parlay telegraphed. SUPREME FLASH 799 BROADWAY SUITE 407 NEW YORK CITY NEW WEEKLY OUT 35 CENTS HAVRE FREE CODE: Ten-Bab-Off-Arc-Dig. DALLAS FREE CODE: Ted-Arc-Dig-Bab-Nat. OCCASIONAL CODE: HAVRE: Tan-Bug-Met-Law-Shy. HORSEMANS SSWEEKLY3 ON SALE AT ALL STANDS PRICE, 35 CENTS Todays Free Code: HAVRE April-25-59-43-53. SECRET FLASH CODES: HAVRE DE GRACE Iowa-54-51-41 -50. DALLAS Michigan-54-50-51 -42. TURF LIGHT " Last three successive codes won. Use issue of May 4 for code if at hand. May 4 Issue: April Maryland: Agree-Amuse-Antique-Amuse. April 27 Issue: Feb. Maryland: Anvtl-Artist-Anxious-Artist. Bi-Monthly Card- Code: Write Boy 66, General Post Office, New York City. 6th Race Jamaica 26-15-7-9. mmmmmmmmmmammimmmmmmmmimiim ir Let Me Help You Get the. Winning Habit! ITHE. OR! GlhLWAJytPARLAY K1NGJ W WINNERS WINNERSL -f BH Youve got to be on; the inside if you want jfl to CASH REAL BETS. 1 1 Tfiursdays Parlay: C II HOGANS FOX, .90, LOST Jd HIGHEST POINT, .20, WON Wednesdays Parlay: Tuesdays Parlay: HUT, WON TEDDY CARL, 2.10, WON ONLY ONE, 3rd B00CAP, 4.10, 2nd Wm- WHO SAID THE RACING GAME CANT BE BEATEN? - HI prove conclusively the wisdom of investing DOLLARS" TO MAKE HUNDREDS. Sounds like the bunk, doesnt it? Well, force my hand AND MAKE ME PROVE IT. ONE TRIAL WELL, POSITIVELY CONVINCE YOU THAT YOU CANT GO WRONG! ! mr "MR. PLAYER" CAN YOU USE 00 TODAY??? m All you need is a 2 BET on my PARLAY today to WIN YOURSELF 00 Now, lets go. W DONT HESITATE! SUBSCRIBE NOW! TERMS, DADLY! City clients, call in person or phone FRANKLIN 3134 for messenger service absolutely no charge. Out-of-town clients, wire via Postal Telegraph or Western Union. Service wired by fast telegram. No delay! JACK FIELD, 35 South. Dearborn St Boom 708, Chicago, 111. SOLD AT ALL NEWSSTANDS 35 CENTS PER COPY CATERING TO THE PUBLIC SUCCESSFULLY FOR 26 YEARS OVER A QUARTER OF A CENTURY OF PROGRESS THAT IS THE REASON WHY WE CAN BOAST OF THE LARGEST WEEKLY CIRCULATION IN AMERICA TODAYS GIGANTIC FREE CODE THE LIMIT ANTICIPATED TODAYS FREE CODE: HAVRE DE GRACE By-1 1-2. Rush to your nearest newsdealer, spend 35c and get the key to the above long shot probable winner. ARE YOU FOLLOWING CLOCKERS REVIEW SATURDAYS SAFETY PARLAYS? IF NOT, WHY NOT? HERES WHAT WE. GAVE OUT LAST SATURDAY I MISS MOROCCO, 8.70, WON WHITE LEGS, $ 5.50, WON PLAYERS PILING UP MONEY ALL THE TIME WITH OUR SATURDAYS SAFETY PARLAYS SEND FOR A SAFETY PARLAY THAT SHOULD PAY 0 OR 0 TO 1 AND WIN THIS SATURDAY W ITS TRUE -5W EDWARD TIPTON DURANTE, WORLDS FAMOUS PARLAY KING, WIZARD OF THE WORLD OF WINNERS, IS OUT TO BREAK ALL RECORDS AS FAR AS WIN PARLAYS ARE CONCERNED ANOTHER SMASHING PARLAY RELEASED YESTERDAYS DURANTE PARLAY: VENETIAN, 7-70, WON CHERRY STONE, $ 5.10, WON DURANTE PARLAYS STAND TIMES TEST NO USE HAVING LESS THAN THE BEST WEDNESDAYS DURANTE PARLAY: TUESDAYS DURANTE PARLAY: DARK HOPE, 5.10, WON BRIT AND EARLY, 3.20, WON WISE DUKE, $ 6.30, WON ROUSTABOUT, $ 4.90, WON There is no stopping me now. Everything is working in harmony. The same combination of horsemen that has been giving me the WIN PARLAYS AS SHOWN ABOVE DAY AFTER DAY, are leveling again Today With Another Sensational Limit Parlay That Will Make Layers Sit Up and Take Notice TODAYS DURANTE PARLAY: HAVRE DE GRACE Blue-1-21. HAVRE DE GRACE Pmk-7-19. Durante Parlays are sold in sets of snq days. You start any day. You get six days in a row. No skipping. YOU MUST CASH FOUR PARLAYS OR YOU GET ANOTHER WEEKS SERVICE ABSOLUTELY FREE. My Terms Are Fair and Reasonable PAYS FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE Todays Durante Parlay will be wired only on request. Code Card will follow by mail. Delay is unnecessary. Get it and get it now. Remit to EDWARD TIPTON DURANTE CARE CLOCKERS REVIEW, 41 UNION SQUARE, WEST SUITE 1011, NEW YORK CITY. THORP RACING WEEKLY Worlds Premier Long Shot Handfcapper "TRIUMPH OF ETERNAL TRUTH" ROCK OF OUR FOUNDATION Only 15 Cents a Copy Alt Stands Have It YESTERDAYS FREE CODE: ROSEMONT, WON Today Free 10-1 Long Shot Special Smart trick. Will be sent out to win, so get your copy of THORP RACING WEEKLY TODAY. Sec page 7 for code. Here it is: Todays Free Code: HAVRE DE GRACE-YelIow-9-11. TODAYS HAVRE DE GRACE MEETING HORSE: HAVRE DE G R AC E Dodge-28-42. TODAY 20 FOR CORKING WINNING DOUBLE Two genuine Specials, sugar plums, all set to win at limit odds. Subscribe immediately for this WINNING DOUBLE TODAY. TODAYS THORP DAILY DOUBLE: DALLAS Brick-1 97-59-9-1 23. DALLAS Table-197-1 23 . Terms, Daily or Weekly Service rendered immediately upon receipt of subscription by telegraph, code follows immediately. THORP RACING WEEKLY 63 Park Row Suite 804 Nevr York. City LIVE WIRE TURF WEEKLY Sold on All Newsstands Price 15 Cents TODAYS CODE PARLAY: DALLAS Hudson-73-85. DALLAS Marmon-69-85 TODAYS MARYLAND CLOCKER SPECIAL: HAVRE DE GRACE Green-328-312 FIVE DOLLARS pays for code card good for SIX days parlay service. Todays ,000 Free. Code: DALLAS Bid-18-14. SMAN O WARUS" FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS Todays Free Code: DALLAS Spur-8-27-34-36. Todays Code Parlay: DALLAS Alfred-65-39-53-23 and JAMAICA Harry-25-47-49-65. Todays Meeting Horse: HAVRE DE GRACE Mary-28-36-82-44. AURORA CLOCKER REMARKABLE DISCOVERY. Returns of first day will speak for the rest. Quit trying to guess. Send in your one subscription and you should be independent of all others. Act immediately. This applies to Aurora meet only. for one days service or trial.. Wire subscription by Postal Telegraph or Western Union. CHESTER CASTLE, 49 Galena St., Aurora, III. YOU SHOULD CLEAR 0 DALLY ON 50-CENT BETS Our trainers secret of twenty years now released to the public Xot a system. A dollar bill brings it by return mail. It clearly points out winner?. OMAHA PLAYERS CALL IMPORTANT GOLDEN HARVEST PUB. CO. 20 DOUGLAS BLE. OMAHA, NEB. Meadow Brook Steeplechase Handicap Belmont Park, New York, N. Y.; June 8, Belle Isle Handicap Detroit, Mich.; June 8. 15 CENTS ALL NEWSSTANDS 15 CENTS NEW ISSUE ON SALE YESTERDAYS ."PAY-OFF" PARLAY: VENETIAN 7.70, WON HIGH FINANCE .60, WON All our followers sure made plenty of money when the above two horses came home in front. WEDNESDAYS "PAY-OFF" PARLAY: MARCHING HOME, 5-J, AVON PRIMUTE, 3-1, WON TUESDAYS "PAY-OFF" PARLAY: BLACK FALCON, 4.60, WON ROUSTABOUT, . $ 4.90, WON "Pay-Off Parlays" Pay Plenty All our Parlay followers are sure getting some of that easy dough with" this famous service. ITS YOURS FOR A SONG And you can sing the song yourself. Go to your nearest newsdealer and warble: "Give me a copy of RACING STAR WEEKLY," turn to page 2 and then YOURE ON THE INSIDE OF RACING. BUY A COPY NOW ! If your newsdealer is sold out, send ?2 for 15 weeks subscription to RACING STAR WEEKLY 38 PARK ROW NEW YORK CITY TRACK CRACKS RACING WEEKLY 4 West 15th St. NEW YORK, N. Y. Todays Track Cracks Code Parlay: DALLAS Young-11-99-52-3 and DALLAS Meade-8-99-46-66. PAYS FOR SIX DAYS CODE SERVICE TODAYS HAVRE DE GRACE CODE SPECIAL: HAVRE DE GRACE Cap-19-21-46-7. TODAYS TRACK CRACKS FREE CODE: JAMAICA-Plum-1-12-1M4. AT ALL STANDS EVERY WEEK 35 CENTS Turf Gossip Free Code: DALLAS JuIy-31-50-50-34. Clockers Tips Free Codes: HAVRE Sell-76-77-69-77 and HAVRE Grey-64-63-66-63. WEDNESDAYS TURF GOSSIP FREE CODE: DELIBERATOR ent., .50, WON WEDNESDAYS CLOCKERS TIPS FREE CODE; PARADUN, .60, WON ADVERTISE IN DALLY RACING FORM