Mexico City Summary, Daily Racing Form, 1943-05-25


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Mexico City Summary Saturday May 22 1943 1943Note Note All mutuel prices are for 5 pesos current currentvalue value of the peso is 2070 cents Unplaced horses not listed in order of finish FIRST RACE 4 12 FURLONGS Muy Rapido 114 Wdmn 3500 1650 900 Log Chain 111 Lemons r 1350 8 00 00Don Don Jose H 114 Morrisey 750 750Time Time 54 54Also Also ran Victory Vee Becky Valted Dallas Gal Untiring UntiringSECOND SECOND RACE 34 MILE Chute ChuteUltonian Ultonian 112 Wcidaman 2350 950 950 Victory Pan 118 Peterson 800 650 650Marco Marco B Good 112 Duhon 850 850Time Time 115 115Also Also ran Tired Doctor Volitive Alpine Sinon Porter Rcigh Quibs Bally Sky Spy Linda Vee Sams Pride Top Strippin StrippinTHIRD THIRD RACE 34 MILE Chute ChuteTravis Travis L 109 Lemons 2700 1450 850 Mismo 114 Rodriguez 2230 1150 1150Pelter Pelter 109 Peterson 650 650Time Time 113 113Also Also ran Tacita Verde Man Only Girl Indian Dream Edelad Kumreigh Lilly Lake Spyway Veiled Daily Double on the second and third races paid 13950 13950FOURTH FOURTH RACE 34 MILE Chute ChuteBattle Battle Orphan 109 Petern 950 800 750 750Copywright Copywright 109 Duhon 1950 1200 x xMatchup Matchup 111 Rodriguez 1150 1150Time Time 112 112Also Also ran San Ignacio Liberty Cap Torch Betty BettyRoy Roy Greenock FIFTH RACE 78 MILE Don Francisco 108 Lemns 5150 2500 1050 Mugsy 116 McCown 2000 950 950Zacs Zacs Gal 108 Morrisey 650 650Time Time 127 127Also Also ran Carl Junior Permiso Savage Sailor Gold Regnant Boot Black BlackSIXTH SIXTH RACE 34 MILE Chute ChuteBorder Border Beauty 107 Rodrz 2000 800 600 Texon Boy 112 Peterson 800 650 650Battle Battle Hymn 114 Wcidmn 800 800Time Time 112 112Also Also ran Gridine Fly Ty Kiosk Bicn Asado Bonheur II Ira Pan SEVcNTH RACE 1 18 MILES Solds Call 112 Morrisey 1250 750 700 Mary Florence 107 Lemns 1750 1050 1050Okena Okena 110 Norton 850 850Time Time 153 153Also Also ran Thresher Mamacita Cudgolus Mad Scramble New Wrinkle EIGHTH RACE 78 MILE MILESinging Singing Locust 114 Petn 11050 3500 2100 Captain Sweep 109 Cornay 950 900 900Gray Gray Ghost 112 Morrisey 1000 1000Time Time 127 127Also Also ran Essweep Star Stairway Step Apace War Power Old Lace Marcopollyv Dr Zimmer Quinella paid 13750

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Local Identifier: drf1943052501_21_1
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