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Official Racing Charts Copyright 1943 by Triangle Publications Inc Detroit DETROIT MICH THURSDAY MAY 27 1943 FAIR GROUNDS 1 MILE Fifth day of seventythreeday meeting May 22 to August 14 Detroit Association Puett gate Dual PhotoFinish camera Steward representing Michigan Racing Commission Joseph A Murphy Presiding Steward Jack S Young Associate Stewards Charles A Bray and James F Gallagher Placing Judges L Henderson Van Zandt L M Holmes and Allan Lee Paddock Judge William G Kelly Clerk of Scales Frank M Otis Timer George Peterson Starter Bryan Steele Patrol Judges William Millner and A L Copland Jr Veterinarian Dr L H Lafond Racing Secretary and Handicapper for Flat and Steeplechase Races Charles F Henry Racing starts at 430 p m Eastern War Time Saturdays 215 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Indicates five pounds apprentice allowance Percentage of winning favorites in 1942 29 current meeting 16 Daily Double first and second races Entries and field horses run as one FIRST RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute First of All July 25 1942 109 3 4791 ill urse 1000 3yearolds Maidens Special weights weightsMay May 2743 Det Net vaue to winner 5700 second 150 third 100 fourth 50 Index Jlorses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 401722MONDALOOF WB 117 2 6 1 1 1 12 StrangeB W W Naylor 140 140TAKE TAKE COURAGE wl7 X 9 6 3J 22 23 EnsorL Bomar Stable 720 720411443SPORTSMAN 411443SPORTSMAN wl7 1 8 2J 2 3 31 ScurlockD Dixlana 250 33433 INNATE wnll7 64 5i 5 i 4 4 MilliganP Brown Hotel Stable 3880 41089 ALAN F WB 117 53 4 42 51 5 FatorM Milky Way Farm 3150 3150AUNT AUNT LUCY WB112 92 9 6 62 AlfonsoJ Elstrom Bros f3590 40132 CECIL WB 117 81 7l 8 J 83 7J AdamsJ Royal Palm Stable 770 40303 INDIAN WATCH w 117 35 2 72 72 83 ClarkS Mrs M Ryan 1110 40346 EBONY TUNE wI17 4 7 81 9 9 9 LasswellH K Marley 2670 2670tMutucl tMutucl field Time 24 48 115 Track slow slowr r 2 Mutuels Paid = Odds to 1 11 ln MONDALOOF 480 340 240 140 70 20 MufrUel PriCesl TAKE COURAGE 680 340 240 70 70V V SPORTSMAN 240 20 20Winner Winner B g by Pharamond II Aloof by North Star HI trained by W Molter bred Jay Coldstream Stud StudWENT WENT TO POST 434 OFF AT 435 EASTERN WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won easily second and third driving MONDALOOF went to the front before going a quarter shook off SPORTSMAN after half a mile then easily held TAKE COURAGE safe The latter slow to begin but never far back went to the inside for the drive and finished resolutely under punishment but could not menace the winner although easily best of the others SPORTSMAN raced closest to MON ¬ DALOOF to the stretch then tired INNATE could not improve his position under good handling ALAN F tired after showing early speed AUNT LUCY was never dangerous CECIL began fast but failed to keep vp INDIAN WATCH was done early Scratched 40132 Rubicon 112 SECOND RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute First of All July 25 1942 109 3 A 1 7 Q 7 HI Purse 1000 4yearoids arid upward Colts horses and geldings Claiming Nonwinners in 1943 Weight 117 Ibs May 2743 Det Claiming price 1250 1250Net Net value to winner 700 second 150 third 100 fourth 50 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 40992 HIGH ONE WB 8 117 2 5 2h I2 1 I3 DeLuciaJ A C Snyder 200 40155 FLYING REIGH WB4117 7 4 42 4 3 i 2l HensonE H H Haincs 3510 347273ERIN TORCH B 10 117 6 3 3 2 2 3 HornG Grissom Sherman 820 34727 fJAYFCEE vB8117 1 2 I1 3J 42 4J AdamsJ Mrs R Grundy 370 33799 ALLENJAY vaSll 99 9 9 7h 5J Roberts Mrs H P Bonner 1250 34293 FOND HOPES VB 4 117 3 6 6 = 62 5l bs StrangeB M H Van Berg 3880 38889CHINA BOY elGU2 5 7 86 7 6 7 LittrellWB W E Ball 4610 40997 B1SCAYNE BLUE VB 9 117 4 8 73 83 81 82 EnsorL Bomar Stable 450 40993 GET GOOD WB 4 117 81 52 5 9 9 BrennanJ R A Conncll 560 fApprtntice allowance waived Time 24J 48 115 Track slow J2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 1ii ii I r HIGH ONE 600 360 320 200 80 60 MutUel PriCeS FLYING REIGH 1 2140 900 970 350 ERIN TORCH 360 80 80Winner Winner Ch g by High Cloud Beloved One by My Play trained by H Trotsek bred by Xalapa Farm Winner entered to be claimed for 1250 WENT TO POST 506J OFF AT 506i EASTERN WAR TIME TIMEStart Start poor from stall gate Won easily second and third driving HIGH ONE a keen factor from the start took command after leaving the back stretch and easily retained hjs advantage to the finish FLY ¬ ING REIGH never far back came to the inside for the drive but could not menace the winner ERIN TORCH tired after making a good bid in the stretch JAYFCEE began fast but tired and lost ground stead ¬ ily after a quarter ALLENJAY practically left at the post finished fast in a good effort FOND HOPES could not belter his position and had no mishaps CHINA BOY was always outrun GET GOOD began fast but could not keep up upClaimed Claimed Get Good by Capitola Rea for 1250 Daily Double on the First and Second Races Paid 1200 THIRD RACE 4 12 FURLONGS Shiny Penny June 6 1942 52 2 109 t 1 7 Q 7 Purse 1000 2yearolds Maidens Claiming Weight 118 Ibs 4 I X 7 J Claiming price 1600 if for 1500 allowed 2 Ibs if for 1400 May 2743 Det 5 ibs No apprentice allowance allowanceNet Net value to winner 700 second 150 third 100 fourth 50 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP SI JA Str Fin Jockeys Owners Oi Odds 1 Slrt 378232VALDINA SENORA wllO 6 4 lij 1i I2i RobertsP Cragin Hoist 200 40242 LIBYAN STAR wl3 4 3 3wllO 42 34 22 AdamsJ Bianchi Williamson 41090 BURSWEEP wllO 7 76 6 6wllO 22 2J 32 ClarkS C C Boshamer 39E09 IIEYORTA wllO 3 35 5 5wallO 3h 42 42 LittrellWB T B Cromwell 38884 DUOLC wallO 5 57 7 7wllO 6 5 53 HensonE Brand Cloud 40358 BOMBERESS wllO 2 22 2 2wl5 5h 68 612 KeiperP Milky Way Farm 40574 TOP BOOK wl5 1 11 1 111 AlfonsoJ W P Byerman ByermanTime Time 24 48 55 Track slow 52 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 ij in VALDINA SENORA 800 340 240 200 70 lYiUtuel rnceSi sot LIBYAN STAR 340 260 70 so t BURSWEEP 320 60 60Winner Winner Ch f by Petrose Miss Pompey by Pompcy trained by A T Cragin bred by Valdina Farm Inc Winner entered td be claimed for 51400 51400WENT WENT TO POST 539 OFF AT 540 EASTERN WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won easily second and third driving VALDINA SENORA hustled ajpng early to reach the lead responded gamely to a shaking up on the stretch turn and retained her advantage to the finish LIBYAN STAR well placed and a sharp factor from the start came gamely when roused for the drive but was unable to menace the winner BURSWEEP faltered after forcing the pace to the last eighth HEYORTA rould not keep up DUOLC ran greenly and had no mishaps BOMBERESS was never dangerous after starting well TOP BOOK began fast and then dropped out of it FOURTH RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute First of All July 25 1942 109 3 41294 111 urse 51 000 4yearolds and upward Fillies and mares IbsMay 7 Claiming Nonwinners of two races in 1943 Weight 118 Ibs May 2743 Det Nonwinners of a race at a claiming price over 1000 since March 1 allowed 3 Ibs in 1943 6 Ibs Claiming price 1250 Net value to winner 700 second 150 third 5100 fourth 50 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St JA Str Fin Jockeys 37686 OCEAN BOUND WB 5 112 2 1 140993BIT 40993BIT O BROWN WB 4 108 4 5 34560 34560SABRA SABRA w5112 1 3 2 21 2 3 HornG Grissom Sherman 740 40051 KENTY MISS wB7112 5 56 6 53 53 4h 4J CaffarellaM McGregor Baker 410 41092 fMISSLAM w4108 6 64 4 63 63 6 5i AdamsJ W E Ball 640 64040129LUMBER 40129LUMBER QUEEN w4107 32 31 3J 51 62i DrcnnanD G E Wilt 2580 40450 FOL1GA WB 6 112 7 7 7777 DeLuciaJ Mrs E H Augustus 8150 Apprentice allowance waived waivedTime Time 2Z 48 1145 Track good goodt t 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 i 1 in OCEAN BOUND 720 380 260 260 90 30 VlUrUel F riCeS 30t BIT 0 BROWN 340 260 70 30 t SABRA 320 60 60Winner Winner Br m by Boatswain Beloved by Whisk Broom II trained by B Hernandez bred by Mr P M Burch Winner entered to be claimed for 1250 1250WENT WENT TO POST 6081 OFF AT 609 EASTERN WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won easily second and third driving OCEAN BOUND alertly ridden took command at once and establishing a clear lead easily retained her advantage to the finish BIT 0 BROWN saved ground while racing close to the leader in the first half mile came gamely during the drive but could not get to the winner although easily besting the others SABRA forced the pace to the last righth and then faltered KENTY MISS on the outside throughout couid not menace when called upon in the stretch MISSLAM was outrun FOLIGA began slowly and was outrun Overweight Bit o Brown 1 pound FIFTH RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute First of AH July 25 1942 109 3 Winners since March 1 2 Ibs extra for each race won at a claim May 2743 Det ing price over 1000 Claiming price 1250 1250Net Net value to winner 850 second 175 third 100 fourth 75 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St J4 A Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 40590 FIDDLERS BIT w 104 7 2 3 21 2 li DrennanD Mrs E H Augustus 2540 254041089JTHE 41089JTHE GIGGLER w 111 61 12J I3 H 22J Roberts Mrs H P Bonner 550 550410882BLACK 410882BLACK SKIMMER will 14 4 4i 32 36 CaffarellaM J H Rouse 200 41088 AZIZI WB109 25 2J 3i 4J 4h BrennanJ R A Conncll 560 56041088HONEST 41088HONEST PAL w09 3 7 5 52 51 5 FlammC J C Ellis 4200 41093 LAZY TONGS wnll6 53 7 6 7 6h AdamsJ Mrs E H Beezley 230 230395282RONNETTE 395282RONNETTE wB109 46 6J 7 6J 7 StrangeB H N Iscnbcrg 640 640Time Time 24 48 114 Track slow 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 il l n FIDDLERS BIT 5280 1960 540 2540 880 170 170iR iR 620 320 210 60 BLACK SKIMMER 240 20 20Winner Winner Ch f by Gallant Knight or Strolling Player Miss Hoptown by St Henry trained by H Trotsek bred by jlr J D Griffing Winner entered to be claimed for 1250 WENT TO POST 638 OFF AT 638 EASTERN WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won driving second and third the same FIDDLERS BIT well placed and saving ground to the stretch came through on the inside for the drive and responding to good urging disposed of THE GIGGLER in the last sixteenth Tho latter went to the front at once set the pace under good handling to the last eighth and continued gamely but was unable to withstand the winner BLACK SKIMMER never far back came determinedly when roused for the stretch run but could not get to the leaders AZIZI tired after racing forwardly placed in the first half HONEST PAL was never dangerous LAZY TONGS knocked back after the start failed to recover RONKETTE was always far back Corrected weight Lazy Tongs 116 SIXTH RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute First of AH July 25 1942 109 3 Claiming 3yearolds 108 Ibs older 118 Ibs Claiming price May 2743 Det 2600 if for less 2 Ibs allowed for each 150 to 2150 Net value to winner 1000 second 250 third 150 fourth 100 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St J4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 3990PPATRIOT wn4114 11 I1 I2 I2 I2i KeiperP Darby Dan Farm 200 38942 MISS DAUNT WB 5 107 6 5 53 S3 4J 2 RobcrtsP Mrs H P Bonner 600 600402452ABRUPT 402452ABRUPT we 4 118 43 4 4 2 3nk CaffarellaM A Hirschberg 350 35038764PETE 38764PETE JR w5112 2 2 3h 3 3 42 ClarkS C C Boshamer 3810 40315 COWLAN wB3105 3 4 2 2h 52 5 Lay ton R Grand Stable 880 880398482GRANO 398482GRANO SALTIS wi5108 56 6666 DrennanD K Marley Ztt ZttTime Time 24 43 114 Track good 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 1r r ki r PATRIOT 600 340 260 200 70 30 MutUel rriCCSi iooI MISS DAUNT 580 400 193 ioo I ABRUPT 280 40 40Winner Winner Ch c by Blenheim II Malvipa B by Sir John Johnson trained by J Long bred by Mr R A Fairbairn Winner entered to be claimed for 2300 2300WENT WENT TO POSt 707 OFF AT 707J EASTERN WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won easily second and third driving PATRIOT went to the front at once established a clear lead before reaching the stretch and retained his advantage to the finish without need of urging MISS DAUNT never far back and saving ground to the final quarter came to the inside for the drive and closed resolutely under punishment ABRUPT on the outside throughout went wide entering the stretch and could not threaten the leaders when called upon PETE JR faltered after racing forwardjy to the last eighth COWLAN forced the pace to the stretch and then gave way GRANO SALTIS began slowly and was outrun throughout Overweight Cowlan 2 pounds Claimed Patrjot by Mrs E H Beezley for 2300 SEVENTH RACE DETROIT 34 Mile STRAIGHT El BBEM3IO EM3tH BH HElElSl Order HElElSlEMOEI EMOEI Finish x Deadheat Off Time 1 MAEJAMES 3 ONE TIP j MYSTERY MARVL 0 VALDINA ETERNO BRIGHT ARC 6 BRASS KING For late charts see tomorrows issue