Official Racing Charts: Lincoln Fields at Hawthorne, Daily Racing Form, 1943-05-28


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Official Racing Charts Copyright 1943 by Triangle Publications Inc Lincoln Fields at Hawthorne STICKNEY ILL THURSDAY MAY 27 1943 HAWTHORNE 1 MILE Tenth day of thirtyday meeting May 17 to June 19 Conducted under auspices of Lincoln Fields Jockey Club Inc Bahr gate Harvey EyeintheSky camera Steward representing Illinois Racing Board William A Hamilton Stewards of Meeting C Bruce Head and Samuel H McMeekin Placing Judges Larry C Bogenschutz W R Dahlstrom and H B Lindenberger Paddock Judge James T Clark Patrol Judges Ray Hoertz G W Molesworth W J Shelley and Clifford Hufnagel Clerk of Scales Clifford Sanford Startei Reuben W White Timer Wilfiam Cunningham Veter ¬ inarian representing Illinois Racing Board Dr H N Holmes Track Veterinarian Dr RP Wilson Racing Secretary William H Shelley Racing starts at 245 p m Central War Time W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Indicates five pounds apprentice allowance Percentage of winning favorites in 1942 36 current meeting 46 Daily Double first and second races Entries run as one horse No fields FIRST RACE 612 FURLONGS Out of Chute Talked About Sept 17 1940 419 Q Q 117 6 115 Purse 1000 4yearolds and upward Claim J ing Nonwinners of two races since May 15 4yearolds 113 May 2743 Haw ibs older 115 Ibs Nonwinners since May 15 allowed 3 Ibs IbsClaiming Claiming price 1000 Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 75 fourth 25 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 409572 VOTUM wn6107 7 2 3 36 I1 1 HauerD P L Kclley 60 60410973GUMMED 410973GUMMED 1P wu4 105 6 3 I1 I3 2 2 SchulingH DonnaRay Stable 290 40777 PRINCELY GIFT vs6112 4 4 4 43 4 jemasN D Cataldo 1450 145040822WAWFIELD 40822WAWFIELD w41082 6 6 5 52 4 MartinCL Happy Hour Farm 1720 29866 DREAM FOX WB 4 112 8 1 2s 2 3i 52 SchlenkerA M Wexler 3290 329040459HOLLY 40459HOLLY WB 4 103J 3 8 7 75 63 6 BarneyL A Cilio 1140 114040998LIBERTY 40998LIBERTY HALL WB 4 108 5 7 8 8 7 7 BashamC C C Walker 9170 917040397LOVELY 40397LOVELY SISTER WB 7 104 1 5 5 i 6 8 8 JohnsonP F R MaviglSano 3120 fApnrcnticc allowance waived Time 24 48 11654 124 Track slow 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 in VOTUM 320 240 220 60 20 10 Muruel Prices 20I GUMMED UP 280 240 40 20 I PRINCELY GIFT 320 60 60Winner Winner B h by Gallant Sir or Hijack Never Again by Johrcn or Headstrong trained by P L Kclley bred by Mr H C Ragan Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 246 OFF AT 247 CENTRAL WAR TIME Start good from stall gate Won ridden out second and third driving YOTUM kept under restraint to the stretch responded willingly when caflcd upon and kept under urging after disposing of GUMMED UP won with little left GUMMED UP under hustling tactics from the start and allowed to open up a long lead on the turn began to falter before reaching the last eighth but held the others safe PRINCELY GIFT unable to improve his position early came out in the stretch and held on fairly well WAWF1ELD also closed resolutely DREAM FOX gave way fast after showing speed to the stretch HOLLY was taken back early Overweight Wawficld 3 pounds Dream Fox 2 Holly 3j Liberty Hall 3 Lovely Sister 2 SECOND RACE 6 12 FURLONGS Out of Chute Talked About Sept 17 1940 41 00 117 6 H5 Purse 1000 4yearolds and upward Claim f I J J U jng Nonwinners of two races since May 15 4yearolds 113 May 2743 Haw ibs older 115 Ibs Non winners since May 15 allowed 3 Ibs IbsClaiininff Claiininff price 1000 Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 75 fourth 25 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Vi Sir Fm Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 41000 CAPTAIN FURY wn4110 62 2h 23 1 PJ JemasN Mrs F F Burrcll 140 1404GS08 4GS08 SILK YARN WB 4 110 5 6 4i 32 23 25 WhitingL Thomas Piatt 250 25040862SUMATRA 40862SUMATRA III w9105 7 4 5i 53 43 3 PucciB Mrs Monte Weil 350 35040EG9 40EG9 TEN BLOW WB6112 35 63 6 6 4 HigleyJ Mr Mrs J Randazzo 1070 40869 VALDINA MARGE w 4 105 2 7 7 7 7 52 BadaliJ Mrs E A Simpson 1380 40715 BOLD MISS WB4108 4 1 H H 31 65 MartinTP F Ryan N 2280 22804G999MV1LDA 4G999MV1LDA H ws6102 13 32 42 51 7 VillarditoN Milano Simone 8140 8140Time Time 24 49 116 123 Track slow slowt t 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 i f CAPTAIN FURY 480 280 220 140 40 10 SILK YARN 340 260 70 30 I 30I SUMATRA III 260 30 30Winner Winner Ch c by Balladier OmarFlo by Omar Khayyam trained by C Blafr bred by Mr E Janss Jr Winner entered to be claimed for SI 000 000WENT WENT TO POST 313 OFF AT 314 CENTRAL WAR TIME v vStart Start good from stall gate Won handily second and third driving CAPTAIN FURY forced the pace under snug restraint to the stretch look command gradually without need of strong pressure but was shaken up in the late stages winning handily SILK YARN well up from the start made a bid under urging after straightening up in the stretch but did not seriously menace the winner SUMATRA III out ¬ run to the stretch came out for the final drive but was held safe by the leaders TEN BLOW began very slowly VALDINA MARGE poorly handled and inclined to bear to the inside was blocked early and was far back thereafter BOLD MISS had early speed WILDA H quit badly badlyScratched Scratched 36337 Millmore 112 e eOverweight Overweight Silk Yarn 5 pounds Daily Double on the First and Second Races Paid 820 THIRD RACE 34 MILE Gibbons Augr 18 1925 110 4 120 Purse A 5 A 1000 3yearolds Claiming Weight 116 Ibs Nonwinners H u since May 15 allowed 2 Ibs since April 23 4 Ibs since April 9 May 2743 Haw 6 Ibs Claiminff price 1000 1000Net Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 75 fourth 25 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St M Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt WOOPROSE BANE vl04 5 1 1J li 1 I1 JohnsonP F R Mavigliano 320 J1G982FLO BRATTEN wsl04 6 2 2 2 23 2 BarneyL W M Brennan 130 130M9993REALMAN M9993REALMAN WB 110 2 5 5 3J 3 3 SchuiingH DonnaRay StabU 350 57501 LUCKY TRIP w 110 1 4 4f43 4s 43 GilcspieW Mrs E B Carpenter 1600 40952 MAW w 111 4 3 3h 56 5 52 MartinCL M A Waldhcim 620 31209 RANDOM BREEZE w 106J 3 6 6666 HauerD T A Greenly 2410 2410Time Time 24 49 117 Track slow slowrJ2 rJ2 Mutuels PaidS Odds to 1 1i i t in ROSE BANE 840 320 260 320 60 30 Mutuel Prices FLO BRATTEN 280 220 10 REALMAN t 260 30 30Winner Winner Ch f by Braedalbane Tocaya by Hand Grenade trained by J D Mikel bred by Mr W A Mikfl Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 340 OFF AT 342 CENTRAL WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won driving second and third the same ROSE BANE quickcst to start and showing the most speed held sway under restraint to the stretch withstood the challenge of FLO BRATTEN and was hojding on well at the end FLO BRATTEN restrained lightly while following the pace made a bid on the outside but tired in the closingfifty yards REALMAN was under strong urging in the final quarter but could not improve his position LUCKY TRIP on the inside to the stretch gave way gradually in the last threesixteenths MAW dropped out of it after threeeighths and was not a serious factor thereafter Overweight Random Breeze 1 pounds FOURTH KACE 34 MILE Gibbons Aug 18 1925 110 4 120 Purse since May 15 allowed 2 Ibs since April 23 4 Ibs since April 9 May 2743 Haw 6 Ibs Claiming price 1000 1000Net Net value to winner 5700 second 200 third 575 fourth 25 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 40902CRYSTAL TORCH WB 109 4 2 li I1 I1 I1 BowmanG Mrs V Sovmski 430 430410983BROWN 410983BROWN MATE w 109 3 1 2i 23 2 23 HauerD W Fronk 200 40866 ACE FLEET WB 114 27 5 4 i 3 3J GonzalzMN E Anderson 170 41096 GRANDMA RAY w 105 5 4 3i 32 4 4 JemasN Mrs A Sabath 1190 119040652ELECTRICAL 40652ELECTRICAL WB 105 1 3 7 6G 5 = 5 PucciB Mrs Monte Weil 740 40998 SECOND GLANCE WB 109 76 4h 52 610 6 MartinTP 0 W Lehmann 3070 40653 LA CAMECHE WB 108 6 5 63 7 7 7 HigleyJ A E Overton 8110 8110Time Time 23 49 117J Track slow slowr r tf Mutuels Paid r Odds to 1 i in f CRYSTAL TORCH 1060 440 260 430 120 30 Mutuel Prices BROWN MATE 30 240 GO 20 ACE FLEET 240 20 20Winner Winner B g by Torchilla Black Crystal bv Jock trained byE E Irby bred by Mr F F Bryan Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 407 OFF XT 410 CENTRAL WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate for all but ACE FLEET Won driving second and third the same CRYSTAL TORCH taken to the inside after drawing clear and rated around the turn under a snug hold withstood pressure gamely while holding BROWN MATE sale and had little left The latter also quick to settle into stride and saved back of the pacemaker for half a mile closed evenly under good pressure ACE FLEET away poorly and unable to get through early was steadied around the turn and made up ground slowly in the stretch GRANDMA RAY had no mishaps ELECTRICAL away well but tadly outrun drifted out on the stretch turn The others had no mishaps mishapsOverweight Overweight La Cameche 3 pounds FIFTH RACE 58 MILE Sara Elizabeth July 10 1923 59 2 113 Fox 41 7 fl 7 Valley Farm Purse Purse 1000 2yearolds Maidens Claim I O U O jnff Weight 118 Ibs Claiming price 2000 if for less 1 Ib May 2743 Haw allowed for each 100 to 1500 1500Net Net yalueMo winner 700 second 200 third 75 fourth 25 Index Horses Eat A Wt PP St A Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 409533BAGNELL wellO 95 I2 I3 I2 I1 WegrzynL C T Young 400 400409512PURPLE 409512PURPLE HEART wl8 64 3 3i 2h 2 JemasN Woolford Farm 130 130410993TAWNY 410993TAWNY LADY w 108 88 63 42 33 36 WarrenW Mrs A M Creech 370 37041099DOODLE 41099DOODLE BUG wl08 51 5i 53 4 4 JohnsonP W C Davis 1160 1160DARK DARK CLOUD wl8 46 8 7 62 5h LoTurcoA Mrs H A Deep 1790 179040818GREMLIN 40818GREMLIN wslOS 3 2 2 2 53 6h HauerD Behymer Houbre 1260 1260CHANCY CHANCY WB108 2 9 10 10 82 72 KeagleH H Wells 4610 40818 BARNEY H wl5 7 3 4J 6 7 8 CarrollW Aarons Hoskins 4920 w lOSJ 1 7 93 9 G8 910 MartinCL H Fricdberg 40543 VICTORY ALICE WB 113 10 10 73 82 10 10 GzalezMN II G Shoemaker 9750 9750Time Time 24 50 104 Track slow r2 Mutuels Paid r Odds to 1 11 n BAGNELL 1000 380 280 400 90 40 MutUel PriCeSj PURPLE HEART 320 240 60 20 20I I TAWNY LADY 280 40 40Winner Winner B f by Sweeping Light Lady Mary by Display trained by C T Young bred by Mrs F B Koontz Winner entered to be claimed for 2000 2000WENT WENT TO POST 438 OFF AT 439 CENTRAL WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won driving second and third the same BAGNELL bore to the inside while working her way into command increased her advantage without need of urging on the turn came out in the stretch and held on fairly well withstanding several challengers PURPLE HEART forced to case back slightly in the opening three sixteenths was quick to recover continued in hsnd to the stretch and made a determined effort under strong handling through the tinal eighth TAWNY LADY away slowly moved up gradually and finished resolutely DOODLE BUG in close quarters early could not better his position when clear GREMLIN faltered badly BARNEY H showed a brief flash of early speed CHANCY and VICTORY ALICE began very slowly Scratched 39227 Zaca Man 118 Overweight Appy Way 3 j pounds Victory Alice 3 SIXTH RACE 6 12 FURLONGS Out of Chute Talked About Sept 17 1940 olds and upward Claiming 4yearolds 118 Ibs older 120 Ibs May 2743 Haw Nonwinners of two races since April 23 allowed 2 Ibs a race since then 4 Ibs Claiming price 2500 if for 2250 allowed 2 Ibs if for 2000 4 Ibs Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 75 fourth 25 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St M Str Fin Jockeys Odds 1 Strt 40867PROUD SISTER wsSHO 7 4 440905TRIPAWAY 2 22 I 1 JohnsonP Erlanger Stable 360 40905TRIPAWAY w5120 3 6 64082flllDISTANT 53 4 43 24 LoTurcoA R Lerner 620 4082flllDISTANT ISLE WB 5 106 8 1 1408672CHICAGO 1 1 2 3 HauerD Mrs V Sovinsky 490 408672CHICAGO DR WB 4 109 5 3 3408673REMTE 32 3 3 4J BowmanG BowmanG6h L F King 320 408673REMTE CONTROLwa 5 120 6 7 6h 5h 53 53 LoweW Bockman Oros 480 40867 ALCHANC wa 4 114 4 8 839901PUTITTHERE 8 8 6B 6 WhitcE Brolite Farm 3140 39901PUTITTHERE w4112 2 2 4 63 7 7 JemasN S I Crew 3140llGO llGO 37765 LIBERTY LAD WB 4 114 1 5 72 7 8 8 ChojnackiF C W Pershall 1210 Time 24J 49j 116 123 Track slow 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 li in PROUD SISTER 920 460 320 360 130 60 60Yiuruel Yiuruel Prices TRIPAWAY 700 420 250 110 1 DISTANT ISLE 400 100 100Winner Winner B m by Mio dArczzo Stepping Sisler by Stimulus trained by R Priddy brtd by Mr H W Ray Winner entered to be claimed for 2500 2500WENT WENT TO POST 506 OFF AT 507 CENTRAL WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won driving second and third the same PROUD SISTER hustled along for about threesixteenths was taken under a good hold to follow the pacemaker came around DISTANT ISLE in the drive and holding on gamely withstood the challenge of TRIPAWAY The latter away slowly and not strongly persevered with until the final quarter started up on the outside but went to the inside in the last seventy yards and finishing stoutly was wearing down the winner DISTANT ISLE rushed into command was well rated and placed to pressure held on well to the last sixteenth then tired CHICAGO DR on the inside early was in close quarters in the stretch but did not rally when clear REMOTE CON ¬ TROL showed a fair effort from a slow start ALCHANC began slowly SEVENTH RACE 1 18 MILES Karl Eitel Aug 24 1929 1497 3 110 Purse r i j v j 3yearolds 110 Ibs older 118 Ibs Claiming price 1000 May 2743 Haw Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 75 fourth 25 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 41C053OLD MAIN ROAD WB 8 113 6 6 53 31 2 1 F BarneyL Jerry McCarthy 40957MOROCCO BETTY WB 4 108 3 1 2 2 H 25 23 WarrenW R Brown 5200 410052SOME COUNT w8113 1 4 44 55 55 43 36 JohnsonP Mrs G Alexander 180 18040659GAY 40659GAY HOUR WB6113 2 3 lh lh 36 3 4 HauerD C E Davison 460 460409093CAMARADERIE 409093CAMARADERIE WB 8 113 7 5 610 6 6 7 53 HaleyT W Burright 1250 41005 WEATHERBURN w5118 4 2 3J 4 4 6 6 SchlenkerA L N Vpdin 17 0 040555THREE 40555THREE SANDS w 6 113 5 7 7 7 7 52 FellWegrzynL C T Young 1840 1840Time25 Time25 50 W5 146 200 Track slow i J in OLD MAIN ROAD 520 340 240 160 70 20 Muruel Prices MOROCCO BETTY 77 M 62 ° 950 160 160I I SOME COUNT 260 30 30Winner Winner Ch g by Sweep AH Blanche E by Boots and Saddle trained by L Fischer bred by Mr W C Goodloe Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST535 OFF AT 535 CENTRAL WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won easily second and third driving OLD MAIN ROAD away slowly and not strongly urged while gradually bettering his position the first threequarters raced to MOROCCO BETTY with a rush entering the stretch drew out and had something in reserve MOROCCO BETTY forced the early pace under stout restraint drew into command easily but could not withstand the winner and tired after a mile SOME COUNT sharply blocked by WEATHERBURN when approaching the far turn moved up slightly and on the outside in the stretch but also faltered in the late stages GAY HOUR began to tire before reaching the last quarter WEATHERBURN inclined to bear to the inside was handled with difficulty throughout the running THREE SANDS was racing well and on the outside when he fell just inside the final eighth EIGHTH RACE 1 18 MILES Karl Eitel Augr 24 1929 l49rs 3 110 Purse 4 1 fl 51000 3yearolds and upward Claiming Nonwinners in 1943 3yearolds 110 Ibs older 118 Ibs Claiming price 1000 ivr 1000May it 743 A v Haw May Net valuc to winner 700 second 20o third 75 fourth 25 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 41005 SYRIAN BOY WB4118 6 7 7l 8 li l3 White Brolitc Farm 440 406323SONG MASTER wB5113 4 1 LJ 1 Ink 2J 2J BarneyL P Johnson 2120 02882ROYAL RISK WB 4 113 5 2 3i 21 3i 3l 3i BashamC II Golden 210 40651 PANJAB WB6118 2 3 62 5 i 52 4 4h HaritosJ Mrs G Spaeth 640 41005 CRUCIBENNA WB 6 118 8 6 4i 4i 4i 54 5 LowcW Mrs F Barton 1750 411022DANS CHOICE w4118 3 5 23 33 2i 62 63 JemasN Mrs A Sabath 470 40909 fVALEROSO II waSllS 7 8 8 61 7 4 73 7 HigleyJ A Trout 720 409573SWIFT SUE w4110 1 4 54 74 8 8 8 DottcrL M Haslet 1130 1130Odds fApprentice allowance waived waivedTime Time 26 26f f 52 1192 147 200 Track slow 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 iJ f SYRIAN BOY 1080 560 300 440 180 SONG MASTER 1220 580 510 190 190V V ROYAL RISK 320 60 60Winner Winner Br g by Chance Shot Assyria by Sardanapale trained by L B Kindle bred by Mr J E Widener Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT TIMEStart WENT TO POST 603 OFF AT 603 CENTRAL WAR TIME Start good from stall gate Won easily second and third driving SYRIAN BOY taken back rarly and blocked when trying to get through on the inside after reaching the back stretch swung to the outside on the stretch turn came wtih a rush to take command and won easily SONG MASTER had speed from the start raced DANS CHOICE into defeat but could not withstand the winners rush while holding on well and tired in the last sixteenth ROYAL RISK saved much ground did not rally to pressure in the stretch and also gave way approaching the finish PANJAB had no mishaps DANS CHOICE sore and raced on the outside showed speed to the stretch VALEROSO H Hvas vas gutrun Overweight Swift Sue 2 pounds

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Local Identifier: drf1943052801_2_1
Library of Congress Record: