Sweeps Graded Handicaps: Narragansett Park, Daily Racing Form, 1944-05-08


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Sweeps Handicaps HandicapsNarragansett Narragansett Park ParkContinued Continued from Page Five 5 Frilure No boy 106 X 31 31Scawthorn 3 Weatherite Scawthorn 101 X 61 61No 2 Icystream No boy 109 X 51 51No 4 Cream No boy 104 121 121Loop 1 Prince Puck Loop 104X201 104X201Brennan 8 Mattie Sue Brennan 104X151 Formerly ran as Valdina Albert TH RACE 1 MILE 70 YDS 330 PM F 3 Year Olds Allowances 12 Green Bush Keiper 118 X 51 51Loop 13 Riskton Loop 104 41 41Trent 10 Patriotism Trent 109 61 61Loop 4 Jamoke Loop 108 41 41Paterson 1 Broke Paterson 108 61 61Pratt 9 Black Africa Pratt 110 81 81No 2 Ring Master No boy 109 151 151No 3 Linwood Jim No boy 109 201 201Duffy 5 Fall Brook Duffy 109 X 121 121Scawthorn 6 Psychic Rate Scawthorn 110 151 151Bovine 7 Canee Bovine 104X151 104X151Jenkins 8 Keep Bright Jenkins 104X301 104X301Brennan 11 U S Salute Brennan 118 201 TH RACE 1 116 MILES 400 P M 4YearOlds and Upward Allowances 2 Dr Johnson Pratt 108 52 52Moore 5 Kantar Run Moore 118 X 52 52Keiper 7 Ball Player Keiper 111 61 61Pratt 4 Total Eclipse Pratt 113X 41 41McMullen 1 Drudge McMullen 116 81 81Duffy 3 Incoming Duffy 111X151 111X151No 6 Flange No boy 111X121 111X121Turnbull 8 High Name Turnbull 111121 TH RACE 1 116 MILES 430 P M 4 Year Olds and Upward Allowances 14 The Fiend No boy 118 X 31 31No 12 Fettacairn No boy 113 X 41 41Madden 7 Darby Dismay Madden 113 41 41Delpino 3 Sweepalot Delpino 111X 51 51No 5 Chance Yen No boy 108 X 81 81Hettinger 9 Ho Hum Hettinger 11IX 61 61Pratt 6 Lauderkin Pratt 113 101 101Martin 15 Calvert Martin 116 81 16 Rough Command No boy 113 X 81 1 Gakmont No boy 113 201 2 Epaminondus McMullen 111 151 4 Sir Talbot Kerr 113X201 8 Jockarando Jenkins 108151 10 Jack Vennie Cook 118X151 11 Veris No boy 106X201 13 Brooklandville No boy 113 X 81 81Coupled Coupled Brooklandville and Rough Command TH RACE 1 116 MILES 500 P M 4 Year Olds and Upward Claiming 1 Right Carla Loop 104X 52 52No 2 Crab Apple No boy 111X 31 31No 3 Waddy No boy 116 X 61 61No 8 Defense Stamp No boy 109 81 81LaFitte 7 Tamlin LaFitte 114 51 51Johnston 12 Quintilian Johnston 116 81 81Jenkins 4 Esta Jenkins 106X121 106X121Bovine 5 Be Prepared Bovine 111 X 151 151Turnbull 6 Spalpeen Turnbull 116301 116301McMullen 9 Bus V Z McMullen 114X201 114X201Duffy 10 Strawberry Duffy 116X301 116X301No 11 Montbars No boy 111 201 201Pratt 13 Ovando Pratt 111 151 151No 14 Snow Moon No boy 106 151 151Grohs 15 Precious Years Grohs 109 X 201 201Hettinger 16 Village Belle Hettinger 111 151

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1940s/drf1944050801/drf1944050801_5_5
Local Identifier: drf1944050801_5_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800