Latest Workouts, Daily Racing Form, 1944-06-20

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LATEST WORKOUTS WORKOUTSFigures Figures preceding horses0 name show date of last previous work Track record after distance distanceKey Key 11 Handily B Breezing D Driving E Easily o AH out U Eased up Names upNames of horses making fastest time at each distance appear In black face type SUNDAY JUNE 18 1944 1944WASHINGTON WASHINGTON PARK Track Fast 38 MILE 53 Walkln 69 Dorothy A 104 h 610 Boris N 69 Witch Sir 615 Dusty 107 b 611 Bolo Prince 12 MILE 67 Foreign Agent 100 d dl03h 617 Charmed Life LifeColonel 68 Armed 615 First Prize l03h Colonel Lee 614 Blue Alibi 615 Hygros Man l03hl02h l02h 67 Estate EstateFairy 61 Brlarson 518 K Dbrko DbrkoLady l02hl03b l03b Fairy Manah 62 Black Time Lady Blenheim 105 b 613 Final Glory 615 Black Shot 429 Letmenow 100 63 Herald 529 Challenge Me 615 Messari 107 518 Infinity Sheik 612 Duquesue 69 Potranco 107l063sb l063sb 612 Joe Burger 613 Kanopolis 612 Reward Me l063sbl063sb l063sb l063sbl02b 613 Little Spinner 612 Kingfisher 612 Sun Again l02b 614 Magic Fate 612 Mordecai 615 Sun Arbor 107 b 614 Native Fox 615 Martharine 614Valdina Maiden 103 2sb 2sbl04h 615 Occupation 612 Orange Bowl 615 Whippet l04h 614 Put In 615 Roman Sox SoxSinging 610 Pleasure Hour Singing Wind 34 MILE 110 110Big 513 Paddle 612 Sandslinger Big Flash l15h 615 Port Harmony 613 Son of Peace 615 Circus Wings 122 b 68 Stoogie 614 Sentinel 615 Golden Cross l16h 612 Sevenofive 614Valdina Trial 615 Lea ven worth 115 li 613 Sky Wolf 58 MILE 5 613 MarKell 1 16b 615 Sunny Portress 615 Boston Maud l0225h 614 Purp l19sb 69 The Man 612 Creepin 105 b 615 Red Vulcan 1 15h 67 Twilight Tear 69 Devils Crag l02h 612 Remind 1 163sh DETROIT Track Fast 38 MILE MILE616Buena 612 Bradwin G12 Leaping Moose 102 h h610Moonlite 616Buena Ventura 615 Circus King 610Moonlite Bobby 110 b 614 Chance Ace AceCrimson 616 Crossarch 58 Restriction l02h Crimson Tide 615 Grouchers Boy 614 Royal One 105 b 515 Darby Daphne 64 Gezira 613 Tattle Tale l02 5b 529 Darby Dolphin 614 HoldMeTight 68 ToyQuay 103 h 529 Darby DieppeGay Dieppe 615 King Epithet 612 Zora J 104 1 Gay Deceiver 610Kidds Gift 610 Galorita 613 Loose Talk 34 MILE 109 612 Hi Murt 66 Sir Sprite 612 Air Corps 118 h 613 Kiss Kiss 62 Thats Ted 613 Clarendon l18h 615 Love Song 67 Tomluta 617 Dare 116 li 610 Liberty Bon 611 Free Speech 117H 615 Miss Boo 58 MILE 58J 613 Henderson 125 h 613 Mighty Tough 614 All Lizzie l03h 617 Nelson Dunstan l1735b 66 Old Silk 615 Benzedrine l0235h 614 On the Double 615 Cuban Bomb l03b 78 MILE S15Sha Whan 614 Cecil l05sb 62 Anita Chiquita 134 b 613 Suartiatc 615 Darby Deirdre 103 h 1 MILE 13716 614 Tinys Choice 614 Houghton 103 h 612 Passion 148 b 12 MILE 612 Hi Fling l0735b 612 Peto Gino 146 h 611 Amperage 614 Iris B 103 h 616 Star Back 146 h AQUEDUCT Track Fast 38 MILE 615 Good Kid 52 b 615 Bold Glance 125 b 610 Chance Fair 38 b 66 Modest One 50b 522 Belmatch t 119 b 6 14 Gallant Fancy 38 b 68 Victory Maid 53 b 613 Brie a Bac 119 b 610 Jacobee 38 b 58 MILE 59 67 Global 119 b 613 Respire 39 b Kanamar l05h 615 Topsy Sue l18 5h 69 Showtown Ma b 614 Miss Black Out l02h 617 Westwoort Belle 117 li 12 MILE 611 Singular 106 b 617 Welcome Pass 122 b 61 6 Darby Drucele 51 b 69 Sad Story 301li 1 MILE 613 G I Joe 51 b 614Troon l03h 63 Joebco 147 h 612 King Dorsett 51 b 34 MILE 110 610 Kath Ronan l45h BELMONT PARK Track Fast 38 MILE 530 For Granted 51sb 615 Ice Girl 118 b 529 Big Three 39 5b 613 Hickory Knot 49ysh 616 Sea Fare 115 h 616 Briosa 37 h 616LeHavre 50b 615 Smolensko 1 15 y h 615 Concordian 37 h 616 Super Duper 50 h h36h 610 Sweeping Time l15h G16 Esposito 36h 613 The Cliicf 48ir 61 5 Flood Town 39 b 58 MILE 58 78 MILE 122 615 Fond Friend 37 h 616 Franks Boy l03h 65 Kennebunk l29h l29h615Stimsun 615 Intact 37 h 615 Good Drive 106 b 615Stimsun 130 h 69 My Ambassador 36 h 615 High Spirits l00Ii 69 Steel Chain 36h 34 MILE 110 1 MILE 134 612 Swift Marine 37 h 612 Ariel Game 115 h 613 B Nineteen l425h 615 General Mowlee 147 b 12 MILE 613 Grey Wing l15h l15h49h 613 Khayrite 1 45 h h615Kaytee 612Esteem 49h 615 Headlong 120 b 615Kaytee l41h BELMONT PARK Training Track Track Fast 38 MILE 610 Free France 616 Sixteen Cents 107 h 520 Box Seat 66 Free Air 615 Singing Bid 105 h 616 Court Yard 615 High Romance 615 Sunstorm 106 h 610 Dove Shoot 63 Hada Paul 614 Topsy Rose l02h 614 Devils Thumb 616 Ho Down 612 Triplicate 615 Iloulgate 612 Ringmenow 34 MILE 520 Increscint 612 Sicyon 612 Blazing Glory 119 h 614 Jimmy John 610 Tory Row 617 FiveoEight 124 r 610 Miss Kay Cee CeeQuetal 616 Tola Rose 616 Gig 121 r Quetal 58 MILE 529 Lord Cutts 122 b 612 Ringa waySteve way 614 Boomtown Gal 103 h 67 Rudie Raglan l20h Steve 614 Blenrose 103 h 614 Troop Train 118 h hl48h 12 MILE 615 Chevronel 104 h 1 MILE 66 Ariel Lad 616 Crackerdust l04h 611 Good Ante l48h 615 Copy Boy 615 Gallies 104 h 78 MILE 616 Dit 616 Helioptic 103 h 615 Whirlabout FAIRMOUNT PARK Track Fast 38 MILE 12 MILE 611 Camp Liberty l02h 521 Bond Hill 53ysh 525 Gabe l0935b 614 Als Pride 40 b 65 Brazen Bob 52h 52h38h 615 Mlntwitch l07li 613 Chance Bona 38h 610 Fay C B 54h 54h39ysb 612 Two Heels l06h 67 Codoll 39ysb 612 Gloomily 51h 51h39V5h 34 MILE 110 615 Giniger Blue 39V5h Sauvity 54h 54h403h 610 Manhunt l21Ii l21Ii522Sherron 61 Tornado Red 403h 58 MILE 100 522Sherron Kiss l23h JAMAICA Track Fast 38 MILE 615 Green Apples 52 b 614 Miami Springs 118 r 615 Daylight 63 5435b614Lumiere Jetta T 5435b 615 My Zaca 118 1 616 Leaving 614Lumiere 53 b 615 Sun Flame 118 1 614 Rockwood Play 616 Nursery Tale 49li 614 Scotch Trap 118 1 627 True Note v 528 Trinden 5235b 613 Sissie Smith 1 18 1 12 MILE 58 MILE 58 612 Smart Sheila l1535b 614 Alnorad 615 Fast Goer 105 b 69 Sunlette 68 Chatlet 34 MILE 110 614 Cheesestraw CheesestrawEvening 616 Oatmeal i 16V5h 1 MILE 138 Evening Blue 615 Early Delivery 116 h 612 Fire Sticky l45b 615 First Fiddle 615Fuego l1935b 324 Over 149 b B4 Genial Sam S 69 Happy Herman l15h 614 Sticky Kitty 148 b SUFFOLK DOWNS Track Fast 38 MILE 610 Army Glider 483 h h6llBelwyn 63 Epay l05yah 612 All Spice 6llBelwyn 49h 64 Grand Day 106 b 64 Accord 64 Blue Warrior 51h 68 Heno Lion l06h 530 Burgoo Lady 612 Carmens Lady 53 h 614 Miss Gallant 105 y5h 69 Cananea 614 Count Bruce 53h 613 Nellie Mowlee 102 h 65 Cover Dale 67 Darby Dismay 51 h 520 One Dollar 1023411 615 Cebemint 615 Daisy Lee 49 h 68 Payable l03h 528Davies Sister 69 Hadatickle 533sb 614 Sircala l07h 64 Edmar Jojan 614 Jacks Girl 52 h 613 Salvo 103 h 613 Endy 615 Lone Flame 51h 613 Torsano l06h 67 Elkton 62 Lazy Bones 49h 429 Grand Gay 68 Model Lady 50h 34 MILE 109 67 Hard Trek 62 Miss Val 50 h 612 Cavatorta l15h 615 Heats On 616Picanny h616Picanny 523Ah 614 Chain Miss l243sb 57 Jack Rubens 616 Psychic Wave 50h 614 De Kalb 116 h 49 Midall 614 Robert F 5i h 69 Jelwell l16h 616 Macks Dream 528 Spring Tornado 51h 615 Jack Reaper 123 b b615Ladys 68 Melody Lass 614 Silver Way 483th 615Ladys Reward l18b 615 Mianami 614 Star Willow 53h 613 Middlestone 121 b G14Nibby Jock 63 Titian Miss 60 h 614 Night Editor l18h 611 Sunspark 613 Valdina Valet 53 h 616 Rest Awhile 121 b b52GWoodford 68 Sparrow Chirp 616 War Reward 50 h 52GWoodford Lad 115 h 614 Still There 612 Wise Niece 49 h 610 Sophocles 78 MILE 616 Tiny Sis 58 MILE 58 614 Dansation 133 h 66 Ticco 615 Busy Nine 104 h hBow 1 MILE 136 136GlGRed 610 V Clock Bow Tip 104 h GlGRed Moon 143 li 613Valdina Idol 610 Dougs Gal 104 h 617 Son Altesse 146 h 12 MILE 614 Double Feature l03h 612 Short Cake l43 l43sh sh MONDAY JUNE 19 1944 1944WASHINGTON WASHINGTON PARK Track Muddy 38 MILE 12 MILE 6J3 Monks Memo Ifl4h 529 Alvan fi15 Alfios 616 RoseRed 1 08b 616 Best Effort 525 Anticlimax 67 Ste Frances 106 b 613 Bolos Choice 61 Campanula 617 Son of Chance l05b l05bToujour 614 Belle Song 615 Door Yock Toujour l09b 612 Blue Skimmer 615 Full Cry CryGold 611 Chief Adviser Gold Bolt 34 MILE 11014 11014GllBoIo 612 Darien 61 Joe Schenck GllBoIo Miss 120 b 613 Greek Warrior 65 Liberty Pan PanCrest 516 Bushel Basket 125 b 65 Juke Box Crest 616 Blueberry Pie 121 b 48 Midwesterner 615 The Finest 516 Mina J 124 b 613 Nostalgia 58 MILE 5 616 Sir Bim 523 Adulator 108 b 78 MILE 123 612 Spartan Noble 515 Devils Frolic FrolicErnest l06b 614Cobeggo l39b l39bG18 612 Twosy Ernest 109 b G18 Fairy Manali 133 b ErnestKelley 616 Three Dot Kelley 109 b 1 MILE 135 67 TurfR 69 Lexingtonian l0735b 615Jamerica 147 b LINCOLN FIELDS Track Muddy 12 MILE 58 MILE 59 34 MILE 110 68 Timocracy Foot 110Foot to Foot l08b 69 Actress Lady l20b 51 6 Vegas AJheel DETROIT Track Slow 38 MILE 12 MILE 529 Teddys Flame 52h 67 Alfaldildo 530 Buds First 616 Vegas Justice 52h 610 Adda Pearl 613 Bel Revere 58 MILE 58 67 AgrarianU 616 Bluish 526 Bit o Brown 106 h 531 Buckle Down 614 Bill G 613Cals h613Cals Pet 109 b 525 Cloudy Weather 69 Bring Me Home HomeG12 615Dogpatch b615Dogpatch 109 b 68 Camps First G12 Bopenko 613 Good Queen 103 h 617 Cohall 619 Claremont Miss 528 Here She Is l06h 611 Dockie 616 Finley G14HiTy l06hG14HiTy I02h 612 Easy Jack 616 Front Burner 615 Masked Duke 107 h 68 Hadatime 68 Good Ground 62 Mae Wave 108 b 615 High One 613 Lorraine Cross 614 Pistol Pete 108 b 615 Happy Factor 615 Miss Militant 615 Straw Stack l0434h 69 Lucky Greenock 615 Mia Maria 612 Silk 110 b 613 Lazy Tongs 62 Mossy Lake 615 TimoShank 108 h 615 Manda 616 Quarto 617 Well Repaid l05h 613 MIstucky 617 Romance Boy 34 MILE 109 109616GIgilo 613 Meritorious 64 Swift Legion 616GIgilo 68 Slam It 615 Sorbonne 615 Gaudette l20h l2335h 615 Sacaton 615 Strutter 613 Lochlea l21h l21hG12Peemar 61 Speedy Show 65 Sister Higher G12Peemar 119U 67 Tomos 615 She She 614 Silver Ace l2135h 613 What a Play 615 Sealane Sealane6llTeulight 78 MILE 617 Youroff 6llTeulight 615 Ima Pearl l32h AQUEDUCT Track Fast 38 MILE 58 MILE l 614 Oceanus l163b 617 Heesadate 614 Bossuet 102 b 610 Red Wonder lies b 07 Our Victory 66 Fox Brownie l0135h 618 Respire 117 b 12 MILE 617 Flareback l03h 61 The Killer 117 b 616 Bobrich 427 Hi Lucille 106 h 78 MILE 122 65 Ecolire 617 Junior Atlas l03h 614 Black Gang l27h 614 Faust II 616 Lady Victory 106 b 613 Record Crop 130 h hl45h 614 Palmera T 616 Peacock Lady 106 b 1 MILE 616 Refugeegee 617 Ravenala l013sh 615 Free Lance l45h 615 Rarified 34 MILE 1 617 Irish Tar l45h 614 She Dast 610 Devils Luck 1 18 MILES 1 49 610Swimmin Hole 526 Hi Gus 119 b 616 Bounding Home l5835b 614 Whiskbriar 616 Little Flyer 123 b 616 Wait a Bit l5835b BELMONT PARK Track Fast 38 MILE 616 Gallacene 617 Stage Manager 103 h 615 Bold Anna 614 Helioptic 34 MILE 110 69 Down South 610 Jean Sickle SickleSundrum 616 Doggone 1 173 b 61 Foxwise Sundrum 614 Flying Doug l15h 612 Hampton Hall 611 Tow Path 617 First Stage 118 I 615 Home Flight 617 Tick Tock 616 Gold Shower 123 L 614 Organ Grinder 615 Wood Alcohol 616 Middle River l18b 610 Pilates Miss 613 War Bond G13kapi Lancer l14h 614 Roxbury 58 MILE 5 616 Puffed Up 116 h 616 Scholarship 613 At Play l0235h 617 Your Reward 122 b 12 MILE 616 Bright Scholar l02h 78 MILE 422 616 Ayahs Boy 615 Juno l03h 615 Slide Rule l28h 614 Beau Quest 616 Leslie Grey l02h 1 18 MILES 148 616 Dit 612 Comenow l03 5h 615 Jimmy John 201 h BELMONT PARK Training Track Track Fast 38 MILE 617 Super Fortress 36h 328 Cherbourg 612 Ariel Mission 610 Sabu 385h Cherbourg385h 616 Devils Guide 105 h 616 Bel Reigh 616 Wise Briar 37 h 616Houlgate 104 1 68 Chief Barker 12 MILE 617 Humoreque 105 617 Chance Nick 614 Bellwether 55 b 613 Marmeduke 106 h 68 Dairy Lady 616 Bill Hardy 52 h 617Patrimony 106 616 Doublrab 615 Bird Hawk 53 h 615 Porters Chips 105 1 522 Fittobetied 615 Blue Stride 4935h 68 Sky Sentry l02h 615 Gumdrop 617Biloxi Bay 51 h 531 Samuel D D52h 105 h 531 Hitem jB17 Dancing Fire 52h 617 Tit Tat Toe l04h 615 Katylea 615 Dare Me 51 h h51h 615 Miss Winks 617Hillyer Court 51h 34 MILE 616 Morani 616 In the Groove 52 h 615 Albatross Albatross5135h 615 Pyracanth 59 Miss Zibby 5135h 616Ankylos 118 1 527 Rodney Stone 615 Music Hall 5035h 616Ankylos5035h 616Flash 616Flash51h l175h 617 Reason 520 Orpheum 51h 610 Hasteville Hasteville49h 120 h 68 Spangled Game 616 Willing Spirit 49h 614Sting Pal 121 h 616 Smart Bet 616 White Paper 53 h 615 Top General 617 Shadow Falls 58 MILE 616 Sicily 613 Bill Corum 105 h 78 MILE 615 Safeguard 613 Conjurer 104 h 615 Modest Lad FAIRMOUNT PARK Track Fast 38 MILE 612 Sweet Beau 38 h 617 Squaw Jane 50 h h37h 613 Damascus Dame 67 Valdlna Purge 37h 529 Doit 12 MILE 58 MILE 100 10052h 68 Gay and Light 613 Harvey V 52h 612 High Bunita 108 h 613 Garbure 613 Lookout Rascal 50 h 527Lakeview T 108 h h50h 526 Hada Lass LassMaria 614 Larkalong 50h 66 Stalking l06h l06h52h Maria Catarina 615 Martha Lue 52h 52h52h 612 Nations Hero 66 Miss Midge 52h 34 MILE 110 11054b 67 Rolls Day Park City 54b l24i5b55b 69 Gay Hour l24i5b 613 Sibley 68 Royal Lady 55b 530 Helen I 122 b JAMAICA Track Fast 38 MILE 67 Loch Ness 616 Third Rail 118 b 614 Blue Nose 610 La Joconde 612 Tell Me More 117 t 522 Blue Flight 615 Patricia P 614Volitant 120 I 613 Charlie Noble 615 Scotch Dot 527 Family Doc 612 Still Blue 58 MILE 58 617 Felix 613 Thin Air 612 Free Dutch l04b 529 High Ginger 34 MILE 110 615 One Look 105 b 61 Scotch Mound 615 Gray Witch 1 66 Pheecia l0435b 12 MILE 530 Histrionic 1 616 Sonnet Key l03b 522 Aloraye 614 LouBre 1 16llMarkobob 1 MILE 138 330 Blue Ridge 6llMarkobob 1 616 Blue Whistler l46b fi14 Bnzalong 610 Party Buster 1 616 Frederic II 147 b 614 Hannah B 614 Sammy Angott 1 618 Leaving l43b SUFFOLK DOWNS Track Fast 38 MILE 614 Freddies Game 51 h Northern Light l07h 616 Epaminondus 65 Jamoke 51 h hJacka 612 Threecent l02h 616 Hard Telling Jacka Jones 50 h 612 Macs Quest 611 Psychic Rate 49h 49h610Staretor 34 MILE 109 617 Night Bomber 610Staretor 51h 524 Broke 118 h h614Lilson 527 Nats Reward 58 MILE 58 614Lilson 117 h 69 Roman Descent 610 Bright Signal 102 h 614 Sir Kid 116 h 613 Skipper Z 615 Coronation 1 07 h 1 MILE 136 12 MILE 613 Evening Flight l04h 615 Straight Lead 148 h 69 Andy L 42 Gala Fire 103 h 618 Sunspark 148 h 613 Bean Work 614 Leicester 108 b 1 18 MILES 148 614 Caroline F 613 Mumble Peg 106 b 615 Jack Vennie l56 5h SUFFOLK DOWNS Track Sloppy 38 MILE 522 Elray 50 h 34 MILE 109 611 Cloud Light 610 Fleet Sister 51 h 615 Arthur Murray l17h 61 4 Easy Quero 614 Gold River 50 h 68 Calvert l19h 611 Heel Call 519 Happy Prince 55 b 529 Count Maurice 120 h 69 Pipeliner 610 Lost Gold 55 b 616 Grand Party l1835h 610 Patches 612 Pry 53 b 613Kleig l1835h613Kleig Light l17h 69 Scots Belle 530 Scottsville 52 52sh sh 68 Sting Lightly 120 h 613 Tower Maid 58 MILE 58 615 War Page l2235b 64 Wake Robin 526 Blen High l053h l053h525Bayport 613 Windmill 525Bayport l05h l05h614Chaladee 78 MILE MILE615Texalite 12 MILE 614Chaladee 110 h 615Texalite l32h 615 Alport 67 Cat Lady l0525h 1 MILE 136 136G9 63 Boysan 616 Communicate 108 b G9 Burande l44d 614 Chicago Dr 610 Exit l03h 613 Flying Silver l49b 513 Challo 65 Republican l042 h 615 Molasses Bill 152 Y 61 Cute Eye 616 Son Admiral 1 04 h 616 Stormy Night J46 L 616 Dark Morning 616 Sporting Guy 106 h 613 Venture All l46ysh

Persistent Link:
Local Identifier: drf1944062001_21_1
Library of Congress Record: