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LATEST WORKOUTS WORKOUTSFigures Figures preceding horscss name show date or last previous work Track record after distance distanceKey Key II Handily B Breezing D Driving E Easily O All out U Eased up upNames Names of horses making fastest time at each distance appear in black face type WEDNESDAY JUNE 21 1944 WASHINGTON PARK Track Fast 38 MILE MILEAethels 615 Be Brief BriefEd 612 Late Issue l02h Aethels Ace Ed Way 614 Mrs Primrose 102 h h618MarKell 615 Alar 614 Equifox 618MarKell 104 b 612 Agrarian Son 530 Fair Sand 68 Opening Bid 105 b 612 Babes Call 618 Golden Cross 61 Piplad 108 I I310Pirater 616 Benjack 619 Greek Warrior 310Pirater l04b 613 Betel 67 Gummed Up 618 Sandslinger 106 b 517 Bolo Gray 617 Geraldlne F 61 Son of War 105 b 619 Blueberry Pie 524 Kaohi 69 Starcress l03h 615 Burt 613 Kope Kona 618 Witch Sir 103 li 618 Colonel Lee 522 Lilylee 34 MILE 110 617 Chancy ChancyCivil 68 Lark Song 618 Bolo Prince l16 5h 5h531Belmike Civil Code 524 Overcross 531Belmike 118 b 69 Cloverland 612 Private Joa 67 Conservateur 120 b 612 Don Miller 615 Occupy 618 Circus Wings l18b 613 Go Devil 616 Patricia A AResults 618 Devils Crag l16b 616 K Doe Doe Results 616 Daily Trouble l13h 62 Lord Bart 615 Ruditaurus 618 First Prize l16b 616 Last Salute 616 Roundtheclock 68 Grenouille 120 b 68 Legal Eagle EagleMad 68 Short Life 618 Magic Fate 1J15 b Mad Sadie 619 Son of Chance ChanceSmart 615 Mugs Game 118 b 67 Miss U S O Smart Stuff 616 New Frontier 1 16h 520 Narialet 619 Spartan Noble 612 Old Kentuck l133sh 66 Old Lover 615 Stitch Again AgainTriton 615 Pinch Hitter 119 b 529 Princess Jess Triton 618 Reward Me 119 b 611 Purple Heart 518 Tarpaii 618 Remind 117 b 617 Roman Red 617 Volcano 617 Sis Baker 117 b 614 Reklaw 613 Valdina Date DateWise 617 Sweeping Pair 118 b 69 Rockwood Lou Wise Eagle 618 Sun Again l17b 618 Sun Arbor 618 Walkin 618 Son of Peace l1835b 617 Sunny Betty 58 MILK 59 615 The Fiend 120 b 614 Santa Clans 617 Blu Whisk 105 b 78 MILE 123 66 Thumbs Up 614 Chanting 107 b 519 Shining Chance 134 b 618 Valdina Maiden 615 Dauntless Bo 104 i5b 613 Witch Watch 612 Danada Flash l04b 1 MILE 135 12 MILE 613 Foxy Fena 104 h 67 Best Birthday l413sh l413shfi14 615 Bright Willie 617 Gem W 103 h fi14 Rounders l39li 617 Bull Play 614 Luple l02h 610 The Answer 148 b LINCOLN FIELDS Track Good 38 MILE 65 Count Ballot 6l2Vinlta Upset 52y3h GJG Captain Eddie 36b 614 Cantata 427 David B Jr 37b 615 Country Butter 58 MILE 59 61 Fly Chick 36h 426 Head Flight 61 Disbet l04ysh l04yshG1G 64 Final Reward 37h 613 Maw G1G Quarterback l03b 610 Grey Head 36h 514 Never Miss 610 Looks Easy 40b 429 Prince OMara OMaraPrado 34 MILE 110 12 MILE Prado Son G8 Quick Tool l17Ii 528 Brilliant Jr 50h Uncle Barb 58 Teddy Tea 119 b DETROIT Track Fast 38 MILE 613 Budgeteer 617 Two o Four 49h 49h620Valetta 522 Bay tree Bomber BomberBriny 618 Cuban Bomb 620Valetta H 53 b Briny Martin 618 Clarendon 614 Yank Bomber 50h 614 Blue Teddy 530 Dixie Dell 513 Boston Lu 62 Drumont 58 MILE 5SVS 612 Bozie 615 Dreamy Eyes 67 Alumont l06Vsb 614 Bis Albert 530 Dissension Sir 616 America Fore l05b 617 Commiseration 612 El Valle 613 Bright Reigh l0335h 615 Credit Man 614 Extend 618 Crossarch 106 b 618 Circus King 612 Good Daughter 612 Detroit Bull 103 h 615 Deni Sun 617 Girl Chestnut 614 Eleanor Van 103 Vsh 66 Forelady 618 Hi Fling 614 Fay Foot l04h 69 Jtianita M 615 Knight 617 Hopeful Reward 104 h 68 John Q Public 612 Kathy 617 Kingcella l0435h 617 King Victory 617 Little Minx 618 Love Song l06ysb 612 Lucifer 619 Lorraine Cross 614 Play Hands l03h 619 Masked Duke 616 Liselotte Liselotte612JVIokup 617 Runebbs Pride 107 b 620 Magnetism 612JVIokup 617 San Yet l07b l07b614Sidout 614 Mission Cross 617 Wednesday619Mistucky Mabe Wednesday 614Sidout l07b 67 Pies Pat 619Mistucky 614 Samborombon l01h 610 Plucky Teddy 611 Miss Valor 612 St Dismas 102 h h614Towakee 612 Sun By 615 Mamie Anna 614Towakee 108 b 615 Shinemup 615 Mibob 617 Tuey Toy l07b l07b614WIckford 613 Vegas Nourrica 618 Nelson Dunstan 614WIckford Point 103 h 51 Valdina Rex 612 Politics 34 MILE 109 614 Valdina Delia 615 Restriction 616 Aunt Lucy l15h 613 Young Buddy 617 Riot Call 613 All Good l18b 12 MILE 612 Red Rebel 614 Belfry Chimes 1 17h 611 Away Up 617 Sagalie Tyea 617 Clayburne 116 h 61 AgrarianU 615 Supremo 616 Half Grand l16h 613 Alchanc 618 Sha Whan 613 O K Joe 117 h 615 Air Sailor 67 Silver Donna 617 Top Beau 116 h 612 Betrothed 618 Spartiate 617 Ted Lewis l2iysh 614 Bell Call 619 Sealane Sealane618Tinys 1 MILE l37J4 67 Bold Lucy 618Tinys Choice 615Omasarl 148 h AQUEDUCT Track Muddy 614 J J Lynch 49h 615 Peppy Miss 117 b 69 Did I B 618 King Dorsett 50 h 617 Still Life l1715b 68 Francis Marion 615 Savant dOr 49 h Hockey 610 Step Across 49 h 78 MILE 122 619 Respire 58 MILE 59 619Bossuet l26Jsh 613 Valdina Stroke 614 Down Six 106 b 12 MILE 616 King Respite 107 b 527 Concluded 619 Little Flyer 106 b 619 Free Lance 152 b 65 Colleague 616 Omission l03b 614 Sea Base 151 b 63 Dagger 516 Princess R L 109 b 617 Similar 149 b 617 CanJones 616 Shut Up l03h 618 Skin Deep 152 b 618 G I Joe JoeGreenwich 34 MILE 110 517Sea Foam 155 b Greenwich Time 613 Hello Bill 121 b b617Hianne G19 The Killer 64 Golden Cloth 617Hianne 120 b 620 War Master BELMONT PARK Track Good 38 MILE 66 Eternity 52 b 617 Gallant Bull 102 h 66 Ayans Boy 69 Estherlea 53 b b617Goldbart 620 Post Graduate 100 h 617 Chastelady 617Goldbart 53b 617Romanock 105 b 69 Concert 617 Guam 50b 612 Ranch Rider 105 I 66 Dine and Dance 618 Ice Girl 51 b 34 MILE 110 617 Epicure 65 Light Count 54b 617 Great Beyond 115U 616 Grey Lord 529 My Bessie 53 b b614Pompagle 617 Grandpa Jim l1833b 69 Inspired 614Pompagle 54b 78 MILE 122 518 Lady Apple 617 Ramillies 50b 610 Ariel Diver 135 b 526 Sickle Blade 53 b 619 Beau Quest l30h 619 Organ Grinder 612 Scotch Plains 52b 618 Fond Friend l30n 617 Sun Drum 617 Vietta 47 U 1 MILE 134 67 Stiminle 69 War Data 49Vsh 619 Bounding Home l39h 617 Sir Francis 615 Waller 53ysb 614 Johnstown Boy 1 44 h 617 Tarawa 619 Your Reward 51b 618 Kay tee 144 h 617 War Jeep 61 Yankee Clipper 5235b 619 Wait a Bit l39ysh 12 MILE 58 MILE 58 1 18 MILES 748 612 Bail Bond 617 Awashonks 105 b 617 Lucky Draw 153 h 613 Blenel 617 Bread Basket 1 02Tn 416 Stir Up 156 h 61 Bodart 614 Bims Blossom 103 h 613 Stefanita 158 h 613 Chance Mate 617 Ball Shot 102 h 1 14 MILES 200 527 Coinella 620 Burning Dream l02h 614 Autocrat 2 14b 612 Colchis 614 Bond Buyer I03y5h 1 12 MILES 227 617 Cinclant 616 Colleto 105 b 612 Coat of Arms 23935h BELMONT PARK Training Track Track Slow 38 MILE 616 Paperboy 58 MILE 618 Blenrose 37 h 617 Rare Mata 612 Agrarist 105 b 618 Box Seat 40 b 613 Spheric 617 Blue Agent 109 b 618 Boomtown Gal 37 h 613 Zanzibar 616R as Agent 109 b 59 Detection 38 h 12 MILB 620 Sicyon 106 3h 59 False Move 38 h 613 Dandy Fox 618 Gig 38 h 613 Gallant Agent 34 MILE MILE619Biloxi 618 Hadapaul 373sh Agent373sh 617 Hydrant 619Biloxi Bay l173sh 618 High Romance 39 h 69 If If 616 Concerro 618 Increscint 40 b 523 Jamesina 65 Good Morning 527 Late City 36 h 617 Nory 818 Tola Rose l173sh 615 Nuala 37 h VB13 Sixteen Cents 1 MILE l173shl48h 617 Nite Cries 39 h 617 Sister Fox 618 Good Ante l48h 613 Piccadilly 39 h 613 The Sultan 617 Roman Glory l48h 430 Pendragon 40 b 617 Thor 618 Smolensko 148 ii JAMAICA Track Muddy 12 MILE 619 Patricia P 52 b 613 Ranging l04b 68 Boysy 617 Roman Laugh 51b 617 Bay Magic 614 Speed Ball 55 b 34 MILE 110 617 Carole M 618 Fast Goer 123 1 1617HyVeil 616 Eye for Eye 58 MILE 58 617HyVeil 120 1 619 Felix 613 Busy Madeline 106 b 415 Hard Cracker 118 b 613 Harpsichord 617 Go Chicago 103 b 618 Miami Springs 117 b 617 Josephine 6l4HoBeau b6l4HoBeau l03b618Jetta l03b 618 Over l22b 63 Jotun 618Jetta T 104 b 619 Volitant 110 h 617 Just John 611 Little Milly i03b 1 MILE 133 68 Plantagenet 611 Magic Heeli 1 01 b 529 Ballotant It 614 Pinefa 524 Peach Cobbler 1 04s5b 613 Night GlOff L FAIRMOUNT PARK Track Fast 38 MILE 528 Rodman Keenon 40b 829 Lou Mate Mate4035h 55b 67 Giant Princess 4035h 526 Bye Grass 40 b 617 Sticky La La38h Lady 54 b 620 Jackie B 38h 12 MILE 611 Valdina 1 Fop 49h 610 Light Donna Mil40h 38 h 66 Byrne Lea 52 h 58 Mil MILE 100 100533h 619 Maria Catarina 40h Eve38h 610 Buntingon 53h 612 Alca Eve l03h 618 Manhunt 38h 610 Busy Act 56b l03h56b Biscuit I Boy l07b SUFFOLK DOWNS Track Muddy 38 MILE 619 Son Admiral 43b 66 Silver Spy 51h 66 Cacodemon 43 b Slades Corner Corner38sh 39 h 617 Wire Quest 53 h 53 Abrego 38sh 618 Skipper Z Z38h 385h h385h 58 MILE 58 617 As Bold 38h 616 Taking Ways 39 h 617 Colonel Al l08h 617 Belfonda 38h Two Ten 43b l08h43b 617Golfo 105 h h39ysh 616 Bus V Z 383 h 613 Valdina Haven Haven36h 39ysh 611 Ida Rogers l09h G1G Buckle Up 36h 66 Vain Pursuit 40 h 67 Plane Spotter 10 1043b 67 Casey Jones 40 b Well Maid 43b 618 Salvo 106 h 610 Dark Sissy 40 h 524 Yukon 3835h h3835h 614 Tiny Sanjour 105 h 69 Grey Squire 40 b 12 MILE 34 MILE 109 614 Idle Fool 39 h 617 Blen Pal Pal39ysh 53 irlSVH50h h 616 Drudge irlSVH 619 Grand Party 39ysh 515 Big Boy Blue 50h 68 Ellen Mist 125 h 614 Hay Burner 40 h 519 Be Calm 53 h 618 Jack Reaper 127 b b53h 513 Jacopo Mexico 40 h 518 Blue Warrior Warrior4035h 53h 617 Miss Daunt l2035h 614 Jan One 4035h 617Diavolo Way 54 h 618 Sparrow Chirp 125 b 69 James Acre 40 h 618 Daisy Lee 51 h 57 Troth 120 h 528 Jacks Jill 39 h 68 Felt Hat Hat3935h 55 b 78 MILE 610 Little Foxy FoxyMidluck 3935h 611 Famous Lady 53 h 613 Pique 134 h Midluck 393 Navy40b h 616 Navy 55 b 1 MILE 136 63 Procla 40b 619Sunspark 55 b 620 Aera 155 b b53h 614 Pink Dawn 41 h 44 Space 53h 614 Rapidamente 152U 614 Real Sad 41 b 610 Starchalleneer 52 h 618 Rest Awhile l53e