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Long Branch Results Wednesday June 21 1944 1944UNPLACED UNPLACED HORSES LISTED IN ORDER OF FINISH FINISHWEATHER WEATHER CLEAR TRACK FAST FIRST RACE 60965 116 Miles Purse 900 900Threeyearolds Threeyearolds and upward Claiming Frisingham 112 Black 1130 380 280 280Peglius Peglius 115 Rcmillard 300 240 240Zip Zip Zip 115 Mozer 340 340Time Time 156 Off at 304 Eastern Daylight Time TimeAlso Also ran Lustrous High Renown Mention Ifsan Doryphorus SECOND RACE 60966 1 116 Miles Purse 900 900Fouryearolds Fouryearolds and upward Claiming Heres Harvey 111 Summers 615 285 225 Greek Goddess 111 Courtney 260 210 210Front Front Attack 116 Black 230 230Time Time 155 Off at 335 Eastern Daylight Time TimeAlso Also ran Khortoi Tony Romp Peter Malone Barry new newDaily Daily Double on First and Second Races Paid 4460 THIRD RACE 60967 78 Mile Purse 900 Three yearolds ami upward Claiming Speak 115 Black 1085 490 390 390Mary Mary Mahone 110 Courtney 680 505 505Bunny Bunny Pair 110 Barber 800 800Time Time 1335 Off at 407 Eastern Daylight Time TimeAlso Also ran Sweeping Flame Photolion Equerry Big Fish FishFOURTH FOURTH RACE 60968 78 Mile Purse 900 Three yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingBarts Barts Mayor 115 Black I 840 400 305 In Front 120 Courtney 350 305 305Foliage Foliage 115 Barber 360 360Time Time 132 Off at 442 Eastren Daylight Time TimeAlso Also ran Ovid Punta Final King Trap Bowalong Kanosec KanosecFor For late results see tomorrows issue