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OFFICIAL RACING CHARTS Copyright 1944 by TriangU Publications Inc Arlington at Washington Park ParkHOMEWOOD HOMEWOOD ILL WEDNESDAY JUNE 21 1944WASHINGTON PARK 1 18 MILES Third day of loityday meeting June 19 to August 2 Arlington Park Jockey Club Automatic starting gate Camera Camerafinish finish Weather clear firit thrccraces cloudy thereafter Steward ieplesentin j Illinois Racing Board William A Hamilton Stewards S L James W R Dahl stiom L C Bestiwhul and C M Foster Paddock Steward B Whitehead flacmg Judges W R Reagan R r McAuM e a 4 C J Garmley Jr Clerk of Scales William J Shelley Starter Roy Dckerson Timer TimerWilliam William Cunmnijhsm Racing SccretaryjmdHandicapper W A Everett Racmq itsrts st SOopTni Central War Time Saturdays 215 holidays 200 Percentage of winning favontrs correspond ng meeting 1943 31 current meeting 25 Daily Double first and second races Entiies and held horses run as one livr uuiiuls 4HUoiitirc allowance claimed T 1lci 10 Dfd h t a UmpUxi as entry f Mutucl field WV B Blinkers FIRST RACE 5 12 FURLONGS Flying Streak Aug 10 1940 105 2 109 A O 1 7 Iursc 1500 2yearolds Maidens Colls and geldings Claiming 6 U I Weight 120 Ibs Claiming price 2500 if for less 3 Ibs allowed June 2144 Was for each 250 to 2000 Net value to winner 1000 second 300 third 150 fourth 50 Handle 60164 I ndcx Horses EqtAWtFPSt U Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 59168 SKY WOLF wB120 5 5 5 I1 1s I8 K Knott J H Rouse 100 5SS35 STAR THORNE w20 4 2 7 3J 2 21 N Jemas K Mayer 3010 522 VALDALE wl4 11 11w20 6 5 3 3 iO Crohs A J Gronek 400 EDGAR B w20 8 8 8w 3 2 4 V C Corbet t M Lowcnstein 830 58416 ERNEST w 120 77 77wnll4 2 6 5 = 5i J Harilos E I Janss Jr 3830 5C682 ALVAN wnll4 33 33w 4 8 6i 6 W Morriscy C Lussky 2830 COE45 ROTAMAL w 114 2 4 8 7 7 7 C Bcasy D DiBelJa DiBelJaBond 1130 C0540 ODD PAIR WB 114 66 1 4 8 8 L Haskell Bond Mill Stable Time 23 47 101 108J Track fast 2 Mutuels Paid v Odds to 1 SKY WOLF 400 300 240 100 50 20 MllfrUel PriCeSJ STAR THORNE 580 340 190 70 VALDALE 260 30 30Winner Winner B 5 by Flying Scot Sugar Bird by Rolled Slocking trained by W Crump bred by J Howard Rouse Winner entered to be claimed for 2500 WENT TO POST310 OFF AT 310 CENTRAL WAR TIME TIMESiat Siat rood from stall gate Won easily second and third driving SKY WOLF found an opening nearinsr the stretch turn and quickly moving through easily took command when straightened out for home to finish far in front STAR THORNE moved steadily after entering the stretch and went well to the finish VALDALE was also eoing fairly well at the end EDGAR B made a strong move Hearing the stretch turn but bore out badly rounding the turn ALVAN and ODD PAIR were in trouble n the stretch ERNEST had some rarly speed SECOND RACE 34 MILE Roman Aug 3 1940 110 3 118 Purse 1500 fl Q 1 Q 3yearolds Claiming Weight 120 Ibs Nonwinners since May O U 7 I O 15 allowed 4 Ibs since April 7 7 Ibs in 1944 10 Ibs Claiming June 2144 Was price 1500 1500Net Net value to winner 1000 second 300 third 150 fourth 50 Handle 76928 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St U Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Str t C0234 MEM1NISSE wulll 6 b o i Z 13 w uarner 11 w loung cou couC0294 C0294 M1DKAPI WB 115 4 5 3h lh 1 2i L Haas Mrs E E Robbins 340 340C05233 C05233 WOG wnl04 7 7 74 6 3h B Pucci Mrs E Denemark 1520 5 6812LONCLAGO w115 2 1 1 2J 31 4 J Higley S I Crew 360 58791 BONRIDGE w20 910 11 9s 7 5 C Corbet t W G McCarly 1480 588372 VICTORY FEET WB 115 33 5 7J 4 6 A Fischer Mrs E L Hopis 720 602933 STOOGIE WB 105 12 8 81 8 6h 72 N Jemas J A Kroeck 690 690C0294 C0294 LESTABERT wull5 12 2 44 83 8 S Freeman Mrs R G Burman 890 890002SO 002SO GLEN WOOD BOY w 106 10 9 9410s 92 93 R Capbcll Glenn D Wood 5000 60290 BIRD 0 GOLD walOS 54 4 5l 10101012 W Gilspie Hilltop Stock Farm 4850 54566 WAR BAGGAGE WB 111 8 11 12 11 ll J Cavens B W Menkhaus 114tO 114tOWH1TEFORD WH1TEFORD BILL wUliU 12 lO 12 12 12 A Bodiou G R White 5340 5340Time Time 239 239f f 47 114 Track fast 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 MEMINISSE 1500 740 620 650 270 210 210PI PI 520 3so ieo 90 WOG soo 300 300Winner Winner Cb c by Head Play Fond Memories by Bostonian trained by S B Ott bred by Mrs Richard Fairbanks Winner entered to be claimed for 1500 1500WENT WENT TO POST 338 OFF AT 338 CENTRAL WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate WTon driving second secondand and third the same MEMINISSE saved close up in the parly running when unable to find an opening obtained racing room between horses after entering the stretch and finished well to best MIDKAP under pressure MIDKAPI close up from the start took com ¬ mand on the stretch turn but raced wide throujh the last eighth and was unable to rqsist the winner WOG was going steadily under urging at the end LONG AGO and LESTABERT tired BONRIDGE made up giound to finish well BIRD 0 GOLD had early speed GLENWOOD BOY attempted to bolt boltScratched Scratched 60294 Tib 110 602902 Halsey 100 60405 Puckety 111 58626 Quick Stitch 105 60524 Sir Lo 116 59054 Vanflag 105 105Overweight Overweight 1JClaimed Wog 4 pounds Glcmvood Boy 1 Meminisse 1 War Baggage 1 Whiteford Bill 1J Claimed Meminisse by J Sands for 1500 Daily Double on the First and Second Races Paid 4200 Double Pool 51024 THIRD RACE 34 MILE Roman Aug 3 1940 110 3 118 Purse 1500 O fl U Q 1 I Q 3yearolds and upward Claiming 3yearolds 111 Ibs older 7 120 Ibs Nonwinners since May 15 allowed 3 Ibs since April 7 June 2144 Was 6 Ibs Claiming price 2500 if for less 2 Ibs allowed for each 250 to 2000 Net value to winner 1000 second 300 third 150 fourth 50 Handle 106312 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fm Jockeyi Owners Oddijl Strt 60061 DOTS KEY WB 4 120 L 1 16M053 1 21 I1 1 E White White4h Grcle W Stable 550 550Fricdbcrg 6M053 MONKS MEMO w 6 110 5 2 4h 4l 3l 24 S Freeman Fricdbcrg Bright 420 420P 59169 FLOAT AWAY WB8115 8 6 54 6 A 3 R Cabell P L Kclley 1310 1310U 55761 URGE ME WB9112 94 946M063 22 1 2 4 C Corbettf U H Plavan 440 440H 6M063 OKABENA wn4114 4 8 95 72 5h 5 0 Grohs H A Deep 470 470Mrs 60528 EBONY EDGE WB 4 114 7 7 6 Allgaier7h 5h 71 6 H Allgaier Mrs E B Carpenter 3160 3160D 06503 ST JOCK WB 4 116 10 9 7h 82 8l 7 W Low D J Myers 6290 6290Mrs 59555 DEVILS FROLIC w 7 113 25 8 9s 9s 82 L Haas Mrs J L Oglesby 3200 3200C 601 723 HIT IT w4112 3 3 3l 32 6 S A Fischer C U Yaeger 320 320J 34937 MT VERNON 1IWB9114 610 10 10 10 10 G Woolf J F Williams 3190 3190Time Time 22 47 1125 Track fast fastr r 12 Mututlj Paid Odds to 1 it in COOTS KEY 1300 700 460 650 250 130 MUlUel 130MUlUel rflCeSi 70C MONKS MEMO V 480 340 140 70 C FLOAT AWAY 620 210 210Winner Winner B p by War Hero Treasury Key by Master Charlie trained by L B Kindle bred by Mr AJAbel Winner entered to be claimed for 2500 2500WENT WENT TO POST 406 OFF AT 407 CENTRAL WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won driving second and third tha same DOTS KEY off quickly con ¬ tinued strongly when headed by URGE ME and catching the latter tiring after entering the stretch again took command and had enough left to hold MONKS MEMO The latter was never far away and was pressing the winner at the finish FLOAT AWAY went steadily to the finish URGE ME headed DOTS KEY nearing the far turn and opened up after leaving the backstreich but weakened in the stretch run OKABENA made up ground when too late HIT IT swerved into the fence after entering the stretch and stopped badly thereafter thereafterScratched Scratched 584672 Door Yock 100 59003 Horizon 115 Overweight Urge Me 2 pounds FOURTH RACE 34 MILE Roman Aug 3 1940 110 3 118 Grey Lag 1 and upward Weight 120 Ibs Nonwinners of 1650 or 1000 June 2144 Was twice since April 7 allowed 3 Ibs of 3000 in 194344 6 Ibs of 1000 since April 7 or 1500 in 194344 9 Ibs one race in 1944 12 Ibs Claiming races not considered consideredNet Net value to winner 1650 second 500 third 250 fourth 100 Handle 97878 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St K Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 59172 ROMAN SOX WB4115 44 I2 I5 1 I2 A Skoroski Brolite Farm Farm2h 220 220W 57715 SALTO w5117 1 1 2h 2h 22 2 i N Jernas W Helis 170 170Miller 00295 TRAFFIC COURT w 6 115 53 4 42 3 31 W Garner Miller Bur Burger 320 320V 58797 SUNCAP wu4114 35 35fX295 3 3 4J 4n L Haas V L Shea 56a fX295 QUIZZLE WB 6 115 2 2 5555 S Freeman A S Hiegins Time 22 45 1li fc Track fast fastr r J2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 Ui i i D Dof o of ROMAN N sox M ° 320 240 220 60 lyiurue lyiuruel rnces rncesj 10V SALTO 1 1V 300 220 50 10 V TRAFFIC COURT 260 30 Winner 30Winner B f by Roman Soldier Sox by Donnacona trained by D Caialdo bred by Mrs Maria Y Kaufman KaufmanWENT WENT TO POST 434 OFF AT 435 CENTRAL WAR TIME sprintedto Start TIMEStart good from stall gate Won ridden out second and third driving ROMAN SOX soon sprinted to endSALTO the front and saving ground on the stretch turn increased her Advantage but was weakening at the end SALTO laced wide on the stretch turn but came strongly thereafter TRAFFIC COURT was forced to race vide racevide 3n the stictch SUNCAP weakened QUIZZLE was never dangerous dangerousContinued Continued on Page Thirteen Arlington at Washington Park ParkContinued Continued from Page Two TwoFIFTH FIFTH RACE 78 MILE Out of Chute Bow to Me June 12 1937 123 60921 4 120 Dawn Play Purse Purse 2000 3yearolds Fillies u Allowances Nonwinners of two races other than maiden or June orJune 2144 Was claiming Weight 118 Ibs Nonwinners of 2000 in 1944 allowed 4 Ibs one race other than maiden since April 7 or two races at any time 8 Ibs maidens 12 Ibs Claiming races not considered Net value to winner 1300 second 400 third 200 fourth 100 Handle 119333 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St A Str Fm Jockeys Odds 1 Strt C0175 SENTIMENT SAKE w 110 10 12 12 5h 52 12 W Morrisey W i Knebelkamp 58800 BIBELOT WB 114 12 2 9h 4 24 i 2 C McCreary Calumet Farm 59307 CHANCE GAME w 110 9 4 6h 104 61 64 3 0 Grohs Mrs John Marsch 59812 BOLO FANCY w 105 1 8 8 9h 9i 71 4 S Freeman G Martin 601763 SIGMA KAPPA will 8 3 2 H 3h 5i J Cavcns B J Bax 587912 SING G WIND w 114 7 11 7 3 4 4 6 C Corbett Miss M Strand 57901 CREEP1N wl4 11 1 5 7 31 51 7 J Thornbg J D Weil 5253 SNACK WB 114 47 4 lib 11 10 A Bodiou Walmac Farm 598103 AMALKA wllO 6 9 IQh 8J h 9h 9 J Higleyt Mrs A Gaal 60176 STE FRANCES WB 112 2 10 II1 12 102 102 N L Piersji Thomas Piatt 59052 CAMPANULA WB 110 5 5 31 6 8 118 uis A skoroski Brolite Farm 5460 51594 GAY FRANKA w 110 3 6 lh 21 12 12 12 N Jemas J P Keczek 3810 3810Time Time 23 47 11 2 125 Track fast J2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 1 J in I SENTIMENT SAKE 16000 5000 1800 7900 2400 800 800Mutuel Mutuel rnceSf soI BIBELOT 4so seo 140 so I CHANCE GAME 620 210 210Winner Winner B f by Spanish Play Lady Astor by Sweep trained by M Rieser bred by Messrs W R F L Knebelkamp KnebelkampWENT WENT TO POST 502 OFF AT 503 CENTRAL WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won handily second and third driving SENTIMENT SAKE was outrun early but came to the outside after leaving the backstrctch and although forced to race in the middle of the track through the stretch withstood a challenge from BIBELOT to win drawing out BIBELOT made a good move around the stretch turn and went fairly well to the finish CHANCE GAME closed ground and was going well at the end SIGMA KAPPA tired in the stretch BOLO FANCY finished well SNACK was in close quarters early and could never get clear SINGING WIND raced up strongly nearing the stretch turn then tired CREEPIN also tired GAY FRANKA quit badly nearing the stretch turn AMALKA was never dangerous Scratched 60720 Pleasure Hour 110 60059 Lady Eli 110 110Overweight Overweight Sigma Kappa 1 pound Ste Frances 2 SIXTH RACE 5 12 FURLONGS Flying Streak Aug 10 1940 105 2 109 60 Q 9 9 ThirtySecond Running HYDE PARK STAKES 10000 Added u 2yearolds Allowances Weight 122 Ibs Nonwinners of 6000 June 2144 Was Once or 3000 twice allowed 3 Ibs of 3000 6 Ibs maidens 9 Ibs IbsNet Net value to winner 10250 second 2000 third 1000 fourth 500 Handle 162149 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St A A Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 60645 FREE FOR ALL VB 116 4 4 14 I4 1 15 0 Grohs John Marsch a70 596823 SIR BIM w 113 10 7 2 2 2 2 C McCreary Don Amcche b780 58469 ICANGETIT wallO 5 5 8h 7 3 31 G Scabo H Tikulski 690 59556 BEST EFFORT WB 119 11 h 4h 51 43 N jemas c C Tanner b780 60171 DARIEN WB11611 9 3h 32 4h 51 C Wahler Indian Rocks Stable 1780 59556 ALFA wl6 9 6 11 10 1 A Bodiou John Marsch a70 595562 VISE ADMIRAL w 116 2 2 5 II1 llh 7k K Knott C C Tanner b780 60062 FOREIGN AGENT wsll6 33 10 94 9 82 W Garner Marion Brink 2680 60188 ALL CLASS w 113 8 11 i 6 62 9i V Bush Irons Yunkes 10290 600602 LEXINGTONIAN WB 113 13 13 13 8 8 10 J Higley A B Gay 8150 59659 BUCK ROAD WB 116 12 12 12 12 J2i Hh A Skoroski S E Pershall 7720 60060 COME AND GO w 113 7 10 9 13 13 122 N L Piersn Thomas Piatt 3130 59168 SNOW BOOTS w 116 6 8 6 5J 103 13 L Haas Danada Farm 590 Coupled aFree for All and Alfa bSir Bim Best Effort and Wise Admiral AdmiralTime Time 23 45 58 104 new track record Track fast fastr r J2 Mutuels Paid Odds to J1 Hi 10 FREE FOR ALL aEntry 340 240 220 70 20 10 10jYiutuei jYiutuei rices SIR BIM faEntry 400 300 100 50 50I I ICANGETIT 360 80 80Winner Winner B c by Questionnaire Panay by Chicle trained by B Parke bred by Mcreworth Farm FarmWENT WENT TO POST 536 OFF AT 536 CENTRAL WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won easily second and third driving FREE FOR ALL soon sprinted to the front and racing as if easily best was never threatened SIR BIM was always closest to the leader hut was doing his best at the end to hold ICANGETIT The latter overcame early interference to finish well BEST EFFORT held a forward position throughout DARIEN raced up strongly on the outside after leaving the backstretch then tired SNOW BOOTS FOREIGN AGENT and COME AND GO suffered early interference interferenceScratched Scratched 60527 Fox Rime 116 SEVENTH RACE 1 18 MILES Turf Course Take Wing Aug 5 1942 151 fl Q 7 114 Purse S1500 4yearolds and upward Claiming Weight O U 7 O 118 Ibs Nonwinners since May 15 allowed 3 Ibs since April 7 June 2144 Was 6 Ibs in 1944 9 Ibs Claiming price 1200 Net value to winner 1000 second 300 third 150 fourth 50 Handle 110170 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St 5i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Slrt 60529 DOROTHY D KWB 6 113 1 2 7 71273041 1 J Higley T E Chambers 210 59554 SWEET STORY WB 6 99 2 1 32 34 22 1 2 A Fischer Mrs E Oros 430 M649 PENNSBURG w8110 8 7 4444 5433 W Garner Mrs E Dencmark 1300 60064 VERY TRUE w6118 7 6 52 62 3h 41 L Haasf J E Mahoney 790 59167 HARDWRACK wsSHS 5 8 62 5 J Thornbg Mrs F E McDonald 340 60643 GREVILLE wn6118 4 4 2h 2h 4 1 6 C Hopper T B McGrath 880 60644 REXAVIS wB4111i 6 3 I1 13 1421 7 A Bodiou Mrs E A Simpson 1230 58120 HELENS BOY wB5113i 3 5888 Ed up N L Piersn H A Neal 5510 5510Time Time 24 48 114 140 153 Track fast 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 v vkA kA D DOROTHY D K 620 360 300 210 80 50 50lYlUlUel lYlUlUel rriCeSf SWEET STORY 580 440 190 120 120V V PENNSBURG 580 190 190Winner Winner Br m by PariMutuel Brazen Lady by St James trained by Al Gaal bred by Mr C Leroy King Winner entered to be claimed for 1200 1200WENT WENT TO POST 602 OFF AT 603 CENTRAL WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won driving second and third the same DOROTHY D K was hard held in the early runningand coming to the outside in the stretch closed strongly to catch SWEET STORY near the end and won drawing out SWEET STORY was well rated close to REXAVIS in the early running and headed the latter when ready but was not good enough PENNSBURG moved steadily between horses nearing the stretch turn and went well thereafter REXAVIS tired HARDWRACK never threatened GREVILLE tired VERY TRUE tired after making a good move nearing the stretch turn HELENS BOY was far back most of the way and was eased up in the stretch stretchOverweight Overweight Pennsburg 1 pound RexAvis 2 Helens Boy lj Claimed Hardwrack by H E Jacoby for 1200 EIGHTH RACE 1 18 MILES Misty Isle Aug 9 1941 149 3 114 Graded Weight 118 Ibs Nonwinners of 1200 since May 15 allowed 3 June 2144 Was ibs one race since April 7 6 Ibs in 1944 9 Ibs Starters in both allowance and claiming races for 2000 or less not con ¬ sidered sideredNet Net value to winner 1300 second 400 third 200 fourth 100 Handle 120715 Index Horses qt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds SI Strt 59939 SOVERTON wn4115 111 I2 1 1 Ink F A Smith J M Hutchins 170 59814 COBEGGO w4110 5 4 2 2 J 2 22 2 G Seabo F R Mavigliano 300 561851 561851BANKER BANKER JIM WB6109 6 6 4 4 3 3 3 C Wahler Happy Stable 430 60418 DROLLON WB5112 3 5 6 6 51 43 43 J Higley C N Finch 2300 60408 CONSTANT AIM w5112 2 2 31 3i 45 5 53 N Jemas A Cilio 920 59939 ALAFLAG WB5115 4 3 5 52 6 6 6 A Bodiou Indian Rocks Stable 440 Time 24 48 112 138 152 Track fast 52 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 1LA LA M l D DA A f SOVERTON 640 300 240 170 50 20 Mutuelrriccsl 20I COBEGGO 320 240 eo 20 I BANKER JIM 300 50 50Winner Winner Ch g by Soon Over Bow Knot by Cantankerous trained by Monte Weil bred by Mr Carleton F Burke WENT TO POST 630 OFF AT 630 CENTRAL WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won driving second and third the same SOVERTON went td the front at once was well rated while setting the pace withstood several challenges from COBEGGO and won under pressure COBEGGO made a good move on the outside of SOVERTON entering the stretch and challenged in determined fashion thereafter but was unable to get to the front BANKER JIM made up some ground but failed to threaten the first two DROLLON lacked early speed but wade up some ground CONSTANT AIM raced very wide on the stretch turn turnScratched Scratched 60295 Yar 115 59940 Chief Bud 115 NINTH RACE SUBSTITUTE DECLARED OFF Attendance 13000 Total Mutuel Handle 904681