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LATEST WORKOUTS WORKOUTSFigures Figures preceding horsesa name show date of last previous work Track record after distance distanceKey Key II Handily D Breezing D Driving E Easily O All out 0 Eased up upNames Names of horsesjnaklng fastest time at each distance appear In black face type THURSDAY JUNE 22 1944 WASHINGTON PARK Track Fast 38 MILE 618 Duquesue Duquesue3735h 4835h 612 First Pal 106 b b5235b 617 After Eight 3735h 415 Ever On On37b 5235b 620 Grasshopper II l03b 621 Alar 37b 63 Fuzz 50 5h 520 High Resolve 108 b 64 Bold Captain 41 b 618 Hygros Man 51 b 617 Repeat 104 b b48i 66 Bolus 37 b 61 Happy Pilot 48i h 513 Leslie Jarvis 103 h 612 CoastaBit 35h 613 Just for Fun 51 5b 618Mordecai 107 b 65 Choppy Sea 36 b 614 Jungle Moon 51 b 616 Overtake l0235h 59 Chocolate Maid 38 b Oh Mandy Mandy38b 50 b 620Papalol l06b 618 Dusty 38b 618Purp 49 h 61 Rekrab l03b l03b513sb 620 Eluros 38 b 125 Purcellville 513sb 619 RoseRed 105 b b50z5b 530 Hurl Horn Harl 39 b 615 Play Grier 50z5b 618 Sentinel 101 h 525 Income Tax 38 b 528 Pertinent 50 b 519 Supreme Way l0235h l0235h50ish 620 Joe Burger 39 b 611 Recalling 50ish 621 Santa Claus 104 b 614 Just Rusty 38 b 528 River Port 49 h Simple Mark l0235h 517 K Durable 38b Riskum Riskum38y5b 50 h 34 MILE 110 613 Our Birthday 38y5b 63 Robins Crown 50y5b 610 Anthem 118 b 68 Play Gato 38 b 616Surosa 49 49sb sb 619 Bushel Basket 121 b b612Cirio 612 Sheer Luck 39 b b3735b 612Cirio 120 b 530 Snowfly 3735b 58 MILE 59V 59V38y5h 5 Onark 120 b bl02h 620 Time Buyer 38y5h Aprilla l02h 613Georgie Drum l14h 618 Valdina Trial 37 b 620 Big Boss 107 b 619 Last Roll 116 h 12 MILE 621 Be Brief Brief49b 106 b 618 Paddle l14h l14hl023sh 614 Brief Sigh 49b 520 Catchmenow Catchmenow50b l023sh 620 With Regards 114 h 618 Blue Alibi 50b 65 Curious Coin 101 h 1 MILE 135 67 Bold Chance 51b Dog Daze Daze50b 106 b Air Risk l43h Blossom Queen 50b 614Dacoral 105 b 612 Eniscorthy 147 b 618 Boston Maud 49 h 614 Espino Gold 105 ta 610 Super Justice 145 b LINCOLN FIELDS Track Fast 38 MILE 427 Which Glint Glint38b 38 b 620 Pretty Tiger 5Q35h 68 Aunt Sis 38b 613 Zacadow 38 b 610 Viola Wise 53 b G10 Caroline Ann 36 h h3735b 68 Free Style 3735b 12 MILE 58 MILE 59 5949ish 05 Gold Tint 38 b 328 Circus Flag 49ish 67 Cohortatlon l03h l03h5035h 610 Kitty Car 37 b 610 Double Brab 5035h 615 Happy Dumpty l05b l05b51iAb 612 Nellie Weed 38 h 613 K C Gal 51iAb 69 Pat Morvich 104 b b48h 422 Spike J 393 b G20 Lucky Koman 48h 613 Sun Jesting l0535b 613 Toms Ladd 38 5h 531Pldgy 52 b 614 Wise Don 104 b DETROIT Track Fast 38 MILE 12 MILE 618 Royal One 610 Annies Reply 530 Air Borne 616 Reaping Gem 620 Blue and Gray 618 Azimuth 618 Star Back 619 Bluish 620 Albino 616 Sweet Margy 619 Camps First 520 Best Blister 617 Connecticut 67 Crack Reward 58 MILE 519 Darby Dido 621 Drumont 68 Bar Willow l08b 67 Darby Dnieper 66 Darby Damron 619 Bel Revere 103 h 5 28 Darby Dunstan 619 Dogpatch 619 Gals Pet 106 b 614 Ebony Bee 618 Darby Dieppe G19 Good Ground 102 li 619 Finley 618 Darby Dolphin 67 Maybe Tops l02b 615 Gomel 615 Defense Man 615 Our Advice l03h 611 Gold Betty 621 El Valle 620 Peace Eagle 110 b 61 Havana Lad 619 Front Burner 617Tomily l04i5h 68 Hollybon 530 Furenuf 619 Ima Pearl 511 Faff 34 MILE 109 611 Miss Freedom 618 HoldMeTight 618 Air Corps l24y5d 618 Miss Boo 618IIoughton 613 Bashful Duck 125 b 619 Strutter 612 In the Air 617 Notforme 1 173sb 616Supremes Best 611 Little Bblo 616 Restless 119 h 619 She She 613 Many Lands 620 Squeeze Thru l16li 68 Speedway 619 Miss Militant 621 Yank Bomber l18h 613 S S Grier 529 Mr Chicle 1 MILE 137 614 Tin Loon 619 Peemar 68 Another Time l483sh 65 Valdina Singer 615 Quintero G17 Bull WDip l44h FAIRMOUNT PARK Track Heavy 38 MILE Teddys Shadow 40y5h 616Marjorie S 50U 526 El Cabrillo 42 h 65 Three Bangs 42 b b40J5h 614 Oxford Lad 54 ta 616 Lady Dorsey 40J5h 67 TedMosquero 57b 615 Love Plea 3825h 12 MILE 611 Little Red Fox 38 b 620 Daisy Chance 58 MILE 100 615 Miss Lucifer 39sh 612Ennoaj 67 Broadhead 106 h AQUEDUCT Track Muddy 38 MILE 618 Victory Maid 38b 618Kanmar l043h 620 Bob Mann 38 b 12 MILE MILE373sh 619 Ref ugeegee 1 06 ta 620 Camouflage 373sh 616 Floral Park 50b 34 MILE 110 617 Croupier 39 b 619 Lady Victory 52 b 620 Lucky Gamble 122 b 610 Cashmere 41 b 619 Peacock Lady 52 b 620 Miss Drnmd l18b 48 Forest RangerMarsh Ranger 38 b 58 MILE 59J4 614 Supper Dance 120 b Marsh Tacky 39 h 518 Good Kid l03h l03h37h 1 MILE C20 Oakford 37h 69 James T R 105 b 620 Alex Barth 146 b BELMONT PARK Track Muddy 38 MILE 617 Sea Swallow 38 b 620 Expression 100U 616 Appleknocker 38 b 614 Toy Bomb 38 b 619 Plash Plash3735h l01h l01h36h 616 Air Current 3735h 619 Top General 36h 619 Juno Juno38b 104 b 620 Block to Block 38b 12 MILE 620 Le Havre l0235h 523Bismark Sea Metropoli39b 39 b 619 Bill Corum 5025b l0235h5025b 616 Metropoli Metropolitan l01h 613 Big Deal 39b 619 Chance Nick 52 b 616 Minnas i Agent l03h 618 Big Three 39 b 618 Devils Thumb 52 b 34 MI MI3825b MILE 110 620 Chellita 3825b 516 Deviled Egg 52 b 618 Ariel Lad Lad36h l163sh 614 Dejection 36h 619 First Stage 5135b l163sh5135b l18V5b50b Calls Wi Will l18V5b 619 Bit 36 h 619 Leslie Grey 50b 619 Flying D Doug l17b 63 Devils Slide 38b 619 Middle River 50 h 616 Gallant C Chance 117 h 614First Reward 37 h 619 Miss Zibby 51 b 619 Gold She Shower 120 b b523sb 617 Forayer 37 h 619 Stage Manager 523sb 621 K If l173h 614 Fox Wise 38 b 619 Super Fortress 52 b 612 6l2Regimen1 Regimental l15h l15h54b 614 Good Hope 38 b 612 Sewickley 54b 620 Sundays Supper 1171 619 Jean Sickle 362sh Sundays362sh 620 Sunday Puzzle 51 b 619 Slide R Rule 114 li 63 MissIdabell 39 5b 619 Shadows Fall 52b 1 MIL MIL3739h MILE 134 1343739h 616 Old Dad 3739h 617 Wire Briar 52 52sb sb 616 616ByJimm By Jimminy l4325h 616 Pater 373 h 6163Tutan 503b 5035b 618 General Mowlee l48b 616 Peace Parley 38 b 58 MILE 58 620 General War 149 b b3735h 619 Patrimony 3735h 619 Bird Hawk 105 b 519 Home Flight l4735b 617 Quotfset 3835b l4735b3835b 619 Bold Anna 102 h 620Honfleur l4535h 613 Swing Shift 3635b l4535h3635b 619 Doggone 102 h 612 Mr Pharned l44h l44h3625h 610 Spurious Count 3625h 619 Devils Guide l01h 620 Yankee Girl l42h BELMONT PARK Training Track Track Slow 38 MILE 66 The Wing 58 MILE 619 Bill Hardy 3935h 619 Wood Alcohol 526 Dinah Home 619 Conjuror 38h 618 Willing Spirit 617 Plucky Boy 619 Dancing Fire 3935h 12 MILE 34 MILE FlightC19 619 Helioptic 37 5h 615 Ariel Flight 618 FiveoEight C19 In the Grove 3935b 619 Aloraye 616 Gay Legend 523 Jims Jeanie 41 b 613 Albatross 620 P T Boat 123 h 611 Miss Eunice 37 h 617 Blood Donor 615 Royal Weista 119 h hl5025h 619 Nances Ace 37 h 613 Famous Victory 1 MILE 611 Quiet Shot 383sh 430 Ladys Agent 621 Paperboy l5025h 618 Ringmenow 40 h 617 Mustafa 614 Topsy Ann 149 h JAMAICA Track Fast 38 MILE 619 Pheecia 34 MILE 110 610 Ben Gray 621 Roman Laugh 618 Evening Blue 618 Scotch Trap 620 Bygones 614 J F Curry 619 Tell Me More 618 Early Delivery 618 Smart Sheila 618 Trimden 620 Gabe Paul 12 MILE 619 Third Rail 619 LouBre 619 Blue Flight 618 True Note 618 Nursery Tale 61 Chance Gray 615 Valdina Autumn 613 Play Dusty 614 Corydon 58 MILE 58 614 Perfect Rhyme ll825b 610 Dark Maiden 619 Buzalong 618 Sun Flame 617 Fiddlestick 617 Liberty C 69 Tumult 615Hygros Beauty 617 Our Doris 614 Water Pearl l1935b SUFFOLK DOWNS Track Heavy 38 MILE 613 Weeping 4Q35b 618 Elkton 103 103614Frilure 616 Border Battle 68 White Time J36h 614Frilure 110 110615Fogoso 614 Big Thicket 12 MILE 615Fogoso 108 67 Chance Sord 525 Arabesque 555 b 617 Jo Bonner 108 108618Jamoke 613 Flaming High 618 Burgoo Lady J514h J514h615BuUium 618Jamoke 1083 620 High East 615BuUium i52V5h 618 Macs Quest l0ai 531 Indian Trace 619 Communicate j63 h 618 Melody Lass 108 620 Ladys Reward 614 Don Chance J53 h 615 Out Front 1062 614 Memphis Dave 619 Dark Morning 54 h h618DeKalb 618 Psychic Wave 1 05 618 Nats Reward 618DeKalb 50li 430 Refrain 108 618 Nfght Bomber 616 Four Queens J52 h 611 Toolmaker 1 05 2 621 Navy 616 Green Bush 55 b 34 MILE 109 618 Oakmont 61 Super Foot J55 b 614 Calm Port 119 611 Patrol Pilot 619 J5425d618Sircala Sting Lightly J5425d 619 Easy Quero 118 118618Lilson 612 Pittistraw 618Sircala 153 h 618Lilson 118 618 Robert F 620 Sophocles j 54 b 618 Lone Flame 1212 619 Sporting Guy 615 Tetragal 1643Ab 68 Relmburseme 125 615 Senior Prom 616 Valdina Style S52 n 618 Straight Lead J22 621 Skipper Z 58 MILE 58 58618Busy 529 Time to Learn 120 68 Strolling Easy 618Busy Nine i0535h 1 MILE 136 136619Boysan 615Sollure 413 Creepy Mouse 108 b 619Boysan 152 B9 Suntegra 619 Cat Lady 106 h 61 Big Raid 147 69 Teewee 427 Country Sty 1 06 33h 618 Heno Lion 152 615 Windward We 615 Dense Path 107 b