Weights Assigned to 25 Constitution Eligibles: Director J. E. Given 126, Two Pounds Over Valdina Lamar, Daily Racing Form, 1944-06-23


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Weights Assigned to 25 Constitution Eligibles EligiblesDirector Director J E Given 126 Two Pounds Over Valdina Lamar LamarEAST EAST BOSTON Mass June 22 The 1944 renewal Saturday of the 5000 added Constitution Handicap at Suffolk Downs promises interesting sport and it should serve as an excellent feature for the sea ¬ side courses halfholiday program No less than 25 topflight performers threeyear olds and upward are eligible for the mile stakes and several stars are expected to answer the bugle in the Constitution start ¬ ing field fieldRacing Racing secretary Charles J McLennan has assigned the post of honor for the eightfurlong test to E K Brysons Direc ¬ tor J E who gave a good account of him ¬ self in the Chesapeake Stakes and won the Finite Purse at Pimlico defeating among others in the latter event Calumet Farms Armed and Mrs A J Abels Gramps Im ¬ age Director J E a threeyearold son of Sickle and Dead Reckoning is asked to shoulder 126 pounds in the weekend head liner should he accept the issue issueMiss Miss Ruth Broughers undefeated Val ¬ dina Lamar is next in the estimation of McLennan and the speedy son of Teddys Comet is asked to take up 124 pounds Val ¬ dina Lamar won his initial outing atNar ragansett downing a band of maidens then whipping a good field in an overnight allowance event at the same course prior to accounting for the Commonwealth Handicap at Suffolk Downs on May 20 20Other Other well regarded candidates include Mrs W W Adams Cavatorta 116 pounds Edward Daniels improved Onecbill 114 Max Marmorsteins Black Swan 111 Dr W I Lunts Dixianabred filly Merry Sun ¬ shine 107 Philip Godfreys Comenow 115 and Samuel Garfields Patriotism assigned 107 pounds The last named colt a Calu ¬ metbred son of Blenheim n and the good producing mare Columbiana might prove dangerous should the track be off for the Saturday card cardFollowing Following is the complete list of weights Horse Wt Horse Wt WtDirector Director J E 126 Patriotism 107 Valdina Lamar 124 Seal Rock 106 Cavatorta 116 116Comenow War Gallant Comenow 115 115Bull Valdina Craft 105 Bull Dandy 115 115Onecbill Pique 105 Onecbill 114 114Black Round Clock 103 103Ill Black Swan Ill IllGreen Easy Quero 102 Green Bush 109 109Tudor Ringmaster 02 Tudor King 108 108F Close TJp iOl F B Eye 108 108Paragram Hard Trek 101 Paragram 108 108Beggar TJ S Salute ir Beggar 107 Fleet Queen 1 Merry Sunsine 107

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1940s/drf1944062301/drf1944062301_21_4
Local Identifier: drf1944062301_21_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800