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Explanation of Racing Form Indexed Entries and Past Performances PerformancesBest Best times oi each horse since January 1 1947 at the distance entered is shown In the Indexed entries No record Is given horse beaten more than fifteen lengths lengthsCondition Condition oi track in indexed entries is fast or good unless shown by the following abbreviations st slow ty sloppy m muddy hy heavy X Good mud tunner fair mud runner Superior mud runner runnerT T after final odds denotes tteldi e after final odds denotes entry A denotes favorite in race Thrce pounds apprentice allowance five pounds apprentice allowance iseven pounds apprentice allowance Aten poundo apprentice allowance allowanceFollows Follows 9 horses name M indicates maiden on flat and MJ indicates maiden steeplechaser steeplechaserClass Class o race is denoted by the following abbreviations Mdn maidens AlwM maiden allowance Alvt allowance AlwA graded allowance AlwS allowance stake HcpO overnight handicap HcpA graded handicap HcpS handicap stake Wfa weight tor age WfaS weight tor age stake ScwS scale weight stake SpWS special weight stake Comb combination race SplW special weight Mtch match race Some of these abbreviations are used also to denote steeplechase and hurdle races In such race an S in a single bracket CS is used for steeplechases and H in a single bracket IH indicates hurdle events eventsClaimini Claimini races are indicated by price after jockeys name Claiming price tor today Is given after trainers na ne c before claiming pric indicates horse was claimed Imported horse shown after breeders name Post position is shown after jockeys name nameFigure Figure given after claiming price is speed rating Speed ratings are not given at tracks of less than one mile Last mileLast line in past performances gives horses latest workouts