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Commission RulingsReported Rulings Reported to DAILY RACING ORM The Illinois Racing Board heard sev ¬ eral pleas for reinstatement at its reg ¬ ular bimonthly meeting held at the boards downtown of fices yesterday and also set hearing dates for several other cases brought to its attention yester ¬ day dayThe The pleas f orjeiristatemerit of owner and jockey agent Jack fllfeier andjockey agent Joliii E Kay botbXof whose li ¬ cences were revoked by the board on October 7 jj947 were denied1 as was also that of ex jockey Billie Thompson The boards decisions were made fol ¬ lowing hearing of any additional evi ¬ dence the suspended individuals had tooffer toofferThe The board also heard the cases of Irving Pfeiffer and B R Johnston both also seeking reinstatement but final rulings in these cases were de ¬ ferred until a later date dateOwner Owner Thomas Calumet also was present and was to be heard but failure of his attorney to put in an appear ¬ ance prompted the board to set the hearing over until its next regujar meeting two weeks hence henceRequests Requests asking for hearings with a view of possible reinstatement of Ed ¬ ward C Skirvin Milton Terry R L Tedder Fred W Eppihimer and Clif ¬ ford Dale Klinder were read into the record and Hearings set f or the next meeting of the board Officials for the Lincoln Fields meet ¬ ing were approved and a treport of the deputy state fire marshal c6ncerning inspection at Sportsmans Park Ar ¬ lington and Washington Parks was read with the marshal informing the board the few minor changes suggested are being made y