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Arrest Is Made on Charge Of Altering Mutuel Tickets TicketsLINCOLN LINCOLN DOWNS Lincoln R L May 6 As a result of an investigation conducted by Pinkerton operatives Lincoln town po ¬ lice and Rhode Island state police Anthony Colaluca 40 of 60 West River street Provi ¬ dence was arrested in the betting ring at Lincoln Downs yesterday charged with cashing altered mutuel tickets ticketsArraigned Arraigned in Eleventh District Court of Central Falls this morning Colaluca pleaded not guilty to charges of obtaining money under false pretenses He was re ¬ leased in 1000 bail for trial May 18 His father provided the bail bailThe The police worked on the case for several days James E Conroy head of the Pinker ton force here stating that the tickets Col ¬ aluca is charged with cashing were very ex ¬ pertly altered One was a 2 ticket on which 13340 was paid April 17 arid another a 10 ticket on which 61 was paid May 1 1Assisting Assisting in the investigation were pa ¬ trolman James Jeffries of the Lincoln force and state trooper Hugh Frayne