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= H 1948 = v i American Racing Manual ManualCompiled Compiled Annually by Dally Racing form formHow How On Sale SaleDaily Daily Racing Form as usual prints this remarkable review of racing This is the fortieth year of publi ¬ cation A complete compilation of all informa ¬ tion about American Canadian and Mexican race tracks horses owners trainers and jockeys jockeysInteresting Interesting to Everyone EveryoneFor For any one who has ever witnessed The Sport of Kings this volume of more than 1000 pages is packed with inter ¬ esting and useful information A must for racing secre ¬ taries and organizations handicappers selectors breeders or patrons of the track everyone who must have complete and authentic racing facts and statistics statisticsComprehensive Comprehensive Records Contains complete records of horses owners trainers and jockeys all track records diagrams of principal tracks rules of racing scale of weights a detailed explanation of parimutuel wagering the history of national and inter ¬ national stakes and exclusive features too numerous to detail here Use This Coupon x i iDaily Daily Racing Form 731 Plymouth Ct Chicago 5 III IIIEnclosed Enclosed find 500 postage included for which send me a acopy copy of the 1948 AMERICAN RACING MANUAL MANUALNAME NAME ADDRESS CITY ZONE NO STATE v We will not be responsible for any cash sent with orders Use Postal Money Order or Check No C 0 D Service