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34 MILE Nusakan Sept 13 1929110 4126 Iseult Purse Purse 6000 3yearolds Fillies Allowances Weight 121 Ibs Nonwinners of 12000 in 1948 or 50000 in 1947 allowed 4 Ibs 7500 in 1948 or 14000 in 1947 8 Ibs two races since March 31 or 3500 in 194748 13 Ibs Chart Book Todays TodaysDate Index No Horse Date Track Rec Wt Wt 39298 Vaudeville Aug47Sar112fe 114 108 49968 Sweet Dream May48 Bel 112sy114 113 499682 Grey Flight Oct47 Jam 111 115 113 Chart Boon BoonIndex Todays TodaysDate Index No Horse Date Track Rec Wt Wt 48398 Caltha Jan48Hia111 121 113 39298 Shimmer Sep47Aqu113VS 116 108 48898 Ghost Run Aug47Sar113 109 117 Vnurfpvillp VauaeVllie Iflft 1 Br f 3 by Eight Thirty Slapstick by Broomstick 15 Breeder George D WidweV 1947 7 1 3 0 8775 8775Owner Owner G D Widener Trainer W F Mulholland MulhollandOct20474Jam Oct20474Jam 34 112V6tt 6e 108 10 12312121212 PermeRS ScwS 74 SlumberSg113 GreyFlight112 Wrmill 15 Sep27474Bel 34wc110y5ft 45 115 4 2 1h 32itWdeHio ScwS 87 Bewitch123 Inheritance115 Ghost Run 10 10tPlaced tPlaced second through disqualification Sep20474Aqu disqualificationSep20474Aqu 34112ft 21 111 2 653 53311 JamesB4 AlwS 75 Bellesor119 GreyFlight116 DustyLegs 12 Aug25474Sar 34111ft 9 114 4 11 1nl 21 JamesB2 Alw 86 Inheritance GreyFlight117 Conslita 6 Aug18474Sar 34114 si 2115 1 11 11 12 JamesB7 Mdn 77 MryTudor115 Bluehaze115 Jerseylsle 14 Aug12475Sar 5f106ft 3 115 3 14 13 21 JamesBi Mdn 84 DustyLgs115 Bluehaze115 PennyDare 17 Jly25473Jam 5f 107ft 95 115 8 11 91 98 McCrydi Mdn 71 Mirth115 MrryTudor115 BelleHelise 12 June 3 Bel 34 ft 11 4h June 1 Bel 34 m 115h May 25 Bel 12 ft 50b iWeet wpof Uream Hrpnin X A 1 I 1 7 Cn f 3 by Lovely Night Tea Leaves by PharamontT II I O Breeder Mrs F Ambrose Clark 1948 5 3 1 1 11025 11025Owner Owner Havahome Stable Trainer W C Winfrey 1947 8104 3500 3500May31485Bel May31485Bel 34 112sy 75 114 2 21 2h 13 ArcaroES Alw 82 Grey Flight 115 Radio Time 3 3May18485Bel May18485Bel 78126sy 5 113 13 1h 11 2k AtksnT4 Alw77Alablue111 Mackinaw 117 Shotsilk11 Apr30484Jam 34112i4ft 75 A108 1h 11 11 14 AtkisonTS Alw 83 Complnce115 SverDrift117 Mazarine 8 Apr2248 Jam 34113ftft 4 115 1 1 14 13 AtkisonT Alw 81 Quibble 115 Beausy118 Dynamo 8 Apr13484Jam 34114 si 12 112 2h 12 14 3U AtksonTS Alw 76 Compliance 112 Dynamo 114 Beausy 8 Nov6475Jam 34113 sy 14 116 6 34 3 33 PermeRV Alw 78 Vashtil 16 WickiWickil 16 Golden Apple 9 Nov 1473Jam 1 147Vgd 5e 113 2 12 412i 1220 AllgaierHS Alw 60 Chains116 PageBts116 StudentLamp 12 May Bel trt 34 ft 117b May 25 Bel trt 58 ft 104b May 16 Bel 34 ft 117h 117hGrev Grev Flinhf A X 1 I 1 I 1 6r f 3 b MahmoudPlanetoid by Ariel Varey nignr Breeder J T Taylor 1948 4 0 1 0 2 00 00Owner Owner Wheatley Stable Trainer J Fitzsimmons 1947 14 635 38325 May31485Bel 34112sy 45 A115 1 11 1h 23 GuerinEi Alw 79 Sweet Dream 114 Radio Time 3 3Apr28485Jam Apr28485Jam 34113ft 4 116 31 43 33 64 DdsnD ScwS 75 Itsabet116 PicnicLunch 116 AlablueK AlablueKApr14485Jam Apr14485Jam 34113 sy 2 A116 12 1421 44 Guerin 7 HcpS 78 Royal Blood 114 Mr Ace 112 Jimikin 10 10Apr7485Jam Apr7485Jam 34113ft 2 114 78 78 643 64 WWeH3 HcpS 72 CarolynA110 OceanBrief122 RedShes 7 7Nov8474Jam Nov8474Jam 34112sy 13e114 f It J 14 I3 WdseH4 ScwS 85 Vashti 110 Scattered 107 Maid of Oz 5 5Oct23473Jam Oct23473Jam 34111ft 13 A115 1 1412 13 WdhseHi Alw 89 Scattered108 ViBid108 Elite 6 6Oct20474Jam Oct20474Jam 34 112ft 95 A112 2 13 13 2k WdheH2 ScwS 86 5lberSong113 Watermill114 LeaLark 15 15Oct10475Bel34wc109Vft Oct10475Bel34wc109Vft 65 113 1 11 14 1h WdhseH7 Alw 94 WaterMIIItt WhatsNew119 Mackinaw 7 7May May 28 Aqu 58 gd 100h May 22 Aqu 38 ft 36b April 24 Aqu 34 ft 115h 115hrnlthn vairna IIIvairna rnlthn 1 1 7 Dk b f 3 ty BahramMarsh Marigold by Sir Gallahad III 2700Owner Breeder Walter P Chrysler Jr 1948 3 020 2700 Owner W P Chrysler Jr Trainer W B Finnegan 1947 9311 18000 18000May11485GS May11485GS 34110ft 4 115 32 54 683 61 StoutJ3 Alw 78 Salmagdi 126 PnicLunch115 Justice 6 Jan28485Hia 34 110ft 85 121 1 1h 2h 2 3 AtksonTi ScwS 90 Alfoxie111 AlliesPal 113 FlawlsPearl 4 Jan1948 Hia 34111ft 6e 120 54432 31 24 SniderA2 Alw 87 AlesPal 106 EngRose108 GdenAple 7 Aug1547 Sar 34111ft 16 11511 7541041014 ArcaroEio ScwS 75 BellesM13 Inheritance111 GreyFlight 11 Aug647 Sar 5f104ft 7e 122 9 104 85 67 ArcaroES ScwS 87 Spats 114 Bellesoeur 113 RedRisque 15 May 647 Bel4fwc 53gd 5 119 4 2h 1h 1h WtpeJS SplWS 93 PicnicLh119 GreyFIht110 WhfsNew 8 June 4 Bel 12 ft 47h June 2 Bel 12 ft 52h May 30 Bel 38 ft 36 h hChimmpr jnimmer Stimulusjnimmer Chimmpr IHft B f 3 by Flares Broad Ripple by Stimulus 10975Owner UO Breeder Mrs R A Van Clief 1947 10 2 0 2 10975 Owner Mrs C 0 Iselin Trainer H Sanderson SandersonOct20474Jam Oct20474Jam 34112ft 50 112 3 88 8 4 98 AdamsJ3 ScwS 78 SlumberSg113 GreyFlight112 Wrmill 15 15Sep20474Aqu Sep20474Aqu 34112ft 31 111 5 7 3 93 KirkldA7 AlwS 76 Bellesor119 GreyFlight116 DustyLegs 12 12Sep10474Aqu Sep10474Aqu 34113ft 26 116 1 2 2h in KirklndAis Alw 81 SberSong116 StDream116 BkTigress13 BkTigress13Aug1547 Aug1547 Sar 34111ft 22 111 6 10741131115 AtksonT2 ScwS 74 Bellesr113 Inheritance111 GreyFlight 11 11Aug647 Aug647 Sar 5f104ft 26 112 3 733 74 4 McCryCis ScwS 87 Spats 114 Bellesoeur 113 RedRisque 15 15Jly Jly 4475Jam 34113ft 13 114 1 43 1h 3 AllgarHi ScwS 78 GhostRun114 Bellesur114 DustyLegs 9 9Jun10475Aqu Jun10475Aqu 5f106ft 5 115 2 34 41 11 McCrryC4 Mdn 84 Sply Line115 SilverDrift115 SunTavy 14 14May30475Bel May30475Bel 58 we SSteft 16 11610 54 57 32 DodsonDi Mdn 91 BtleOn 116 RadioTime 116 DustyLegs13 May 29 Bel 34 ft 121b 121br May 26 Bel trt 12 m 50h May 22 Bel trt 34 ft 121b r r Run ivun Breeder c v Whitney 1948 2 000 Owner C V Whitney Trainer S E Veitch 1947 11 2 0 2 38700 38700May18485Bel May18485Bel 78126sy 8e 117 7 8 31 12511 30 ciarkS7 Alw 47 Alablue111 SweetDream113 Mackinaw 11 Apr28485Jam 34 113ft 38 116 984 734 97 54 DonosoR7 ScwS 76 Itsabet 116 PicnicLunch 116 Alablue 14 Nov8474Jam 34112sy 6 125 3 53 5 5 WilnHB2 ScwS 74 GreyFlight 114 Vashti 110 Scattered 5 Oct20474Jam 34112ft 6e 122 9 984103109 KirkldA ScwS 77SlumberSg113 GreyFlight112 Wrmill 15 Oct 4474Bel 6f wc115y5ft 20 123 7 103 7 4 98 KirkldA4 ScwS 86 Citation 122 WhirIingFox114 Bewitch 14 Sep27474Bel 34 we 110ft 27 123 6 1 2h 424tDonosoR3 ScwS 87 Bewitch123 Inheritancel 15 Vaudeville 10 10tPlaced tPlaced third through disqualification disqualificationSep23475Bel Sep23475Bel 5fwc103ft 19 121 2 2 24 324 DonosoR4 Alw 95 LeaLark110 inheritce114 PceofMindll June 4 Bel trt 38 ft 36h May 30 Bel trt 38 ft 37h May 26 Bel 58 m 101h