untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1948-06-11


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1948 American Racing Manual The Encyclopedia of the Turf TurfNow Now On Sale THE AMERICAN RACING MANUAL is the only book of its kind published in this country It contains all of the statistics of previous years including 1947 tabulations of our great races and everything else of importance X pertaining to racing and breeding breedingYou You will find records of owners trainers jockeys and horses all track records rules of racing record pay ¬ off odds scale of weights an ex ¬ planation of parimutuel wagering and a history of American stakes to mention just a few of the absorbing features Amateur followers of the sport with limited practical experi ¬ ence and knowledge of racing will find the answers to virtually all of their turf questions in the 1948 AMERICAN RACING MANUAL ONLY 500 All the data in this beautifully bound volume will be set forth in simple easily understood form and language It will prove one of the most frequently consulted reference books in your library DAILY RACING FORM 731 Plymouth Court Chicago 5 III IIIEnclosed Enclosed find 500 postage included for which please send me a copy of the 1948 American Racing Manual ManualDate Date NAME ADDRESS ZONE NO STATE We will not be responsible tor cash sent with orders Please use Postal Money Order or check No C 0 D service

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1940s/drf1948061101/drf1948061101_23_2
Local Identifier: drf1948061101_23_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800